Amy Tale/s – Another Mother Pt. 2 (Conclusion)

…she straddled my lap, and she pulled my hair back against the couch and screamed, HOW COULD YOU FUCK MY MOM AMY, MY MOM, and Lisa started crying…

So, the bellhop takes us to a regular guest room (not a suite), and on his heels is a guy from food service with a big snack basket and water, soda, and teas in a vessel with ice around them. Janet tips them and they leave. Heather says, what is going on? Janet says, well, we worked out your stress and tension, now we need to work out your frustration. Me and Janet snack and get something to drink and offer Heather some. and she eats thinking we are going to talk. When we are done snaking and using the bathroom, Heather says, well what is my frustration?

Janet pushes Heather down on the bed, and we start taking her clothes off and ours. Heather is resisting, and we start kissing her, and we get her 32 double D tits uncovered and kiss them. It does not take long for her faint resistance to cease. I have a mouthful of Heather’s double D’s and Janet does too, and we are removing her panties together. Janet rolls Heather up head to tail on their sides, and I remove Heather’s shoes. Janet starts eating Heather’s tight trimmed pussy, but Heather just has her hands around Janet’s waist and resting her head on Janet’s thigh and moaning.

I start licking Heather asshole and she starts to groan with her moans, and it does not take long, and she gets off, and shakes and sighs hard in ecstasy. Janet lets Heather go and says, did your boyfriend make you orgasm like that? Heather is panting heavy, and she says, na…no. I eat Heather’s pussy and get her off, and Janet goes again. I am wet, and I lay back and Janet starts licking my pussy, and she pulls Heather in, and she has never been with a girl. She goes down on me, and with Janet fingering and helping her lick, I get off. Then me and Heather do Janet, and it was mostly Heather this time, and I fingered to help, and Janet gets off.

Heather lays on top of me and we kiss for a bit, and she says, I never dreamed sex with a girl could be that good. I say, that was a rush job, it gets much better. Me and Janet give Heather another total body fuck from the tip of her sweet sexy toes to her small mouth, ears, and neck, and get her off again. Heather is so aroused, she wants to eat my pussy again by herself, and I move her head around my pussy and help her with my hip movements, and she gets me off again. Heather is resting on my breasts and I say, it was your daughter who seduced me, I did not seduce her.

Heather had forgot all about her daughter, and she sat up and said, what have I done? Lisa is going to be upset if she finds out about this. I tell her to quit worrying, that I went through this with Paige’s mother too, after Paige seduced me. Heather asks, just how many underage teenagers have you slept with? I say, Paige and Lisa are the only two teenage girls that seduced me (which was true, but I was avoiding the boys). I asked, does Lisa like your boyfriend, because she told me she didn’t? Heather said, no, she does not like him, but we just can’t afford to keep going the way we are. When Lisa turns 18 this winter, the child support will stop.

I tell Heather, I know a girl who is looking to move in with someone, and she is new at this too. Would you be interested? Heather says, I don’t know, I mean, I don’t know if I am ready to say I am a lesbian, I still like sex with men too. I say, well you can still have both, I do. This girl is pretty, and bisexual, and this arrangement might be better than you marrying another guy for finances. The girl I am talking about is just trying to survive like you. Heather agrees to meet her, and we go back to the apartment.

This part is hard to share. Heather was rejuvenated from the bath, massage, and sex. She had a glow. Lisa said to her mom, where have you been, what took so long? Heather said, we were talking, and I went with them for their spa treatment, and they let me join. Lisa said, but why did it take so long, what did you do? Heather told her about the bath and the massage, and that it just it took a while.

Lisa is very private within herself and has a guarded personality, like she has been hurt before. Maybe her dad, or her dad and mom’s divorce, or boyfriends, or maybe extended family. Lisa genuinely loves her mom, and this was where I discovered that. Lisa said, did you have sex mom? Heather could not answer, but the look on Heather’s face, and mine and Janet’s face, were easily deciphered by Lisa. Lisa knew we had made out with her mother. Lisa pushed me, and she threw me on the couch and I was sitting, and she straddled my lap, and she pulled my hair back against the couch and screamed, HOW COULD YOU FUCK MY MOM AMY, MY MOM, and Lisa started crying (this is the first time Lisa ever called me Amy).

I put my arms around Lisa, and she pushed me away and got up. Heather was crying too, and she hugged Lisa, and Lisa buried her face in her mom’s shoulder and cried. Lisa said, let’s go mom, and they left. I felt like a piece of shit circling the drain, and I started crying. Janet sat next to me, and she was trying her best not to cry, and she was holding me. Janet said, I guess this game did not work out for you either. She was right, damn, I was having fun with Jim and Janet ended my fun. I was having fun with Lisa, and Janet upended this one too. I had my hand in this one, but Janet created the environment and temptation, and I fell for it. Janet is my personal devil.

