Avatar Of Lust

I found myself floating in a dark void, seemingly naked, my tall body fully visible to the nothingness around me. I couldn’t see, smell, or hear anything. The temperature was perfect—not too hot, not too cold. My body reacted to my thoughts, my hands moving as I willed them. Glancing down, I noticed my flaccid cock, strangely relaxed. There was no excitement, no pain—just a sense of calm comfort.

But then, a bright light flashed, and a screen appeared in front of me like something from a video game.


I blinked, staring at the words, trying to wrap my mind around them. Dead? Really? My last memory was so mundane. I’d asked Liliana out—she rejected me, no surprise there, I wasn’t her type. Then we went to our shared college class, History. The last thing I remembered was nodding off during the lecture. Maybe I had a heart attack in my sleep? Or was there some kind of accident? Or maybe something more dramatic—a bomb, even. Damn… I hadn’t even had sex yet.


What kind of question is that? Was this some kind of God or cosmic computer program? Of course, I wanted another chance.


Gift? Like some kind of apology for killing me? I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I knew one thing: I didn’t want to come back as some random animal. Reflecting on my life of mediocrity, I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be attractive, fit, confident—the kind of person people admired. I thought of Jake, my best friend, who always seemed to have everything I wanted, especially with women.

But how could I phrase that? If this was like a Genie wish, I needed to be careful.

“I want to be the most attractive, healthy, fit, and… powerful,” I said, my words deliberate. “I don’t want to be a joke anymore. I want people to like me, to be drawn to me.”

I paused, hoping I hadn’t overcomplicated things. Surely, whatever entity was responsible for this would knew what I meant.




I woke up with a sharp gasp, bolting upright as if I’d been plunged back into reality. The ground beneath me wasn’t the familiar creaky mattress of my dorm room, nor the hard desk I often dozed off on in class. Instead, it was soft and earthy, the smell of damp leaves and pine filling my nose. I blinked rapidly, my vision adjusting to the dappled sunlight filtering through a canopy of towering trees above.

Wait… trees?

Panic gripped my chest as I looked around, my pulse quickening. I was in the middle of a forest, surrounded by dense underbrush and tall, ancient-looking trees. Birds chirped overhead, leaves rustled in the breeze, and the air was cool against my skin. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to make sense of it all.

Everything felt… different. Sharper. My senses were heightened, colors were more vivid, and I could hear the distant babbling of a brook. Even the subtle sound of insects skittering across the forest floor reached my ears.

I remembered the void, the strange words about being dead and choosing a gift. So, this must be my new life. I hadn’t been reborn as a baby, thankfully, but just dumped somewhere. It felt like a reset, though not quite what I expected.

I needed to find some kind of civilization—maybe a phone or a town. From those wilderness survival shows I used to watch, I knew I should either follow the water or head to the highest point I could find.

I stood up, but the moment I did, I noticed something was off. My balance felt different, lighter. I glanced down at my hands and froze. They were smaller, more delicate, and completely smooth—no rough calluses from years of video games and sports. But that wasn’t the most shocking part.

I slowly raised my hands to my chest, where two soft mounds pressed against my shirt. My eyes widened in disbelief.

Boobs. I had boobs.

Staggering backward, I tripped over a root and landed hard on the ground. “What the hell?” I muttered, startled by the sound of my own voice. It was higher, softer—nothing like the voice I’d known my entire life. I ran my hands over my body, feeling the unfamiliar curves, the smoothness of my skin. No body hair, no stubble.

Reluctantly, I unzipped my pants and peered down. Yup, my cock was gone. In its place… a pussy. I touched it out of sheer curiosity, it felt like touching the foreskin on my dick. I guess it only really feels good if you’re turned on. But it still was sensitive to the touch. Okay, maybe that was something to explore later. For now, I had bigger issues.

“Focus, Ryan,” I muttered, my voice shaky.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the panic bubbling up inside me. This was real. I was no longer the same person. My wish for attractiveness, health, and power had apparently been granted, but with a twist, I hadn’t anticipated.

“Ah, man. I can only date lesbians. I’m not getting fucked by some dude.”

“Okay, okay, focus,” I murmured. “You’re in a forest. You’re a girl now. And you need to figure out what to do next.”

I slowly stood again, this time more carefully, and took in my surroundings. The forest stretched out in every direction, no clear path in sight. My clothes had changed too—now a snug, form-fitting outfit that somehow suited this new body. It appeared to be the same blue T-shirt I was wearing before and the same jeans just now they fit this body. I brushed off the dirt and started walking, determined to find some sign of civilization or, at the very least, figure out where the hell I was.

As I moved, I couldn’t help but marvel at my new body. I was faster, stronger, more agile than I’d ever been before. I was healthy and fit, just as I’d wished. Maybe this wasn’t all bad. It was terrifying, sure, but I had a chance for a new life—a better life.

Then a sudden thought struck me. “Oh, fuck. I’m going to have periods now,” I groaned, dread filling me at the thought of navigating that ordeal.

But I forced myself to focus on the positives. I was attractive now, in shape, and I had a fresh start. Maybe this new body was a blessing in disguise. But first, I needed to survive. I wasn’t even sure if this was Earth anymore.

After walking for what felt like hours, I reached a small clearing and noticed a hill in the distance. It wasn’t too steep, but it stood out against the otherwise flat landscape. Figuring a higher vantage point might help me find my way, I headed toward it.

To my surprise, climbing the hill was easy. My new body responded with an athleticism I’d never had before. When I reached the top, I took a deep breath and surveyed the landscape. Forests stretched out as far as I could see, but in the distance, a thin plume of smoke rose from the trees.

“Smoke means people,” I muttered, a flicker of hope lighting up inside me. Without a second thought, I began to descend the hill, moving fast but carefully, my eyes locked on the thin trail of smoke in the distance. Whoever was there had answers, maybe even a way back to the life I knew.

