And Baby Makes Four – Chapter 16 – A Proposition

Married life turned out to be much the same as our life before the four of us made those promises to each other. We all took our turns caring for each other, particularly in the bedroom. We didn’t even try to hide it from our parents on those weekends we asked them to care for their grandkids, everyone knew they would be three-day fuckfests. Life was pretty good if exhausting.

The one big downfall of being married to three women and trying to keep them all satisfied is that it left almost no time for any hobbies outside the house. Fucking my wives was my only hobby these days. We were all relaxing after putting the kids to bed and I mentioned to them that I missed some of the things we used to do before we all got together.

“You had to know that having kids would change your life,” said Lexi.

“I did but having kids along with trying to keep three women sexually satisfied might have been a bit ambitious. Something had to give,” I replied.

Sarah came over and sat next to me, “Sweetie, I know you think you have to have sex with at least one of us every night, but you really don’t. We girls can keep each other very well satisfied without you.”

“But I promised I would,” I said.

“You did, that’s one of the reasons we love you so much, you keep your promises, no matter what,” said Lexi. “But you need to have time for the things you love too.”

“You are the things I love,” I countered. “You and the children are more important to me than fishing or golfing or any of the other things I used to do.”

“I think you should go and do those things too,” said Ginger. “We’ll be fine, I promise!”

I contemplated that for a moment and then Lexi got up, “I almost forgot, this came in the mail today.” She retrieved a white envelope from the mail caddy and handed it to me. I opened it and pulled out a card.

I cleared my throat, “Gloria and Eric are getting married!” I said. The girls all brightened at the good news. “21st of August. They want us to attend.”

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Sarah said. Ever since she was told about Gloria’s idea of being with us she had tried to resurrect the idea. I turned the envelope over and a sheet of folded paper fell out. Lexi picked it up and opened it.

“Oh, my!” she said softly.

“What is it?” I asked. She cleared her throat, “Hi guys, we really hope you can come to our wedding! If you decide to attend, could you please call us, there’s something important that we want to discuss with you. Thx G & E”

“I wonder what the ‘something important’ is?” smiled Sarah.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” cautioned Ginger. She was the least receptive to the idea of us being with them, which I found a little odd seeing as she was the most adventurous when it came to trying new things in the bedroom. Her efforts at light bondage had been a hit with Lexi, but sort of fell flat with Sarah and me. I was pretty certain that they were experimenting on the few occasions they were alone together, but I didn’t pry. Whatever happened between us all when we were not with our other partners was, by mutual agreement, private.

“I think we should at least hear what they have to say,” said Lexi. We all agreed and she offered to get in touch with them the next day.

Another thing we had to sort out was child care. We had numerous discussions about Sarah and Ginger returning to work and they both said that they were looking forward to it. Our searches thus far had failed to locate a facility that suited our needs, and as we only had a few weeks before Ginger was due to start back, we were starting to get desperate. Once again, fate favored us.

Ginger and Sarah had the children with them while shopping and they struck up a conversation with a mature lady who had stopped to admire our cuties. Twenty minutes later they learned that she was due to retire soon and was looking for a way to earn a few extra dollars to supplement her pension. They got in touch with Lexi and me and she agreed to come to our house that Friday evening.

Maria arrived right on time as we were getting the munchkins bathed and ready for bed, and she was eager to help out any way she could. After the youngsters were all settled, we retired to the living room to talk. She had refused our offer of wine or other adult beverages, asking instead for a cup of tea, but she insisted we have one if we wished.

Lexi explained to her that Sarah had been our surrogate and that she and I were married, as were Ginger and Sarah. She raised an eyebrow at that news, “So you all live here together?” she asked.

“We do,” said Sarah. “Lexi and Will have their bedroom and we have ours down the hall. The nursery is between them and we all take turns caring for the children.”

“I see,” she said. I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but was hesitant.

“Is there anything else you want to know about us?” I prompted her.

“I don’t want to pry,” she said. “The children seem well-cared for and healthy. You are very lucky.”

