Amy Tale/s – Aunt Bethany

Paige says, I have only been with two girls, and only one ever made me orgasm, and I had to help her do it; you are good miss Amy.

This tale has more background relating to Ken and Greg, you might say it is the source of their kink. Ken has an aunt (Bethany), and Ken used to spend summer vacations at her house from the time he was 10 all through high school. Aunt Bethany was married at 18 to a multi-generational farmer who owned a huge farm (thousands of acres). Aunt Bethany is Ken’s mom’s sister (there are 8 siblings), and Aunt Bethany is the youngest and Ken’s mom is the oldest by 12 years. Aunt Bethany is only 2 years older than me. She had two boys from her first marriage, but they are now in their early 20’s. Custody went to their dad when Aunt Bethany divorced him after 8 years.

Aunt Bethany has a 16-year-old daughter (Paige) from her second marriage, and Aunt Bethany is already on her third marriage now. Ken’s first summer (when he was 10) on the farm with Aunt Bethany was normal. After Ken and Greg became friends in grade school, Ken would ask if he could invite Greg to come on his summer vacations to the farm. Aunt Bethany turned out to be a sexually deprived farm wife. She molested her nephew and his friend for her pleasure when Ken and Greg were 11 or 12 years old.

Ken’s specifics were unclear, but maybe it began with Aunt Bethany giving them baths after they played outdoors, and she even bathed with them at times. After the boys began noticing this young 22–24-year-old woman’s body was arousing them, Aunt Bethany started leaving doors open while she changed, or just walked around in front of them naked. Her husband was a busy farmer, and he worked from before sunrise to after sunset. Ken said baths from Aunt Bethany soon had her playing with Ken and Greg’s dicks, and making them hard. This progressed into sitting on her bed after baths, and Aunt Bethany began sucking their developing cocks and teaching them to eat her pussy.

As the boys got older, their cocks grew (maybe more from Aunt Bethany’s stimulation). Aunt Bethany began letting them take turns fucking her. This developed into both fucking her at the same time, and eventually advanced into Ken and Greg playing with each other, sucking each other, and fucking each other in the ass after learning these things from Aunt Bethany. Aunt Bethany fondled, sucked, fucked, and encouraged them to fuck each other through puberty. I should point out that Ken now has a cock that is about 8.5 inches, and Greg is a little over 9 inches. Those are good sized cocks that are as big, or bigger, than women see on male strippers. Ken and Greg’s cocks grew in a lush pussy field on a farm, and the boys also began helping each other stimulate their dicks, 4 or 5 years before your average teen loses his virginity.

Now back to current events, and why I know all this. It is early Sunday morning, and Ken receives a call. Aunt Bethany wants to visit Ken and Greg. She has been staying with her sister (Ken’s mom, Diane) this weekend. Ken wants me to babysit Aunt Bethany’s daughter Paige by taking her shopping. I ask, why do I have to take her shopping? This is where I found out all the information above (by pulling Ken’s hair), and that Ken and Greg really want to be alone with Aunt Bethany. Aunt Bethany has become the type of woman that would give her daughter a few hundred dollars and dump her at a mall just to fuck Ken and Greg. Kat (Ken’s sister) usually takes Paige shopping during Aunt Bethany’s visits to Ken’s apartment, but Kat is gone. Ken has told Aunt Bethany about me, and now Aunt Bethany wants me to leave for her bi-seasonal fuck with Ken and Greg.

I mean, to hear it explained to me this morning by Ken seemed like the bitch doesn’t even care if I know, and that probably has to do with Ken telling Aunt Bethany what kind of woman I am. So, I’m pissed that I have to get up and get dressed and babysit some teenage girl while my boyfriend and his friend double taps her mom, which is Ken’s aunt. I get up and stomp around and wake Courtney up (she was sleeping with me). I go to another bedroom to make sure Clair is up, but Greg has already briefed her. Two hours later the doorbell rings and in comes Aunt Bethany and Paige. After Introductions and assurances that we will watch over Paige, as she goes “shopping with us,” (like we were going anyway and Paige is tagging along as part of Bethany’s smoke screen), we are about to go out the door.

