A Yellow Ring

Within the suburbs of a city, Le Grond, in Southern California was a strong, curvacious woman, Jacelyn. With slight Hispanic and Indian in her background, she was a white lady with some exotic shade to her complexion and body.

From youth, it was plain she didn’t like men. She had eyes for girls, mostly like her, with some Scottish background. In the cul-de-sac, she changed her life to advance in society. Her male partner, Bud, with a nine-to-five was “gay”, but like her, married another “gay” for both social and private reasons.

Over summer, he went “golfing” with his buddy. In reality, they went together to a cabin, to spend quality time together. Jacelyn satisfied her needs with the other lesbians in town. Some of them also “convert lesbians”. At the price of status, they were unknown lesbians: but achieved recognition. They loved each other from the shadows: the best of both worlds.

Bud directed her to a privately owned dormitory that was overlooked by most. It closed down, but Bud gained ownership of it. It was stood with no lights or signs of life inside. Jacylyn slipped in and slid off her coat and garments. Finally, alone, and naked.

Not quite alone. Other feminine forms moved in the shadows of the darkened dorm.

They engaged in sex, through the night.

They played a game, “Simone Says”. If one lesbian successfully coerced a lesbian in looking at her breast, physically, the lesbian must do what the other lesbian does.

But they added another game: a series of tests. A lesbo set up doors with devices that lock or unlock them, depending if they played correctly.

At the end of the game, the first lesbian to make it to the final room near the top had to find and look at a golden ring, within seconds of entering. Else, she forfeited the game. Jacylyn immediately moved through the game, slinking through room after room like a panther. Her muscles rippling like a feline. Some specially made locked required a code or an object, to unlock.

She grabbed some elastic straps and eyed a woman, Cordia, down the corridor. This woman was slightly larger but no less attractive. For whatever reason, she always eluded Jacylyn. As a conquest, she wasn’t interested. Jacylyn was very into her. She moved on and found the yellow ring in a dark room: it was a small circle object, made of steel coated wih gold. She strapped it to her groin, but thought better of it and strapped it to her left breast.

As “Simone Says” she thought, lesbians do. She played to induced Corida into another game, as soon as they finished the one they were playing this hour.

The shapely lesbian, Cordia, broke into the room, her eyes moved quickly around for the yellow ring and rest on Jacylyn’s right breast, where the “yellow ring” was strapped. Her eyes widened and silently, she fumed. Jacylyn gave a slight twist of her lips, her cunning lesbos smile.

Jacylyn moved to all fours on the floor. Cordia did the same. Jacylyn move her fingers to her groin and rhythmatically worked on it, to induce sex. Cordia had no choice under a game she accepted but to play along: masturbating in unison with Jacylyn (as Simone Says).

By her count, Jacylyn induced 2,3,4 orgasms from Cordia until the other lesbian laid breathless. In the dorm were beds: she moved and lay on one. By sun-rise, the lesbians were all exhausted from their sex games. Chief among them, their maze game in a dark building. They slept through the day, and drove to another secluded dormitory in the fringe of their city.

Some of them from Les Spirites brought garners, other elastic strings, as part of their lesbian coven. They waited for night and rushed into another set of dorms for their nightly sex games. It wasn’t difficult. Other lesbians were waiting for them. One lesbian moved quickly and found another: they laid finger to each others groin and moved into sex. Until one surrendered, they generally induced orgasm after orgasm. Victory when the other clasped her breast as a sign of submission.

They wore garners in sets of two to distinguish themselves from the lesbians at home, in the boon-dock dorms. They drove back home in the morning. Jacylyn took her position at home, in Le Grond before anyone was the wiser. Every month, they repeated their exercises. Jacylyn did it less so as she made a pointed decision to adopt a child and later, have one with her male partner. Appearances were everything. Jacylyn didn’t return to her night-escapades into lesbian sex until 20 years later. True of the other lesbians: they survived decades. Some survived centuries in this fashion.

Long as they knew the game, treated life as it was: a set of rules and responsibilities, their occasional escapades into sexual fantasies harmed no one. To revise a cliche, what happened outside of Le Grond, stayed out of Le Grond. Jacylyn never looked back or blinked. She was proud of her children, her family, and her city. She had no regrets of the deeper sexual ethos and fantasy she lived in. To put it her way, so long as nothing manifestly harmful happened, nothing harmful happened. If it felt good, felt fun, it was all in good fun. She fingered the “yellow ring” she obtained years ago and remembered Cordia, their game.


Taken and shared with permission from a LBG creative writing group, written by Grace LeBrock & Karen McGill, and located on the West Coast, USA. Free to read, re-use, and distribute.