Avatar Of Lust Ch 04

I sat in the Academy’s cafeteria, staring at the untouched food in front of me, still shaken from everything Frank had told me. The room around me was alive with laughter, clattering plates, and the hum of conversation, but all of it felt distant, like I was in a bubble. The savory smell of roasted meats and herbs barely registered as I sat there, lost in thought, trying to make sense of it all—darkness. My Affinity was darkness. It didn’t feel real.

Just as I was about to spiral again, I felt arms wrap around me from behind, and the familiar scent of lavender flooded my senses. Tatiana’s lips brushed the back of my neck in a quick, sneaky kiss, sending warmth radiating through me. Her presence always seemed to pull me back to reality.

“Hey, beautiful,” she whispered, her voice playful and affectionate, as she slid into the seat across from me. Her smile was like a burst of sunlight, completely unaware of the storm swirling in my chest.

I smiled weakly. “Hey.”

She reached across the table and squeezed my hand, her thumb running over my knuckles. “I missed you.” She leaned in a little, her voice quieter, more intimate. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

“Missed you too,” I managed, the warmth of her touch calming the knot in my stomach, at least a little.

Tat’s face lit up as she started talking about her day, completely unaware of the battle going on in my head. “So, I went to Earth Affinity class today,” she began, her excitement contagious. “They’re having us do these simulations, and it was wild. We worked on basic casting. They gave us all wands.” She pulled a slender, polished wand out of her bag, holding it up for me to see. It looked simple but powerful, with intricate carvings running along its length.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Looks fancy.”

Tat grinned and leaned closer, whispering, “Watch this.” She raised her wand slightly, muttering a Latin sounding phrase I couldn’t quite catch, and before I knew it, the ground beneath the table shifted. A tiny clay frog formed out of the dirt, hopping up onto the table with a soft plop. It sat in Tat’s hand, croaking in a way that sounded almost smug.

“Cute, right?” Tatiana beamed, holding the little golem up for me to see.

I smiled, though it felt a little hollow. “Yeah, really cute.” But I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering back to Frank and everything he said. I must’ve drifted off again because Tat’s smile faded as she leaned in, her brows knitting together with concern.

“Lily, what’s going on?” she asked, her voice soft but serious. “I know finding out you didn’t have an Affinity earlier must’ve been tough but we both know you have incredible powers, but something’s different now. You’ve been distant since I sat down. What happened?”

I took a deep breath, unsure where to start. “Yeah, about that…” I paused, glancing down at my hands, fingers tracing the edge of the table. “I found out what my Affinity is.”

Tat blinked, looking surprised. “Wait, really? I thought the orbs didn’t show anything.”

“They didn’t,” I replied, my voice a little shaky. “But… I met with someone after class. The janitor.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “The janitor?”

“Yeah… Frank. Apparently, he’s more than just a janitor. He sees things—magic in people. He was part of the team that made the orbs, and he told me what my Affinity really is.”

Tat was silent for a moment, clearly waiting for me to go on. I could feel her eyes on me, full of curiosity and concern.

“It’s darkness,” I finally said, the word feeling strange on my tongue. “My Affinity is darkness.”

Her eyes widened. “Darkness? That sounds intense. Are you serious?”

I nodded, feeling a little more grounded now that I’d said it out loud. “Yeah, and it’s supposed to be some big secret. Frank said they weren’t even allowed to make the orb for that affinity.”

“Whoa.” Tat sat back, clearly taken aback. “I’ve never even heard of someone with an Affinity for darkness. That’s… pretty well… evil sounding but cool.”

“Tell me about it,” I muttered, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t know what it means yet. Frank said I need a teacher, but it’s all so… overwhelming.”

Tat smiled softly and squeezed my hand again, her thumb tracing circles on the back of it. “Well, whatever it means, we’ll figure it out. You’re not alone in this.”

Her words made the tightness in my chest loosen just a little. I looked at her, really looked at her, and felt a wave of gratitude for how steady she was, how she always knew how to ground me.

“Thanks,” I said quietly, giving her hand a squeeze back.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, just being with each other. Finally, Tat gestured to my untouched food with a playful smirk. “You gonna eat that? You’re going to need your strength If you’re to start mastering dark magic.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips. “Maybe.”

She chuckled and leaned in closer. “Or I could make my frog steal it,” she teased.

I laughed, shaking my head. “Alright, alright. I’ll eat.” I finally picked up my fork and took a bite of the chicken on my plate. The savory, roasted flavor hit my tongue, and for the first time that day, I actually felt a little hungry.

As we ate, we continued to talk, Tat filling me in on more details of her Earth Affinity class and how fast she was progressing. I shared more about my strange encounter with Frank, his erratic behavior, and his unsettling comments about my Affinity. Through it all, Tat was there, listening, laughing, reassuring me.

But out of no where food came spilling down on me from the heavens the plate and noodles hitting me in the head.

Tat gasped, her eyes wide as she leapt up to help me, but before she could, I heard that familiar, condescending voice.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Alara Valora drawled, her tone anything but apologetic. “Did I ruin your meal?” She stood a few feet away, her icy blue eyes glinting with cruel amusement as she looked down at me. Idris, her twin brother, stood beside her, arms crossed, smirking like he was enjoying the show. Behind them, a few of their lackeys laughed, clearly egging them on.

I wiped a glob of sauce off my face, trying to keep my composure, but I could feel the burn of embarrassment creeping up my neck. “What do you want, Alara?” I asked, my voice shaking despite my best efforts to sound calm.

Alara crossed her arms, her perfectly styled hair falling over her shoulder as she smirked down at me. “Oh, nothing much. Just checking on the Academy’s *newest anomaly.* A girl with no Affinity, yet here you are, playing with the big kids.” Her gaze flicked over to Tatiana for a moment before returning to me, her smirk deepening. “How… quaint.”

