And Baby Makes Four – Chapter 27 – Moms, Dads, and Lovers


As our children left us, Kate remarked, “They look all fucked out!”

“Must have been some weekend!” Carl added. “It’s still strange to see them here knowing what they’ve been doing all weekend.”

“Knowing who they’ve been doing, more like!” giggled Kate.

We all laughed and made our way to the pool deck for some sun before it got too hot and intense. Hot and intense would follow after lunch in our suite! I had brought a new toy for Kate and me to demo for our husbands.

As we found places, I noticed Gloria and Eric on the opposite side of the pool. Our eyes met and I offered a little wave of acknowledgement. Then I laid back, closed my eyes, and fantasized about Eric and whether the black man stereotype held true. I felt Kate’s fingers against mine so I looked over.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

“Probably,” I replied. “Question is, how do we get rid of our husbands and get him alone?”

“Let me work on that,” she said as she squeezed my fingers. I looked over the other way and saw my husband looking over the top of his book. One glance told me that he was having impure thoughts about the young black cutie lying beside the object of my lust. I smiled, closed my eyes, and returned to my reverie.

We only stayed in the sun for about an hour, there was no point in getting sunburned and restricting our indoor activities for the weekend. I sat up and began to gather my things when I noticed Gloria getting up and heading to the pavilion where the washrooms were. I nudged Kate. “I have an idea!” I whispered and nodded my head toward the twitching backside of Gloria’s hips as she wandered slowly away from us. Kate smiled and started gathering her things as well.

“We’re going to the ladies’ room,” she said. “Meet you back at the room to get ready for lunch.”

“Ready for lunch, is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Alex teased. “I got your lunch right here!”

“That would be Ellie’s lunch this weekend!” she replied to her husband. We had agreed that whoever initiated sex this weekend, they would not do it with their own partner.

“I had that for lunch yesterday,” Ellie said. “I’m in the mood for something a little different!” We got up and slowly walked away, swaying our hips for the benefit of our husbands and any other guests who might be watching.

We entered the washroom and saw that only one stall was occupied. We laid our beach bags down and started kissing softly as we waited for Gloria to emerge. When we heard the door unlatch, we stopped but stayed in each other’s arms.

“Oh, Hi!” Gloria said as she noticed us. “Don’t let me interrupt you!”

“You’re not interrupting,” Kate said. She kissed me again and turned to the lovely, dark-skinned beauty. “We were both wondering, now that the others have gone home if you and your husband might be up for a little fun?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I don’t think the others would approve of us being with their parents,” she said.

“Living your life for their approval, are you?” I asked. “Or do you not have your own mind?”

“I have my own mind,” she said. “It’s just that Eric and I were thinking of spending the rest of the weekend between the two of us.”

“I’d like to get between the two of you,” Kate leered as she moved to Gloria. She took the younger woman’s hand and brought her fingers to her lips. They shared a long look and when Kate noticed she wasn’t moving away, she leaned down and kissed the young beauty.

While their lips were joined, I moved to the other side of them. “Mmmm, that was nice!” Kate breathed as their lips parted. I leaned down and kissed her as well, our tongues probing forward just enough to tease.

“You are a wonderful kisser!” I said as I looked into her eyes. Her pupils were dilated and her nostrils flared, it was obvious to anyone who could read the signs that she was turned on.

“As are you, both of you,” she said. “I don’t think we should…”

Kate interrupted her,” Not here of course. Perhaps we should have lunch together and see where that takes us?”

“Mmm, I’ll ask Eric,” she said softly. “Will your husbands object?”

“I think you’ll find they are more eager than we are!” I told her with a smile. I looked into her eyes again. “My God! You are beautiful!” She lowered her eyes and blushed as much as her skin tone would allow.

“Let me talk to Eric,” she said.

“I think you’ll find our husbands are talking to Eric as we speak,” Kate said. “See you later?”

“See you later,” Gloria replied and she left.

“God that was fucking hot!” Kate breathed as the door closed. “I don’t know why men have such a hard time approaching beautiful women, it’s so easy!”

“I guess when your horny girlfriend is a beautiful woman herself and is not shy about sharing her husband, it makes it easier.” We kissed again and left to collect Carl and Alex.

“What was that about?” Carl asked. “When she came out of there she could hardly walk straight!”

“We just turned on the charm a little,” Kate said before leaning in for a kiss. “If things go well, you’ll be fucking her this afternoon!”

“And we’ll be fucking her stud of a husband!” I added.

“Let’s hope things go well then!” Alex said with a broad grin. We went back to our room to change for lunch. The bar allowed swimwear during the day but none of us were comfortable eating lunch while being so skimpily clad. Shorts and a T-shirt were the order of the day.

We ate quietly as we watched the other guests mingle about. Most people were there as couples but we did see a few groups of four as we ate. As we had been doing all weekend, we quietly speculated about how well the men were hung or whether or not the women’s breasts were real or fake. We hadn’t seen Gloria or Eric during our meal but just as we were finishing, they came up to us from behind.

“Room 127,” Eric said quietly and they kept walking past us. Kate and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and then looked at our husbands.