Paige was standing in the background watching and listening and she said, I told you not to hurt her Queenie, Lisa has had it hard, and she loved you and trusted you. I moped around and did nothing for a week but go to work and return to my bed. Everybody tried to get me to snap out of it, but I couldn’t. Every day I would ask Paige about Lisa, and she said Lisa was avoiding her and did not want to talk. Saturday a week after the spa incident, someone knocked at the door and Ken answered, and it was Heather and Lisa, and Ken let me know.

I looked like shit (which is what I was), and uncharacteristically wearing lounge shorts and a t-shirt, and I was afraid to go to the living room because I did not want to cry anymore. Lisa rushed up and hugged me, and I started to cry again, and I said, I am sorry I hurt you, I did not mean it, it is just my lustful nature. Lisa said, it’s Amy’s fault, not Maria, and she kissed me, and Lisa said, she missed me. Heather had told Lisa exactly what happened, and she told her about my roommate idea. Lisa hated the guy her mom had been dating, and part of her recent rebellion was centered around her mom’s increasing determination to marry the guy.

Lisa had calculated her heartbreak over what I did, against the possibility of losing her mom to some guy she definitely hated, and Lisa liked her chances with me helping her mom instead. I kissed Lisa on the lips as I was crying and I said, to do this, I have to be Amy, do you understand? Lisa said, yes. No one knew the scope of my scheme but me, it was just my idea, and I had no idea if it would even work; but I had meditated on it for a week in bed depressed. I knew I would need my strongest weapon (my body and desire to fuck), to manipulate others into a situation that was best for all.

I called some people and I told Heather to come back tomorrow at 9am. Heather left Lisa here, and I took a bath with her and washed her, and because I needed one. We curled up in the bed and only moved for food and bathroom breaks, but we did not have sex. We just kissed and rubbed, and we were wearing nighties and we slept together. We were both exhausted from our depression and it was the first restful sleep we had in a week.

Heather and I showed up at Jim’s place at 9:30am Sunday. He was expecting me, and I told him to never mind Heather right now after I introduced them. Heather did not know what the fuck was going on because I mentioned a girl, and not a black man. I explained to Jim that his public romance with Maria was over, but that privately I (Amy) was not done with him; but in either case, publicly we were not dating. He was begging me to reconsider, and I told him to shut up, and I would take care of his needs, including his public image. At 10:30am Sarah arrived, and she was confused by me asking her here too.

I told all three of them that if they would do what I say, they would all be happy, but if they wanted to fuck up their own lives fucking up the lives, they would be miserable. They agreed to listen. I told Jim and Sarah, you two are going to date publicly, but don’t even think about marriage because it will not work. I told Sarah, Jim wants his fantasies and desires fulfilled and you cannot do it in a marriage, but you both don’t want to be single anymore publicly.

I told Heather, you and Sarah have financial issues and you are bisexual whether you totally acknowledge it or not, because I have had sex with you both. You can fulfill each other’s subsistence and relationship needs together, and Jim can fulfill your needs for a man. I said to Heather, you and Lisa compose the only real relationship that matters to you, and you are only considering marrying your co-worker for you and your daughter’s needs. While it may fulfill your financial needs, Lisa will not have someone around her who will love her and watch out for her, and he may even abuse her, and she has been hurt enough.

I said, Sarah will take care of Lisa, and will not molest her or abuse her, and Lisa already likes Sarah as a teacher. I said to Heather, you and Sarah can have an amorous relationship in the bedroom and Lisa will accept it. Sarah will make a better parent than any man you could marry, because the man is just wanting sex with you. He is not going to help your daughter with her homework, or cook for her, or wash her things, and take care of her. Sarah will, and Sarah will love Lisa like you do. Heather and Sarah saw my reasoning clearer, and because Sarah already knew Lisa, the idea animated her motherly side which she had never experienced. They agreed to try out my idea.

I am going to flash forward in this tale, and the next tale will come back to this point in our conversation. Sarah moved out of her apartment and into Heather and Lisa’s house. Lisa was so happy, and Heather and Sarah loved it too, and even shared the same bedroom. Sarah became a better parent to Lisa than any unrelated man ever could. Sarah and Heather concealed the romantic relationship under the auspices of it being a roommate situation that benefited them financially.

Max (Janet’s husband) gifted Lisa a nice used car he had restored, Janet made him (guilty conscience); and Lisa got a part-time job. For Lisa, she was never happier, and was greatly pleased with how things worked out. Jim started publicly dating Sarah, and Maria publicly acknowledged it at school events and was very friendly with them. Jim’s hoop dreams rebounded. Because you die, there are no happy endings, but this was close. Please read, Amy Tale/s – Jim meet Heather meet Sarah, for how we consecrated this union.

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