Bellyriding Daughter

Mother catches Daughter in a compromising situation and instead encourages/manipulates her daughter into further compromising situations.

Belly Riding Daughter F/dog, F/stallion, Exhibitionism

— Chapter One —

Paige had been in college for a few weeks at that point, and loving every minute of it. Her roommate, Beth, was fun, and quickly grew to be a close friend. The only downside was Beth was always out with the frat boys drinking more than her fill. It’s not that Paige was a prude, but she also, didn’t like those guys, and didn’t want to get fat with all the drinking. She decided that she would coerce Beth into adopting a dog. Paige was thinking the stability of having a dog might calm Beth down. Beth was enthusiastic about the idea, and they started the hunt the following weekend. Paige knew that Beth wanted to be the dog’s owner, so she let Beth pick it out. The Dog Beth ended up adopting from a woman who could no longer take care of him since she was moving into a smaller apartment across town. Beth named him Harold, because he sorta seemed like a Harold.

It quickly turned out that Beth was out partying like before and Paige was back in the dorm room with Harold, trying to study. It was still very warm out, even though it was quickly turning to fall. Paige tended to wear super short skirts and tight tee-shirts. One day she returned after classes, and she took Harold out for a long walk around the campus. Afterwords she flopped down onto the floor and cracked her book open. He began to lick her legs, which she knew were salty with sweat from the heat and the walk. She thought it kinda felt good and tried to keep studying. She didn’t even think it was odd at all. But after a few minutes the licking on her calf moved up to the back of her knee. Then it moved up to her thigh. Then she felt him licking her butt and her panties.

She really was getting kind of turned on as she said out loud, “Stop it, Harold, you’re making me horny.” He didn’t stop, and she twisted away, “Ugh, now I have to masturbate. See what you’ve done?” She rolled over and wiggled out of her panties and then shoved her fingers up her hot pussy. She kind of forgot about Harold for a second until he started licking her knees. She looked at him, and thought it still felt good, and she had already let him lick her legs before so what was the harm?

After a few more licks he began to dip his head down and lick further down her thighs as his tongue inched closer and closer to her pubic hair. She began to move her hands faster, feeling an orgasm approaching as she watched his head get closer to her hot pubic mound. She suddenly wanted him to lick her, “Oh I wish you’d lick me, boy.” She pulled her fingers out of her pussy and held them to Harold’s nose. To her surprise he licked the vaginal liquids right off her fingers. She was so turned on now that she could hardly stand it. She turned over onto all fours with her butt in the air and her breasts on the ground, hoping he’d lick her. Sure enough he did begin to lick her ass, and then her asshole and after a few more seconds, to Paige’s delight he began to lick her clitoris.

She was in heaven and began to moan and stiffen as she reached the very tipping point of orgasm. Just then Beth walked into the room, already looking drunk, even though it was still daylight out. Paige jumped and quickly stood up smoothing her skirt. Beth said, “Oh my God! Paige, what are you doing with Harold?” She was bright red, not just from having been caught, but because she was so close to orgasm, “Nothing, it’s not what it looks like. I was just looking for something.” Just then Harold dipped his nose under Paige’s short skirt and gave her clitoris one more last lick and suddenly Paige was climaxing. She dropped to her knees and huffed, holding her pussy through her thin skirt as it convulsed. “Oh my God, did he just make you cumm?! Whoa!” Paige couldn’t talk, she just held her pussy and rocked back and forth, breathing hard as her chest heaved in her tight tee-shirt.

Finally Paige caught her breath when Harold began to lick her face. She pushed Harold’s muzzle away, “Ugh, stop it Harold. Please don’t tell anyone, Beth.” Paige was deeply embarrassed, and rightfully so. “Who would I tell? I’m just surprised. You should hang a sock on the door next time or something.” “No no, there won’t be a next time.” “Oh, don’t be like that. It’s fine. I’m glad you’re lightening up a little, to be honest.” “Yeah, well, I’m just not that kind of girl.” “Yes you are. I saw you. You were moaning like a whore.” “Ugh, please…” “Oh my god. I’ve got a great idea.” Paige had no idea what her drunk friend would say as she sat down on her bed but she was sure she didn’t want to hear it, “What?”

