
I know, it’s Batman, but I didn’t know who he was. It was dark, and he had a mask on, which only made him more mysterious.

Also, it’s a pun on The Dark Knight, and an allusion to Christian Bale in American Psycho. It was the 90s, so Batman Begins hadn’t even started yet, and American Psycho was a hard R for chasing hookers around an abandoned hotel with a chainsaw, naked, and all covered in blood.

So, all we had was the cartoons. Other than that, Batman was Val Kilmer. I hadn’t seen Batman and Robin yet, so it had to be around ’96, give or take a year. Some boys were into the Xmen, but when the Halloween Store opened up. It was just Party City, but they hung a banner over the sign to make it the Halloween Store. Put up fake cobwebs and stuff, but that ment we could cosplay as our favorite heroes after school, and on Saturdays.

I got Robin, because I had a schoolboy crush on Batman, mostly. You know, he’s so dark, and mysterious. I know he’s actually rich playboy Bruce Wayne, which just makes him all that much more attractive, and he had a habit of adopting young boys to join him in his nightime crime fighting. The Comics Code Authority implied some child molestation there, but come on. He took him out at night to fight criminals armed with machineguns, and stuff. That’s bad enough without making Bruce Wayne a pedorast, but I was still pretty closeted about my sexuality.

Even to myself, I never felt gay. I even called stuff “Gay,” because that’s what boys called stuff, when they didn’t like it. I knew that ment Homosexual too, but I hadn’t really started having sexual feelings. More romantic ones, but I didn’t like the Xmen, and I wasn’t attracted to Wolverine, let alone Rogue, Storm, or Jean Grey. The 3 most boys were attracted to, but there was a girl that played with us.

Barbara, so she liked Barbara Gordon, who became Bat Girl. (Then she got paralyzed, and raped by the Joker, and became Oracle, but they didn’t do that in the kid’s cartoon, for obvious reasons.) They didn’t have a Bat Girl costume, though. So, she mostly played Commissioner Gordon’s daughter, when she could get out after dark in the first place. (Also Mystique with the Xmen, because she could change into anyone, if you used your imagination, and pretended to be fooled.)

Of course we snuck out after dark. We’re playing Gotham, the Xmen (and girls) played in the park after school, and on saturdays. Her parents were just more protective of her, because she was a girl, and they knew what could happen if she got caught after dark, by the wrong man. I was oblivious, but since I was dressed up as Robin.

The cartoon version had green tights, instead of bare legs. Black underwear, or at least a tight panel underneath the vest, in the shape of black underwear. Green sleeves, too. The cape was black on the outside, yellow on the inside, but since I was playing Robin.

The boys decided to kidnap me, and tie me up, to make Batman come. We even had a zip-line set up, so we could slide down it from the tree at the top of the hill. Yeah, it was kinda dangerous, but fun! Especially in the dark, but I grabbed the pulley, and swung down to land in front of them.

“Stop right there, evil doers!” They were pretending to break into a car in the parking lot, or try to steal it, because somebody left it there, overnight. They shut the gates when they closed the park, but that didn’t stop kids from getting in through the woods, or just ducking under the gate.

“It’s just Robin, calm down.”

“I’ll show you!” We had a big fight, where they put their hands up to punch. So, I didn’t hit them in the face, but there was still a loud smack you could hear, and they fell down. They got back up again, and I threw imaginary batarangs, I didn’t have. Even if I did, I wouldn’t know how to throw them, but I did have a rope, with a lasso tied in it. I got pretty good at throwing it if they held still, but in a real fight. It was pretty easy just to put your arms up, and pull it off before I yanked it tight. Or step forward, and let it loosen up to get out of it.

We agreed to let the good guy win, which is why nobody ever bought The Joker costumes. Or Magneto, Mr. Sinister, or any of the other villains from our Cartoons. Xanatos, he was from Gargoyles, and we did sometimes have boys make paper goatees, and pony tails to play him. Even when he loses, he kinda wins, but that was pretty much the only one. Nobody wants to be the badguy, because that means you always lose. (Except Xanatos, but the Gargoyle’s costumes were really crappy.)