Tatiana’s face hardened, her usual lightheartedness replaced by a fierce protectiveness. “Back off, Alara,” she warned, her voice low and dangerous. “We both know you’re only doing this because you’re threatened.”

Alara’s eyes narrowed slightly, but her expression remained calm. “Threatened? By her? Please, Tatiana.” She glanced at me again, her voice dripping with mockery. “Darkness? How fitting. Something hidden, dangerous, and… utterly useless.”

I clenched my fists under the table, my heart pounding in my chest. Every word she said stung, but I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me break.

“You’re pathetic,” Tat spat, stepping closer to Alara. “You think bullying people makes you stronger? It only shows how weak you really are.”

Alara raised an eyebrow, clearly unfazed by Tatiana’s words. “Weak? Oh, darling, I think you’ve got it all wrong. The only one who’s weak here is her.” She pointed at me, the corners of her mouth lifting into a smug smile.

Before I could respond, Tatiana slammed her hand down on the table, the sound echoing through the cafeteria. “One more word, Alara, and I swear—”

Alara’s laugh cut her off. “Or what? You’ll sic your little clay frog on me?” She sneered, her gaze flicking to the tiny frog Tat had made earlier, now sitting motionless on the table. “Please. Just remember, Meslini, you might be strong, but that doesn’t mean everyone you care about is.”

The threat hung in the air like a poison, and for a moment, everything went still. I could feel Tat’s anger radiating off her, the tension between her and Alara thick enough to cut with a knife.

But then, before Tatiana could respond, Idris finally spoke up, his voice surprisingly casual. “Alright, sis, that’s enough.” He placed a hand on Alara’s shoulder, though the smirk never left his face. “We don’t want to get kicked out of the cafeteria before dinner, do we?”

Alara shrugged off his hand but didn’t push the issue further. She gave me one last cold look before turning on her heel. “Whatever. This was getting boring anyway.” She sauntered away, her lackeys following behind like obedient puppies, noticeably Jessica sauntered behind them following with her head down.

Tat stood there for a moment, still glaring in Alara’s direction, her entire body tense, hands clenched at her sides. Her usual playful demeanor was gone, replaced with pure anger. Slowly, she turned back to me, her expression softening as she knelt beside me, her fingers brushing some noodles out of my hair. “Are you okay?” she asked, though her voice was tight, clearly holding back the storm of emotions I could feel coming.

I swallowed hard, wiping the sauce from my face, feeling it smear more than actually clean up the mess. “Yeah… I’m fine.” The words sounded weak, even to me, like they barely had the strength to leave my mouth.

Tat gave me a sad, knowing smile. She reached out again, this time more gently, brushing away the last of the noodles stuck to my hair. “You’re not fine, and what she did wasn’t okay. Why aren’t you angry, Lily?” Her eyes searched mine, full of frustration and concern, almost as if my calm was hurting her more than Alara’s cruelty.

I felt the weight pressing down on me—everything from this day, this week, hell, my entire time at this Academy. Darkness… my Affinity was darkness, a concept I barely understood. And now Alara, someone who seemed hell-bent on making my life miserable, was right on top of that. If I let myself get angry, if I lost control, what would I become?

“I don’t know, Tat,” I finally muttered, my voice small, almost defeated. “Let’s just go back to the dorm. It’s been a long day.”

As I stood up, soup pooled from my lap onto the floor, making a soft splashing sound. I cringed, but Tat was more upset than I was.

“Why are you so nonchalant about this!?” she snapped, her voice rising as she stared at me, angry for both of us.

I sighed, trying to keep my voice steady. “Because I have you, okay?” I forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood, though it felt forced. “That’s all I need right now. So, let’s go take a shower, you dork.”

Tat blinked at me for a second, her frustration melting into something softer. “Oh. Thanks.” She smirked, a teasing glint in her eyes. “You know, you’re kind of corny sometimes.”

“Hey!” I said, pretending to be offended, but before I could retaliate with something witty, a voice called out from behind us.

“Hey! Lily, was it?” A girl came rushing toward us, breathless from running. It was the girl Alara had forced to switch seats with Jessica. “What Alara did to you was really messed up. I noticed you’re still covered in food. Do you know the self-cleaning spell?”

“Uh… no,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed. “Don’t you remember? I don’t have any Affinities.”

She nodded quickly, her face flushed. “Yeah, I remember, but you still have magic, right? You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. It’s just a basic water spell—anyone can do it. Just repeat after me: ‘se purifica,’ while channeling your magic.”

I raised an eyebrow, hesitant but curious. “Se purifica?” I repeated, but nothing happened.

The girl’s face scrunched in thought before she sighed. “You have to channel your magic. Focus on the energy inside you, the flow of it. You’ve used magic before, haven’t you?”

I blinked at her, suddenly feeling way out of my depth. “Not… really,” I admitted, trying not to sound as clueless as I felt. I glanced at Tat, who was watching me closely, her eyes wide with encouragement.

“Come on, Lily. You’ve got this,” Tat said, her voice soft but encouraging. She gave me a reassuring smile, and I could see the hope in her eyes.

I sighed, closing my eyes, trying to concentrate. *Okay, focus, Lily.* I imagined what magic would feel like. In every anime I’d ever watched, there was always a core—some central point in the body where energy was drawn from. I tried to focus on my heart, picturing the energy as a soft, rhythmic hum flowing through my veins. When I thought about using my power on Tat before, it felt warm, like a gentle flame in my chest. I focused on that warmth, letting it spread, letting it fill me.

“Se purifica,” I whispered, and this time, I felt it—a light pull, a shift in the air around me. Small droplets of water appeared in the air, shimmering like tiny crystals before they expanded, covering me from head to toe in a thin layer of water. I stood there for a moment, utterly soaked, but before I could say anything, the water evaporated into steam, leaving me completely clean. Well, mostly. My clothes were still a little damp, but at least I wasn’t covered in soup anymore.

