Ascent Into Nudity

The blazing sun shone brightly!

Not a cloud in the clear, blue sky. It was the kind of summer day I look forward to all winter. But his day carried added anticipation. After years of curiosity, and months of steeling my nerve, today was the day I’d finally decided to take myself to a clothing optional beach and try experiencing public nudity for the first time.

I’m a 45 year old single man with a small but comfortable house in a peaceful residential neighborhood. I work out of my home as a freelance video editor, which pays pretty well and also offers me periods of “downtime,” short and long, in between jobs.

Over the past few months I’d been pretty busy with three major projects, but with completing the last of them, I felt I’d earned a little time off. And what better time for it than during the warm midsummer weather.

Since I live alone, I’m generally pretty casual in how I dress around the house. In fact, it’s not unusual for me to often go nude at home, even while working. I don’t consider myself to be a Nudist with a capital “N.” I just enjoy the feeling of being naked at home. Real Nudists often contend that being nude is not sexual. I, on the other hand, tend to get quite a little sexual buzz from it. And sometimes not so little.

After sitting nude in front of my editing computers for hours at a time, it’s nice to take a break to stretch my legs and clear my mind. Sometimes I take the opportunity to clear my balls as well, with a nice relaxing masturbation session. With visions of sexy young women frolicking in my head. This sometimes included the cute 20 year old who lived next door. Mandy!

But back to the day at hand.

There’s a clothing optional beach about 30 miles up the coast. I’d never been there before but had heard it was sort of an unspoken secret with a lot of people. I had finally talked myself into taking the “big step” of going there myself to check it out. The prospect of being checked out there myself by frolicking, young naked women was enticing. Whether or not that would happen remained to be seen.

That morning, I gave my genitals a clean, fresh shave in the shower. I enjoy the look and feel of them when they’re smooth and I wanted to look my best for my naked debut. Before leaving home, I liberally applied SPF-50 sunscreen all over my body. I dressed minimally, in only shorts and t-shirt. No underwear. I wore sandals to protect my feet from what I expected to be scorching hot sand, and brought along a small knapsack to stow my clothes in when I got to the beach and stripped down. Still not sure of how I would like the experience or how long my courage would hold out, it could end up being a short visit. I planned not to sit or lay out in one spot, but rather just wander around, walking up and down the beach, so I didn’t bring along a beach towel or blanket.

I pulled into the parking area for the beach and made my way down the quarter-mile footpath that cut through obscuring trees and bushes. The beach was beautiful, bigger than I’d expected, and stretching in both directions. I could see it was populated with a surprising number of people, most of whom were nude. Here and there I saw the odd man wearing shorts or a woman in a bikini, or topless with only a bikini bottom. But the vast majority were naked.

There was a small signpost with arrows pointing in opposite directions. The one pointing down the beach to the left read: FAMILIES. The arrow pointing to the right read: ADULTS ONLY. I walked about 20 paces to the right, took one last deep breath, and removed my clothes, stuffing them inside my knapsack.

I stood there for a minute to allow myself to become acclimatized to being naked in public, then boldly started walking through the soft, white sand toward the water, and the ADULT side of the beach. I was doing it! Actually doing it! Walking naked on a public beach fully exposed to anyone who might look my way. Totally on display. Every exhibitionist fantasy I’d ever had was racing through my mind and I was loving it! I passed by many other naked people who were standing, walking by, or stretching out tanning their bare bodies. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the nude women casting glances at me. I’d always feared shriveling and shrinking from embarrassment in such a situation, but I was happy to see that my penis presented itself extremely well. Though it didn’t stiffen, it didn’t shy away from what attention it got and wagged back and forth vigorously like the tail of a happy puppy as I walked toward the water’s edge.

My comfort level continued to increase as I strolled along the firm, damp sand, ankle-deep in the gentle, lapping waves. Many more people passed in the opposite direction and I was surprised that most of them were younger than me, and happy that so many of them were attractive-looking women.