“We are,” said Lexi as she held my hand. “Sarah has given us the most wonderful gift a person could give and we couldn’t possibly thank her enough.”

“She has indeed,” Maria said. She thought for a moment, “I have to admit that this whole surrogacy idea is a bit confusing to me. It must be expensive to pay for all those appointments and lab tests and things.”

“It’s worth it,” I said, not wanting to give any more away.

“I would say so, your son is adorable!” she gushed. She sipped her tea, “And your daughter, you used a donor to get pregnant?”

“We did,” said Ginger as she tried to hide her smirk.

“Is something funny?” Maria asked.

“No, not really. It’s just that many of our friends have speculated about who the father is and how we got pregnant. I choose to let them speculate.”

“I don’t need to speculate,” Maria said. “Anyone with eyes can see that she’s William’s daughter.” We looked at each other and she continued. “I don’t judge! Such things were not common when I was younger but things are much more permissive these days.”

“They’re probably more common than you think,” I said. She was not much older than my parents, and they had been playing with Lexi’s parents for almost twenty years.

“Perhaps,” she said.

We got back to the business at hand and by the time an hour had passed the details were mostly worked out. We stood up to show her out and Maria shook all of our hands, “I see what he sees in you girls, you are all so pretty!” Lexi and Sarah thanked her for her kind words and Ginger blushed as only a ginger can.

“She figured us out pretty quickly,” Lexi said as she watched her tail lights disappear down the street.

“We’re not exactly hiding things, are we?” added Sarah. “Do you think we need to be a little more discrete? You know, for when the kids are older?”

“Maybe,” I said. “We certainly don’t want them to suffer other peoples’ intolerance of our lifestyle.”

Ginger took Sarah’s hand in one of hers and Lexi’s in the other, “It would be hard. This all seems so natural to me, I don’t even think about hiding how I feel about any of you.” She kissed each of them in turn and then came to me, “Even you.” She kissed me softly. “But maybe you’re right.”

We cleaned up the few dishes that were left and made our way in to check on the little ones. William was mastering sleeping through the night but Rose was still waking up. “I think it’s my turn to stay look after them,” said Lexi.

“I’ll help you,” Sarah offered. She kissed Ginger and me, “Goodnight you two, keep it down to a dull roar!” We both kissed Lexi and headed off to the bedroom.

We snuggled in and just held each other for a while, with me on my back and Ginger’s head on my shoulder. I listened to her breathing and toyed with her hair in my fingers. “I’m thinking about cutting my hair,” she said.

“Like short?” I asked.

“Yeah, pretty short,” she said.

“Have you talked to the other girls about it?” I asked.

“No, I haven’t.” She looked up at me, “Do you think they’d mind?”

“No idea,” I said. “It’s up to you, it’s your hair.”

“I suppose,” she said softly. “It’s just…”


“I’ve seen how you look at us when we put our hair up, you like it more than when we wear it down,” she said.

“I don’t know, I like your hair just fine.”

“I’ve seen it. You watch us when we’re putting our hair up, your eyes get wider and you shift in your seat. It excites you. I think you’d like us with short hair.” She turned to face me, “Gloria has short hair, you think she’s cute.”

“Are you jealous?” I teased her.

“I just didn’t like the reaction I saw when she suggested we all get together. I’m not sure I could do that,” she whispered.

“If you don’t want to do it, we won’t do it,” I said.

“But I know you want to and I don’t want to keep you from doing the things you want to do.” She kissed me softly.

“That’s not how this works, Ginger, you know that. We are all in or not at all, that’s the deal.” We kissed again.

“Then there’s Lexi, I know she wants to get together with them, she as much as said so.” She gave a big sigh. “Could you handle watching her with another man, you know, in person?”

“I don’t know, I guess I’d have to see it to find out.” I thought for a moment and realized I was feeling the same about seeing her with another man as she was about seeing me with another woman. “I see what you mean, I don’t want to deny her that if that’s what she wants. Of course, I have the advantage of having seen her with Juan at the resort.”