So finally, somebody grabbed my rope off my Utility Belt, and said “Grab him!” I just gave up, without really thinking about it, because I didn’t want to lose. Not really, but then when all those boys surrounded me, grabbed my arms, and held them. Some of them even grabbed my legs to lift me up, and carry me over to the playground.

There, they had plenty of bars, and stuff to tie me to, but somehow during the fight. Somebody came and got the pulley from the playground. That was the best thing to anchor the zip-line to, because it was anchored in concrete, and heavy. They had to sneak it all the way back up the hill in the dark, but we ran around the whole park throughout the fight scene, though.

So, I was out of breath, and exhausted. Excited, and also a little ashamed, because getting tied up by all those boys had an effect on me. Thank god nobody else noticed, but then we heard the pulley screech. All the way up the hill, so they stopped, and turned. Just in time to see the shadow fly out of the dark, the cape flapping like a bat, and then the dark figure land with a thump in the grass.

“It’s BATMAN!”

This time, I got to see the fight, and try to figure out who it was. By process of elimination, honestly it could have been anyone. Other than the boys that were already there, dressed up as generic Robbers. Even if you don’t have a Joker costume, everyone used generic badguys, like the ones in the opening credits? Mostly just black pants, a black jacket zipped all the way up, and a black toboggan cap.

Sometimes, they cut eye holes in it to make it a ski mask. Others, they took stockings to put on, but you could recognize their voice when they said something. Batman didn’t say anything, but I tried to figure out who he was from his fight moves, next. He was really acrobatic tonight, it’s kinda hard to see in the dark, since the costume is black, and blue, with just a yellow oval on the chest for the bat logo.

He didn’t use any Karate, which narrowed it down. Technically, Batman’s a Ninja, but nobody taught Ninjitzu around our neighborhood. So, they took Karate to play Batman, Daredevil, Electra, Blade, or anyone else like that. (Blade hadn’t even come out yet, but the comic books had, and he was a role model for the black kids. So was Westley Snipes for the ones old enough to watch Rising Sun, or Demolition Man, but those were R Rated. So was Spawn, but we didn’t have any way to do that magic shape changing suit, and even our imaginations weren’t good enough to make Superman fly, for example.)

The cape flapped around too, but the boys were already worn out from fighting me. Picking me up, and carrying me back to the playground. Tying me up, so I could hear them out of breath. Some of the smokers even had to stop, and finally run off. One by one, some of them saying “It’s late,” or “That was fun, but I got to go.”

That just left me alone, with Him. He still didn’t say anything, but he did swing down on the end of the monkey bars, so the cape flapped, and dropped over his shoulders. It was dark, but as soon as he came up to me. In the shadow of the playground, he went right for my crotch.

“HUH!” I couldn’t believe it! “I thought I was the only gay boy in the neighborhood, but don’t tell anyone I’m gay.” With my hands tied behind me around the pole, I couldn’t adjust the boner in my crotch. So it hung down loosely, but then it stuck straight out when it got hard again. I didn’t even realize I was gay until that night, when all those boys man handling me made it obvious.

A lot of them were older, bigger, and stronger, and we were all sweaty from running around in all those winter clothes. I barely even started having wet dreams, waking up with sticky spots in my underwear, but I couldn’t remember what I was dreaming. Let alone my first orgasms in bed asleep at night.

He smiled, but he didn’t say anything. He just shook his head, and went down in front of me. He had to pull my tights out, grip them, and rip open the seam. So, they tore all the way up my thigh, and he could fish my junk out the leg hole. The black underwear, sewn into the bottom of the vest. So, I had to take the whole thing off, and pull down the tights just to take a leak.