“Tada!” the girl exclaimed, grinning as if she’d just performed a magic trick herself.

Tat laughed, clapping her hands. “No way! You did it! I’m definitely gonna remember that spell too.” Her eyes sparkled with pride, and I couldn’t help but feel accomplished. I had just used magic—actual magic—and that, in itself, was amazing.

I grinned back at them both, feeling lighter than I had all day.

Out of nowhere, the girl who had been helping me with the spell stepped forward, a confident smile tugging at her lips. “I’m Seráphina Skye, but I go by Skye,” she said, extending her hand toward me. Her voice had this smooth, almost melodic quality, and she carried herself with an air of quiet confidence that was impossible to ignore. I took her hand graciously, and the moment our fingers touched, I felt a tingling sensation, like a pulse of magic running from me to her.

“Wow, sorry,” Skye said, her blue-green eyes twinkling mischievously behind stylish, thin-rimmed glasses. “That’s one of my special abilities—I can sort of test people’s magical potential through touch. And I have to say, you’ve got a lot. It’s quite impressive.”

Her long, silver-blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and though her appearance was polished, there was something undeniably alluring about her. The way she moved, the way she spoke—it all screamed intelligence and mystery. Skye seemed to know more than she let on, and it didn’t take much to see she was the type of person who liked being the smartest in the room.

“Um, thanks,” I managed to say, still a little in awe. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry the princess pushed you out of your seat earlier.”

Skye waved it off with a dismissive chuckle, her full lips curving into a smirk. “It’s fine. I didn’t know who she was when I sat down, but honestly, I probably would have wanted to switch seats eventually anyway, so I’m glad she did.”

She adjusted her glasses as if she was calculating something behind those sharp, observant eyes. “Would it be alright if I hung out with you two? For some reason, everyone seems to get annoyed with me. Maybe I’m just too… smart for them.” She raised a brow, the hint of a smirk still on her face, but there was something vulnerable underneath it all, too.

Tat tilted her head, looking thoughtful. “Maybe you just come off too condescending . Like in class, maybe?” she offered apologetically.

Skye shrugged but didn’t seem too bothered by it. “Ah, well, I’ve taken an interest in you two,” she said, her tone shifting to something a little warmer. “So, consider me your friend from now on. An Affinity-less powerhouse,” she nodded to me, “and a wizard with four affinities.” She winked at Tatiana. “Quite the duo.”

“Um, yeah, sure,” I said, a little surprised. Honestly, I didn’t remember making friends in school being this easy, but here we were. Well actually I feel more like a science experiment to her.

“Sweet,” Skye replied with a grin, her demeanor shifting back to that effortless confidence. “Anyways, I’m gonna get some more studying in. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” She spun on her heel, her long coat trailing behind her as she walked away, a clear swagger in her step.

Tat and I stood there in the hall, just watching her go.

“Well, she seems nice,” Tat said, breaking the silence, a little laugh in her voice.

“Yeah,” I agreed, still trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. We turned and made our way to the dorms, our steps falling in sync as the day’s events played through my mind.

As Tat and I made our way down the hall toward the dorms, the buzz of the day’s chaos slowly faded into the background. My mind was still reeling from everything—my Affinity, the whole situation with the princess, and then Skye just casually walking into our lives like she owned the place. But despite all of that, with Tat by my side, things didn’t feel so overwhelming. Her hand brushed against mine, and without even thinking, I laced my fingers through hers.

“Jessica really didn’t do anything to defend you huh?” Tat asked, glancing over at me with a soft smile.

I shook my head. “Nah, but I get why she isn’t really aggressive so I knew Alara would kind of dominate their relationship.” I chuckled lightly, remembering how apologetic Jessica had been about practically everything.

Tat grinned. “Well, something about that chuckle tells me you have a plan,” she teased, leaning in a little closer as we walked. I could feel the warmth of her body next to mine, and it was like this unspoken comfort that spread through me. “I’m excited to watch the fun unfold.”

“You really do get me huh?”

“Of course!” She said squeezing my arm tighter.

We finally reached our room, and the moment the door closed behind us, Tat dropped her bag with a dramatic sigh and flopped onto her bed. She looked so effortlessly beautiful, her dark hair splayed across the pillow, her eyes half-lidded as she gazed up at me with that soft, mischievous smile she always had when we were alone. It was like she could switch from playful to something deeper in an instant, and I could never quite predict what would come next with her.

I sat down on the edge of my bed, kicking off my shoes. The tension from the day was still sitting heavy on my shoulders, but now that we were alone, the air between us felt different. Intimate.

Tat reached out, curling her fingers around mine, pulling me toward her with that same easy confidence she always had. “Come here,” she murmured, her voice soft, but with a playful edge.

I gave her a look, half smirking, half skeptical. “You know, you’re incredibly needy sometimes,” I said, even as I let her tug me onto the bed beside her.

She laughed, her face lighting up in that way that made my chest feel tight in the best way possible. “And you love it,” she said, nestling closer. Her arms slipped around me, and I found myself sinking into her embrace, her warmth enveloping me like a soft, reassuring blanket.

I do in fact love it. She’s wasn’t wrong.

Tat’s fingers traced lazy circles on the back of my neck, her lips brushing against my temple in a way that sent a shiver down my spine. “I missed this,” she whispered, her voice gentle, like she didn’t want to break the spell that had settled over us.

“Yeah, me too,” I murmured, my eyes closing as I leaned into her touch. My head rested against her chest, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat calming the storm still swirling in my mind.

Her hand moved to my hair, her fingers weaving through it gently, and it was in those quiet moments that I felt like I could actually breathe. Like the world outside didn’t matter as much when it was just the two of us.

But even with the comfort of her arms around me, there was this constant pull, this nagging reminder of everything that had happened today. Darkness. That was my Affinity. My mind kept circling back to it, like a shadow creeping into every corner of my thoughts. I hadn’t told Tat everything—about how scared I was, about how uncertain everything felt. I didn’t want to ruin this moment by dumping all of that on her.