“You should totally fuck him.” “Uh… no!” “Come on! Why not? Do it!” “Are you insane? No! I’m not going to fuck Harold.” “I’ll tell if you don’t.” “No you wouldn’t.” Paige wasn’t sure if she would or wouldn’t but she hoped Beth didn’t have it in her. But there was no way Paige could be sure one way or another, especially because Beth was drunk. “Okay, then, just suck him off.” “No way!” “Yes! Do it!” “No, Beth.” “Suck him off or I’ll tell everyone. Besides, he gave you head. It’s the least you could do.”

Paige looked at Beth who seemed convinced she was right and that it was just a fair thing to do. Paige didn’t know what to do. She had no interest in sucking him off at all, but she was still pretty horny. She looked at Beth once more and sighed, “I’m not going to suck him off – that’s just gross, but I will fuck him, if that’ll shut you up.” “Oh my god, yes! That’s a great idea. You should totally fuck him! Do it.” Beth got up on her bed and crossed her legs, exposing her white panties under her skirt as she got herself comfy. Paige looked pained, “Right now? With you here?” “Yes! YES! Do it!” Beth was clearly drunk, but Paige was very horny still. She sighed, hoping that Beth would be so drunk she wouldn’t remember what happened in the morning.

Paige wordlessly bent over again, exposing her butt and pussy to her roommate, and she gently slapped her butt, prompting Harold to begin licking again. Beth was impatient as she slurred her words, “Come on Harold, don’t lick her, fuck herrrrr!” Paige gently slapped her butt once more and Harold took the cue. He jumped onto her back and clutched her sides. Beth clapped and laughed in a giddy sort of way, “Oh my god!” Paige blushed furiously, not believing what she was about to do. A few thrusts missed her pussy as Harold attempted to mount Paige. Finally he hit home and his penis thrust hard and deep into her. Paige grunted and then her eyes widened, “Whoa! He’s huge!” She had no idea how big a dog’s dick would be. It was bigger than her dildo that she kept under her panties in her dresser drawer by far.

Beth gasped, “Oh my god, Paige, he’s fucking you.” Harold violently thrust back and forth quickly, finding a fast rhythm. Paige began to stiffen. She was already turned on. Harold’s knot worked it’s way past Paige’s vaginal lips and she groaned. She knew she was close to climax. Before she could orgasm she began to notice she was extremely wet. Then she felt almost like she was peeing. As she looked under her body she saw a thin stream of dog cumm dripping out of her rapidly. Beth laughed, “Holy shit, Paige, he’s cumming in you!” But the dog didn’t stop. He kept working his dick hard in Paige. Paige felt so dirty, and so erotic. She grabbed her breasts with her right hand.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Beth was so drunk she didn’t realize what she was doing as she stood up and opened the door, before Paige could even react. Beth swung the door open and said, “Oh, Hi!” Paige looked horrified around her shoulder, knowing whomever it was could easily see Beth’s dog mounting her. Paige’s worst nightmare came true. There, standing in the doorway, completely shocked, was Paige’s Mother. Paige That was it, Paige began to cumm… hard.

— Chapter Two —

Peggy, Paige’s Mother, had surprisingly been very cool with the whole dog sex thing. They didn’t talk about it at first. Peggy had just turned around and left when she saw her daughter being inseminated by an animal. But a few days later they went out to lunch and had a long talk about it. Paige assured Peggy that it was just a one time thing, but her Mother shrugged, “You know, Paige, you’re an adult now. You’re 18 years old. I don’t see any reason you have to apologize to me about anything at this point. Besides, I should have called ahead before dropping in to check on you.” “Yeah but still…” “I mean, I bet you crazy girls are doing those kinds of things all the time when I’m not around.” “Uh… I mean, it’s not like I’m having sex with dogs every day. So no, I mean, it’s not like any day you walk into my room you’ll catch your daughter with a dog or anything.” Paige looked around making sure no one was listening.

