And Baby Makes Four – Chapter 15 – Promises, Promises

We were quickly a tangle of bodies as we each tried to give our full attention to each other equally. Suddenly we heard a thump and a curse and we stopped what we were doing. Lexi looked up from the floor, she had fallen out of the bed.

“Hey, if you guys don’t want me here, I’ll leave!” she teased.

“Come here you!” Sarah laughed as she grabbed Lexi’s hand and pulled her back toward her. Ginger and I watched as they kissed and their hands started roaming over each other.

“It’s hard making love to four people at once,” she giggled.

“It is,” I replied. “We could just watch.”

“We could,” she agreed. We moved to the opposite side of the bed and let our hands roam as we watched our wives love each other. After a few moments, Lexi looked over and asked us to get the toy box. Ginger went to the armoire and got it out, taking it into the washroom. She returned a few minutes later with a few of them wrapped in a hand towel. She laid them on the bed, “I cleaned these for you!” then she came back to me. We got comfortable and settled in to watch them pleasure each other.

Mouths and fingers found sensitive spots and soon, Lexi unfolded the towel and handed Sarah our longest, thickest dildo, “This one will have to do from now on!” Sarah took it and slithered down between Lexi’s legs. We heard Lexi’s breath catch as the long, thick toy penetrated her core.

“I think Sarah’s pussy needs some attention,” whispered Ginger as she pushed me toward our brunette wife. She was on all fours as she slid the toy in and out of Lexi’s pussy and nibbled on her slit. I shimmied underneath her hips and pulled them down to my face. I was rewarded with a long sigh as my tongue found her clit.

Then I felt Ginger’s lips on my cock, warm and wet as she enveloped it. I tried to concentrate on Sarah but Ginger proved an effective distraction and she knew it. I felt her mouth come off me, “Hard to eat your wife’s pussy when your other wife is sucking your cock, isn’t my darling husband?” I felt Sarah jiggle as she giggled at Ginger’s turn of phrase then she added her own commentary.

“About as hard as concentrating on eating your wife’s pussy while your husband is eating hers!” she offered. She dove back into her work and ground her hips back onto my face. My cock got warm again as Ginger continued her efforts to suck the life out of me.

The sighs, moans, groans, and pleading to deities would have made for an interesting soundtrack as the four of us pleasured each other. One after another, orgasms were elicited and reached as we brought each other to those wicked highs that are unique to being with the person you love, or in our case, persons you love.

Afterward, as we regained our breath, we snuggled together in the king-sized bed kissing and teasing each other.

Ginger propped herself up on one elbow, “Lexi, I need to know. Do you still want to be with other people?”

Lexi turned to look at her, “What makes you ask that?” she replied.

Ginger continued, “Because, my darling, if you do want to be with other people and we ask you not to, can we assume that you won’t do it out of respect for us?”

Lexi heaved a deep breath, “If that was something I wanted, and I’m not saying it is, and you asked me not to, I wouldn’t.” she said.

“Fair enough,’ said Ginger. “But would you resent us for it? If the shoe were on the other foot, I’m not sure I wouldn’t.”

Lexi reached across Sarah and me to hold Ginger’s hand, “I can’t answer that because I’ve never been in that situation and neither have you. None of us can answer that question unless we’ve been in that spot.” She gathered us in a group hug, “I can tell you this. I had an itch and I scratched it. Now that it’s been scratched it doesn’t itch anymore.”

“Until the next itch,” Ginger said.

“What are you saying, Ginger? Do you not trust me?” Lexi was getting agitated.

“That’s not what she’s saying Lexi,” Sarah interrupted.

“What I’m saying is that none of us know what we might want in the future. A year ago, did any of us imagine we would be where we are today?” She looked at Sarah, “Did you imagine you would carry a child for another couple? You Will, did you imagine that you would or could love anyone as much as you love Lexi? And you, Lexi, did you imagine that you were even curious about other women, much less be in a four-way relationship?” We both shook our heads.

“No, the truth is that none of us even so much as imagined any of that. But it’s where we are and I for one am thrilled about it. But we cannot know for sure what might happen in the future. We have to understand that before we even think about getting fake married.”

“It’s not fake to me,” I said. “It might not be legal or even widely accepted, but it is as real to me as my marriage to Lexi or our children or anything else in my life.”

“Good,” said Ginger. “That’s how I feel as well, I just need to know that we all feel that way.”

Sarah and Lexi agreed that they felt the same, calm and order were restored and we held each other until one by one, sleep captured us.