“So you understand how I feel then?” she asked.

“I do, at least I think I do,” I said. We kissed again, “I think we need to talk with Sarah and Lexi some more about this.”

“I think you’re right,” she said. Another kiss which turned into deeper kisses and our hands began roaming over each other’s bodies. “Make love to me,” she whispered.

“Your wish, m’lady!” I replied.

When we finished and were lying in each other’s arms, she looked at me, “I’m certain of it.”

“Certain of what?” I asked.

“If I had met you before you were with Lexi, I could have fallen in love with you,” she said.

“That you love me now is enough for me,” I said. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

The next morning I awoke before Ginger so I slid out of bed and left her to sleep. It being Saturday I knew she didn’t have to get up early and I figured I could look after my daughter while she got her rest. I entered the kitchen to find my other two wives along with our children. Will was in a high chair with some crumbles of cookies in front of him and Rose was in Lexi’s arms.

“Good morning ladies!” I said cheerfully before going over and kissing each of them and my kids. “Sleep well?”

“Not bad,” said Lexi. “This one was up a couple of times but she went back to sleep pretty quickly.”

“You have any plans for the day?” asked Sarah.

“Got some yard work to do,” I replied. With four incomes in the house we could afford to hire someone to do all that but then I wouldn’t get to play with my big boy toys.

“Gloria and Eric have asked us to come over tonight,” said Lexi. “I’m taking the kids to your mom’s so we can stay over if anything happens.” It was clear that she rather fancied the idea of being with the two of them.

“Yeah, about that,” I said.

“Something wrong?” asked Lexi.

“Well, Ginger and I were talking about it last night and it seems she is not entirely comfortable with the idea.” Lexi looked disappointed and Sarah just frowned.

“What’s her problem?” asked Lexi.

“That’s for her to tell,” I said. “Remember what we all talked about before, it’s all for one and one for all.”

“I know,” said Lexi. “We’ll talk.”

“Who knows, maybe that’s not what they want to ask us at all,” said Sarah.

“Maybe,” I agreed. I’d had a rather unsettling dream the night before that featured Lexi and Eric. In it, he was hung like a horse and she was riding him like his was the last cock on earth. I can’t say as I liked it. I didn’t bother telling them about my reservations about seeing Lexi with Eric and decided that if we had to cross that bridge we would, but if not, I’d keep my thoughts to myself.

I ate breakfast and took a thermos of coffee into the backyard to begin my chores. When I returned to the kitchen for lunch, my wives were gathered around the island and engaged in a deep conversation.

“I just don’t understand,” said Lexi. “You see him with me and Sarah all the time and you say that doesn’t bother you!”

“I know!” cried Ginger. “I can’t explain it! I love watching you guys when you’re with him but the thought of him with another woman, especially one as pretty as Gloria, makes me feel funny.”

“Gloria has nothing on you!” Sarah protested.

“What she said,” I agreed. The three women turned to look at me.

“How long have you been standing there?” asked Ginger.

“Long enough,” I replied. “Look girls, we said from day one that anything we do with each other or with anyone else would have to be something we all wanted, yes?” They all nodded in agreement. “That settles it then, doesn’t it?”


“But, I just thought we could try it, maybe once we were with them you might change your mind!” Lexi was determined to get her way.

“You know what Lexi, you’re being unfair!” protested Sarah. “You wanted to have a fling with Davina and Juan, and even though Will wasn’t keen on it you went anyway!”

“But he said I should go!” Lexi turned to face me, “You said I should go ahead if I wanted to! Why did you say that if it wasn’t what you wanted too?”

“Oh my God, Lexi, you really need to learn to read your husband!” Ginger blurted. “He loves you so much he can’t say no to you, even if it means having you go with another man! Can’t you see that?”

“What? Is this true?” asked Lexi.

“Yes, Lexi, it’s true.” I held my arms out to her and she came to me. “I can’t say no to you. You wanted so much to go be with them and I agreed because you were so excited. If I had it back I would have asked you not to.” We hugged for a long moment and then looked at each other. I wiped away the tear that trickled down her cheek. “What’s done is done and we’ve learned from it. Now we know.”