“It this the first time you’ve done that?” “Yeah. It was.” “I see. Are you going to do it again?” “No. No way. I’m done with that.” “Why?” “Because, it was just… a stupid fling. I don’t know. I just wasn’t thinking right.” “So it wasn’t fun?” “No.” “It sure looked like you were having fun. In fact I thought I saw you climax.” Paige blushed, “Mom!” “What?! It’s not like I haven’t seen a woman orgasm before – I am one!” “Geez. Okay, yes, I guess so. Okay?” “So why wouldn’t you try it again?” “I dunno, it was just… weird.” “Was he your first?” “First what?” “First time having sex?” Paige blushed again, “Yes.” “The first time is always a little weird. You should try it again before you make up your mind, sweetheart.”

Paige couldn’t believe what her mother was saying. “You want me to try it again? With the dog?” “I think it would be good for you. So yes. You should give another try.” Paige fought a smile, wondering why her Mother would say such a thing and in a non-committal tone she said, “We’ll see.” Peggy nodded, “Okay, I’ll take you out to lunch again next week and you can tell me what you thought. No, better yet, try it a few times.” “Uh… okay, whatever. Let’s just change the subject.” Peggy let it drop.

At the end of lunch Peggy winked at her daughter and said, “I’ll call you and arrange lunch again next week. Have fun!” Paige shook her head but otherwise didn’t acknowledge her Mother as she got out of the car and walked back to the dorm.

— Chapter Three —

Paige was very confused, as she thought about really nothing else over the next few days as she daydreamed through all her classes. She could hardly look Harold in the eyes. Beth, as Paige suspected, was so drunk that afternoon she barely remembered the whole series of events – thankfully. Paige managed to lie and convince Beth that Paige was having sex with a guy, not Harold. Beth didn’t second guess Paige’s fabricated story, having been the kind of drunk to completely black things out.

Peggy called one day and said, “Do you want to do lunch again?” “Uh, sure…” “Same time same place as last time?” “Sure.” “Okay, did you have sex with that dog again?” “Oh god, Mom, no! Do I have to have sex with a dog before you’ll have lunch with me again?” “If that’s what it’ll take, then yes. Call me when you’re ready to go out to lunch again.” Peggy hung up on Paige. Paige wondered if her Mother was really pissed off or whether she was just trying to be overly supportive of some bizarre act that Paige had already written off as a college experiment.

She looked down at Harold as she set the phone down, “Well, I guess you’re in for a treat, boy. Come here.” She began to scratch his head and then she sighed, “Okay, here goes nothing, I guess.” She stood up and began to strip down to nothing. She sat on her bet and began to rub her clitoris as she said, “Come here, boy.” He began to lick her legs almost immediately. Then he licked the insides of her thighs and before long his long tongue was snaking all around her anus and vagina and clitoris. She stiffened, enjoying the feeling. She relaxed and flopped back onto the bed and rolled up onto her elbows and knees. Before long Harold jumped onto her back and thrust into her in that familiar way. She felt his claws dig into her sides violently as he lept carelessly onto her. He scratched her hard, but it was the last thing on her mind in that moment.

She reached back and guided him into her pussy again, for the second time in a week. She felt him thrusting hard into her. She grunted, “Oh god!” Paige spread her legs wide and let Harold find his way all the way into her as he thrust hard. She bit her lip as Harold’s knot worked it’s way into Paige’s tender loins. She arched her back, giving the dog the best access to her loins as she could manage. She knew she was beginning to enjoy this, probably more than she should. Why else would she be not just going through the motions, but instead actually helping the dog get off. She reached underneath and groped his balls that were slapping her clitoris with each high tempo thrust.

Almost before she could really get into it she felt her hand flooding with liquid, “You’re cumming already, boy?! Oh god!” That turned her on tremendously. She worked her hips hard and really began to get into how wild it was to have sex with an animal. She bit her hip and moaned loudly, “Ohhhhhhh!!!” Suddenly she was climaxing too. Her vagina massaged the dog’s huge dick and knot as it pulsated hard. She felt like screaming, but instead she just held her breath and clenched her breasts hard. She eventually collapsed onto the bed as Harold extracted himself, leaving her naked with her pussy drooling semen all over her bed spread.