After slowly strolling for 45 minutes or so, I stopped to watch a group of young people. They looked about college-age and were further out, about knee-deep in the water. Two guys were throwing a football back and forth, and three girls tossing a frisbee around. They were all laughing, falling into the water, and having a wonderful, carefree time. And all were stark naked! Naturally, I couldn’t take my eyes off the girls. Each one was prettier and sexier than the others. Slender and fit, with glistening, wet skin and bouncing tits, and only one had just a hint of tan lines.

I stood there admiring them for quite some time and felt a distinct and delightful tingling in my loins. Glancing down, I noticed my penis had gotten a little chubbier than it was before. It felt great but I knew if I stood watching these three water nymphs much longer, it might grow to a full-fledged erection.

As I turned to resume my walk along the beach, I nearly bumped into another beach-goer. A female beach-goer. A stunningly sexy, young, naked, female beach-goer! We both recoiled from our near collision, but an instant later there was instant, simultaneous recognition.

“YOU!!!” I said with surprise.

“Oh, my GOD!!! What are you doing here?” she replied and her mouth hung open with disbelief.

It was Mandy! The girl from next door! And the two of us stood staring at each other’s nakedness, dumbstruck and motionless.

A bit of backstory.

A few years after I moved into my house, a young couple moved in next door. Melissa and James were in their early 20s at that time and had been married for about a year and a half. They were both very pleasant neighbors and dedicated to building their respective careers.

Melissa’s younger sister still lived with her parents in a nearby town but would often come to spend weekends at Melissa’s. Mandy was still in high school at the time but would come to stay with her big sister over summer vacations as well. It was during those summers I would often see Mandy dressed in various outfits appropriate for hot weather; shorts, tank tops, crop tops, sports bras, even the occasional bikini.

I always thought of Mandy as a sweet, lovely girl, and came to think of her as a neighbor as much as Melissa and James were. We were on pleasant, friendly terms. But being a man, I could never overlook her feminine attractiveness.

Standing at 5’4” Mandy had a shapely, well-proportioned body. She was fit and strong from a variety of activities; running, cycling, hiking, and even rock climbing. A pair of firm breasts, a narrow waist, and a flat tummy. Her legs and bum looked great in anything she wore, but especially short shorts, which she wore often throughout her summers next door. And she had a mane of chestnut brown hair that encircled her face and cascaded down past her shoulders. Make no mistake…Mandy was a pleasure to gaze upon, which was easy to do in her summertime attire. Mandy’s sexy, young body often had a “stimulating” effect on my imagination, but I always managed to keep my thoughts to myself and my behavior appropriate. I was convinced she thought of me as nothing more than the friendly, gentleman next door, and not as a “dirty ol’ man.”.

During her junior year of high school, Mandy’s parents hosted a foreign exchange student from France. Mandy and the girl had become very close friends and remained in close contact the following year after her return to her home country. In gratitude for her year in America, the girl and her family invited Mandy to come to her home in France for the year following graduation.

The year away gave Mandy time to unwind, gain some independence, and think about what she wanted to do upon returning home. At some point, it was decided she would move in with Melissa and James and attend the college which was located only a few miles away. So in early May, Mandy returned from her adventures in France and moved in next door to me.

And now here I was, standing face-to-face with Mandy at the nude beach. And both of us were stark naked! My mouth hung open with shock and surprise as my eyes devoured the unfettered view of her now 20-year-old body totally on display. And what a body it was! I’d seen tantalizing glimpses of parts of it over the years, but seeing her totally unclothed was breathtaking!

Mandy’s breasts were ample without being overly large. And they sat firmly on her chest without a hint of sag. Slightly conical orbs with prominent nipples that looked to be reaching toward me seeking attention.

Her waist tapered in gracefully and her taut tummy possessed a deep bellybutton that beckoned to me with promises of dark mystery. Her hips flared out to strong, shapely thighs, and between those thighs was a perfectly smooth, hairless pubic mound.

No less noticeable, was the fact that her skin, her entire body sported a deep suntan, with no tan lines, indicating that Mandy was no stranger to nudity. It was obvious that the sweet girl next door spent a lot of time naked in the sun. Her sun-bronzed skin glistened in the sunlight as if it had been highly polished.