I continued on for a few more hours surprised on how much height made the trek seem much closer.

Eventually, I stumbled upon a small stream, its waters clear and cold. I dropped to my knees and drank deeply, letting the refreshing water soothe my parched throat. After quenching my thirst, I spotted a bush nearby with small, bright berries. My stomach growled in protest—I hadn’t eaten since… well, since I’d still been Ryan. Hesitant at first, I watched as a few birds flitted down to pick at the berries, reassured by the fact that animals seemed to find them safe. I gathered a handful and cautiously ate them, grateful for even this small bit of nourishment.

The sky grew darker by the minute, and I knew I had to find shelter soon. My eyes scanned the area, finally landing on a large fallen tree with a hollow underneath it. It wasn’t perfect, but it would at least offer some protection from the elements—and hopefully keep me hidden from any predators.

Just as I was about to settle in for the night, I heard a sound that made my blood run cold—a low, menacing growl from behind me. I turned slowly, heart pounding in my chest, and was met with a pair of glowing eyes staring at me from the shadows. Wolves.

Three of them, their teeth bared, muscles coiled tight as they prepared to strike. They were hungry, and I was easy prey. My mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. I had no weapons, but I had my strength, my speed, and whatever enhancements this new body had granted me. That would have to be enough.

The first wolf lunged, moving faster than I thought possible. I barely dodged in time, the snap of its jaws grazing my skin. Before I could even catch my breath, the second wolf leaped from the opposite side. On instinct, I swung my fist, connecting with its muzzle. Pain shot up my arm, but the wolf yelped and staggered back. Apparently I was also strong.

The third wolf came at me from behind, and I spun just in time to spot a thick branch lying on the ground. Grabbing it, I swung it with all the force I could muster, the impact reverberating through my body as it struck the first wolf squarely in the head. It stumbled, dazed, but not defeated.

I kept swinging the branch, desperation fueling each strike. The second wolf growled, circling me with calculating eyes, but I didn’t give it a chance to get close. I swung again, catching it on the side of the head. It let out a whimper and backed off, its confidence shaken.

The third wolf, the one that had been hanging back, took one last look at me—at the branch, at its two injured pack mates and made its decision. It turned tail and disappeared into the woods, the others quickly following.

Breathing heavily, I watched them disappear into the darkness, my heart hammering in my chest. My muscles ached, and my hands trembled as I tossed the branch aside. I had faced death and reincarnation today so that’s impressive, but the cost was exhaustion that seeped into my bones. My now girly bones that is.

I crawled under the fallen tree, trying to make myself as small as possible. The ground was cold and hard, but I was too tired to care. I closed my eyes, my mind a swirl of fear and relief. As sleep claimed me, I knew that I had to be stronger, smarter, and more vigilant in this strange new world. I probably shouldn’t just sleep on the ground. But it’s too late now.

The next morning, the forest was bathed in soft, golden light. Birds chirped cheerfully, and the world seemed less threatening in the daylight. I stretched, feeling the soreness in my muscles from the fight with the wolves. My body ached with every movement, but I knew I had to keep going. I needed to find a way out of this forest and figure out what had happened to me. Who am I? Or, more accurately, whose body am I in? Was there some kind of swap? And if so, is there someone else living in my old body? The thought was crazy, but I couldn’t help but feel like I got the better end of the deal. Whoever this person was, they had clearly taken care of themselves.

I resumed my search for food, scanning the forest floor for anything edible. Eventually, I found some nuts and wild greens that seemed safe enough. I gathered them into a makeshift pouch fashioned from leaves and a piece of cloth I had come across. After quenching my thirst from the stream, I paused to catch my reflection in the water.

What I saw stunned me. My once brown hair had transformed into a striking reddish amber, cascading down my shoulders in soft waves that glowed in the sunlight. My face was smooth and flawless, with high cheekbones, full lips, and blue eyes that sparkled with an intensity I had never seen before. My body was lean and strong, with muscle definition that spoke of years of hard work and discipline. I stood around 5’7″, and no more than 140 pounds, yet I felt powerful in a way I never had before.

I took a moment to appreciate this new body, marveling at its strength and beauty. “I’d totally date me,” I muttered, half-joking. “Not sure if I’d date the old me, though. I’m way out of my own league now.” The realization that this transformation was probably permanent hit me hard. I felt different, stronger, more capable. I had survived a night in the forest, fought off wolves, and now I was on the verge of finding civilization. But I can’t just forget the 20 years I had in my old body. I don’t even know what happened. It was almost too much to process, but I couldn’t dwell on it for long.

After gathering my thoughts, I decided to follow the stream downstream, hoping it would eventually lead me to some kind of settlement. The day passed slowly, each step a small victory as I focused on survival – finding food, staying hydrated, avoiding any more dangerous encounters. The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows through the trees, and I pressed onward, feeling cautiously optimistic.

As I traversed the forest nothing exciting happened luckily and the sun traveled across the sky eventually closing in on duck and beginning to set, this is when I reached the edge of the forest. Beyond the trees lay open fields, and in the distance, I could make out the faint outline of small buildings. Civilization. Relief flooded through me, and I quickened my pace, eager to reach the safety and comfort of human contact. My heart raced with hope and anxiety, the promise of safety so close yet still out of reach.

Suddenly I heard a patter in the distance behind me and to the sides of me. The sounds of creatures surrounding me in the bushes and underbrush. I froze knowing If I ran now the open field would be an easier hunting ground for them. I turned slowly and saw them. Wolves. Not three this time but at least six, maybe more lurking in the shadows. Their glowing eyes locked onto me, teeth bared, and I could see the hunger in their gaze.