“I guess,” she mumbled like a disappointed seven-year-old. “I guess I should call them and say we can’t go over tonight.”

“No, Lexi, don’t!” Ginger’s voice was clear and calm. “You don’t know that what they want to talk about, for all you know they might want us to be in their wedding party or something.”

“I guess,” said Lexi. “But it’s going to be awfully uncomfortable if they do ask us to stay.”

“Then we thank them for their offer but politely decline,” said Sarah. She came over and hugged Lexi as well, and soon we were all in a group hug. “Listen, I’m as keen as you are but if our husband and our wife are not, we have to respect that don’t we? What was the point of even getting married if we’re not going to respect our partners’ wishes?”

Lexi took a deep breath. “You’re right. Sarah, as always!” She took the brunette’s face in her hands and pulled her in for a kiss, “Why did I have to marry someone who has so much common sense?”

“Hey!” I protested.

Lexi laughed “Oh, please, Will! We all know that of the three of us, you have the least amount of common sense! You’re too busy thinking with your dick!”

“Thank goodness for small favors!” said Ginger. We stood hugging and kissing for a minute or so until Rose announced she was hungry again! “God I love you guys so much!” she said before turning to see her daughter.

“She thinks she loves you more than I do,” missed Lexi. “She’s wrong.” She tiptoed up to kiss me before going to join Ginger.

“She doesn’t think that,” I replied, not bothering to tell her the truth that Ginger loves me more than she does her.

“She’s afraid of losing you to someone else,” Sarah said when we were alone.

“I think so,” I said. “She’s got nothing to worry about.”

“I know,” she said. “Sometimes I worry about losing her.”

“To whom?” I asked.

“To you,” she replied. She came to me and we kissed.

“You have nothing to worry about either,” I said.

“That’s not up to you,” she whispered as she went to join our wives.

That evening, as were we driving to our friends’ house, we discussed how we would handle a request for us to join them in their bed.

“I think we handle it the way that Sarah suggested,” I said. “We tell them we’re flattered and that we’ve thought about it but it’s not something we’re interested in.”

“Some of us are,” mumbled Lexi.

“LEXI THAT’S ENOUGH!” shouted Ginger. “We decided together that we’re either all in or not at all! That’s the promise we made to each other! Or are your promises not worth anything?”

“My promises are worth every bit as much as yours are!” Lexi retorted. This was getting ugly quickly.

“Maybe we should go home,” I said. “We can get together with them another time.”

“No, we said we’d hear them out, let’s hear them out,” said Lexi. She turned in the front seat and reached back for Ginger’s hand. “Sweetie, I’m sorry. You’re right.”

“Okay,” replied Ginger. She was still steamed but accepted Lexi’s apology.

We arrived and were greeted with offers of drinks and snacks. Once we were all seated and got the small talk out of the way, Eric began.

“I guess you’re wondering why we wanted to talk to you,” he said. “We have a very important question to ask you.” Lexi was sitting next to me and holding my hand. She squeezed it hard.

“We would be thrilled if you four would stand with us at our wedding!” said Gloria.

We all looked at each other and nodded. “It would be our honor,” Sarah said.

We all stood up, the women all hugged each other and I shook Eric’s large hand. I had been told many years earlier that you can judge the size of a man’s dick by the length and thickness of his thumbs and Eric’s thumbs were the largest I had ever seen.

We all sat back down and Ginger cleared her throat. “That’s not what we thought you were going to ask us,” she said quietly. Lexi shot her a look as Sarah put her arm around her. “

“Oh, well, we were going to ask you that too,” said Gloria. “But we decided against it.”

“Oh?” asked Ginger. “Is there a reason why?”

“We found someone,” said Eric. “We were going to ask you to join us on our wedding night but we found another couple. We haven’t actually done anything yet but we’re looking forward to it.”

“Oh, well, good for you, I guess,” said Ginger.

“How do you do it?” asked Gloria.