“Damn, you girls work fast!” whispered Carl. He got up and cleared away the table and then we walked across the courtyard, me holding Alex’s hand and Kate holding my husband’s. We interlaced fingers just like teenagers do when their love is new. I could feel the wetness creep into the crotch of my denim shorts as I walked.

“I think we should go put on more appropriate clothing,” I said to my companions. We changed direction slightly and made our way to the main hotel building. Kate and I carefully selected a matching set of a pale yellow bra and thong and I picked out a similar set in coral pink before we retired to the washroom to do our makeup. If we wanted to behave like wanton sluts, we had to look the part.

When we emerged, our husbands did a double-take. “You girls look so fucking hot!” Carl said as he moved to Kate’s side.

“Easy big fella,” she said. “We don’t want to mess up my makeup!”

“That’s exactly what I want to do!” he replied.

“Later, sweetie, I promise!” she soothed him. We both put on flowery sundresses that matched our undies, I picked up a small bag that held some things we might need,  and we led our husbands out the door.


We heard a light tap on the door and I went to check the peephole to see who it was. Recognizing them, I opened the door and welcomed them in. “Wow, you ladies look amazing!” I said. “What a transformation!”

“Are you suggesting we didn’t look amazing before lunch?” Kate teased.

“I’m going to shut up now,” I replied with a laugh.

“Smart man, your husband,” she said to Gloria.

“Not always!” she grinned. “So, you have a proposal?”

“Right to business! I like it!” Kate said. “Yes, we do. We propose that we exchange partners for the afternoon. “Kate and I can stay here with Eric while our husbands take you to our room.”

“Interesting proposal,” Gloria said. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable leaving with two rather large men I barely know.”

“I understand,” she said. She thought for a moment, “Perhaps instead we spend the afternoon together and if you feel more comfortable, we can revisit the idea after dinner?”

“That’s not what I thought you were going to ask,” she said. “I thought you were going to ask if we three could be together while our husbands watched.”

“I like that idea too,” grinned Carl. He was always a watcher.

“That might work,” I added.

“What about you, Alex? Do you like that idea?” Kate asked. It was a rhetorical question, she knew her husband well enough to know he would enjoy watching three women together immensely.

“Uh-huh!” was all he could manage. His eyes hadn’t left Gloria since we entered the room.

“All right then, what shall we do?” asked Gloria. “You ladies don’t seem dressed for the pool, any suggestions?”

“We could go to the arcade,” I said.

“Really, Sweetheart? You just met these lovely ladies who want to fuck you and you think you should take them to the arcade?” Gloria shook her head. “Haven’t you learned? When you want to make a woman whom you are trying to seduce happy, you take her shopping!”

“I’m not sure much seduction is necessary!” Alex said.

“Play the game, dear!” Ellie said to Alex.

“Wait a minute, I thought you two were married, and you two were married,” Gloria said, pointing at each couple in turn.

“We are,” she replied. “This weekend, we might be all here together but Ellie and I have switched husbands when were not, you know.”

“And most times when we are, you know,” added Kate. “We have been lovers for many years. Sometimes we just switch things up a bit.”

“Hey after this weekend, no judgment here!” Gloria said.

“Yeah, let’s not talk about what you’ve been up to with the parents of our grandchildren!” Kate said. “Let’s focus on what’s right in front of us.”

“Fair enough,” Gloria said. She moved and sat in Alex’s lap. “So are you as good a kisser as your wife is?”

“She seems to think I’m pretty good,” he replied.

“Think I’ll find out for myself!” she smiled as she lowered her lips to his. As they kissed, Kate moved to me and kissed me.

“I think this will be great fun!” Ellie giggled as she took her turn kissing me while my wife moved to sample Carl’s kissing abilities.

“We’d better get out of here,” Gloria said breathlessly. “If we don’t we might be here all afternoon!”

“Would that be such a bad thing?” I asked. I was ready to go with these two beautiful older ladies.

“Patience, Baby, you have your chance!” she replied as she got off Carl’s lap.

We left for the parking lot to go to an outlet mall not too far from the resort. Gloria inserted herself between Carl and Alex while I ended up between the two ladies. We held hands and chatted throughout the afternoon and aside from the ladies disappearing for a half hour to go to a ladies’ wear store, we pretty much stuck together. Between the six of us and the numerous bags of goodies that the ladies bought, there wasn’t much room left in their SUV for the return trip to the resort.

When we arrived, we went to our own rooms after agreeing to meet at 7:00 for supper. Then the plan was to go to the bar for a few drinks and see what happened after that.

“So what do you think?” I asked Gloria after the door to our room closed.

“I think we do it!” she replied as she wrapped her arms around my neck and favored me with one of her five-star, toe-curling kisses.

“All right then” I replied and with that, we were committed.


We returned to our room and dropped off our packages. Ellie and I excused ourselves to the washroom to get ready for dinner. A quick freshen up and a touch up to our faces and we were ready. We gathered up each other’s husbands for a quick kiss and set out for the restaurant.

We were a little early, put it down to the anticipation of being with a strange man we barely knew without our husbands being present, so we went to the bar for a little liquid courage. I kept my head on a swivel looking for our prospective lovers while Ellie kept checking her watch over and over. I wasn’t the only one who was eager to get at what we hoped was a rather larger cock than either of us had ever had.