My heart raced, and I grabbed a thick branch lying nearby, knowing this fight would be tougher than the last. The wolves were larger and had streaks of red and yellow in their fur, their coats thick with muscle, and they moved with deadly precision. I took a deep breath, readying myself.

I gripped the branch tighter, my knuckles white as adrenaline surged through my veins. The first wolf lunged, its jaws snapping inches from my face, but I spun to the side, using my momentum to drive the branch into its ribs. The force of the strike sent it crashing to the ground, but there was no time to celebrate. A second wolf darted toward me, and I barely had a chance to raise the branch before it collided with me, knocking me back into the dirt. Pain exploded in my side, but I rolled just in time to avoid its deadly bite. I sprang to my feet, every muscle in my new body firing at full capacity, and swung the branch in a wide arc, catching the wolf across the jaw with a sickening crack.

The wolves’ relentless assault seemed endless, their savage coordination pushing me to my limit. As I fought off one of them, I barely registered the growl behind me before sharp teeth sank into my side. Pain exploded through my body as the wolf’s jaws clamped around my ribs, its fangs tearing into flesh. I screamed, twisting desperately to shake it off, but the weight of it nearly dragged me to the ground. With a final surge of adrenaline, I drove my elbow into its snout, forcing it to release its grip. I stumbled back, clutching my side where blood now trickled from the wound, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The pain was excruciating, but I could feel that the bite wasn’t deep—more of a vicious tear that would leave a lasting scar. I wiped the blood from my hands and glared at the wolves, anger and adrenaline sharpening my senses.

 Blood dripped from my wounds, staining the ground beneath me, but I refused to back down. I let out a primal scream, pure defiance fueling my movements. I dashed forward, quicker than I’d ever moved in my life, and ducked under another wolf’s lunge, sweeping its legs out from under it. I pivoted, using the momentum to drive the branch down on its skull, crushing it with brutal force. Two more wolves rushed me at once, their teeth flashing in the moonlight, but I was ready. I vaulted into the air, clearing their snapping jaws by inches, and landed behind them. With a single, fluid motion, I jabbed the branch into the first wolf’s spine and twisted, using my strength to hurl it into the other. They collapsed in a heap, and I stood over them, panting, victorious, bloodied but unbroken.

I staggered, barely able to stand. My vision blurred, and my limbs felt like lead. I’d won, but the cost was too high. Exhaustion and pain overwhelmed me, and I collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily and blood oozed from cuts on my body as the world around me faded into darkness.

When I woke, I was enveloped in warmth and softness, a stark contrast to the cold, hard ground of the forest. My body ached all over, each breath sending sharp pain through my ribs. I blinked, trying to clear the fog from my mind.

I found myself lying in a bed, wrapped in blankets that cocooned me in comfort. The room was dimly lit, with wooden walls and a thatched roof that gave it a rustic, homely feel. The air smelled faintly of herbs and something medicinal. As I turned my head, I saw a woman sitting beside me, her expression filled with concern. She appeared to be a native American. Or at least looked like it. She had tan skin and long black hair with beads and ornaments as well as clothes made from leather and handmade rope and cloth.

She spoke softly, her voice gentle and soothing, though I couldn’t understand the language. Her clothes were different but clean, and there was an undeniable kindness in her eyes. I tried to speak, but my throat felt like sandpaper. She handed me a cup of water, and I drank greedily, the cool liquid soothing my dry throat.

“Where am I?” I managed to croak, my voice barely above a whisper.

The woman looked at me with confusion, her brow furrowing as she responded in her language. I couldn’t understand a word she said, and the realization of just how isolated I was hit me hard. I had survived an attack in the forest, but now I was in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people whose language I didn’t speak. The terror of my situation crept over me once again.

Despite the language barrier, the woman’s kindness was evident. She spoke to someone out of sight, and moments later, an older tan, and weathered man entered the room. He carried himself with an air of authority, his presence reassuring. He spoke slowly, clearly trying to communicate, but I could only shake my head in frustration. They exchanged worried glances, and the woman gently pushed me back down onto the bed, her hands soft and reassuring.

I tried to fight it, but it was obvious the woman knew better—I needed to rest. My body ached in ways I’d never imagined possible, and exhaustion overtook me before I could argue further. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the weight of pain and fatigue.

When I woke again, the room was filled with soft morning light seeping through a small window, casting long shadows across the floor. The throbbing pain in my body had dulled to a constant ache—annoying but manageable. I attempted to sit up, a sharp protest from my ribs causing me to wince. Bandages covered my wounds, tight but not uncomfortably so, holding me together while I healed. I noticed my ragged clothes had been replaced with simple, oversized garments that were, surprisingly, kind of comfortable. I couldn’t help but smile a bit, thinking, no wonder girls always steal their boyfriend’s clothes.

The same woman who had taken care of me earlier noticed I was awake. She moved over to me with an almost ethereal grace, her dark, intricately braided hair swaying gently as she carried a bowl of something steaming. She had an elegance about her—like a village healer with the poise of someone who could calm a storm. Her clothes were simple, but there was something about them, or maybe her, that felt like they belonged in this world—like she was the embodiment of nature itself.

She spoke softly in that same unfamiliar language, her tone soothing, although the words were lost on me. All I could do was offer a weak smile and nod, hoping that my gratitude somehow translated through my expression.

She handed me a wooden bowl filled with what looked like a thin, watery soup and a small piece of bread. I sipped cautiously, the warm liquid easing my dry throat. It wasn’t much—bland, really—but it filled a void in my stomach I hadn’t realized was so deep. While I ate, I looked around the room more carefully. It was small, with just enough space for a bed, a table, and a couple of chairs. Everything looked handmade and well-worn, but there was a pride in the way it was all cared for. Even the walls, bare except for a small carved figurine on a high shelf, seemed to speak of a life lived simply but with dignity.