“How do we do what?” Lexi asked.

“How do you share the people you love with other people and not get jealous?” she asked.

“You have to separate the lust from the love,” said Sarah. “You should know that we thought you were going to ask us to join you and we talked about it. In fact, we had a huge fight about it but we sorted it out.”

“So would you, if we asked?” Eric queried.

“No,” said Lexi, which surprised me a little given her earlier eagerness. “Full disclosure, I wanted to but it wasn’t something we all could agree with so we decided that if you had asked us we were going to say no thanks.”

“That’s the secret sauce,” said Ginger. “It’s either all in or not at all. It has to be that way.”

“I see,” said Gloria. “I guess we’ll find out for ourselves!”

“Why your wedding night?” I asked.

Gloria blushed a little. “You see, we were watching some videos one night and one came on with a woman in her wedding dress doing it with her new husband and another couple.” She shifted uncomfortably. “It kinda turned me on!”

“Ah, role play. That’s not our deal,” I said. “It’s 100% real for us.”

“So you don’t play any little word games or anything?” asked Eric.

Sarah smiled, “Well, sometimes we make a deal about asking our wives’ permission to fuck our husband, stuff like that.”

Gloria giggled, “That’s funny!” She downed her drink and took a deep breath. “Thanks for being honest. It’s so refreshing to hear it these days.” She came over and bent to kiss my cheek, then Lexi’s, Sarah’s, and finally Ginger’s. “If you change your mind, let us know. I’ll bet we could have such great fun together!”

“Just so you know, I was the ‘no’ vote,” she whispered back.

“Really! I thought it would have been Will!” replied Gloria. “Guess I didn’t read you as well as I thought!”

We hung out for a while and tried to impart a few words of wisdom to our adventurous friends as they were about to set out on this life-changing journey. On the way home, Lexi insisted on sitting in the back, with Ginger leaving Sarah up front with me. We were barely away from the driveway when Lexi pulled Ginger to her and kissed her hard.

“Did you see the size of it in his pants?” she growled. “You denied me that, when we get home you are going to spend all night making it up to me!”

“And how will I do that?” Ginger asked.

“You know how!” Lexi replied. Soon the car was filled with the odor of leaky pussy as they fingered each other.

We arrived home and were barely in the door when Lexi grabbed Ginger’s hand and pulled her into the bedroom. Sarah and I looked at each other and she giggled, “I guess we’re in for a show tonight!” By the time we got to the doorway to the bedroom, Lexi already had Ginger stripped naked and was on her knees fastening the harness around the redhead’s waist. She attached the large dark dildo to the front before quickly slithering out of her clothes and pushing Ginger onto the bed.

She straddled Ginger’s hips and sank herself onto the long thick toy without the aid of lubricant. “Ooh fuck yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” she moaned as her fleshy backside compressed against Ginger’s thighs. She rode for a bit and then got off, rearranging herself onto her hands and knees. “Get busy!” she commanded and Ginger took position behind her. The long low moan Lexi let out as the phallus penetrated her told us how much she was enjoying being filled up. She lowered her shoulders to the bed and rocked backward to meet each of Ginger’s thrusts.

“FUCK ME GINGER! FUCK ME WITH THAT BIG BLACK COCK!” Ginger did her best to comply as Lexi’s screams rose in both pitch and volume.

Sarah nudged me as Ginger pushed herself upright and raised her right hand, “Watch!”

Ginger’s hand came down with a loud smack on Lexi’s right ass cheek. “OW! FUCK!” she screamed but after a short pause, “Again!” Ginger obliged and smacked her again. “FUCK THAT HURTS!” AGAIN!” Ginger switched hands and whacked her after every few strokes. Soon Lexi’s ass cheeks were bright red and she was moaning that she was about to cum.

The noise was impressive as Lexi’s pussy gushed. Her moans were timed with Ginger’s thrusts and each time the big cock disappeared inside her a rush of cum squirted out. “Just a little more!” Lexi pleaded as her fingers found her clit and she finished herself off during Ginger’s last few strokes. “Oh sweet Jesus!” she moaned as the last vestiges of her orgasm trickled away.