The guys gave us hell for our impatience even though they must have been equally so in the hope of getting Gloria naked. She was a fine specimen to be sure and I hoped that maybe I could get to know her better as well. My secret hope was something I had never told anyone, not my husband nor my girlfriend. I dared not even think it.

After what seemed an eternity, they came into the room, both of them looking incredibly hot. Eric was wearing linen slacks and a matching shirt, it appeared as though he wasn’t wearing underwear as we could see the outline of his rather prodigious member snaking down his pant leg. Gloria pulled out all the stops as well in a pair of tight-fitting slacks and a crop top that showed the glitter of the jewel in her belly button. She wasn’t wearing nearly as much makeup as we were but she did not need to. Even bare-faced, she was drop-dead gorgeous!

They came over to our table and greeted us with handshakes and hugs. We ordered them each a drink while we waited for our table to be ready and presently, a pretty young waitress guided us to our table.

“I can’t believe how gorgeous the staff here are!” Gloria said quietly. “They are all so hot looking!”

“I know, right!” I agreed. “Even the older ones are smoking hot!”

“I guess in a place like this, you wouldn’t expect anything less,” Carl added. His head had been on a swivel all weekend looking at the eye candy that was on display.

We perused the menu and ordered dinner. The food was excellent and when the server came to ask if we wanted dessert, I declined as did the others. “I see what I want for dessert right there!” I growled as my eyes bored into Eric’s.

“Me too,” added Gloria as her hand disappeared under the table into Alex’s lap. “I’ve always wanted to be with an older man!” Her other hand disappeared into Carl’s lap and he smiled when it reached her destination.

“Tell me, ladies, is it true that older men make better lovers?” she asked.

“I really have no idea,” Ellie said. “Carl and Alex are the only men I’ve ever been with so my sample size is quite small.”

“I have a slightly larger sample size but all the men I’ve been with were about my age at the time so I can’t help you.” I licked my lips before continuing, “But I will say this. Two words I have never said with either of these gentlemen are ‘Stop’ and ‘More’. They keep me and my girlfriend here very, very happy indeed!”

“I’ll just have to find out for myself!” Gloria giggled as both Carl and Alex’s faces winced. She must have given them a good squeeze.

“Your turn, Gloria,” Ellie said. “Is the stereotype about black men true?”

“I’ve only ever been with one black man but I can say in his case, it is true!” Eric shifted uncomfortably as Ellie’s hand disappeared.

“So how are we going to do this?” asked Alex. He was letting his impatience get the better of him but it was hard to blame him.

“I think I’d like to go for a walk,” Ellie said. She stood up and took Eric’s hand. “Would you be so kind as to accompany me? God only knows what sort of riffraff a girl might need protecting from!” He stood and accepted her offered lips on his. “You coming, Kate?”

“Soon enough!” I replied. I kissed Carl and Alex before going to Gloria. “I have something else in mind for later if you’re up for it!”

“I think you’ll find I’m up for almost anything!” she replied.

“Have fun boys!” I called over my shoulder as I turned to join Ellie and Eric.

We walked slowly toward their suite. Halfway across the courtyard, we stopped to listen to the action in one of the private alcoves. “How about we go in one of those?” Eric asked.

“I think a proper bed would be more comfortable,” I said. “We’re not as flexible as the twenty-five-year-olds you’ve been fucking all weekend!”

“One of them was nearly forty!” he reminded us which snapped me back to reality. It didn’t stop me, it just made me realize that very soon, my darling girlfriend would have her cunt filled with the same cock that had filled her daughters not too long before. Then I thought about Alex whose cock would be pistoning in and out of the same pussy that had recently been fucked by his own son. I shook my head and tried to forget about it.

I stopped and tiptoed up to whisper into Eric’s ear so Ellie couldn’t hear me. “Whatever skills Lexi has I can assure you, she comes by honestly. Her mother is a great fuck!” The smile that spread across his face gave him away. The thought of fucking Lexi’s mom turned him on.

We arrived at the room and Ellie and I excused ourselves to the washroom. “Could you make us a drink?” I asked as the door closed behind us. I turned to Ellie and whispered, “I cannot believe we are going to do this! We are such sluts!”

“Shut up before I lose my nerve!” she replied. We kissed passionately and then fixed up each other’s lipstick. “Ready?” she asked. I nodded my head.

We re-entered the bedroom area to find Eric setting our drinks on the low coffee table. We thanked him and picked them up to take a sip. “Mmm, delicious! What is it?” I asked.

“Dark and Stormy,” he replied. “Dark rum and ginger beer.”

“My new favorite drink!” I giggled as I took another sip.

We sat in relative silence for a few moments and sipped our drinks. The anticipation was killing me so I stood up and went to sit beside him. “Hi!” I whispered in my sultry voice. I leaned in to kiss him and I felt Ellie move to his other side. He immediately turned his attention to her and we continued sharing his kisses for a few minutes. Then I looked at Ellie, “Shall we?”