After a moment, the woman left me alone, and I was grateful for the peace. My thoughts were a storm of confusion and anxiety—what had happened to me? How had I ended up here? And what was I supposed to do now? But those questions remained unanswered, swirling in the back of my mind like an ever-present shadow. Worse still was the realization that I couldn’t communicate with anyone here. I was trapped in this body, in this place, and completely isolated by the language barrier.

The door creaked open again, and a girl entered—much younger than the woman who had helped me but not so young. She was probably around my age before I came here. I wonder how old this body is? Anyways She was beautiful in a quiet, with brown luscious locks gorgeous in their own unassuming way. She wore simple clothes patched up here and there that covered most of her body sadly. Her eyes were bright, and curious, and when she smiled at me, I couldn’t help but feel some of my tension melt away. She sat beside me, her presence calm but filled with a sort of quiet energy.

I tried to speak, but my voice came out as little more than a croak. She spoke back to me in her soft language, her words gentle but entirely lost on me. She must have noticed my confusion because she paused for a moment before digging through a small sack she had with her. She pulled out a few flat stones, each with different symbols scratched into them, and arranged them on the bed between us. I realized she was showing me a game—something like checkers but with pieces that could move in any direction.

She pointed at the game and said something like “Font.” I repeated it, feeling a small wave of satisfaction at having understood at least that much. She beamed at me, clearly pleased, and we started playing the game. It was simple but surprisingly engaging, and for a while, I forgot about the pain and the confusion of my situation.

As we played, she pointed to herself and said, “Tatiana.” I smiled, nodding to show I understood her name. I paused, considering. I couldn’t go by Ryan anymore—that much was clear. I needed a name that fit this new world, this new life. I thought of Liliana, the girl from my past, and despite the sadness that tugged at my heart, I wanted to honor that memory in some small way.

When Tatiana pointed at me, clearly asking for my name, I swallowed the lump in my throat and said, “Lily.” She repeated it, her accent wrapping around the word in a way that made it sound almost foreign. But when I nodded, her smile widened with pride, and I couldn’t help but feel a little lighter.

The first game ended in my win. It was almost exactly like checkers so I wasn’t a noob, although I didn’t play it all that much so as we continued to round two she crushed me. Displaying a triumphant smile. I’d probably make a joke like: “Oh you beat the crippled, impressive.” But it would just fall on deaf ears anyways.

We played the game for a while longer, Tatiana showing me new moves and rules with patient, wordless instruction. Eventually, she extended her hand, and we shook a formal yet comforting gesture. It felt like we were becoming friends. I wouldn’t mind having a friend here.

“Hey… Would you like to play later?” I tried to ask her, but my words were clumsy, foreign even to my own ears. She hesitated for a moment, her eyes distant as if listening to something I couldn’t hear, but then she nodded with a smile, assuring me she at least understood I wanted her to return. It was strange, but I was too tired and too sore to dwell on it. I fell asleep soon after she left.

When I woke again, the same gentle light was filtering through the window. An older man sat beside me this time, patiently changing my bandages. His hands were steady, careful, and he had the same air of grace that Tatiana and the woman had. As he worked, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, clearly noting that my wounds had begun to heal faster than expected. He pointed to himself and said, “Haquish.” I repeated the name as best as I could, and he gave me an approving nod.

For the next hour, Haquish pointed at different objects around the room, saying their names while I repeated each one. It was slow, frustrating work, but I could feel myself beginning to grasp the basics of their language. Every small victory in pronunciation felt like a step toward reclaiming a bit of control over my situation.

Tatiana returned later that day, and we played another game, sharing the same simple meal of bread and soup. It wasn’t much, but it was comforting, and for the first time in days, I felt a small sense of peace.

This routine continued for about a week. Tatiana and I grew closer, and while my language skills were still limited, I started to pick up more words and phrases. Each day felt a little less overwhelming, a little less lonely.

One day, Tatiana took me outside for a walk. The village was small and poor, but it had a certain charm. Children ran around, playing games and laughing, their joy infectious. Adults went about their business, waving and smiling kindly at us. The buildings were simple, made of wood and stone with thatched roofs, and the roads were dirt. Everything had a worn, well-used look, but there was a sense of warmth and community that made it feel welcoming.

As we walked, little kids ran up to us, their eyes sparkling with curiosity. They tried to engage me in their playful chatter, but my responses came out clumsy, making them giggle and laugh. Their encouragement was heartwarming despite the frustration of not quite getting it right. Slowly, I began to catch on to more words and phrases, making an effort to greet them with “Hello” and “Good morning.” Each time I got it right, their smiles and laughter grew wider, giving me a small victory in this new world.

We eventually met up with some village guards who recognized me and hurried over. Their faces lit up with excitement, and they jostled playfully, eager to express their happiness at seeing me recovering. Their admiration for my appearance was clear, and though it was a bit overwhelming, their genuine warmth made me feel welcome.

As evening approached, we shared dinner with the soldiers. They played a card game that Tatiana tried to explain to me, but I found it too confusing. Instead, I enjoyed observing their camaraderie and laughter. Their friendly banter and shared jokes made the room feel like one big family gathering. And I was given a bunch of pointing and explanations of games through movements and actions. Deaf people must have a real hard time with new games.

By the end of the night, I returned to the house where I had been staying. I realized that the kind old couple, Haquish and his wife, were not just healers or elders but generous villagers who had taken me in. Their kindness had provided me with a safe place to recover and start anew. They felt like the kind of grandparents everyone wishes for—warm, loving, and always ready to lend a helping hand.