Mandy’s initial expression of surprise at seeing me was quickly replaced by a delighted smile…a smile that broadened as she scanned down my body and locked eyes on my swollen penis dangling in front of me and my freshly shaven testicles just beyond.

“Oh, my!” she breathed in a whisper to herself.

“I didn’t expect…to see…” I sputtered.

“I didn’t know you ever…” Mandy said at the same time.

At that, we both burst out laughing. It was still slightly nervous laughter, but it helped get us past the initial shock we’d both felt.

“Well,” I began, “to be perfectly honest, this is my first time here. I’ve known about this nude beach for a long time but had never been. But I’ve also been curious about what it would be like. Wouldn’t ya know, the first time I come, I run into someone I know! And you, of all people!”

I tried mightily to maintain eye contact with Mandy but just being so near her nude body caused a rush of horny hormones to be released into my bloodstream. It didn’t help that Mandy kept glancing down at my penis again and again every few seconds.

Still a bit uneasy, I let my knapsack drop from my shoulder thinking I could hold it in front of me to cover myself. But halfway through the act, I asked myself what would be the point. Mandy obviously liked what she was seeing, so I let the pack continue its swing across and casually hoisted it up onto my opposite shoulder. It suddenly dawned on me that I really enjoyed having her looking at me.

“Since we’re being honest with each other,” she said, “I come here a lot!”

She suddenly looked sheepish and said, “You won’t tell Melissa, will you? She doesn’t know I come here, and she might not approve.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll keep your naughty, little secret! As long as you don’t tell her about mine!” I said with a wink.

“Deal!” she squealed and gave a little jump for joy, which caused her tits to bounce and jiggle, much to my delighted eyes.

“Are you enjoying your first nude beach experience so far?” Mandy asked cheerfully. She again looked down at my dangling penis which had inflated a little more over the last couple minutes. “You look like you’re having fun!”

“I’ve only been here about an hour or so. I was a little nervous at first but was surprised at how quickly I started feeling more comfortable.” I said and laughed anxiously. “Until I ran into you! Now I’m feeling nervous again, and a little embarrassed!”

“No need to feel like that!” Mandy said reassuringly. “You look great!”

She fixed her gaze directly on my exposed genitals, and my prick made an involuntary but noticeable pulse.

“And you’re looking better and better all the time!” she added with a wide smile.

I felt a sudden tingle in my testicles and my penis swelled and extended itself slightly. Mandy’s flirtiness as well as the sight of her exquisite naked body was threatening to cause me to pop a full-blown boner in front of her and everyone else on the beach. I was struggling to maintain control of my urges. Mandy noticed my fidgetiness and my heavy breathing and came to my rescue.

“Would you like a drink of water?” she offered. “My blanket is right over there. You’re welcome to sit down and relax.”

Relax. Yes, that’s what I needed to do. So I followed this cute, naked girl from next door about ten yards up the beach to a large, multi-colored blanket spread out on the sand. By the time we got there, I was feeling more at ease. I dropped my knapsack off to the side and we plopped ourselves down…me with my legs extended in the direction of the water but slightly bent so my thigh might block Mandy’s view of my penis. Mandy sat slightly to my right, directly facing me. She sat cross-legged which left her smooth, hairless labia on full display to me, framed by her silky, wide-spread thighs.

Sipping on the bottles of water she’d gotten from her beach bag we began to relax as we chit-chatted about this and that. Mandy’s demeanor had turned more casual than flirtatious, and I felt more at ease and not quite so aroused. As our conversation became directionless and finally to a long pause, I decided to broach the subject that was literally staring me in the face.

“So Mandy…how did you first become interested in nudism?”

She broke into a wide smile as if relieved to be able to address the topic. It turned out she was very eager to tell me about her love of nudity. And she proceeded to do so with genuine candor.