She waited a few minutes so that she could calm down, and then she reached over and dialed her Mother’s phone number, “Hi, Mom. Okay, let’s have lunch.” “No you didn’t.” Paige smiled, “Yes, I just did.” “There’s no way, there wasn’t enough time. I don’t believe you.” Paige was insistent, “No really, I just screwed him, just now.” “Don’t lie to me, young lady.” “I’m not! His cumm is dripping out of me as we speak! I’m sitting her naked with dog cumm in me. I’m not lying.” “Is it too much to do what your Mother asks? Just call me back after you’ve had sex with him, okay?” Peggy hung up on her daughter. Paige was shocked. Why wouldn’t her Mother believe her? Paige was quick about it, but still….

Paige said out loud, “Okay, boy, I guess we need to find some way to give her proof, or something. You want to go for a round two?” She petted him for a few minutes as he licked his penis and tried to lick Paige at which point she could sense that he was revitalized. She realized she might be able to get him to have sex with her while she was laying missionary style. She scooted her butt down so it was hanging off the edge of the bed and then she coaxed him on top of her. She guided him up and began to stroke his sheath. Before long she managed to get his penis to emerge and almost before she was ready for it he began to stab his dick deep into her.

Paige lifted her butt up, giving Harold the best angle at her that she could. She felt great as his knot worked it’s way into her again. She grabbed his body and began rocking her hips. Harold thrust wildly into her, and before long she felt a familiar wet feeling between the cheeks of her butt. She knew right away that Harold was already ejaculating into her. That made her extremely horny as she began to buck. Just then Paige heard something at the door. Sure enough, it was the distinct sound of Beth opening the door with her keys. Suddenly Beth barged into the room, with a shocked look on her face, “Oh my god, Paige! Holy shit! What are you doing?!”

Paige’s eyes were wide. Beth looked completely sober this time as Paige lied, “It’s not what it looks like!” “You’ve got your arms and legs wrapped around my dog and you two are having sex with each other. How it it not like it looks? You’re fucking my dog, Paige!” “Oh god, Beth, please don’t be upset!” “Why are you having sex with my dog? And wait, you DID have sex with Harold the other night, didn’t you? I wasn’t just drunk, was I?” “Oh, please, Beth, I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me. But my Mom walked in on us and then I said I’d have sex with him again, just to try it.” Beth softened slightly, as she watched Harold hump into her roommate’s naked body.

Beth smiled, “You two do look good together, I must say.” Paige smiled, “You think so?” “Yeah, actually. That’s really sexy.” “You aren’t mad?” “No. I’m a little shocked, I’ll have to admit, but no, I’m not upset.” “Oh god, I think so too. I’m so horny.” “I can see why!” Paige had an idea, “Do me a favor before I cumm!” “What?” “Call my Mom for me?” “What?” “Please, just do it. Hit redial and put it on speaker phone.” Beth reached over and picked up the phone, hit redial and put it on speaker. Peggy answered, “Hello?” Beth answered, “Peggy, this is Paige’s roommate, Beth.” Paige huffed, “Hi, Mom.” “Oh, Hi, girls. How can I help you?”

Paige smirked, “Beth, can you please describe to my Mother what I’m doing right now?” Beth looked a little flustered, “Uh… you mean…?” She pointed and shrugged as Paige laughed, “Yes, tell her about what I’m doing with the dog.” Beth swallowed, “Uh, Peggy, your daughter is … having sex. With my dog, Harold.” Peggy asked, “Really? Tell me what you see.” Paige leaned her head back and moaned loudly, “Ohhhhh.” Beth, said, “Yes, I think she likes it. It looks like Harold is already ejaculating in her. It’s dribbling down her butt and onto the carpet.”

Harold licked Paige’s face and lips. She opened her mouth and let him lick the inside of her mouth. She couldn’t believe it. She was making out with a dog while it tried to impregnate her. “Uhhh… it looks like your daughter and my dog are french kissing now while he’s still inside of her. Yeah, they’re really making out now.” She began to cumm hard as her whole body began shook. It was amazing. Beth swallowed, “Your daughter is having an orgasm now, it looks like. Yeah, she’s definitely cumming now. I think they’re both cumming together. Let me check.” Beth bobbed her head closer to where Paige’s loins were impaled on the large Dog’s dick, “Yup, she’s definitely cumming on his dick.” Harold continued to work his sperm into Paige’s body.