Aunt Bethany looks like me but 2 or 3 inches taller (we could have been sisters). I was thinking, I am some kind of childhood fantasy replacement for Ken’s aunt. Bethany had lighter blonde hair and she was fit, and she was decked out classy and wearing 3 or 4 heels. She was wearing a nice dress that hit just above her knees. Bethany had a sophisticated appearance and manner, like she was looking down on everyone from a superior height. I was not friendly to Bethany, and my expressions telegraphed my displeasure.

I was the last person out the door, and as I walked by Bethany, I glared and I said, Happy fucking! Aunt Bethany grabbed my chin with her thumb and index finger, tilted my head up, and leaned into my face where only I could hear her, and she said, I remember you from William’s birthday party [Ken’s dad, see, Amy Tale/s – Sugar Daddy Pt. 2 (Double Date – Conclusion), for details]; Bethany said, maybe next time I will see how good you are sweety. I looked back at Ken as Aunt Bethany briskly walked toward him and Greg, and Bethany said, I like your girlfriend Ken.

Clair, Courtney, and Paige were already at the car when I shut the apartment door. Courtney and Paige sat in the back. I just made a general statement to test Paige, and I said, does your mom do this often? Paige says, you mean find people to watch me, or just dump me somewhere, so she can go fuck? Yes, my mom does this often. Paige was a pretty blonde girl with straight layered hair that hung to her breasts. She was slim, and I guess you could say a typical high school girl. Paige had an attitude. I said, does your mom know you know what she is doing? Paige says, no, but I am not stupid. I decide we will eat first. Paige starts showing out, she does not want to go shopping because her mom makes her do that all the time. I try and find out what she wants to do, and she wants to go home (her home, which is like 2 hours away). I say, I cannot take you home. Paige does not want to do anything we suggest.

Paige wants to know what we were going to do today before her mom inconvenienced us. I said, probably lay around in the bed relaxing and not dealing with you. Paige gets rowdy and just wants to go home. I was getting mad because I had to deal with Bethany’s troubled daughter, and I did not want to drag her around in public with this attitude. I called Sophia, she is a high school teacher, she will know what to do, and Sophia said we could come over. It kind of worked out because Tiffany was there, and Tiffany is only about 3 or 4 years older than Paige. Tiffany took Paige upstairs, and I sank down in Sophia’s couch and explained it all. After expressing my frustration, Sophia said, do you all want to get in the jacuzzi?

Hell yes! Me, Clair, Courtney, and Sophia went in Sophia’s gym and showered and got in the jacuzzi. After 15 minutes I forgot about everything, so much so, that Courtney was hanging on my neck kissing me slowly, and we were getting handsy with each other. Mother fucker, I looked up and Paige and Tiffany are watching us. Sophia and Clair were just relaxing with their eyes closed and leaning back, so I was the first to see them. I pushed Courtney off, and Paige says, oh, I guess I did interrupt your day miss lesbian. Clair and Sophia sit up and Paige says, are all of you lesbians? Sophia says, Paige, maybe you and Tiffany should go back in the other room while we get out. Paige takes her damn clothes off, and she gets in the jacuzzi with us, and says, this is better than shopping by a long shot, can I watch? Paige is 16, and pretty, and taller than me (maybe 5’ 8”, same as Janet) but still filling out. Paige had light brown hair on her pussy, and I would describe her breasts as a handful (it’s colloquial), and her slim build did show the right curves forming where when she matures, she will be a hot blonde.

I say, maybe we should get out. Paige lunges into Courtney and kisses her, and holds onto Courtney and says, I want to play too, or I will tell my mom. Courtney has my collar on, and she says, miss Amy, what should I do? Paige flips the heart shaped lock on Courtney’s collar and says, is that why you wear this, is miss Amy your mistress? Courtney looks at me but doesn’t answer. [Courtney has probably reverted to full pet mode now, and she is awaiting my instructions. I forgot she was wearing the damn collar since last night, and she is using it as a defense]. I am thinking statutory rape, and so is Sophia and Clair, and we tell Paige, this is illegal. Paige jumps around my neck and kisses me (I don’t kiss back) and she says, miss Amy, it will still be illegal when I tell my mom you did it anyway.