“Well, back during my junior year of high school, my family hosted an exchange student from France. Noelle and I hit it off and became close friends right away. We loved going shopping together and just hanging out and goofing off. It wasn’t until about halfway through the year that Noelle remarked about how uptight Americans were about nudity. She said it’s very different in Europe. Nude beaches are very common there and she had gone topless herself a few times at beaches back home.

“The subject came up again a few times during the rest of her stay, and we didn’t talk about it much. But when we did, she spoke very favorably about it. And I guess that’s what planted the seed in my mind.

“That following summer, after Noelle went back to France and I came here to spend the summer with Melissa and James, I started, uhm…experimenting. You’ll remember we had really hot weather that summer, so while Melissa and James were away at work, I would take off all my clothes and hang around in their house all day naked. I was kinda nervous and jumpy at first, but it got easier each time. After about a week, I was in the house naked and I noticed you pulling out of your driveway. So knowing you weren’t home, I tried going outside into the backyard naked. What a thrill that was!!!”

With those last words, Mandy pumped her arms and bounced her butt up and down on the blanket excitedly, which caused her high, firm breasts to jiggle enticingly on her chest.

“I stayed out there for about a half hour just wandering around the backyard naked. I let soft leaves brush against my bare skin and I rolled around in the cool grass. And I went right over to the fence between our yards and looked over into yours, thinking how shocked you would be if you’d been there seeing my naked body. I felt so naughty I was tingling all over!”

Listening to Mandy’s story, which was beginning to sound like a confession, was painting wondrously titillating pictures in my mind. And in addition to that was the tantalizing vision of Mandy sitting three feet away.

“Now, I can’t imagine not getting naked! It’s like breathing fresh air to me. On those occasions when Melissa doesn’t go in to work and stays to work from home, I can’t be naked then. Sometimes I can tell her I’m going shopping and sneak here to the beach, but I can’t do that too often. It’s so frustrating to be at home and desperately want to take my clothes off, but can’t because Melissa’s there. It almost drives me crazy sometimes!”

As she spoke, her hands stroked her thighs…her upper arms squeezed her tits from the sides pushing them together and forcing them to stand out even more…her dark brown nipples extended and sharpened. At some point, Mandy had uncrossed her legs and now sat with the soles of her feet together, her thighs spread wider than before. Her bare, puffy vulva lips split slightly apart offering a tempting vertical pink sliver of what lay within.

All this had its effect on me. My legs had spread slightly too and my penis had started to swell again. I was embarrassed to have Mandy see me becoming aroused by her naked body and hearing of her early nude excursions, but the rush of excitement in my loins felt so good I began to no longer care. Mandy looked down at my growing cock and saw it jump and lift its head up off my thigh.

“So, would you have been shocked to see me naked in the backyard looking over the fence?” she asked searchingly.

Any residual embarrassment I felt was overridden by my penis which loved being the center of Mandy’s attention. My cock continued to stiffen and ratcheted higher and higher under Mandy’s gaze, determined to display itself in all its rigid glory.

“I’m sure it would have made me tingle all over too,” I replied. “Much like I’m feeling now.”

Mandy was breathing hard now, and her eyes were wide as I achieved full erection. The fingers of her right hand were softly stroking her inner thigh close to her pussy, which had spread itself open a little more.

“It looks like you’re feeling as naughty as I am,” she said in a voice that sounded surprisingly innocent.

“I’m sorry,” I said, looking down at my throbbing prick pointing at the sky. “I can’t help it! You look so beautiful and sexy!”

Mandy looked up and our eyes met. “Oh, don’t apologize!” she gasped. Then smiled. “I like it. It’s a nice compliment…especially coming from you.”


Mandy gasped again as if that last part she hadn’t meant to say out loud but had slipped out anyway.

“Well, I guess we have nothing more to hide from each other,” I said and I lifted my right leg, swung it wide open, and faced Mandy straight on. My heavy balls sagged and puddled on the blanket underneath my erection. Mandy smiled broadly at my total exposure and I smiled back at hers. Her fingers had found her pussy lips and were rubbing gently.