After another several seconds of Paige climaxing, Harold finally had enough and pulled free. “Okay, Mom, you heard it. Satisfied?” Peggy said, “Yes dear. Thank you, Beth. Paige called me earlier saying she just had sex with your dog, and I didn’t believe her. Thanks for confirming.” Beth looked puzzled, “You mean last week?” “No, an half hour or so ago.” “Wait, what? You had sex with him earlier too? How often does he screw you, anyway?” Paige blushed just as her pussy made a loud sucking sound followed by a slightly painful but now familiar feeling of Harold’s giant knot pulling free. She couldn’t help but let out a satisfied shudder and a little moan, “Uhhhhhhh… oh, no, just three times total. Once that night and twice today.”

“Oh, okay.” Beth looked concerned. Paige wanted to hang up with her Mother, “I’ll see you this weekend, Mom.” Peggy said, “Okay, dear. See you!” Beth hung up the phone. Paige sighed and stood up, as she saw the ugly carpet of the dorm room floor getting it’s second dose of dog semen stains as it dripped from her vagina, “Surprise!”

Paige obstained from having sex with Harold again leading up to lunch with her Mother. Her Mother surprisingly didn’t ask many questions about Harold, or the whole event. Maybe the phone call was enough to shut her up. The only thing she said was, “You should bring your roommate’s dog home for winter break. I’d like the family to meet him.” Paige had no idea what her Mother was requesting, but she shrugged.

Beth took the whole thing surprisingly well. In fact a few days later they set up ground rules. Beth said, “I’m sorry I barged in on you, but you should have put the sock up.” “Yeah, but I’m in here alone. People walking by might guess what’s going on.” Beth nodded, “You’re right. You know, the whole sock thing is overrated. Just don’t worry about it okay? You can have sex with him whenever you want, as long as you don’t mind me watching.” Paige bit her lip, “Really? You mean that? Whenever I want? Any time at all?” “Sure, I don’t mind. It’s interesting to watch.” “So I could… do it… like… right now? And you wouldn’t mind?” “Nope, you can do him whenever you want.” Paige needed no more prompting, she reached under her skirt and slid down her panties and bent over, “I’ve been wanting to do it again for days.”

Harold’s huge dick was inside Paige in no time as Paige said, “Oof… I’ll never get over how big he is. Okay, you were saying? I can do it whenever I want?” “Sure… I mean, a girl has got to get some relief somehow. There’s no reason I should stand in the way of your thing.” “What if you’re doing homework or something? It won’t bother you?” The dog was already humping away at Paige at an intense rhythm. “No, that’s fine. Do whatever you want.” “Can I take him on trips with me? Like back home and stuff? My family wants to meet him.” “Haha, that makes him sound like he’s really your boyfriend or something. Well, sure, I guess so. Just take good care of him for me.” And with that, right there, while having sex with Beth’s dog, Paige was given complete permission to do whatever she wanted with Harold. She began to orgasm just thinking about it.

— Chapter Four —

Winter break came and Paige brought Harold to her Parent’s house. It was really awkward introducing the dog to her Father, who presumably had no idea that Paige and him had been having sex on and off for a few weeks. Ever since Beth had given her free reign to have sex whenever she felt like it she had coupled with him at least twice a day since. She did the math and she had already had sex with him nearly twenty times. If that didn’t make them a couple, Paige didn’t know what did. She absently let him lick her legs while she stood and talked with her parents. His nose went under her skirt, and she nearly forgot to push his head away before he got a few good licks in against her sensitive vaginal lips.

She pushed him away, and laughed, “Harold, please! I’m talking, with my parents.” Her father looked suspicious at that, but he shook it off. Paige could tell he didn’t know anything. It was probably better that way. Paige spent the following week at the house. When her father was off at work, Paige was up in her room having sex with Harold, or chatting with her Mother. Her Mother finally said, “You know, you don’t have to shut your door when you and Harold are up there. It’s not like he’ll get embarrassed, and I’ve already seen and heard it, so there’s no point.” Paige nodded, not sure what her Mother was really asking. Did her Mom really want to see her having sex with Harold? “Okay, Mom, I won’t.”