We had played this game many times with our husbands. We would select one of them and get onto our knees in front of him, taking turns sucking his cock until he came in one of our mouths. After sharing his cum between us and with him, the other would revive him and mount him. The husband who was not selected would then clean up whichever of us had a pussy full of cum. Great fun!

We stood up and took Eric’s hands, urging him to a standing position. Once he was upright, we dropped to our knees and undid his slacks, letting them drop to the floor.  I was right, he wasn’t wearing underwear and as his long thick cock came into view, Ellie gasped.

She caressed it with one hand and whispered, “My God, Katie, have you ever?”

“No, I have never!” I replied as my hand joined hers. “So thick!” I leaned forward and licked the drop of clear fluid from the tip and then shared it with her.

“Fuck that is so hot!” Eric groaned as he watched us kiss. We looked up at him and smiled. Ellie opened wide and took as much of him as she could into her mouth. Turns out, it wasn’t much, just the head and a few inches of his shaft filled her mouth up. I watched as she flicked her tongue along the bottom of his shaft as she attempted to swallow him before coming off him.

“Nope, not yet,” she gasped.

“Let me try!” I said and I leaned forward. I too failed to take him in all the way so I bobbed up and down slowly, using my tongue to stimulate him. From the moans and groans that came from him, I figured I was doing a pretty good job.

I released him to Ellie and watched intently as she tried again to take him into her throat. We had occasionally talked about deep-throating our husbands and agreed that it wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world but the obvious joy it gave to them made us happy to do it. I wanted desperately to give Eric that pleasure.

I got up, took off my dress to reveal my lingerie, and laid down on the bed on my back. I dangled my head over the edge and looked up at him. He got the hint very quickly and moved over so his cock head was touching my chin. “Slowly!” I warned him and he moved his hips toward me as I opened wide and admitted it.

It was a little easier this way and I felt my throat stretch a little as his head probed deeper. I took a deep breath and moved my tongue forward as it entered my throat. He hesitated for a moment so I looked up at him and nodded for him to keep going. Slowly it inched into my throat, his balls getting closer to my nose as his shaft disappeared. “My God!” Ellie breathed as she watched. “You can see it in your throat!” Her fingers trailed along under my chin as she followed the outline of it.

I felt his balls brush my nose and I held him there for a moment before pushing back on his hips so I could breathe. As the head came out I inhaled deeply through my nose and grabbed for his hips to pull him into my face again. He entered me more easily this time as I swallowed him in for a few moments before shaking my head to tell him to back off so I could take another breath.

“My turn!” giggled Ellie as she assumed the same position beside me. Eric shifted sideways and presented his cock to her lips as she opened wide and admitted him. I watched as little by little his cock disappeared into those lips I loved to kiss and was amazed to see her throat bulge as the head made its way deeper. A few slow strokes and she pushed him away and gasped for air. “Anything you can do!” she laughed and she turned to kiss me.

Eric moved to me once more and then took turns, going from one mouth to the other, only pulling out when we needed to breathe. Soon he was fucking our throats, his cockhead pushing its way deeper as his hips moved forward. “Fuck I’m gonna cum!” He groaned and pulled back to splash his cum all over Ellie’s face.

She tried to take him back into her mouth but he switched to me so I got to suck the last of his semen from his still throbbing dick. As soon as he moved away, Ellie was on me and we shared his cum on our lips and tongues as he watched. His cum was a bit saltier than either Carl’s or Alex’s but it still tasted pretty good.


While our wives were walking away with Eric, Carl and I let Gloria fondle us through our slacks. Suddenly she stopped and stood up. “I have to go to the ladies’ room,” she cooed. “When I come back we can find a nice quiet spot and you boys can make me cum!”

“Holy fuck, dude! Can you believe this?” I gasped as we watched her cute little derriere wiggle away from us. “She is the hottest woman I have ever seen!”

“I’m not sure your wife would appreciate you saying that!” Carl replied.

“She thinks she fucking hot too! I know she wants to get a piece of that!” I said.

“There’s something else she wants to do as well,” he said. “We were together with Ellie one night and she was pretty drunk. She let it slip that she wants to have three men at once!”

“Airtight? No way! She never said anything to me about it!” I couldn’t believe it. “I think I’d like to see that!”

“And Ellie and Gloria could keep each other busy while we do it!” he leered. We finished our drinks while Gloria was in the loo and when she returned she came to the table and placed her closed fists on it.

“Guess which hand!” she said. “Whoever guesses right gets the first blowjob!” I reached out and tapped her left hand and Carl tapped her right. She turned her palms up and opened her fists to show us her thong in her right hand.


Lucky me!” Carl said as she smiled at him. She leaned over to kiss him and I ran my fingers up the inside of her thigh. Her legs parted a little and I felt up further to the warmth and wetness of her pussy. She finished kissing Carl and turned to me.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get lucky too!” she giggled before kissing me. She took both our hands in hers and led us away from the table. We were met by knowing smiles from patrons and staff alike as we left the room.


“Oh my!” was all I could manage as I watched my lover’s pussy splay open to accommodate the dark, thick cock that was penetrating it. Inch after hard inch, it disappeared until her bum came to rest on his hips.