Through heavy breaths, she said, “You can touch yourself…I don’t mind! In fact, I wish you would! I’m sure you want to! Everybody else is far enough away…no one will notice! Please!! I wanna see you do it for me!!!”

I quickly glanced around and saw no one in the immediate vicinity. Then locked my eyes back on Mandy’s body. Her left hand was now playing with her tits and rolling her nipples with her fingers. I raised my right hand and wrapped it around my hard shaft. At that moment, Mandy whimpered and simultaneously spread her pussy lips open exposing her clit to the open air as well as to my gaze. She sighed several times as my hand slowly slid up and down my cock. While staring between my wide-open legs, teasing her nipples, and fingering her pussy, to my surprise Mandy continued with her story.

“I kept getting naked…” she said breathing heavily. “…for the rest of the summer, whenever I had the house to myself. The only person who knew was Noelle, who I kept in touch with by e-mails, texting, and FaceTime chats. She thought it was great and really encouraged me. God, I loved it! By late summer I felt like I was becoming addicted to being naked! It felt so risky and erotic! It made me so horny! Some days I’d masturbate 3 or 4 times! I masturbated in every room of that house…including Melissa and James’ bedroom! Ugh! I love it so much!”

My fist was pumping a little faster and gripping a little tighter. A generous amount of precum bubbled from my cockhead and coated the knob making it look like it had been dipped in clear syrup. I stopped my stroking and grabbed my cock at its base and waved it around in front of Mandy. She responded with a big happy smile and her fingers swirled over her clitoris urgently.

“You handle that pretty good!” she said. “You must masturbate a lot too!”

I wagged my prick in her direction again. “It’s always been my favorite hobby!”

We both laughed and continued our mutual self-pleasure. Mandy picked up her story.

“As you know, I went over to France to stay with Noelle and her family beginning that Fall. It was there that Noelle introduced me to nude beaches. I was really nervous the first time she took me to one. As much as I loved being naked, I didn’t know how I’d feel about being naked in public.”

I reached down with my free hand and scooped up my balls. They were heavy and loose in their hairless pouch of skin and I made a show of tugging and fondling them for Mandy’s enjoyment (and mine). This prompted another leakage of pre-cum which I let slowly trickle halfway down my shaft before resuming my stroking using my natural lube. Mandy groaned once and sighed in appreciation of my lewd display.

“Like I said, I was so nervous…but once we were there, with naked people everywhere, I couldn’t wait to join them! I was out of my clothes before Noelle was out of hers! It was like a bubble had burst! I felt no embarrassment at all. And I couldn’t decide which was more exciting…looking at all the other naked people, or being looked at myself! And the men! Looking at all the men! I was fascinated by all the wonderful penises to look at! I loved it!!!”

Mandy stopped talking for a few moments, then said in a shy whisper, “Your penis looks wonderful too. I’ve wondered for a long time what it looks like.”

This admission surprised me. “Really?” I asked.

Mandy suddenly looked slightly embarrassed. She bit her lower lip and silently nodded her head in confirmation.

This news made my head spin. Could it be true? The cute, sweet girl who had spent several summers next door dressed in the skimpiest of outfits despite her innocent and friendly demeanor toward me…had she actually had curious thoughts about my cock? I tried to resist the temptation of flattering myself in thinking I might have been the subject of some of her young masturbatory fantasies. And yet, here she was naked and fingering herself while staring at my equally naked body as I jacked my cock!

Both Mandy and I were transfixed by one another. Neither of us could take our eyes off the other, or our hands off ourselves. Soon we found ourselves sitting with our legs extended and spread as wide as possible, directly in front of each other. So blatantly exposing our bodies to the other, we continued to masturbate for our mutual pleasure.

My eyes scanned up and down Mandy’s naked body, her skin glimmering. Her right hand was between her splayed legs with two fingers sliding deeply and rhythmically through her tight opening. Her thumb orbited round and round her clit making her entire body tremble and jerk. Her left hand cupped her left breast. She caressed it and tugged on the nipple, then switched to the other breast to give it the same treatment.

