
Steve was a 16 year old thug from a very big housing estate where he was often in trouble with the police and was well feared. It was late Steve was on his own in the flat on the 17th floor of the tower block of flats where he lived with his mum and stepsister July who was 14 years old he had just had a shower and was wearing only a towel as he walked round the flat. Opposite the tower block of flats where Steve lived was another tower block of blocks where the Khan family lived on the 18th floor, Steve was a racist and hated the family July however got on really well with them especially 12 year old chimp who July had given the nickname of chimp because she was always swinging about on the climbing frame bars in the playground, chimp like Steve was on her own in her families flat and was looking out the lounge window from where she could see Steve walking about in his flat, chimp went to her brothers bedroom and got his binoculars from one of the draws returned to the lounge looked through the window and trained the binoculars on Steve, the binoculars were so powerful that they made it look as if Steve was just outside the lounge windows, Steve was talking on his mobile phone unaware he was being spied on by chimp, after he had spoken on his phone for twenty minutes to his friend he hung up. Steve removed his towel spread it on the floor in front of him went to his school bag and from it took out the porn DVD a mate had given him. Chimp had been watching Steve the whole time and when he had removed his towel chimp had gasped, chimp was seeing a white boy naked for the first time and liked it more because it was her best friends older brother and his dick was big, Chimp judged it to be about 7 inches with lots of hairs round it. Chimp carried on watching saw Steve switch the telly on then put a disc in the DVD player before standing back, after a few minutes chimp saw Steve’s dick growing and saw it stand up fully erect, chimp thought it was now about 9 inches, after a few minutes chimp saw Steve start to stroke his dick after a minute or two Steve stopped jerking then after a short while started to jerk again, chimp watched as Steve did this four times after the fourth time chimp saw Steve jerking his dick saw his knees bend then four spurts of cum shoot out not long after Steve left the room taking his towel with him. chimp quickly replaced the binoculars in her brothers room. Next day at school chimp saw July took her to one side and said to her ” last night I saw your brother Steve naked and saw him wank off and squirt spunk” she then told her how she had seen it happen, July called  chimp a lucky cow. That night both chimp and July were in her lounge looking out the window at Steve who was stood naked in front of the telly jerking his erection unaware his step sister and the Bengali girl were watching him.