“This feels divine!” Kate exclaimed as she sat still on top of Eric. “Way better than our toys!” I moved to her face and we kissed as she began rocking her hips slowly.

I bent down to kiss Eric, “May I?” I asked him and with the slightest of nods he acquiesced. I swung my leg over his head and gently lowered myself down until I felt his tongue brush against my outer lips. A small adjustment and my clit was in just the right spot for him to lick and suckle. Kate and I stared into each other’s eyes as we rode this young stud slowly, each of us savoring the feeling of double-teaming him.

My hand slid down along her body until my fingers found the point of their union. I felt his hard slick shaft slide in and out of her and then moved my fingertip to draw slow circles around her clit.

“That’s it! Nice and slow!” she purred as she rocked her hips slowly. Eric’s lips and tongue teased my pussy as my best friend rode him and we shared soft kisses and whispers.

“Can I get a turn?” I asked Kate and she smiled at me and nodded.

“Soon,” she whispered. “I just need to feel this wonderful feeling for a bit longer.” We kissed some more and our breathing quickened as our arousal built. I swung my leg back over Eric and nudged my girlfriend aside.

“You’re hogging all the cock!” I teased her.

“Just a few more seconds!” she panted as her hand came over top of mine to guide my fingers to her clit. “A little faster! That’s it! Right there! So close!” and she pushed down hard onto him. “Mmmmmm! That’s it!” I felt her warmth as I slipped my fingers to either side of his shaft. Her orgasm was more muted than most but the look of pure rapture on her face told the whole tale.

She leaned into me for another kiss and swung her leg over to dismount him. I quickly took her place and watched Eric’s face as my pussy stretched open to admit him. “Oh WOW! That’s fucking thick!” I exclaimed as he penetrated my depths. “Fuck, baby, you weren’t kidding!”

“No, I wasn’t!” Kate opened her eyes and smiled at me. “Hard to describe, isn’t it?”

“Mmmm, it is!” I moaned as I started fucking the fattest cock I’d ever felt. Its firm tip bumped my cervix as my butt came to rest on his hips. Soft noises came from between us as I rode him faster. I knew it wouldn’t take very long at all for his spear to light the fire inside me.

Kate toyed with her clit as she watched us, her cum still leaking slowly from her pussy which was still gaped open a bit. I dismounted and dove for her, lashing her clit for a moment before directing Eric to mount me from behind.

He proved a very good listener as I only had to tell him once to fill my pussy with his fat cock. His hands found my hips to hold me in place and his thrusts increased in pace and depth. Again, the slapping of flesh rang out until I was having trouble keeping contact with Kate’s clit. I propped up on one elbow and pushed two fingers inside her, curling them up and letting the rocking of my body stimulate her magic spot. Moans and sighs turned to cries as my orgasm rose from within me. Each time he pulled back, the ridge of his crown kept him inside me until he pushed forward again.

“I’m gonna cum!” he cried out once more and I scurried off him as best I could. I turned and got my face under his cock just as the first spurt shot out, landing on my forehead and in my hair. Kate’s face pushed me aside as she wanted her share and soon our faces were a creamy mess. We took turns sucking the last of his cum from his cock and then turned to clean it off each other.

“Shame you didn’t take his cum inside you, I would have enjoyed licking it all from inside your pussy!” Kate whispered.

“Next time, I promise!” I said before pushing Eric onto his back and diving onto his cock. “I wonder if we can resurrect him one more time!”


Alex and I held Gloria’s hands as we walked across the courtyard. About halfway across, she pointed to a heart-shaped pink sign on the end of a latticed fence in front of a full hedge. “Do you know what that sign means?” she asked teasingly.

Alex and I both shrugged so she led us behind the hedge to a dimly lit area with four lounge chairs and a low table. She pulled the cushion from one of the chairs and knelt on it. Alex and I got her not-so-subtle message and dropped our trousers. She reached out for my cock and pulled me closer to her, opening her mouth as she did. She took Alex’s cock in her other hand and, in a rather impressive demonstration of dexterity and coordination, managed to bob her head on mine while she slowly stroked his.

After a few minutes, she switched, taking her mouth off me and plunging down onto him. Both cocks slipped easily into her throat and her chin nestled against his balls as she held him there for a few moments.

She came off him, drew another deep breath, and sank her lips back onto me, admitting my head into her throat easily. This girl could suck cock better than either of our wives.

After a few more switches, she came off both of us and stood up. “Okay, I’ve decided.” She pointed to Alex’s cock, then mine, and then smiled. “This one goes in my pussy and that one goes into my bum!” She urged Ale to lay down on the cushion on his back and hiked her dress up clear of her hips before mounting him. She wriggled her hips a few times and then leaned forward, saying softly, “Don’t worry, you’re both gonna fuck my ass!”

She looked over her shoulder at me and winked, “Are you waiting for a written invitation?” I hustled in behind her and moved myself to get into position. I felt her hand grasp my cock and slick it up with the wetness she had gathered onto her fingers. When I felt the end of my shaft against her tight little hole, I pushed forward slowly and slipped inside her. This was not this girl’s first rodeo.