Each day, I felt more at home in this village. The people were kind and welcoming, and despite the language barrier, I was beginning to find my place here. I’d learned the names of the five soldiers: Raff, Folvk, Collet, Wyhem, and Raoul. They, along with everyone else, had adopted me into their extended family. It made me imagine how different Earth might be if neighborhoods were this tight-knit. However, the constant attention from men was a bit unsettling. I wished I knew the word for “lesbian”—a term I now felt applied to me. Even though my body had changed, my mind remained the same. I wasn’t interested in men, and if anything, I found myself falling for Tatiana.

Tatiana was like a beacon of light in this strange new life. Her kindness and patience made the language barrier seem less daunting. We spent our days playing games, exploring the village, and slowly finding ways to communicate. Her laughter was like music, and her smile had a way of brightening even the darkest moments. I eagerly anticipated every moment with her, my heart fluttering whenever she was near. She was stunning, not just in her physical appearance but in the genuine warmth and compassion she extended to everyone around her.

One morning, Tatiana took my hand and led me through the village and into the forest. We walked in silence, the sound of our footsteps blending with the rustling leaves and birdsong. Eventually, we reached a secluded spring, its crystal-clear water shimmering in the dappled sunlight. Tatiana began to undress with a graceful ease, her movements fluid and unselfconscious.

I felt a rush of heat to my cheeks and an unfamiliar sensation I couldn’t quite place. Hesitating, I followed her lead, trying to suppress my embarrassment. The cool water was a refreshing relief, and as I waded in, I stole glances at Tatiana. She was breathtaking—her skin glowing softly, her boobs perky and in full view of the world. The water made her skin glisten, and her long dark hair and tanned complexion gave her an almost ethereal quality, like a spirit of the forest. Her curves were more pronounced than mine, and she moved with a natural elegance that was captivating.

She caught me staring and giggled, splashing water playfully at me. I laughed and splashed back, feeling a mix of embarrassment and an inexplicable thrill. As we played and laughed together, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of us. For a moment, all my worries and fears faded away, replaced by the simple joy of being in her company.

We bathed together, and I found myself both embarrassed and inexplicably turned on. Her closeness, her beauty, and the intimacy of the moment made my heart race. This was all still so strange to me but I’m glad I was able to meet Tatiana. We splashed and played, laughing like children, and for a while, I forgot all my worries and fears.

After a while, we settled into a comfortable silence, resting against the edge of the spring. Tatiana leaned her head on my shoulder, her hair tickling my skin. I felt a warmth spreading through me that had nothing to do with the water. As we sat there, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much she meant to me. She had been my guide, my friend, and now, perhaps something more.

I looked down at Tatiana’s head resting on my shoulder, my fingers gently tracing circles on her soft hair. “I know you don’t understand me,” I whispered, “but thank you. You’re amazing, Tatiana.”


She lifted her head and smiled, tilting it slightly. Her lips moved as she giggled, speaking words I couldn’t comprehend before resting her head back against my shoulder.


“Yup, still no clue,” I chuckled. “You should just know English. It’d help a lot. I could tell you how I feel. I’ve fallen in love with a girl who doesn’t speak my language. And since I’m a girl now… who knows if you’d even feel the same way.”


Tatiana’s head shot up, her eyes wide with shock, her mouth slightly agape as she stared at me.


“What?” I asked, suddenly uneasy. I glanced over my shoulder, expecting to find something behind me, but nothing was there. When I turned back, she spoke.


“What?!” Tatiana screamed in delight. “How long have you been able to speak my language?”


My heart skipped a beat. “What?! You’re speaking English! How do you know my language? Oh my God, you understand me!”


She laughed, shaking her head. “No, I don’t know English. You’re speaking Common, like me.”


“Common?” I repeated, trying to process what was happening.


“Yes!” she exclaimed, hugging me tightly. My face flushed as our bodies pressed together.


Was I really speaking Common? The sudden shift felt impossible—just moments ago, we couldn’t understand each other. Was this world magical, or was it something in me? Maybe, like in those anime Jake always watched, I had some kind of hidden power. I thought back to the last thing I said to Tatiana. Did she… did she understand my confession?


“Hey, Tatiana,” I began carefully.


“You can call me Tat if you want,” she interrupted with a shy smile.


“Okay. Tat…” I hesitated, nervous about the answer. “What was the first thing you understood from me?”


Her smile faltered for a moment, her cheeks flushed. “Well… I heard you speaking in your language, then my head started hurting. After that, you told me you loved me—in perfect Common. I thought Father taught you somehow, but then you kept talking, and now… here we are. You love me?” She laughed nervously, glancing away. “I don’t know what to think. You’re a girl… and this is confusing. Who are you really, Lily? Where did you come from? Why were you so badly hurt? And how did you heal so quickly?”


The weight of her questions pressed down on me. My situation must have seemed strange to her: a mysterious girl found near death, unable to speak the language, who healed too quickly. Even I was stunned by how rapidly my wounds closed up—no more bandages were needed after just a few days.


“I know it’s all a lot to take in, Tat,” I said, my voice softer now. “But the truth is, I’m not from here. I’m from another world. There was an accident, and somehow, I ended up here.”


Tatiana’s eyes widened, her curiosity mingling with disbelief. “Another world? Like… in the stories? What was your world like?”


I took a deep breath, trying to explain. “It’s very different. We have tall buildings, cars, and technology. People stay connected through these devices called phones. It’s fast-paced, noisy… sometimes overwhelming. But there’s no magic. No close-knit villages like this. Honestly, people are more isolated.”


She nodded, absorbing my words. “That sounds… lonely, in a way. Do you miss your family?”


A lump formed in my throat as I thought of my parents and Jake. “Yeah… I miss them. Especially Jake. He’s like a brother to me. It’s hard knowing I might never see them again. But this place… it’s starting to feel like home, too.”