Ginger moved off her and Lexi rolled over and pulled her down on top of her. “Promise me you’ll fuck me like that again!” They kissed and held each other until I thought they might suffocate. Finally, they came up for air, “Fuck that was almost as good as the real thing!” Ginger just smiled as they held each other again.

“I’m going to run a bath,” Sarah said.

“May I join you?” I asked.

“It’s not for me, it’s for Lexi, her ass is gonna sting for a while after that!” I chuckled and turned away to get some refreshments. The girls would surely need some after that encounter!

When I returned, Lexi and Ginger were still entangled and smooching on the bed and Sarah was in the bathroom running the tub. She came out, “Your bath is ready Madam!” she pronounced with a bad accent.

‘Thank you, Sarah, that will be all!” She pronounced it ‘awwwlllll” as an elderly English matron might. Somebody’s been watching too much ‘Upstairs/Downstairs’. She and Ginger disengaged and held hands as they went into the bathroom. “I owe you a licking!” Lexi growled as they climbed into the steaming water.

Sarah and I changed the sheets and fixed some snacks while our wives were bathing each other. She giggled as she heard Lexi’s sharp intake of breath, “Sssss, that stings!” followed by, “Mmm that’s better!” We heard some splashing sounds followed by Ginger’s whispered, “Yes, baby, right there! Lick that again!”

Sarah looked at me and raised an eyebrow before turning to me and kissing me deeply, “Would you lick me right there?” she purred.

“It would be my pleasure!” I said as I started lifting her dress.

“On the contrary, it will be mine!” she giggled as she lay back on the bed. Soon her sighs filled our bedroom as her thighs clamped on either side of my head and her clit was locked between my suckling lips. “Oh, William that’s it! Right there!” she moaned loudly enough for me to hear through the muffling of her thighs. I slid my hands under her ass and lifted her to my face. After a moment I felt a tap on my shoulder.

When I peeked to my right, I expected to see either Lexi or Ginger’s hand resting there but instead, I saw a pink toy. I reached round to grasp it and heard Ginger whisper, “She likes this on her G-spot!”

I took the toy and fumbled with it to start it shivering and then slipped it between her pink wet folds. Her gasp told me that I’d found the spot, not that I’d ever had trouble finding it after Lexi had shown me where it was those many years ago. I twisted the toy to get maximum pressure on her magic spot and was rewarded with a heavy sigh, “Yes, baby, that’s it!”

I felt the bed shift as the other two climbed on to join us. I could hear them kissing between the moans that Sarah was uttering and I knew we were close when her hips shifted up into me. I redoubled my pressure and flicked with my tongue as fast as I could. I sometimes had trouble remembering which of my wives liked which pussy-licking technique but I knew I could never go wrong with a good tongue-lashing.

Her thighs squeezed and her pussy gushed as she came, as wetly as I’d ever seen. Her moans were clearly audible through the softness of her thighs against my ears as her hands grasped my hair and held me onto her. “Eat that pussy!” she demanded as she rocked her hips back and forth to fuck the shivering toy. A last explosion of sound accompanied her last gush of wetness before she relaxed back into the mattress and pulled my head up so our faces met.

“You are the very best!” she purred.

“He is, isn’t he?” added Lexi.

“The very best,” said Ginger. “We are the luckiest girls in the world!”

“We are!” Sarah sighed as she held me tight. “And you are the luckiest man alive!”

“Of that, there is no doubt!” I said.

Lexi giggled, “We need to clean our wife’s pussy from our husband’s face!” and they proceeded to do just that. We all snuggled together for a while until I felt a hand stroking my cock.

“Our poor husband hasn’t had an orgasm yet,” whispered Ginger.

“Then you should rectify that,” Sarah suggested. “I’m still in recovery!”

“All right then, I will!” Ginger laughed as she descended down my body and sucked me into her mouth. Ten minutes later she was sharing my bounty with her wives and her husband which we all received gratefully.