“Find the rhythm, boys!” she purred as she pushed herself back onto me. Having done this previously with each of our wives between us, we figured it out pretty quickly and soon she was panting and cursing expletives as she encouraged us to punish her. “Come on, guys! I like it hard! Fuck my black ass! Pound my pussy! Give it to me!” she moaned and we did our best to oblige her.

I caught Alex’s eye and he nodded at me. “Switch!” I called and I jumped clear as fast as an old man could. She rolled off him and we switched places. In only a few seconds she was begging for us to fuck her again.

“God I wish Eric was here! His thick black cock would feel so good in my throat right now!” Alex and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows.

Gloria began moaning loudly as her orgasm built. “Oh fuck! This is gonna be a big one!” she exclaimed as we pistoned in and out of her. “Don’t stop! Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP!” she screamed into the night. That’s when it hit me that anyone anywhere close to us could hear us. The thought was only there for a fleeting moment until I decided I didn’t care.

Her pussy gushed and her body heaved as she came, the sounds coming from the very depths of her soul as my buddy and I tried our best to drive them out of her. I winced as one of my butt cheeks cramped, “WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP” she screamed and I tried to power through the pain. Over and over she came until one last cry came from inside her, “ENOUGH!” and she wriggled her way out from between us.

Alex held her in his arms as I sat on my haunches and watched her come down from that delicious high. “Just give me a minute!” she whispered as she let Alex’s caress wrap around her body. After a few minutes, she turned and kissed him. “Let’s take this to our room and see if my husband is done ravishing your wives!”



Kate and I were just about finished cleaning Eric’s cum from each other’s faces when we heard a light tap on the glass of the sliding door. It slid open a little and Gloria called, “Are you all decent?”

We all laughed, “Not hardly! Kate said.

“Good, I was hoping you wouldn’t be!” She entered the room with our husbands in tow, both of them looking more smug than usual.

“So what have you three been up to?” I asked as I licked a dollop of cum from beneath her earlobe.

“Oh, you know, a little of this, a little of that!” Alex grinned.

“Same here!” Eric replied. “You gentlemen are very lucky men indeed!”

“As are you!” Carl laughed. We all reacquainted ourselves with our spouses and lovers with whispers and soft kisses. Eric got up and prepared refreshments and I found I could not take my eyes off his swinging dick as he moved about the room. We all settled on various sitting surfaces with our drinks and looked at each other, none of us really knowing what to say next.

I knew that Kate wanted to be with all three men at once so I decided I would start that conversation.

“So fellas, Kate here has something she would like to ask you,” I said. She poked me in the ribs and I laughed at her, “What? You know you want to! Get at it!”

“Bitch!” She muttered under her breath before inhaling deeply. “All right then, I’ll get right to the point. I want to be airtight.” She stared at the three men in turn and the smiles that crept across their faces gave them away. They were all in.

“Ahem, don’t I get a say in this?” Gloria asked.

“Do you have an objection to my girlfriend fucking your husband, her husband, and my husband all at the same time?” I asked her.

Gloria smiled broadly and shook her head. “I don’t have any objection to that at all! I was just hoping that they could all do the same thing to me!”

“I don’t know if I have the stamina to go twice more tonight!” Alex said.

I got up and sat in his lap, grinding my ass into his crotch as I kissed him. “I’m sure between we three ladies we can get you motivated!” I purred.

Kate took my cue and moved to Carl’s lap. “What about you, Sweetie, do you think you have enough left in you to satisfy me and Gloria one more time tonight?”

“It’ll be difficult, but I think I can manage!” he replied with a grin.

Kate kissed him softly. “You are so good to me!” She turned and looked at Gloria, “Who gets to go first?”

“Before anyone does anything, I think I need to take a shower. Your husbands have made quite a mess of me!” She got up and headed toward the washroom. “There’s room in there for three or four if anyone wants to join me!”

“You guys go ahead, there’s something I need to talk to my husband about,” I said. He looked crestfallen as the idea of showering with a nubile 24-year-old woman entered his head and left just as quickly. “It’s okay honey, you can shower with her afterward if you like!”

The others traipsed off, those with clothes flinging them off as they went. I sat beside Carl and kissed him. “The reason I wanted to talk to you alone is that I have no interest in taking three men at once. Two is my perfect number.”

“Of course,” he replied. “That’s the rule, nothing we aren’t comfortable with.”

“It is the rule. So if it comes up that one of the others suggests that I get ‘airtight’ as Ellie so crudely put it, I need you to back me up.” I kissed him again.

“Always,” he said quietly. We kissed again and then stared at each other as our foreheads touched. “You know I love you, right?”

“And I love you, my darling, more than ever!” We kissed some more and then I moved to my knees in front of him. He hadn’t bothered dressing after his previous activities with Gloria so access to his growing erection was easy. By the time the others emerged from the washroom, he was ready for action.

“Awww, aren’t they sweet?” Ellie called.

“Just priming the pump!” I countered. That was the euphemism we used for getting our husbands ready for repeat action when we were together. We laughed and hugged. “So, did you decide who’s going first?”

“Sort of,” Gloria said as she came to my side. “I said that Kate can be first if you will make love to me while they do it.”