Sleeping with two people in the same bed is usually not a problem but when you try it with four people, it becomes a little tougher to get any more than a few hours of continuous sleep. I found this out on many occasions and this night was no different when I was awakened by a moaning Sarah as she and Lexi were rubbing their pussies together gently. Ginger woke shortly after I did and soon the polyamorous symphony filled the room and our house once more.

We all went to Ginger’s parents’ house to retrieve our bundles of joy. “Will Jr has a trick to show you!” her mom said as we got comfortable in the living room. We watched as he rolled himself from a sitting position onto his tummy and began scooting backward across the carpet until he bumped into Lexi’s feet. She picked him up and hugged him as the women fussed over his newfound mobility. On the other hand, I knew we’d have to start baby-proofing the house sooner rather than later.

We returned home a few hours later and settled in for the night. Lexi and I were taking over more of the feeding duties for our son as we began weaning him from Sarah’s breasts and getting him ready for the transition to solid food. That gave Sarah a welcome break so she and Ginger could concentrate more on Rose.

“I hope it will always be like this,” Ginger said softly as Rose suckled.

“It won’t,” replied Sarah. “The munchkins are getting bigger every day and there will be new things for them and us. That’s part of the adventure.”

“I guess,” Ginger said wistfully. “It’s been quite an adventure already!”

And so it continued for a few months, all of us taking turns looking after our kids and sleeping in the various combinations of twos and threes. Once a month or so, one set of grandparents would take one or both of the kids and we would have a fuck ourselves and each other into exhaustion weekend. Life was pretty good. And then Sarah decided it was time to accelerate our plans to formalize our relationship.

We tried to align it with one of the special days we had experienced so far but it proved difficult to get everyone on the same page until finally Sarah had enough. “Why are we worried about everyone else’s time and schedule? This is about us, not them!”

Lexi and Ginger put up the biggest protests as they insisted that all of our families be available to share our special day. In the end, they too saw the futility so we decided on a date six weeks in the future. We informed everyone that we’d picked that date and we’d love to have them all with us if they wanted to come. We also invited a few friends who knew and understood our relationship.

After much fuss about dresses and cakes and meals and venues, we decided to keep things simple. A community hall not far from Ginger’s Parents’ house was selected as the venue for the event and the after-party. The girls wore simple dresses and I wore a suit as the pastor of the church that Ginger’s family attended performed the ceremony. It wasn’t that we wanted any sort of religious component to the affair, it was just that he was well-practiced in performing weddings and had no objections to our relationship.

Vows were spoken, promises made and at the end, he said loudly to the gathered throng, “And now, by absolutely no power vested in me by anyone, I pronounce you husband and wife and wife and wife! Good luck to you all!”

The typical congratulations and well-wishes were given and received and the party began. We had decided on a meal prepared and catered by two local women and an open bar with a friend of ours bartending so things wouldn’t get too out of hand. It was by all accounts excellent and, after my parents took our son home and Sarah’s parents left with Rose, a couple that we knew, pulled Lexi and me aside.

“Umm, so this lifestyle, is it really as simple as you make it sound?” Gloria asked.

We explained that it wasn’t and that it took a lot of work and more than a little compromise to keep everyone happy. “Why do you ask?” asked Lexi.

Eric replied, “Well, we talked about it and we want to try sharing in our relationship.” Gloria moved closer to him and held his hand as he spoke, her eyes never leaving Lexi’s face.

“Oh, well, if it’s something you both want, you should try it,” Lexi replied.

“We do,” Gloria said quickly. After a hesitation she continued, “We were thinking we might, you know, with you guys.”

“Just us two, or all four of us?” I asked.

They both shifted uncomfortably before answering. “Well, we first thought about Ginger and Sarah but after seeing this, we don’t think that you would do anything that didn’t include all of you,” said Gloria. Her eyes were still locked onto Lexi’s, she was obviously interested in being with another woman.

Lexi reached out and took her hand, “We’re flattered, but we can’t do this, not tonight. Tonight is for us.”

Gloria stepped back, “Oh my God, no! Not tonight! We were thinking another time, maybe some weekend when the kids were away you could invite us over and see what happens.”

Lexi and I looked at each other and she raised one eyebrow at me. “We’ll have to talk to Ginger and Sarah about this,” I said.

“Oh, of course!” said Eric. “We understand.” We looked at each other for a moment, each waiting for one of the others to say the next thing and then Ginger came over to us.


“What are you guys talking about?” she asked as she hugged our friends.

“Oh, nothing important!” said Gloria. “We were just saying goodnight, we were going to come see you next.”

Ginger was well in her cups by this time, “You can’t leave yet! You never know what might happen!” Lexi giggled and Ginger looked at her, “What?”