Mandy’s eyes also traveled up and down my body, but her gaze was never long away from staring directly at my crotch where my cock was in the firm grip of my hand. I stroked its length at a steady pace, enjoying the intense pleasure it sent through my body, and giving Mandy an erotic show she clearly loved seeing. My scrotal sac hung loose and my heavy balls rested on the blanket below. They jiggled gently in rhythm with the up-and-down motion of my pumping hand.

Suddenly and surprisingly, Mandy’s fingers abandoned her pussy and reached over to grab a bottle of baby oil. She poured some over her tits and rubbed it around, coating them thoroughly. She squirted more oil on her chest and let it run down between her gleaming breasts. Several streams of clear oil trickled down her flat tummy, into and out of her deep navel, and converged toward her smooth slit.

“Here!” Mandy whispered as she leaned forward and held the bottle of oil above my cock. “This’ll feel great!” And she poured a thread of oil down onto my stroking fist. I took my hand off myself and let her drizzle the oil liberally over my twitching boner.

My hand returned to stroking my now dripping shaft. Mandy was right; it did feel great! Looking back at her, Mandy had dropped the bottle and her hand was back pleasuring her slick lips and clit. Her other hand was spreading the oil all over her firm belly. Her whole body looked like it was polished and buffed to a high gloss!

Seeing this beautiful, young girl naked and pleasuring herself in front of me was the most erotic thing I’d ever experienced. And masturbating for her right out in the open on this sunny beach was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Occasionally, I glanced away (only for an instant for I didn’t want to miss seeing anything Mandy did to herself) to see a scattering of other inhabitants of the beach. Some were sitting and some walking by, but all at a sufficient distance that they didn’t notice us. Not that it mattered to me at that point if they saw us or not. If one or two, or five, or 10, or 20 had gathered around to watch, it was of no consequence to me anymore. What I was doing was for Mandy’s eyes and our mutual pleasure was my only concern. I like to think Mandy felt the same.

“Noelle and I used to see guys with hard-ons on the French nude beaches, and we’d always point them out to each other and comment on which ones we liked the looks of the best.” Mandy said as she continued to masturbate in front of me. “But they were always some distance away. I even see an occasional boner here on this beach, but never so up close like this! God! Seeing yours like this is beyond hot!!! Oooooh!!!”

Mandy’s body shivered with sensation as her hands and fingers played with herself. I don’t think my prick had ever been so swollen and hard…slick and shiny with a mixture of baby oil and my own pre-cum. My hand pumped up and down its length, and I could actually feel Mandy’s eyes on it!

Now, I’m no strapping muscle man. Nor am I equipped with an oversized dong worthy of a porn stud. However, I’m in reasonably good shape and not paunchy or flabby. When erect, my cock is a respectably average length and ample girth. But Mandy’s riveted gaze, and her passionate reactions, made me feel more virile than I ever had. I felt as proud of my cock as if it had been twice its size, and lustily masturbating it in full view of the naked girl from next door seemed only the right thing to do! Her rapt attention seemed to border on wanton adulation! And I reveled in displaying myself to her!

It was clear that she was displaying herself to me with equally shameless exuberance. She reached one arm back and propped herself on it in a slightly reclining position, her other hand still attending to her pussy and clit with ever-increasing urgency. Mandy’s vigorous fingering caused her entire body to gently shake. Her firm, conical breasts jiggled delightfully as they pointed skyward in her aslant posture. There was no doubt that Mandy was a highly skilled and proficient masturbator.

Now and then Mandy squeezed her eyes shut and uttered a lustful moan as a shudder of intense pleasure shot through her body. But soon enough, she was once again wide-eyed, staring down her body, between her hard-nippled tits, focused on my raging cock and stroking hand. I scooped up my balls with my left hand, lifted them and rolled them around in their smooth, loose pouch with my fingers. Mandy’s eyes widened at the lewd exhibition.

Yes! Yes! Yes!” she breathed in a frantic, hoarse whisper.

I smiled back at her teasingly. “Do you like my balls, Mandy?” I said as matter-of-factly as I possibly could.