She tilted my chin up gently, her eyes searching mine, and for a second, I wondered if she could read my thoughts. “You’re still thinking about it, aren’t you?” she asked softly, her thumb brushing over my cheek.

I swallowed, feeling a lump form in my throat. “Yeah,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. “I just… I don’t know. It’s all so much. I still feel like I made you love me sometimes. What if I turn evil.”

Tat’s expression softened, her eyes full of that same unwavering support she always gave me. “We’ll figure it out,” she said, her voice steady. “And the heroes who fear being evil are usually the most righteous of them all.”

I wanted to believe her, wanted to let myself get lost in this bubble of safety she was offering. But there was still that gnawing fear in the back of my mind, also didn’t Anakin fear being evil then turn into Darth Vader? Well actually maybe he didn’t really care, Luke was the one who feared becoming like his dad. Maybe Tat is onto something.

Before I could dwell on it any further, Tat kissed me, soft and slow, like she was trying to remind me that in this moment, nothing else mattered. And for a little while, I let myself believe it.

When we finally pulled away, she rested her forehead against mine, her breath warm on my skin. “I love you, you know that, right?” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, feeling the weight of those words sink into me, grounding me in a way nothing else could. “I love you too,” I whispered back, my fingers tightening around hers.

“How about we break in these beds then, my love?” Tat said seductively into my eyes.

“Well I can’t say no to that.” I said kissing her again and pulling her down onto the bed on top of me. It was soft almost like a temperpedic mattress from my old life. This college is very fresh.

I wrapped my legs around her waist and kissed her deeply. We slowly undressed each other while kissing passionately, unable to be away from each others lips for a second. My hand found hers boobs and groped them furiously.

She moaned in pleasure, and I could feel her hot core pressing against me. It was all too much. I pulled away from her mouth, trailed my tongue along her neck and collarbone, nibbling lightly on her earlobe.

She gasped, her body quivering beneath mine. It was as if my touch ignited something within her, something primal and raw. I could feel her heat radiating through me, her essence suffusing me with her desire.

“God, pent up, are we?” he asked through heavy breaths.

As I kissed her again, I slid my hand between her legs, my fingers brushing against her sensitive clit. I let out a low growl as she ground herself against my thigh. My pussy soaking at the sensations of her wetness on my skin.

“Only for you, baby,” I said with my best mistress voice I could muster.

“Mm, make my cum, baby,” she said mockingly but also erotically.

I didn’t need to be asked twice, I shoved my thigh against her. “Fuck!” She cried out as her mouth met mine, her tongue dancing with mine in a heated frenzy. As her body rocked and grinded on my thigh.

I felt her pussy juices leak onto my thigh, her muscles tightening around my leg as she came hard and uncontrollably. I felt like a starving woman who had been given the most delicious meal. And it was time to eat. I took no time in flipping us and laying her on her back. I then turned around to get a look at her pussy. Putting us in a 69 position. Before I could get a lick in though. Tat attacked my pussy with her tongue.

Her mouth has definitely improved. No longer the cute and gentle newbie and more of a starving lioness. She nibbled on my clit and when I thought I couldn’t handle any more, she sucked it into her mouth. The sensation of her tongue swirling around my pussy was pure ecstasy.

As she continued to pleasure me, I didn’t want to be beat, so I went down on her own wet folds. I plunged my tongue inside her, reveling in the slick heat. Her pussy almost gushing from my attention to it. Her juices like candy as my stomach actually growled.

“Fuck! FUCK FUCK FUCK!” She moaned into my pussy sending vibrations through me.

I could feel her tense up as her orgasm neared, her walls tightening around my tongue. I felt like I was going to explode as well, her pussy eating skills were incredible and her climax was making me even more pleasured.

As I felt my own release building, I leaned forward and suckled on her clit, and she shuddered, as we both climaxed with a joint strangled cry. We were in heaven. I looked at her and smiled as I watched her lick my juices from her lips.

I knew I would never tire of this. And quickly joined her in tasting my leftovers as I kissed her lips. Is it weird I think I taste good? Eh maybe not. I never really heard if girls taste good in my past life. Maybe I should ask Tat. Although I’m sure she would say it’s because I’m me. Maybe another time then with Alara… Wait, what did I just think?

I shook the thought from my head, not wanting to feel like I was cheating in my head. Alara was pretty but a bitch; why would I want to have sex with her. Dang and sometimes I wonder if I’m still a guy. Guess I am.

Putting the thought aside, I continued to kiss my girlfriend. Focusing on her only her. Her lips. her smell. Well it now felt like I was trying to hard. Okay, never mind, I needed sleep. So I broke the kiss and looked in her eyes and then fell down on top of her.

After the intensity of the moment passed, we lay there in a tangle of limbs, the room filled with the sound of our breathing, gradually slowing to a steady rhythm. Tatiana was still on her back, her eyes closed, a soft smile on her lips. I rested my head on her chest, feeling the rise and fall of her breath beneath me, my fingers tracing lazy patterns on her skin.

“Damn,” she finally whispered, her voice filled with a mix of contentment and amusement. “That was… something else.”

I laughed softly, nuzzling into her. “Yeah, I think we broke in the bed pretty well.”

Tat chuckled, her fingers brushing through my hair. “I’ll say. Though I think we might’ve been a little loud.” She tilted her head toward the door, raising an eyebrow.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. “If we were home, I would worry but I’m sure the doors are magical and soundproof, right? Let’s not think about, and just enjoy this… ” I trailed off, feeling the comfort of the moment wash over me. It felt different, being with Tat like this, more than just physical. It was intimate, vulnerable, and deeply grounding in a way I hadn’t experienced in my life before.


Tat leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head. “We should probably get up. Maybe grab a shower. But… I’m kind of enjoying this,” she murmured, her voice soft and warm.