“We’ll tell you later, I said. Lexi and I excused ourselves and went back to mingling with our guests. Sarah joined them after a few minutes and every so often one or the other of us would steal a look over at them. “I hope our wedding night doesn’t turn into an orgy,” I said.

Lexi wrapped herself around me and pressed her hips into mine, “Would that be such an awful thing?” She leaned in to kiss me and we heard from across the room, “Get a room, you two!”

“Way ahead of you!” she called back.

As the evening turned to the next day, people started filtering out. Many more hugs kisses and handshakes were shared until eventually it was just the four of us sitting at one of the tables drinking and chatting.

“So Gloria made an interesting proposition,” Lexi said.

“Oh? And what was that?” asked Sarah.

“She suggested that she might be interested in going home with us sometime,” Lexi replied.

Sarah smiled as Ginger’s mouth fell open. “Did she mean all of us?” she asked.

“Actually, she suggested just Will and me but then she said she couldn’t ask us to do that without you guys.” Lexi licked her lips and raised her eyebrows. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s an interesting idea,” said Sarah. “Variety is the spice of life as they say!”

“I don’t know,” said Ginger. “It’s just that everything is so perfect, I don’t want to do anything to fuck it up!”

“I hear you,” I said. “I think we need to give it some time and then talk about it some more.” I was of mixed minds. On one hand, Ginger was right, we did have a pretty sweet deal with the four of us but on the other hand, Gloria is awfully cute and has a deadly body. Add to that her boyfriend Eric is tall, handsome, and dark-skinned, something that Lexi still fantasizes about despite her fling with Juan and Davina.

We tidied up a little, locked up the hall, and climbed into our SUV for the ride home. Sarah had stopped drinking a few hours before and was sober. When we arrived home, Ginger started giggling.

“Who is going to carry whom across the threshold?” We all laughed loud enough to attract the attention of a neighbor’s dog who started barking so we quieted down. Then I scooped up Ginger, “If one of my beautiful wives will kindly open the door for me, I will start with the youngest!”

Lexi laughed before unlocking and opening the door. I carefully maneuvered Ginger’s head through the opening and carried her inside, depositing her gently on the couch. Then I went back out for wife number two.

Sarah squealed as I picked her up and carried her in, setting her down beside Ginger. When I went back out to get Lexi, she smiled at me, “We’ve already done this.”

“Then we’ll do it again!” I said as I scooped her up. She kissed me as we approached the doorway which distracted me enough to bump her head lightly as we passed through it. “OW!” she cried.

“Sorry, you distracted me,” I replied.

“You did the same thing the first time you carried me across the threshold,” she reminded me.

“I remember,” I said. “I never thought I’d ever get a second chance.”

“Me neither,” she said as she smiled at me. “I love you, William.”

We kissed again as we stood in the foyer and after a moment, our other wives joined us. I set Lexi down and we shared kisses for a bit until Ginger took Sarah’s hand and led her to our bedroom. “Let the wedding night shenanigans begin!” she cried as they kicked off their shoes and ran down the hallway.

I made sure the house was secure and got a pitcher of water and four glasses, I knew that two of my wives would need it later and probably would as well. When I got to the bedroom, I was greeted by three smiling women, all dressed in identical white satin lingerie. They were sitting on the bed and smiling at me as they held hands.

Now I wish I could tell you that I imposed my manhood upon all three of them until they were completely wrung out and exhausted but they had other plans. Lexi moved up and laid back while the other two stood up and led me to the foot of the bed. “Watch,” whispered Ginger, and as Lexi began playing with herself, she and Sarah slowly undressed me until I was wearing nothing but a smile. Lexi’s eyes were locked onto mine and she licked her lips as two fingers of her left hand slipped in and out of her shiny bare pussy while the index and middle fingers of her right drew slow circles around her clit.

“Isn’t our wife just the sexiest thing you have ever seen?” whispered Sarah.

“I have seen many sexy things in my life, but I can’t say as I have seen anything more sexy than our Lexi!” I pulled Ginger’s face to mine, kissed her softly, and then repeated the move with Sarah. After our lips parted, Sarah leaned across me and kissed Ginger.

“What about me?” Lexi pouted playfully. “Don’t I get any kisses?” She pursed her lips before removing her fingers and bringing them up to lick them clean.

“I have some kisses for you!” said Sarah.

“So do I!” Ginger smiled.

“I have some too, if you have any left over!” I said.