Sophia is worried, because she is a high school teacher, and the mere accusation would cost her, her job. A minor just needs to make an allegation of molestation and you are in a world of shit, and Paige knows this, and is using it against us. Tiffany is still dressed and standing beside the jacuzzi, and as Paige hangs on my neck she looks back at Tiffany and says, are you a lesbian too? Tiffany just nods her head, yes. Paige says, then why don’t you get in too? Sophia gets out and rinses and gets dressed, and her and Tiffany leave the gym room. I guess that was Sophia’s way of saying Paige is my problem now.

Paige starts to feel me up, and I push her away and she goes back to Courtney and tries to get fresh, and Courtney is halfhearted in her resistance. Paige starts rubbing her hand on Courtney’s hairy pussy and she says, you really have a nice body, and I love the way your hairy pussy feels. She starts fingering Courtney, and Courtney is getting aroused, and they kiss some more, but Courtney is not resisting and puts her arms around Paige. I try and separate them, and Paige says, if you let me eat Courtney’s pussy, and you eat mine, I will not tell anyone, I promise. I am being blackmailed by Paige. I look at Clair and she is kind of laughing and shrugging her shoulders at me, like she doesn’t know what to do either (Clair tells me afterwards that she is having fun being around me).

There is a cushion bench type area along the back and sides of the jacuzzi. Paige lifts Courtney up onto the corner and spreads Courtney’s legs with one foot against the wall and one hanging in the tub, and Paige starts eating Courtney’s pussy. Paige laid along the back wall on the bench and spread her legs. I am looking at her pussy that has only had hair on it for 4 or 5 years. Paige grooms it, and the lower part was shaved, which made me think, this girl is sexually active. Paige says, are you going to eat my pussy, miss Amy? I feel like I have a collar around my neck. I touch Paige’s pussy and stroke her soft hair. Paige gets serious about eating Courtney, and Courtney is rubbing her own breasts and sighing in pleasure. I lean in, and I take all of Paige’s pussy in my mouth, and I eat her purposefully to make her orgasm. I do it so good, that Paige quits eating Courtney and is holding her around the waist. Five minutes, top, and Paige has an orgasm.

Paige says, I have only been with two girls, and only one ever made me orgasm, and I had to help her do it; you are good miss Amy. Paige goes back to eating Courtney and 10 minutes later Courtney gets off. Me and Clair had already got out of the jacuzzi, showered, and was drying our hair. We leave as Courtney and Paige shower and get dressed. I tell Sophia I am sorry for involving her, and that to not worry, it is all my fault now if something happens. On the way back, Paige keeps promising not to tell, and she also says, I am going to come back. I roll my eyes and dread this happened. We get back to the apartment, and entering, Paige runs up and jumps around her mom’s neck and says, I really like miss Amy, she is so much fun, can we come back?

Aunt Bethany looks at me with this astonished look, and she looks back at Paige and says, really, and what did you do that was so fun? Paige says, miss Amy took me to a nice place to eat, and to a high school teacher friend of hers that was smart and helped me understand some of my studies. The teacher had a stepdaughter my age and she showed me her room and we messed around on her computer and stuff and played games. I worked out in her nice gym and they had a big jacuzzi and me and her got in it. I could go on and on, but I had fun. Bethany says, well we need to drive home now, and she hands Paige her bag and she says, take this to the car and I will be right behind you. Paige runs over to me and hugs my neck and kisses my cheek, and says, bye miss Amy, thank you for such a wonderful experience, and she leaves.

Bethany walks over to me, and she says, are you trying to spoil my daughter? I say, no, I did not think what I did was that big a deal. Bethany says, my daughter is never that excited by babysitters. Bethany grabs my chin again with her thumb and index finger and tilts my head up, and says, I really like you. Bethany French kisses me, it was nice, she is a good kisser, and she says, I will be back; next time I might sample you sweety. Aunt Bethany snaps back into her refined manner and says, bye Ken, bye Greg, and they say, bye Aunt Bethany, and she briskly walks out the door. Ken asks me, but I do not explain anything beyond what Paige said. No use involving Ken and Greg in it, yet. I know Bethany and Paige will be back, because they both want to come back, for the same reason…me.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