I smiled against her skin. “Five more minutes,” I whispered, feeling completely at peace for the first time in what felt like forever.

As we lay there in comfortable silence, my thoughts wandered again, though not as dark as earlier. I thought about what the future held, what Frank had told me about my Affinity for darkness, and how everything was shifting so quickly. But with Tat here, her presence anchoring me, it felt like I could face it all, no matter how uncertain or overwhelming.

“Hey,” Tat’s voice broke through my thoughts. “You’re drifting off again. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

I sighed, tilting my head up to look at her. “Just… everything. It’s a lot to process, you know?”

She nodded, her hand still gently running through my hair. “Just relax, it’s only our first day here. I’ve got your back.”

I smiled, a genuine one this time, and leaned up to kiss her again, softly, lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. “Thank you,” I whispered against her lips.

“For what?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with that familiar warmth.

“For being you.”

She grinned, her arms tightening around me as she pulled me closer. “Always.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Professor Morrigan paced in front of the class, her boots clicking sharply against the stone floor. The tension in the air was thick as we all sat at attention, waiting for her to finish her announcement. It’s day 2 of college and after a restless night’s sleep I was again in a circular classroom stealing glances at the fire brat herself. Even though she didn’t seem to notice me, she had a small smirk painted on her face.

“Your training this semester will be unlike anything you’ve faced before,” Professor began, her voice cold and authoritative. “We are not here to teach you parlor tricks or basic spells. You are being trained to become Royal Mages in service to the king. You may find yourself stationed at border patrols, dealing with incursions from rival kingdoms. Some of you may guard the royal family or serve as part of an elite vanguard unit. Others will be placed in our research divisions, uncovering new magical techniques, defensive wards, or battle strategies. And then…” she paused, her eyes narrowing as they swept over the class. “There are possibilities that one of you will ascend to become one of the Twelve Magi. ”

There was a low murmur among the students, excitement and anxiety brewing in equal parts. Strangely, even I knew a little about them apparently the Twelve Magi are legendary, a group of mages that transcended normal possibilities and go beyond political boundaries to protect the realm as a whole. To even think of being considered for such a role seemed like an unattainable dream.

“For how you are determined for your path you will be given these opportunities based on your performance in multiple school wide events of which I will explain at a different time. You will not be judged by how impressive your magic looks,” Morrigan continued, her tone making it clear she wasn’t interested in fantasies of grandeur. “You will be judged on skill, control, and most importantly, your ability to stay alive. Next week, you will be engaging in one-on-one combat matches against your peers. Consider this your first test. Train hard. If you come into that arena unprepared, you’ll likely lose. And in the real world, losing could mean death.”

I exchanged a quick glance with Tatiana. We both knew Morrigan wasn’t exaggerating. And this meant as commoners we needed practice the most. Our peers have been practicing all their life’s and we started yesterday.

“Dismissed,” Morrigan said, turning on her heel to leave.

Just as most of the class began gathering their things, Seráphina raised her hand. “But, Professor, there are still hours left in first period. What are we supposed to do?”

Morrigan stopped mid-step, turning slowly to face Seráphina, her lips curving into a thin, humorless smile. “Well, Ms. Skye, you have two options. You can sit here for the next few hours and do nothing, which is perfectly fine with me. Or,” she raised a brow, “you could get off your ass, learn something useful, and maybe not die next week when you’re thrown into combat.”

A ripple of quiet laughter spread through the room, but it was clear Morrigan wasn’t joking.

Seráphina flushed, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink, but she didn’t respond. Her pride was clearly stung, though she was smart enough not to press further.

Morrigan’s gaze swept over the rest of us like a hawk. “I suggest you make the most of your time,” she said, voice sharp. “You’re dismissed to train as you see fit, but don’t come crying to me if you waste these hours and fail spectacularly next week.”

With that, she spun on her heel and strode out of the room, her cloak trailing behind her like a dark shadow. The door closed with a soft thud, leaving us all sitting there in stunned silence.

“Well,” Tat said after a moment, breaking the awkward quiet, a playful smirk creeping onto her face as she leaned toward me. “I guess we should take her advice, huh?”

I nodded, the weight of Morrigan’s warning settling heavily on my mind. “Yeah… so, are you going to study Earth magic?”

We stood up, gathering our things and heading toward the door. The buzz of the other students’ conversations surrounded us as we walked into the hallway, the cold stone beneath our feet echoing softly with each step.

“Well…” Tat hesitated, glancing at me from the corner of her eye, biting her lip slightly. “Actually, I want to work on water magic today instead.”

I stopped for a moment, raising an eyebrow. I could tell there was something more behind that answer. “Really?” I asked, suspicion creeping into my tone. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Tat said quickly, brushing the question off with a wave of her hand. “So, what are your plans for training?”

I didn’t press, knowing her well enough to recognize when she wasn’t ready to talk about something. “Well, I guess I need to find Frank’s mom.”

Tat blinked at me, her brow furrowing. “What?”

“Oh, right,” I said, chuckling awkwardly as we turned a corner, heading down another long hallway lined with arched windows. “Frank mentioned his mom could teach me dark magic.”

“Ah. And who exactly is his mom?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted with a shrug, “but I guess I’ll find out.”

Tat tilted her head, curiosity dancing in her eyes. “Sounds mysterious… Do you want me to come along?”

“I mean, part of me does,” I said honestly as we passed a few other students chatting in the hall. “But… I think this is something I should do alone.” It wasn’t entirely a lie—Frank had mentioned something about a brothel, and I wanted to shield Tat from that kind of environment if I could.

Tatiana seemed to catch the shift in my expression, but she didn’t push. “Alright. Well, then I guess I’ll see you at dinner?”

“Yeah, totally,” I replied, offering her a soft smile.