This tipped poor Mandy over the edge. She suddenly bolted upright and her whole body began to quake. She wanted to scream in ecstasy but was doing well to suppress it, as to keep the other beach-goers from thinking she was being murdered. Her gasps and moans did not however cover the sloppy, wet sounds coming from between her legs. Her pussy rode three fingers into orgasm, while her thumb circled round and round her clit. Mandy’s hand clutched at her breasts and pinched and pulled on her nipples.

I sat astounded by this gorgeous girl totally consumed by orgasm. I stopped stroking myself and even removed my hand from my cock. Even so, the display of raw sexuality in front of me nearly triggered my orgasm without further manual stimulation. How I managed to hold my own climax at bay, I do not know. Mandy was still cumming…for a full minute…a minute and a half. Was it all one single orgasm, or a succession of several? I guess it didn’t matter. It was amazing and beautiful to see!

When Mandy’s orgasm finally subsided, she sat hunched over, shoulders rounded, hair hanging in front of her face, arms dangling like a rag doll’s, skin glistening, and legs still splayed wide open. Her smooth, hairless crotch was dripping wet. Her body rose and fell with her heavy breathing, which was slowly returning to normal. When she was once again able to speak, she lifted her head and looked at me.

“I love having you watch me cum!” she said and gave me a shy, sexy smile. “It’s the hottest thing ever!”

“Mandy, you’re so beautiful!” I said as I carefully took hold of my aching member again and started a slow stroke. “You’re even more beautiful when you’re cumming!”

Mandy gave a toss of her head, flipping her hair back and away from her face, and gave me a warm, appreciative smile that surprisingly, considering our immodest situation, still had a hint of shyness about it.

“You must be close to cumming yourself,” she said, watching the even stroking of my hand. “I want to see it! I want to see you cum! I need to see you cum!!!” And her hand once again gripped her crotch.

“You won’t have to wait much longer!” I said breathlessly. “I’m very, very close, and I want you to watch me cum for you!”

Mandy had caught her breath and was again vigorously rubbing her pussy and clit, now with four fingers in a circular motion. I could hardly believe my eyes. Even after her body shuddering orgasm, she still wanted more!

“Are you really still horny, Mandy?” I asked in amazement.

“Yes! I want to cum again! I need it! And I want you to cum for me! I want to see it!” she gasped running her free hand up and down her smooth, taut belly, groping herself.

I knew my impending climax was fast approaching. What had been slowly building over the past 30 minutes was now rising quickly deep inside me. I slowed my hand to a more steady, measured stroke up and down my shaft. I was teetering on the edge and wanted to enjoy the moment as long as I could. I was also stalling to allow Mandy’s next orgasm to well up in her body.

Her entire body again began to quiver. Her mouth hung open as she gasped in short, desperate breaths. But her eyes remained riveted on my overstimulated cock as ultimate pleasure began surging through her.

OH! OH! COCK – COCK – COCK!” she chanted with each breath.

I gripped my cock firmly at its base and a thick spurt of semen launched from the tip and fell heavily onto the blanket between us. Mandy gasped again! Without moving my hand, my cock surged three more times. Each pulse issued another rope of cum into the air. I slid my hand quickly up my shaft then back down to the base and discharged a fifth jet, and then a sixth.

Mandy continued cumming, moaning, and whimpering as she watched. “OH, FUUUUUCK!”

I cupped my balls in my left hand and gave them a gentle squeeze, and resumed the pumping of my cock with my right. Two more surprisingly strong streams of cum were expelled followed by a final small burst. I sat motionless for a few seconds, catching my breath. I noted that Mandy too was returning to earth and breathing heavily. I gave my tired cock a squeeze and it surrendered one last wad of cum that clung to the tip. I felt a bit light-headed and fell backward onto the blanket.

The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes to the cloudless, blue sky above me. I was sprawled on my back, arms splayed to the sides, and my legs still spread wide open. I lifted up onto my elbows and looked down at my spent but very satisfied penis. It was quite limp but still swollen as it lay pointing toward my right hip. There was a sizable glob of cum on that hip presumably from the final oozings of my ejaculation.