Tatiana’s hand found mine, her grip warm and reassuring. “You’re not alone here, Lily. We can be your family now.”


Her kindness stirred something deep within me, but the mystery of my rapid healing lingered. “Tat, do you have any idea why I healed so fast? Your grandparents seemed impressed, and honestly, I thought it was just the old lady’s medicine.”


Tatiana looked thoughtful. “Healing magic can be powerful… but it usually takes longer. Maybe you have some kind of magic, like the wizards who can regenerate but age faster. Or maybe it’s a side effect of crossing worlds.” She paused, then smiled. “Also, the ‘old lady’ is my Grandma Sharyl.”


“Wait… wizards?” I blinked in disbelief. “That’s real here?”


She giggled at my reaction. “Yes, but it’s common knowledge.”


I tried to digest that as she continued, “We’ll have to be cautious, though. Life-shortening magic is dangerous. Wizards who can heal instantly often pay a price.”


The conversation turned heavier, so I shifted the focus. “What about you, Tat? Tell me about your life here.”


She sighed softly, her eyes clouding with memories. “I’ve lived here all my life. My parents passed when I was young, so I was raised by my grandparents—Father and Mother, I call them. They’ve always supported me. I’m an apprentice to my grandpa, helping with herbs and potions. It’s a simple life, but… I’ve always dreamt of adventure.”


I smiled. “You’re incredible, Tat. Would it be weird to say you are an adventure for me?”


Tatiana’s cheeks flushed again, and she looked down at our hands. “Thank you, Lily. I knew we’d be friends from the moment I saw you. I was going to teach you our language, but I’m glad we can talk like this now.”


“I thought I’d be clueless for a year or more. I’ve never been good at languages, you should have seen the face on my parents’ face when I got an F in my high school Spanish class,” I laughed, recalling my disastrous attempt at learning Spanish in high school.


“High school?” she asked, puzzled. “You learned on a mountain?”


I chuckled. “Not quite. It’s just something from my world.”


We talked for hours, sharing stories about our worlds, our lives, and our dreams. I told her about School, video games, and technology. She spoke of village festivals, her apprenticeship, and her longing for more than this quiet life. With each story, we grew closer. For the first time, I felt a deep connection—deeper even than what I had with Jake.


Eventually, our conversation circled back to the big question. My heart pounded as I took a deep breath. “Tat… about what I said earlier… about loving you.”


Tatiana looked at me with soft eyes, filled with uncertainty. “Lily, you’re amazing—strong, kind, and more than I imagined in a friend. But… I’ve never heard of a woman loving another woman. I’m not sure how to feel.”


Her words stung, but I couldn’t blame her for the confusion. “I get it, Tat. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just… I needed to be honest.”


She squeezed my hand, her expression gentle. “Thank you for telling me, Lily. I care about you a lot, even if I don’t fully understand it yet.”


“Thank you,” I whispered. A weight lifted from my chest, though a new tension settled between us.


Tatiana smiled again, her voice teasing. “Okay, big question—how are we even talking? Do you know magic?”


I laughed. “I wish! I have no clue. I just wanted you to understand me, and you did.”


She furrowed her brow. “Are you controlling my mind? Am I under a spell?”


“Definitely not!” I chuckled, but the thought lingered. Maybe there was more to this than I realized. “What if it’s only when we’re touching?” I suggested.


Tatiana looked at me, half intrigued and half nervous. She scooted away from me in the water so we weren’t touching, “Hi my name is Tatiana?”


“Hey beautiful, my name is Lily,” I joked back, realizing it didn’t have to do with touch.

“Haha why thank you, Lily, it is nice to finally meet you,” she said scooting closer and hugging me. Her breasts on my arm sent a small quiver of excitement down below.


I nodded, reaching out. She took my hand, and I felt a warmth spread through me, a strange pulse of energy. “Tat… tell me how you feel about me. Please.”


Her eyes glazed over briefly, and she blinked, her voice soft. “I like you, Lily. You’re fun, and I’m glad we’re becoming friends.”


Wait what just happened one moment her body went rigid and hen without any opposition she said that. She had no idea what had just happened too. I’m pretty sure I made her say that. A thrill of realization ran through me—this power was real. But with it came a weird guilt. I could probably make her do whatever I wanted. Okay, I can’t do that, that’s definitely a villain origin story mentality. But I could make her love woman… or help her gain feelings for me.


I tightened my grip on her hand. “Tat… fall in love with me.”


Her eyes glazed over again, and when she spoke, her voice was filled with emotion. “Lily… I’ve always loved you. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel something so strong when we are together. I just need you to know that.”


My chest tightened. It wasn’t real. This wasn’t Tatiana speaking—this was my power manipulating her. And she has no idea.


“Tat,” I whispered, my voice shaky, “are you okay?”


She leaned closer, eyes locked on mine. “I’ve never felt this way before. I love you, Lily. Truly.”


My heart raced, but not with joy. This was wrong. “Tat, I wish you did but sorry this isn’t real… I made you feel this way.”


Shock and pain filled her eyes as she pulled back. “What do you mean? Do you not really love me?”


“Wait no. What? Tat I think… I might have controlled your mind, Tat. I didn’t think before acting. I didn’t even know I could do it. I do love you, you have been awesome to me since I got here and you’re all I can think about sometimes. But you’re feeling fake emotions I made you feel.”


Her expression darkened, and for a moment, she said nothing. Then, softly, she whispered, “Wait, but you didn’t even tell me to do anything? I’m just telling you I love you because I can’t hold it in anymore. Please just accept my love, Lily.”

“Look. Here give me your hands,” I said extending my hand again. She took it and I looked her in the eyes. I felt a tug at my heart thinking that maybe leaving her like this would be okay. But I’m no monster. Or at least I don’t want to be. “Tat go back to having the old feelings you had about me.”