She grinned back and gave my hand a quick squeeze before letting go. We walked in comfortable silence for a bit longer before she finally headed in the direction of the library to study water magic, while I turned the other way, setting off to find Frank’s mom. Who’s a whore… And I’m going to a brothel. What is my life.

The headmaster was right; as I neared the academy gate, my fox glimmer seemed to vanish at a certain point, dissipating into the ether. I paused, not entirely sure what I had expected, and gave a small, almost instinctive wave to the school behind me.

I left the academy grounds, passing through the grand stone arch that marked the boundary between the campus and the bustling city beyond. The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets, marking that it was around midday. The capital city stretched out before me—a blend of ancient towers and narrow, winding roads, with magic pulsing faintly in the air like a living heartbeat. People from all walks of life moved through the streets—students, merchants, and travelers—each caught up in their own little world.

As I made my way toward the heart of the city, the sounds of the academy faded, replaced by the steady hum of city life. The clip-clop of horse-drawn carriages echoed off the stone roads, their polished wooden wheels rolling smoothly over the uneven streets. A few steam-powered carts rumbled past, puffing gentle clouds of smoke—a sign of the kingdom’s growing interest in technology. But even so, this was a place where magic still reigned supreme, woven into the fabric of everyday life.

Small shops lined the street, their signs swinging lazily in the breeze. Vendors called out, hawking their wares—enchanted trinkets, glowing crystals, and potions with swirling contents that shimmered in the light. I passed a blacksmith hammering away at a creation that sparked with faint runes, no doubt a weapon infused with magic.

My destination lay deeper in the city, where the narrow streets twisted into something a little darker. Frank had been vague about where exactly his mother worked, only mentioning that she operated out of “Joe’s,” a place that, judging by the name, didn’t promise anything wholesome—or magical, for that matter.

I turned down a narrow alley, its walls pressing close around me. Lanterns flickered as the sun dipped lower, casting a warm, golden glow on the rough stonework. I hadn’t realized how long I’d been walking, but judging by the sun, it was close to dinnertime. Strange. Actually, speaking of strange, the air here felt different—thicker, with a sense of secrets and safety. The scents from the shops lining the alley—waxed candles, incense, and herbs—faded into something earthier, mixed with the faint tang of alcohol and a sweet, almost perfumed aroma.

After what felt like ages, I spotted a building that looked out of place, nestled between two cramped-looking taverns. The building stood tall, its doors polished and elegant, with ivy creeping up the sides. A faint glow came from the windows, and soft music drifted from inside. It was oddly inviting, considering where I was. It stood about four stories high, with tinted windows on every floor. A sign hanging above the doorway read ‘JOE’S Velvet Orchard,’ embroidered with vines and grapes.

I hesitated at the entrance, glancing around as if to confirm that this was really where I needed to be. The weight of my decision pressed down on me. There was something undeniably seedy about this place, but I wasn’t here for that. I was here for knowledge, for training.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside.

As the door swung shut behind me, a wave of warm, perfumed air washed over me, carrying with it the faint sounds of laughter and sultry whispers. The interior of Joe’s Velvet Orchard was nothing like I expected—it was lavish, almost decadent. Rich, red velvet draped the walls, and golden light glowed from the many candelabras that dotted the room. Soft music played in the background, the notes sensuous and slow, setting a languid, almost dreamlike atmosphere.

I stepped further in, my eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. The main hall was spacious, filled with low, plush seating arranged in intimate circles. Patrons lounged, some with drinks in hand, others deep in conversation or wrapped up in more private moments. The scent of spiced incense hung heavily in the air, mingling with the heady aroma of wine and something else—something sweet and intoxicating that lingered at the edge of my senses.

The p”ace had a seductive energy that thrummed beneath the surface. Figures moved gracefully between the tables, their clothing leaving little to the imagination. Some winked as they passed, their eyes lingering on me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I forced myself to keep moving, trying not to let the atmosphere distract me. The floor beneath my boots was thick carpet, muffling my steps. I kept my head down, my gaze focused.

A tall woman behind the bar caught my eye. She had a sharp gaze and an easy smile, her hair pinned back with jeweled pins. Her dress, deep purple, hugged her curves. She noticed my hesitation and beckoned me over with a wave.

“Looking for someone, darling?” she asked, her voice smoky. “Or are you just here for the sights?”

I tried not to blush, clearing my throat before speaking. “I’m, uh, looking for Frank’s mother,” I said, hoping that was enough.

Her eyebrows arched, and she gave a knowing nod. “Oh really? I haven’t seen little Frankie in hmmm… my how many years. He must have grown up by now. I bet he is such a handsome man. Shame he doesn’t visit. And now he’s sending people for his mom. Where did we go wrong” She tilted her head, studying me. “You don’t seem the type to frequent places like this, though. Why did he recommend his mother?”

I shifted uncomfortably. “I’m here for training, not… whatever else goes on.”

She smirked, leaning forward, and I could smell the faint hint of perfume. “And what makes you think training isn’t exactly what we do here?” My cheeks must have turned bright red because she pulled back and laughed it off. “I’m just playing sweetheart, she’s upstairs, door number 13, she will be expecting you.”

I nodded, muttering a quick “thanks” before making my way to the stairs. The path to the second floor was lined with more of those velvet drapes, and as I ascended, I caught glimpses of the rooms beyond—some filled with laughter and music, others quieter, more intimate. A door opened as I passed, and I briefly glimpsed a tangle of bodies entwined on a plush bed, their movements slow and suggestive.

I tore my eyes away, focusing on the staircase. As I reached the second floor, the atmosphere shifted slightly, becoming quieter, more focused. The hallway was lined with doors, each marked with a small symbol or crest. I walked to the third door on the left, my heartbeat quickening. It was marked with a delicate silver rose.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked. There was a brief silence, and then a voice called out, “Enter.”