Beyond lay the supine body of Mandy. Her sun-bronzed skin shimmered and glowed with perspiration and baby oil. Her legs had fallen open and casually lay spread, her flat belly was sunken and concave, as her firm tits rose and fell with slow, deep breaths.

“Mandy?” I said softly. “Are you okay?”

She rolled her head in my direction and managed an exhausted half-smile. “Never better!”

Mandy rolled onto her side facing me resting her head on her arm. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before,” she said with all seriousness. “Not ever, ever! And you! You were magnificent! Your cum! Wow!”

I smiled. “I was greatly inspired. You’re beautiful, Mandy,” I said quietly.

Mandy suddenly turned shy and looked away with an embarrassed smile. “Really?” she said looking back at me.

After a minute of silence, Mandy began speaking again in a small voice. “Well, I guess I should explain to you about my kinks. One of them is masturbation. I sort of mentioned that earlier. I absolutely love masturbating! I can’t get enough of it! I can masturbate for hours on end…cumming over and over…every orgasm better than the one before! Sometimes I think there’s something wrong with me. It’s almost an obsession! Like I’m addicted to my body!”

As she spoke, her left hand drifted down to her silky, smooth belly and began idly stroking the skin there. In time, her fingers found their way to her deep navel and I could tell she enjoyed toying with and teasing her sexy belly button.

“Your body would be easy to become addicted to,” I said.

Mandy flashed that shy smile again but then once again got serious. “My other kink…or maybe it’s a fetish…is men’s genitals. That’s my other obsession…looking at cocks…and balls! It started when going to the nude beaches in France with Noelle. Once I first saw naked men on the beach with their penises flopping and wagging around out in the open, I was mesmerized! And the more of them I saw the more obsessed with cocks I became. Just seeing them turned me on so much! And my enthusiasm eventually started to rub off on Noelle because we used to talk about them so much. We still do, during FaceTime chats with each other.”

After a brief silence, I asked, “Are you going to tell Noelle about my cock and what we did here today?”

Mandy looked at me sheepishly. “You tell me. I’d love to tell her about it, and I know she’d love to hear every explicit detail, but if you don’t want anyone to know, then I won’t tell. Honest, I swear! I’ll leave that up to you.”

I contemplated the possible ramifications for several long seconds. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”

We exchanged smiles.

Then, to change the subject a little and lighten the mood, I said, “Well, if you think we can both walk after all that, why don’t we go down to the water to rinse off and refresh ourselves?”

We both climbed to our feet and Mandy stood straight up in front of me bouncing slightly up-and-down on the balls of her feet. With her hands behind her back, Mandy’s prominent breasts jiggled enticingly…which I certainly noticed. She was perky and bright-eyed, and so cute and sexy my penis responded by swelling slightly…which Mandy noticed.

I glanced down at the blanket under our feet. “I’m sorry, I kinda made a bit of a mess on your blanket.”

“Don’t worry,” Mandy said without even looking down. “It’ll dry up in the sun quick enough. And it’ll easily wash out when I get it home. Shall we head down to the water?”

We walked side-by-side down the beach towards the sea. Mandy kept glancing over at my swinging penis and hanging balls. She certainly did enjoy looking at them! I concluded her confessed genital fetish was genuine. And I realized I truly enjoyed her looking at mine!

We waded into the water and dunked ourselves a few times to rinse off all the remnants of sand, oil, sweat, and other bodily juices. The water was cool but not cold and felt refreshing on our sun-baked bodies. It also caused Mandy’s nipples to stiffen and crinkle up harder than ever. Delightful to see!

“It’s getting late, Mandy, and I think I need to head home. To say that today was new and exciting would be a vast understatement.” We walked back up onto the beach.

Mandy looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. “You’re not sorry, are you?”

“Let me put it this way,” I said, turning to face her. “If you ever feel the urge to get naked while Melissa is home…before going crazy…come next door to my house. You’re welcome to be naked there anytime!”

Mandy’s bright smile outshone the blazing sun!