From that point on, Paige left the door open while Harold was working his dick into her. She realized that she was really getting off on it. Her Mother would often come by and check on her, “Oh, Hi, dear. Looks like you two are busy. I’ll come by in a few minutes and I’ll bring a snack. I bet you’ll have worked up an appetite.” Mid coitus, Paige would laugh, “Thanks, Mom.” That’s the way it went. Every break, and indeed, more and more weekends were spent over at her parent’s house. Whenever her Father was gone, it came a bit of a ritual. It was a fun secret that just Paige and her Mother shared. Paige had never felt closer to her Mother. Their secret was so sexy that Paige couldn’t see it ever changing.

That was until the weekend before summer break. Paige had gotten a very late start before she left the dorm room. She knew she wouldn’t get back to her Parent’s house until after midnight, because she had spent most of her day packing up her room for the move after finals week. She was a good student, so studying was less of a burden than moving for her. She packed up a few suitcases of stuff and put Harold in her car and drove to her Mother’s place. The lights were already off, so she snuck up to her room and flopped her suitcases quietly onto the floor. She was exhausted, and she just wanted to go to bed. So she curled up with Harold on the bed with her, and she fell asleep.

She woke up earlier than she expected. She had heard a noise through the open door of her bedroom. It was probably her Mother waking up. She knew her Father had flown out of state for a golf trip that he had been planning for months. So she assumed she was alone. Her Mother had said her Aunt was dropping by this weekend, but for now, Paige was horny, and wanted relief. She stripped out of her clothes that she had ended up sleeping in and put her socks on Harold’s front paws. She had learned her lesson early that it was easier on her sides and he didn’t mind all that much. She got up onto all fours on her bed. Harold knew the drill by now. They had had sex with each other well over 200 times now.

She unashamedly slapped her butt and said out loud, “Okay, Harold, jump up!” He did and within a few moments, she guided his stabbing cock into her once again. She stiffened. It was just what she needed. She hadn’t had any chance to have sex with him with all this packing. He began humping hard and in no time at all she felt the familiar wetness of his ejaculate dribbling out of her, and down her clitoris as it began staining her bed spread. She was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. She was used to being a little more noisy at her Parent’s house, than she could be at the dorm. She knew her Mother didn’t care, “Oh, GOD, Harold, fuck me! Yes, cumm in me more! I want more of your cumm!” He was on a mission, driving deep into her. Paige heard a sound over her shoulder. It was the familiar sound of someone walking by her room. She wasn’t about to give up her orgasm to look around and see her Mother standing there, like she often did.

“Oh, God, Harold, I’m about to cumm! Keep going for me!” That’s when Paige heard an unfamiliar voice, “Oh. My. God.” Paige’s head whipped around. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the unfamiliar shape of a woman who definitely wasn’t her Mother. No, it was her Aunt. “Paige! What the hell are you doing?!” “Oh, no. Aunt, Sue – I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like!” Paige realized that was the stupidest thing she could say, but she could never think of anything else to say when people caught her. Sue yelled, “Peggy, you awake? Get in here!” A few seconds later, Paige’s Mother was standing in the doorway too. They were both looking at Paige, mid coitus.

“Oh, yes, I see you’ve found my perverted Daughter.” Peggy looked disgusted, “You knew about this?” “Yes, I’ve seen it quite a few times now. As if sex with an animal isn’t bad enough, I think Paige likes to get caught too.” “Really?” “Yes, she’s also gotten caught by her dorm mate too. That’s actually her dorm mate’s dog, right there. Paige has been in a relationship with him for well over 6 months now. She brings him home and has sex with him up here with the door open.” “A relationship, really, Paige?” Harold was still thrusting hard, and Paige was still on the verge of climax. Paige wish they would both just leave, “Yeah, I guess so.” Sue felt a little more empowered, as she looked closer, “Oh my! Is his knot actually in you? Are you hung up?” Paige didn’t move, “Yeah, it’s in me. It’s huge.”