“I always have all the kisses for my wives and my husband!” teased Lexi. She crooked her finger at me to beckon me closer. As I got near she opened her arms and welcomed me in. She embraced me tightly as our lips mashed together and my thigh slipped between hers and applied firm pressure onto her warm, wet cunt. Her hips moved to grind against me which had the effect of stimulating my hardness as it was pressed into her. Then with a strength that belied her size, she flipped us over so I was on my back and she was on top of me. She reached and took my right hand, placed it on top of her head, and used hers to push downward. Her lips nuzzled and her teeth nipped as she worked her way down my body until I felt the warmth of her breath on my cock. She looked over at Ginger and Sarah who had taken up position on the loveseat across from our bed and were playing with each other’s breasts.

“Do you mind if I suck your husband’s cock?” she asked sweetly.

“Please do,” replied Ginger.

“But don’t forget to share!” said Sarah.

I felt the familiar warmth of Lexi’s mouth and the rasp of her tongue as she descended onto me. I laid my head back and closed my eyes but Ginger interrupted me. “No, you have to watch us,” she said.

“That will be very difficult to do with my cock in your wife’s throat,” I replied.

“Try your best,” Ginger said. She and Sarah continued making out as Lexi began humming lowly. The vibrations felt exquisite as she expertly hummed and took me into her throat, holding me there until she needed to come back up to breathe and then going back down.

“I think she’s been practicing!” moaned Sarah. Ginger’s fingers were working their magic on her clit which was making her writhe and sigh.

“I don’t know who she might have been practicing on,” I groaned.

“Not who, what,” said Ginger. She wriggled out from Sarah’s grasp and retrieved a dildo from the nightstand. It was a little longer than my cock and a little thicker as well. I watched as she smiled, licked the tip of it, and slid it into her mouth, not stopping until the fake balls rested against her chin. She held it there for what seemed like a full minute before she drew it back out and gasped a fresh breath. “We’ve all been practicing!” she grinned. She resumed her place with Sarah, “Now where were we?”

Sarah smiled and guided Ginger’s hand back to her pussy. She propped one foot up on the cushion to open herself up, “Fuck me, my darling!” she whispered to Ginger as she guided the tip of the dildo to her opening. “Mmmmm, yes, that’s what I need!” she purred. Their lips mashed together as Ginger’s hand slowly slid the silicone phallus in and out of her lover’s pussy.

The sight of my younger wives pleasuring each other heightened my arousal to the point where what would usually been a ten-minute experience with Lexi quickly turned into less than five. I grasped her hair to hold her face onto me but she shook her head and took her mouth off me. “On my face!” she smiled and put her mouth back down over my cock.

“He’s close!” moaned Sarah. Ginger’s expert manipulation of the toy had brought her quickly to nirvana, her body glistened with the sheen of her sweat as her hips writhed and twisted.

“Won’t be long now, baby!” whispered Ginger. They kissed as if they were each trying to devour the other whole.

“Fuck here comes!” I groaned as I pushed my hips up toward Lexi’s face. She pushed them back down and wrapped her hand around my shaft. She opened her mouth wide to take my warm sticky seed and with the first spurt, the other two scrambled over to get their share.

“Sharing is caring!” Sarah giggled as Lexi moved my shaft so each of them could briefly wrap their lips around my head to take a little. Ginger caught the last couple of drops and then the three of them looked at each other as they licked their lips. Lexi reached up and collected a stray dollop from Ginger’s bottom lip with her finger. She held it up to offer it to the other two but they both shook their heads and pointed at me.

Lexi’s finger moved to my mouth as I opened it and collected the creamy white blob on my tongue. “What a good husband we have! Always willing to share everything with us!” she said. She bent down to kiss me, “Just as your wives love to share with you!” We cuddled up together in a tangle as we tried to share post-coital kisses and hugs and exchanged those soft whispers that people often do.

The rest of the night, or early morning actually, was spent with each of us eliciting soul-crushing orgasms from the others with our mouths, fingers, and toys. I did manage to deposit my sperm into both Ginger and Sarah and we all shared in the bounty. “I love it when you lick me clean!” whispered Ginger as I came up to kiss her after ensuring there was no trace of cum on or in her pussy.

“I promise to keep licking you clean forever,” I replied. We kissed and snuggled up as Lexi and Sarah did the same.

“I think she’s his favorite,” said Sarah.

“I don’t have a favorite,” I replied. “I love you all the same.”

“We all have favorites,” said Lexi.

“I don’t,” I countered.

“Yeah, you do,” whispered Sarah. “It’s okay Sweetie, really it is. Don’t deny it, just accept it.”

“Yes, dear,” I resigned. I knew I was fighting a losing battle.

“Such a good husband!” giggled Lexi.