The door creaked open as I stepped into the room, feeling the soft warmth of a crackling fire mixed with the scent of roses. The dim light from the candles flickered, casting shadows on the cushions scattered across the floor and the low table covered with strange, shimmering objects—crystals, vials of herbs, and candles arranged in intricate patterns. My eyes were immediately drawn to the woman lounging at the far end of the room. She was, without question, the most stunning person I had ever seen.

Her long, silky black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face so perfect it seemed unreal. Her eyes, sharp and piercing, gleamed with a dangerous allure, and her lips curved into a smile that felt both inviting and perilous. She wore a deep green gown, the fabric hugging her curves like it was made of liquid, shimmering and flowing with her every movement. The gown’s neckline plunged low, teasing the soft curve of her breasts, and the way she reclined on the chaise made her look like a goddess of temptation. I was struck, completely captivated by her beauty—she was utterly mesmerizing, like something out of a dream.

“You must be Lily,” she purred, her voice as smooth as silk and just as intoxicating. “You’re even prettier than I imagined. I don’t get many women here, you know. But when I do…” Her eyes twinkled as she sized me up. “I definitely prefer them.”

I swallowed hard, my nerves betraying me. “Y-Yes… um, sorry, I’m not here for, uh, that.” My cheeks burned as I blurted out, “Your son said I could learn dark magic from you.” The words tumbled out in a rush, my awkwardness painfully obvious. I wasn’t prepared for how disarming her presence would be.

She laughed, a low, sultry sound that sent shivers down my spine. “Oh, I know, sweetheart. I was just teasing.” Rising from the lounge, she moved towards me with a grace that was almost feline. Her hips swayed, and the gown shimmered like water with each step, clinging to her body in all the right places. She circled me, fingers lightly brushing through my hair, and I felt my heart race. “Judging by the sound of your heartbeat, I’d say that excited you, hmm?” she whispered, her breath warm against my ear.

I bit my lip, feeling a rush of heat. “I—I’m here to learn,” I stammered, trying to regain control of myself.

“Of course, darling.” She smiled, but it was the kind of smile that made me feel like I was a rabbit caught in the gaze of a wolf. Her hands brushed over my arm, trailing down to my wrist, and she stopped right in front of me, her eyes locking onto mine. “Dark magic requires passion, Lily. It’s not for the faint-hearted. You have to embrace every part of yourself—especially the parts you try to hide.”

I swallowed, feeling the weight of her gaze. It was like she could see right through me, peeling back every layer. “I’m willing to learn,” I managed, my voice barely a whisper.

“Oh, I know you are,” she murmured, leaning in close, her lips inches from mine. “But dark magic isn’t something that’s given freely. It has to be earned.” Her hand caressed my cheek, and I found myself leaning into her touch, even as my nerves screamed at me to back away. “A kiss. For now, just a taste of your energy.”

Before I could think, her lips met mine. It was soft at first, a gentle brush that sent a spark through me, but it quickly deepened, her hand pulling me closer as her body pressed against mine. Her kiss was electric, igniting a fire inside me. My hands found the fabric of her gown, clutching it as I lost myself in the heat of the moment, everything else fading away.

When she finally pulled back, I was left breathless, my skin tingling with the magic that seemed to linger in the air between us. Her eyes glowed with satisfaction as she smiled. “Now we can begin. I’m Laura, and as your teacher, you may call me ‘Mistress.’ You will obey every command, and when you rise to power, you will bring me information about the academy and the royal family.”

Something clicked in my mind, and I snapped back to my senses, feeling a chill run down my spine. “Wait, are you trying to brainwash me?” I took a step back, my instincts telling me to be cautious.

Laura’s eyes widened, a flicker of surprise crossing her face before she laughed, though it sounded strained. “Brainwash you? No, of course not. It’s just… payment for my teachings.”

I frowned, crossing my arms. “No, you just tried to use mind control on me.”

Her expression shifted, and she looked genuinely confused. “That’s impossible. You kissed me—I felt your desire. Why are you rejecting me?” She reached for a knife hidden beneath the lounge, but I saw the movement and caught her wrist, pinning her down on the lounge.

“Let me go, human!” she hissed, struggling against me.

“Human?” I repeated, my grip tightening. “What do you mean?”

I felt a surge of power rise within me, and her body suddenly went limp. Her eyes, once fierce, now stared at me dazedly. “Tell me what you tried to do and what you mean by ‘human.’”

“I was trying to make you my pawn,” she confessed, her voice even, though her eyes betrayed a hint of frustration. “A powerful witch in the kingdom’s army—or wherever you end up—could give me more power. I am a succubus, a refugee from the demon lord’s army. My name is Laura Seanen, and I once served as the vice-captain of the Fourth Legion. After my master, Lady Lust, was slain by the The 12 Magi along with the Demon Lord, I went into hiding. Now, I seek to regain my strength so that when the Demon Lord returns, I can reclaim my position.”

The name ‘Lust’ echoed in my mind, I grinned, a thrill running through me. “From now on, you will obey me. I am the reincarnation of Lady Lust, and instead of me, you will become the servant. You will forget any dreams of power and only dream of me!”

Laura’s eyes flashed a vivid pink as she submitted to my command. “Yes, Mistress.” Her voice was flat, carrying no emotion—just pure obedience.

“Go back to normal, but remember all of this. Now, teach me!” I commanded. She blinked, her eyes clearing as if waking from a trance. She rubbed them, confusion crossing her face as she looked at me.

“Oh my… Lady Lust, I am so sorry! I would never have tried to control you if I had known it was you!” she exclaimed, leaping from the lounge chair and bowing low. In her haste, she grabbed my foot, pulling off my shoe and sock before kissing my toes.

“Whoa, hey! Stop! What are you doing?” I yelped, pulling my foot away.

“You used to make me do this to ask for forgiveness, my lady. Don’t you remember?”

“No! I don’t remember my past life. I just know I’m Lust reincarnated! And I’m not into… foot stuff!”