“That, my cute friend, will be my pleasure!” I grinned. We kissed deeply and I thought we were going to get right at it until she broke away.

I think we will need this!” she said as she turned to the armoire on the other side of the room. She returned with what looked like a blanket and after pulling the covers off, placed it on the sheet.

“What’s that?” Kate asked.

“It’s a protective blanket, no wet spots!” she said with a smile.

“What a great idea!” I said as I went over to examine it. “We need to get one of these!”

“Or two or three!” added Kate. “Where can you get them?”

“Would you believe Amazon sells them?” Gloria asked. Kate and I looked at each other and nodded. We’d each have a couple by the end of the week.

“All right then!” Kate said. She turned to Eric and instructed him to lie on the bed. His cock looked pretty hard already but she sucked him into her mouth for a few moments to make sure. Pronouncing him ready, she swung her leg over him and grasped his shaft to position him for entry. Her eyes rolled up and she sighed loudly as she sank onto him, her pussy lips splaying widely as he penetrated her fully.

“I think your girlfriend likes my husband’s cock!” Gloria whispered as she sank down beside me.

“She’s not the only one!” I replied. She tried to turn my head to kiss me but I declined. “Let’s just watch for a bit.”

“Okay,” she whispered and she cuddled into me, her hand creeping between my thighs. My fingers teased the rings in her nipples as we watched.

As Alex got in behind Kate he looked over, “Did we bring lube?”

“In the nightstand on the other side,” Gloria said as she pointed.

“Thanks,” he grinned and he reached across Kate and Eric to retrieve it. He opened her butt cheeks with one hand and drizzled a generous amount of the clear slick liquid onto her bum, rubbing it around before slipping two fingers inside her. HE moved into position and slowly sank himself into Kate’s delectable ass, her butt cheeks flattening against his hips as he entered her fully.

“Mmmm, that’s what I’m talking about!” Kate moaned as both men held themselves inside her for a moment. She looked over at her husband and winked. He smiled and moved beside her, kneeling so his cock was inches from her chin. “Closer!” she urged him and he shuffled forward as far as he could. Her mouth opened wide and he pushed his hips forward until her nose bumped against him. Kate was in heaven with three cocks inside her as far as each of them would go.

“Oh fuck, that’s hot!” Gloria whispered as she turned her face to mine. We kissed for a few moments until we heard laughing and giggling from the bed.

“They make it look so easy in the videos!” Alex laughed as he grasped his shaft to position it for re-entry. We watched as they figured it out and soon, three glistening shafts could be seen sliding in and out of my lover’s body.

“I can’t wait to try that!” Gloria breathed as her fingers rubbed my clit.

“Not me,” I said and she looked me funny. “Just not interested. Two at a time is perfect for me!”

“Fair enough,” she replied. “Excuse me for a second.” She got up and went to a bag on the other side of the bed. I envied her as she moved, unlike Kate and me, her breasts barely jiggled as she walked, just a gentle up-and-down bounce. Ours swung like pendulums whenever they were unrestrained.

“I remember when I had a body like yours,” I said wistfully.

“You have a beautiful body!” she replied. “Both of you do! I hope I look so good in twenty-five years!”

Either she was very bad at math or she was trying to be kind. Another twenty-five years would make her just under fifty, I had passed that milestone more than a decade before.

She bent over to get something from her bag and I saw her pussy plumped between her thighs, it looked good enough to eat which I planned on doing very soon. She stood up and turned around holding a long dildo with a cock head on either end. It looked well over a foot long and I instantly knew what she had in mind.

She smiled and wiggled it in the air. “Ever used one of these?” she asked. “I bought it for…” she hesitated before continuing, “someone else but they’re no longer here.”

She came over and sat beside me again. “Look, I know you fucked my daughter and her husband and wives. I’m okay with it, probably more so than they will be if they ever find out about tonight. It’s okay.” I kissed her and pushed her onto her back on the loveseat. My hand went to her pussy and I slipped two fingers inside her as I ground the callous on my palm against her clit. Her eyes rolled up and she moaned which made me smile.

We played with each other, pausing every so often to watch Kate’s body getting thoroughly wrecked on the bed next to us. By this time she was groaning and moaning around her husband’s cock as the other two fucked her royally. I took the toy and slipped it into Gloria’s now dripping cunt, pumping it in and out a few times. Then I pushed her leg aside and tried to climb over her to position my pussy over top of it. There just wasn’t enough room on the loveseat.

“We need to move!” I whispered hoarsely. Gloria nodded and I got off of her so she could get up. She moved to the bed and motioned for me to lie down. She took the toy and slipped it into me until I felt it bump against my cervix. “Over half!” she exclaimed as she swung her leg over me and positioned herself to let it slide into her. With one thigh between mine, she scissored her way onto the toy until our pussies rubbed together.

“Slowly,” she purred as she started grinding her pussy against mine. It was a unique feeling to me having a slick pussy rub against me while the toy moved inside me. It wasn’t moving in or out very much, just changing the pressure on different points inside me. I rather liked the sensation especially when that pressure was applied to my G-spot!