She blinked, still looking at me with a strange affection. “Well I’m not sure what you’re saying… but you’re so… sexy.” Her words tumbled out, leaving me both flustered and terrified.

“Tat you don’t love me,” I tried again, but nothing changed. “Tat, do you still love me? Please I command you to understand! Feel normal again!”

Her eyes glazed one last time. She stepped closer, fingers tracing my hand. “It’s okay, Lily. I understand. Now… kiss me.”

“I can’t this isn’t you,” I said regretting everything and realizing I might have ruined our friendship.

“Then I’ll kiss you.” She said gliding across the water from my side to be in front of me. Closing her eyes and leaning in.

Her words sent a shiver down my spine. My heart pounded in my chest, torn between guilt and desire. I knew this was all my doing. I can’t go through with this. That wouldn’t be the right thing to do. But I mean maybe just this once. I leaned in, our lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss. The moment our lips touched, it felt as if the world around us disappeared, leaving just the two of us in this intimate bubble.

The kiss deepened, our tongues exploring each other, and the initial hesitation melted away, replaced by a passionate intensity. Her hands moved to my back, pulling me closer, and I felt her warmth radiate through her skin. I ran my fingers through her wet hair, marveling at how soft it felt, and pressed my body against hers, craving the closeness.

We stumbled up and out of the water as she crawled over me not releasing our kiss, the forest floor soft beneath us as we sank into the moss and leaves. Tatiana’s hands roamed my now cold body, her touch igniting sparks wherever she grazed. I responded in kind, caressing her curves, feeling the smoothness of her skin, and marveling at her beauty. She gasped as my hand found her breast, and the sound sent a thrill through me.

Our movements became more urgent, our kisses hungrier. Tatiana’s breath hitched as I kissed her neck, trailing down to her collarbone. She arched her back, pressing against me, and I could feel her heartbeat racing in time with mine. I pulled back for a moment, looking into her eyes, which were filled with a mix of desire and uncertainty.

“Are you sure?” I whispered. My voice barely audible over the sound of our heavy breathing.

Tatiana nodded, her eyes never leaving mine. “I’ve never been more sure of anything,” she replied, her voice trembling with emotion.

I kissed her again, more gently this time, pouring all my feelings into the touch. Our hands explored each other, learning the contours and textures of our bodies, as we gave in to the passion that had been building between us. The forest seemed to hum with energy, the sounds of nature blending with our sighs and gasps.

 I stopped kissing her for a moment to take in the sight of her body. The first woman I have ever been this close to having sex with. I wish I had at least got a chance to give my old cock a try. Oh well.

“Tat you are so freaking gorgeous.”

Stopping from kissing my neck softly she replied, “Mmm but you, Lily. You are impossibly perfect. I wish I had a body like yours. But using your body will be just as good,” she said winking.

As our lips meet once more my hands found their way down from her chest to her pussy.

“MMMHHH, ” Tat yelped through our kiss. “Gods! Yes, make me yours Lily.”

“Of course, my love.” I couldn’t believe any of this. But I wasn’t going to be the one to stop us. I just want her so much. “I hope you are ready for me.”

“Yes please.” She said with a seductive look.

I gulped and slid my finger inside her.

It was wet and soft to the touch and if I was a guy still, I probably would have just came. I slid one more finger inside and she moaned softly into my mouth. My own pussy clenched in response and I began to rub her clit with my thumb while I fucked her with my fingers. I believe that’s what those lesbians did in the porn I watched.

“Oh LILY!” She came almost instantly, her hips bucking against me as she rode out the orgasm. I felt like I was drowning in her scent, in her lust, and it was glorious.

“Your turn baby.” She reached for me, wrapping her arms around my waist and flipping me over so she was on top of me. She locked her legs around my hips and rubbed her pussy against mine, we both moaned in pleasure whenever our pussy lips met.

I gasped, my fingers tangling in Tatiana’s hair. “Oh, Tat, that feels incredible,” I whispered, my voice barely audible over our heavy breathing.

Tatiana looked up at me, her eyes filled with love and desire. “I want you, Lily,” she murmured, her voice trembling with emotion. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

My heart raced, the intensity of the moment overwhelming me. “Yes, just like that,” I encouraged, my voice breaking with pleasure. “Don’t stop.”

Tatiana smiled, leaning in to kiss me deeply. “I love you,” she breathed against my lips.

“I love you too,” I replied, my voice full of passion and sincerity. “So much.”

She began to hop harder crushing our pussies together, causing my whole body to tense up and my knees to buckle. A loud moan escaped my mouth.

It felt so good, so right, I didn’t know how to deal with the sensations.

“Oh fuck me!” It honestly was incredible. No wonder women are louder during sex. It feels so good I just can’t keep it in.

She froze for a moment and I realized I just did it again. But I wasn’t too sad about it from that moment. Because I didn’t think it could get better, but it did when she thrust her hips forward harder. I came undone, screaming her name.

“OH TAT!” I climaxed hard. God. If you were to ask me to physically describe the feeling: It’s like a really wonderful and powerful sneeze in your vagina. The kind of sneeze that you can sense building up for a while, and then it happens and is just the most satisfying sneeze and you hope you have to sneeze again.

Tat fell down as she had her own orgasm. Laying her head against my breasts. She then sat up and kissed me.

“How was that?” She said coyly.


“Good. Come here,” She said kissing my cheek slowly kissing down my neck to my breasts.

She circled my nipples with her tongue and sucked them into her mouth. I gasped and arched my back, wanting more of her attention. “Mmmmm.” She moaned while moving down my stomach. I thought I was going to come again just from that, but she continued, taking her time, exploring every inch of my body with her tongue.