Laura paused, sitting back on her knees with a pout, looking genuinely puzzled. “Are you sure? You were into every indulgence imaginable. You made me do so many… interesting things and pleased me in every way you could think of. I miss you, Mistress.” She leaned forward before I could react, capturing my lips again. Her kiss was intoxicating—no magic involved, just the raw intensity of her touch. I found myself returning the kiss, caught up in the moment.

Her lips were soft, and the heat of her body pressed against mine, each touch electrifying. The scent of roses filled the air, mingling with the warmth of the fire as it cast flickering shadows around the room. Her hands slid up my arms, and I melted into her embrace, the last remnants of hesitation slipping away. My hands moved instinctively, one tangling in her hair while the other rested at her waist, pulling her closer.

The kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more consuming. Her body was warm against mine, and I felt the quick rhythm of her heartbeat matching my own. The intensity of her kiss made everything else fade away, leaving only the thrill of her touch and the taste of her lips.

There was a rush of excitement as her hands moved over me, each touch sending shivers across my skin. The scent of roses grew stronger, mixing with the crackling warmth of the fire. Her kiss was insistent, and I matched her passion, letting myself get lost in the moment, my senses overwhelmed.

She laid me back onto the velvet chaise, her fingers trailing over my skin with a deliberate slowness that made me shiver. “You’re going to love this, Mistress,” she whispered. Her gown slipped off, revealing her true form—large, black wings unfurled from her back, and a long, sleek tail emerged, curling gracefully. It glistened in the firelight, the tip shaped like a smooth, obsidian sphere.

Her tail slithered up under my shirt, the cool, smooth surface tracing over my skin. It caressed my breasts, my stomach, and my thighs, drawing gasps and moans from me as she explored. I could feel my panties growing wet, my body aching for more. Then her fingers slid inside me, and I arched my back, a sharp jolt of pleasure shooting through me as I felt two of her finger enter and seem to slither deeper inside me like they were growing.

Laura seemed to know exactly what I was thinking as they seemed to shrink back to the feeling of normal fingers. I would have pouted had she not positioned herself between my legs, her tail spreading them wide as she swiftly pulled my pants and panties away, leaving me exposed. A moment of awkwardness lingered as I realized we were both almost fully bare, except for my shirt. But it quickly faded, replaced by a wave of pleasure as she pressed herself against me, her own warmth and wetness mingling with mine. I moaned, my hips moving against hers as we mixed the scent of out pussies.

Just as I was about to come, she stopped, a wicked grin spreading across her face. “Not yet, Mistress,” she whispered, her voice a low growl. “I want to hear you beg for it.”

I chuckled, trying to keep my composure. “I’m not sure the mistress is the one who’s supposed to beg.” Suddenly, she twisted my nipples a little too hard, making me flinch from the pain. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Please… please, let me come.”

Laura’s grin widened, satisfied with my surrender. “Good girl,” she purred, her voice dripping with seduction as she resumed her movements, her pussy smashing into mine while her tail wrapped around my waist, pulling me towards her to increase the pressure. She leaned forward finding my lips again, and I melted into her touch, the pleasure building higher, each wave more intense than the last. Until finally I felt it.

“Oh God. FUCK YES! YES! YES! YES!” I screamed as waves of ecstasy rolled through me.

“Mmmmm,” Laura moaned in a soft hum as her hips jolted aggressively into her own orgasm. Provocatively showing her restraint at the same time.

Her wings enveloped me, the soft, leathery texture brushing against my skin as they created a cocoon of warmth and darkness around us. It felt like being pulled into another world—one where nothing else existed except for the heat between us and the sensations she was drawing out of me. Her fingers moved expertly, and I couldn’t hold back the moans escaping my lips, my body responding to her every touch as if she had cast a spell over me.

“That’s it, Mistress,” she whispered against my ear, her breath hot and tantalizing. “Let go. Show me how much you want this.” Her tail slid from my waste to my opening and slid inside me before I could stop it. The moment it went inside, it was like warm fire. My pussy was lit up and I felt extreme pleasure. It moved faster, deeper, and I felt the tension coiling inside me, tightening like a spring. Her tail continued its exploration, plunging in and out making me gasp and moan.

I just climaxed and the the pleasure was honestly so in intense it was almost unbearable. My breath came in ragged gasps, and I clung to her, my nails digging into her skin. Her eyes glowed with delight, her gaze locked on mine as if she was drinking in my every reaction. “Come for me, Mistress,” she urged, her voice barely more than a breath.

Her words were all It took. My body tensed, and the wave of release crashed over me, more powerful than anything I had ever felt. I cried out, shuddering as the pleasure rippled through me, leaving me breathless and trembling. Laura held me, her hands gentle now, her wings still wrapped around us as she watched me with a satisfied smile.

As the aftershocks of pleasure faded, I lay there, catching my breath, feeling the lingering warmth of her body against mine. “You’ve got quite the touch,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. “But I’m still not used to this whole ‘Succubus” thing,” I said, glancing at her tail still caressing my thigh.

Laura’s smile softened, and she pulled back slightly, her tail slipping away as she brushed a lock of hair from my face. “You will be, in time,” she said, her tone almost tender now. “You’re scent and aura are just like hers. Which means your power should be just as powerful. And I’m going to bring it all out of you.”

She leaned in, kissing me softly, her lips lingering as she trailed her fingers down my arm. “But for now, I think we’ve done enough… experimenting.” She gave me a wink, her wings folding neatly behind her as she pulled away, standing beside the chaise.

I propped myself up on my elbows, still feeling the heat of our encounter coursing through me. “So… what happens now?”

Laura extended a hand, helping me up. “Now, we start your lessons. I promised to teach you dark magic, and bring out all the power Lady Lust… well… YOU had before. And I always keep my word.” She paused, her eyes glinting mischievously. “But be warned—my methods are a little… unconventional.”

I smirked, feeling a rush of excitement. “After all that, I wouldn’t expect anything less.”