“We contorted our bodies so we could kiss while we fucked. For me, kissing while fucking was imperative but I had long since learned from Kate and Carl that wasn’t true for everyone. Kate liked to stare into her partner’s eyes while she fucked, often with foreheads touching.  Carl’s eyes were usually screwed shut when he was getting busy.

“Watch her, Carl!” I called to him. “Watch your beautiful lover take all the cock she can handle!” He pried his eyes open and tried his best to watch as Kate’s body shook and jiggled from the proper fucking she was getting. Apparently, the sight of her was the last straw. He grunted and held her head as his cock surged, filling her throat with his cum. She shook her head and he pulled out, the last of his jizz spraying over her face.

“We’re cleaning that up!” I said to Gloria as we continued to watch and grind.

“Too fucking right we are!” she agreed. “But not yet! We have unfinished business here!”

We turned our attention to each other as we twisted and wriggled our hips together. My fingers found her nipples and I pinched them gently. “Harder!” she moaned and I obliged her. “HARDER!” she insisted and I I gave them a firm tweak. I was worried that I might hurt her or damage her nipple rings but she kept urging me to tweak them. “Oh FUCK!” she screamed and I felt her pussy gush against mine.

Her orgasm hastened mine and before hers was done squirting warm slick fluid, mine started. Kate, her mouth free of obstruction, joined her screams to ours and the room filled with the joy of three women having gut-wrenching, soul-splitting orgasms at the same time.

Alex follow shortly after as he grunted loudly when he filled Kate’s bum with cum. He withdrew after a minute or so which left her unencumbered to fuck Eric’s thick pole. Her ass bounced up and down as she leaned forward to touch her forehead to his. Her eyes locked onto his and she muttered over and over, “Fuck me!” Fuck that white pussy! Fuck it! Yes, that’s it! Fuck that pussy!” She had always been pretty vocal during sex but this was next level. She fucked him like a demon possessed and when he grunted that he was about to come she redoubled her efforts. Her hips were a blur as she fucked him hard and fast and when he pushed his hips up to meet hers she screamed as loudly as I had ever heard her.

The protective blanket served its purpose well as she came. The fact that her cunt was full of thick black cock only slowed the burst of fluid that shot from her. We could hear as well as see it shoot from around his cock spraying out and covering their union. I wish I’d had the foresight to take a video of her as she came over and over, her mind losing control of her body as she finally slumped on top of her young lover.

“Wow!” Gloria whispered. “I’ve never seen anyone cum that hard! Not even in the videos!”

“That was the mother of all orgasms I think!” I agreed.

“You sure you don’t want to try that?” she asked.

I shook my head. Maybe another time,” I said and I kissed her. “We have work to do!”

We moved beside her and from either side began kissing her and lapping Carl’s cum from her face. We rolled her gently off of Eric’s body and giggled at the soft ‘plop’ his cock made when her pussy finally released it. Gloria and I took turns licking his cum from her pussy and when it was my turn, I watched intently as her pussy pulsed with her heartbeat. She winced and cried out a little when I flicked her clit with my tongue, “Please! No more!”

I raised her knee to expose her fully and watched the dribble of cum leak from her bum. We had done anal with our husbands many times and had certainly cleaned each other up but I had never before let my tongue get too close to her wrinkled hole. Except now it wasn’t quite so wrinkled, it was gaped open just a little bit and the sight of my husband’s cum trickling out overcame my reluctance. I dove my head down and flicked out my tongue to lap it up from her bum hole before Gloria pushed me gently aside to finish the job.

I moved up to kiss her. “That looked like fun!” I whispered.

She smiled groggily and nodded. “You should try it sometime!” I just smiled and kissed her some more.

After she recovered a bit she sat up and declared, “I need a shower!” She got off the bed and took my hand, leading the way. As we gently cleaned each other we heard each of the others come into the washroom and leave again without disturbing us. We must have been in there a long time because when we emerged we saw the other four on the bed with Carl in Gloria’s ass, Alex in her pussy, and Eric’s cock lodged firmly in her throat. We hugged, held hands, and watched as our husbands fulfilled their daunting tasks and emptied their cum into the adorable black cutie we had only really met the day before.

As the four of them lay on the bed panting and recovering, Kate turned to me and kissed me softly. “Some weekend!” she whispered. We kissed again and I nodded.

“Some weekend. We should do this again sometime!” I whispered back.


And so it went, Will, Lexi, Sarah, and Ginger continued living their lives with their children. They took many more vacations, sometimes all together, sometimes leaving one or two behind. They also continued to have many other lovers, Gloria and Eric included until Gloria got pregnant and they decided to stop living that lifestyle. When their daughter was born they named her Sarah Grace Alexa after her three lovers.

One long weekend, the three women went to Vegas leaving Will to mind the kids. They all got the tattoos they had talked about and had many other adventures. The stories they told and the photos and videos they shared on their return would give a dead man an erection!

Alex, Kate, Carl, and Ellie also continued their relationship but that was the only time they ever included others in their sex lives. Having each other was enough. One weekend, Alex and Ellie went away together and while they were away they made a promise that when one of their spouses died, they would move in together and live out their lives.