I couldn’t believe it. Its our first time and she is just going to do oral sex. A guy would have to beg for something like this for months to get a girl okay with this. Is this because of my powers. I didn’t let the thought sit as a tongue licked my belly button sending shivers through my body.

When she finally got to my pussy she licked me slowly and gently. She moaned as she tasted me. I could tell she enjoyed it, and it only fueled my desire even more. And it was amazing. It felt like someone laid a warm wet pleasure thing on my pussy. I don’t even know how to describe it.

Then, suddenly, she stopped and looked up at me. Her eyes were dark and intense, and I could see the passion burning within her.

“Can I have you?” she asked, her voice husky with desire. I nodded quickly and she smiled, moving back to my pussy and driving two fingers inside of me. I moaned in pleasure, thrusting my hips against her fingers.

She kept fingering me in and out. “Do you like that?” She questioned before taking in my clit to her mouth. Sucking on it gently.

Yes,” I cried out, arching my back, my head thrown back. She was driving me crazy, and I needed release. “Please, please, please,” I begged, and she laughed, licking my clit faster. “You can have me anytime, do whatever you want with me,” I said, my voice husky with lust. “I don’t care what you do, just make me come,” I answered, my voice trembling with pleasure. “That feels so good.”

Tatiana’s eyes met mine, filled with a mix of love and desire. Her mouth moved over my honey box, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. Every kiss, every flick of her tongue, sent waves of ecstasy coursing through me. “Yes, just like that,” I encouraged, my voice breaking as I felt a surge of pleasure. “Don’t stop.”

Her hands moved with practiced grace, finding my breasts groping them. I arched my back, unable to contain the moans escaping my lips. “Oh my god, Tat,” I panted, gripping the dirt beneath me. “I can’t… it’s so intense.”

She responded with a soft hum of pleasure, the vibrations adding to the overwhelming sensations. I was lost in the rhythm of her movements, each one pushing me closer to the edge. “Yes, right there,” I managed to gasp, my body trembling. “Please, don’t stop.”

Tatiana’s touch became even more deliberate, driving me to the brink. Her fingers and mouth worked in perfect harmony, bringing me to heights of pleasure I had never known. I felt the tension building, coiling tighter and tighter until I could no longer hold back.

I could feel myself about to explode. She increased the speed of her movements and I screamed, “Fuck yes, Tatiana! Fuck you’re so good!” My entire body convulsed as I came hard.

She kept sucking on my clit until the orgasm was over, then she kissed her way up my body until she was on top of me. I could feel her heat radiating through me.

I wanted to feel her, to touch her. I reached down between us and found her wetness. I stroked her slowly, and she moaned, moving her hips against me. “Mmm is it my turn,” she giggled.

I laughed as she scooted and kneeled above me, straddling my face. I could smell her sweet scent as I pulled her towards me. I could see it. Her pussy, bright pink flesh. My first time eating pussy. Wow. My tongue snaked out and licked her clit. Her knees buckled and she collapsed onto my chest.

“Oh God. Yes!” She screamed. She grabbed my hair with both hands, moving herself over my mouth, grinding her pussy on my face. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I loved it. I ate her pussy like it was a delicacy.

I licked and sucked her clit, flicking my tongue across it, making her scream louder and writhe in ecstasy. I couldn’t believe how good it tasted. Jake told me it doesn’t taste all that great at first but you get use to it. But oh how wrong he was or maybe he just didn’t find a girl like Tatiana, I bet he wishes he knew how amazing she tastes.

With every lick and suck, she cried out. I was loving this. She let go of my hair and moved her hand down to my pussy. She began to rub my clit while I was still licking and sucking on hers. This was what heaven must be like.

I was ready to lose myself in this. Her cries grew higher and higher. “I’m coming, oh my gods.” She yelled as her thighs squeezed my face. I could feel her juices on my lips, running down my chin. I loved it.

I felt her body tremble as she came. I continued licking her until the last throes of her orgasm subsided. She collapsed onto my chest, her breathing heavy and ragged. I pushed her off and crawled up beside her.

“Wow, that was amazing, ” she sighed. “Yeah,” I answered, not knowing what to say. I had never eaten pussy before, but I think I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I did with Tatiana. Plus seeing her happy made me feel amazing. Although that guilt kept poking through. I rolled over to look at her. She was beat red. Her face was still beautiful but covered in my fluids and dirt from the ground. She looked magnificent so I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and we just made out for a while.

We lost track of time, consumed by each other, and when we finally lay spent, tangled in each other’s arms, the sky had darkened to a deep indigo. The stars peeked through the canopy above us, casting a soft, ethereal glow on our entwined bodies. Tatiana’s head rested on my chest, her breath warm against my skin. A cool breeze from the stream near us sent the smell of our sex into the world.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I murmured, my fingers gently stroking her hair.

Tatiana looked up at me, her eyes reflecting the starlight. “Neither can I. But it feels… right.”

I nodded, feeling a sense of guilt settle over me. “I want you to know I will never hurt you or use my powers on you like that again.”

Tatiana smiled a tender expression that made my heart swell. “I know and its okay, Lily. We’ll figure out the rest together. Just know powers or not. I do love you.”

I smiled, but a gnawing guilt gnawed at me. I knew Tatiana would never have done this with a woman if not for my influence. I was the worst person on earth. I had taken advantage of her. Fuck.

We lay there in silence, listening to the night sounds of the forest, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the distant calls of nocturnal animals. The warmth of Tatiana’s body against mine was comforting, and I felt a deep sense of contentment. As sleep began to claim us, I whispered, “I love you, Tat.”

She responded with a soft kiss on my shoulder. “I love you too, Lily.”

And we were soon asleep in each other’s arms.









-Words of Power

-Aura of Lust

-Sins Monarchy

-Sins Resistance