“Oh, oh God!” As soon as he got it out, I felt his lips kissing the end, then the warm wetness of his mouth. Hear the quiet wet sloppy sucking noises, pumping in and out. Faster, and faster, until I couldn’t hold it any longer, but all I could say was “Oh God. Yeah, oh yes! Oh God yes!”

It was over so quickly, but it felt so good, I almost passed out. Maybe I did, and I don’t remember, but the next thing I knew, he was behind me. He had a flashlight, and loosened the knots behind my hands. Then, he took it out of his mouth, and shut it off.

“Who are you?” He just ran, and left me to get my arms free myself. Untie the rope around my arms, and tuck my junk back in the bottom of my costume. I just assumed that he didn’t want anyone else to know he was gay either, which is why he didn’t say anything.

I didn’t find out later, until I saw her at school, that it was Barbra all along. Of course, she took tumbling, and gymnastics. To play Batgirl better, but somehow she’d gotten ahold of a Batman costume. She hadn’t cut a hole in the back of the hood, to pull her ponytail through yet. She didn’t dye her hair red to match Barbra Gordon (From the cartoon) either, and she was younger than me.

Even if she did have some boobs, they would have looked weird, under the foam padding of the muscle suit. It was a Bat MAN costume, so it was sculpted to look like a man’s chest. It had shoulder pads too, but she didn’t say anything at school, either. Not to me, she just looked at me, blushed, and got a dirty grin on her face before she turned, and ran off.

That’s when I recognized her, she had the exact same dirty grin on her lips when I told her I was gay, and not to tell anyone else I was, because I thought she was a boy. I went after her, and she told me that “Your secret’s safe with me.”

“Huh, well where did you learn to give head like that?”

She scoffed, and rolled her eyes. “Oh, like it’s all that hard to figure out what to do with a dick, when you get one hard?” She shook her head. “Too bad it’s not hard for me.” She turned away, took a deep breath, and sighed, dramatically.

“Well,” I sat down next to her, and put my arm around her. “I don’t know about that.” It was already starting to get a little chubby, from remembering that night. The way it felt, to be tied up, and man handled. Then, the dirty thrill of being sucked off in the park, even though she turned out to be a girl. “I think I like you, even if it isn’t gay, you’re not like the other girls, and in some ways, you’re kinda like one of the guys?”

“Huh!” She grinned when she turned back. Grabbed my face, and kissed me, so I let her. Just real quick, and even though it had been a couple of days since she had my dick in her mouth, I thought about the taste of it. Oh yeah, and I tried to suck myself off, only to find out that I’m not flexible enough to bend over that far. Even up side down, pulling on both legs, but I did manage to shoot some in my mouth, and I really like the taste.

“Smooch,” She licked her lips, and looked back and forth between my eyes. Then, she hugged me, and said “You know, the best way to hide it from everyone is to get a girlfriend.”

“Yeah,” whatever she said, I was down. She turned out to be really dominant, especially when it came time to get back into bondage, and stuff. I’m really a bottom, submissive, and even a little masochistic if she doesn’t hit me that hard. So, while it wasn’t a perfect match, at least it got me through middle school, where I’d get my ass kicked if anybody even suspected that I liked boys, sexually.

I even fell in love with him. Eventually, even though I didn’t know that he was really a boy inside, all along. We hadn’t heard of sex changes either, or at least it wasn’t on my gaydar. I guess mine was broken, I don’t know, I never could tell, the way some guys seem to. She didn’t come out, until she moved away, and started taking hormones.

I just found out, when we got invited to our High School Reunion, and they used Facebook. Pretty much exactly for what it’s for, only High School, instead of college, but he looked me up, and now we’re friends again. I asked him how far he went, with the sex change, and what he uses for a dick, but he won’t tell me.

He said that would be a surprise. He even looks like Christian Bale with that neatly trimmed beard, so I can’t wait to find out. He always was man enough for me, even when we all thought he was a little girl.

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