Sue frowned, “So you like getting caught, huh? So this is doing it for you? Right now?” Paige couldn’t help it, she actually was getting off on this a little, but it was really the huge dog dick in her that was getting her off instead of saying anything she moaned ever so slightly before saying, “No, I mean…” That was enough for Sue, “Oh my god, you do like getting caught!!!” The dog was sending Paige over the edge as Sue went on, “Oh wow, we should find some other ways of getting you caught. This could be fun!” Peggy laughed as Paige was starting to cumm, “Yeah, we could find funny situations to get her caught.” Paige began to moan loudly, “OH GOD!” Sue laughed back, “Yeah, can you imagine your husband’s face, or my Todd’s seeing Paige fucking a dog? Ha!” Todd was Sue’s son, not much older than Paige. Peggy smirked, “You think?” Sue nodded, “Totally, I bet we could find lots of ways to catch the guys off guard.”

Paige rocked her hips, and dropped onto the bed, as her orgasm rippled through her body. She couldn’t help it. All this talk drove her over the edge. She came hard. The women began chatting amongst themselves before Sue said, “Okay, well the show is over, let’s go get some breakfast, and leave these two alone.” Peggy nodded and the sisters left Paige, nude and hung up on Harold’s huge knot.

— Chapter Five —

Paige knew the day was coming. The day when Sue and her Mother were plotting to get her caught by Sue’s son, Todd. Paige really wasn’t okay with the whole idea, but she was also extremely turned on by the idea of her mother and Aunt planning the whole thing for her. The day arrived with Sue and Todd arrived together to spend the day by the pool with Peggy and Paige. Paige’s father was off at work, since it was a weekday. Paige and Todd were out of school for the summer, and Peggy and Sue were the housewives, without anything better than to plot Paige’s perverted show and tell.

They had planned it all out. Paige would go outside, wearing a bikini and she would have sex with Harold. Then they’d send poor unsuspecting Todd out to deliver some lemonade to Paige, while everyone waited with baited breath. Sure enough, all three women were wearing bikinis and Todd wearing his shorts. Paige felt her heart about to beat out of her chest. This was the first time she was actually intentionally getting herself caught doing anything sexual – let alone with a dog. It was one thing doing it in front of her Mom or Beth, who knew about it already. It was quite another doing it, and waiting for someone who might react in any number of different ways.

Paige took a deep breath and said, “I’m going to go out and check the pool. I’ll be right back.” She left Peggy, Sue and Todd alone in the kitchen, as Sue made up some lemonade. The Sue was intentionally very chatty with Todd, as she distracted him, and made up the lemonade. The women smirked at each other, waiting for the right time. Peggy stole a glance out of the window and saw that indeed, Paige was on her back with her back on a lawn chair and her butt out. Harold had his dick up inside of her already, even though it had only been a minute. Paige was snark naked.

Peggy nodded to Sue who got the hint and said, “Honey, can you take a glass of lemonade out to Paige?” He nodded, “Sure.” He grabbed it and walked outside, while Peggy and Sue ran to the window to watch. It took a full second before Todd realized what was happening. He froze in his tracks, clearly alarmed. Paige ignored him completely, as if she hadn’t heard the door open. Harold continued to drill his huge cock into Paige and she moaned gently, massaging his back as they coupled. Todd slowly turned around and walked back inside quitly closing the door behind him. Sue and Peggy returned to chatting, as if they didn’t see anything. Sue didn’t say anything, even though Todd returned with the same glass of lemonade he left with. He was completely mute.

Sue waited a full minute while Todd looked deep in thought and finally said, “Okay, let’s go out to the pool.” Todd looked alarmed, and said, “Uh, no wait…” Sue ignored him, knowing full well that he was trying to keep her from walking outside and catching Paige, even though she and Peggy knew full well what was going on out by the pool. Sue and Peggy ignored him and walked outside, of course seeing Paige immediately. Todd’s eyes were wide as dishes as he watched his Mother and his aunt walk out and take seats on the furniture right by Paige even though she was naked and having sex with a dog right by the pool in broad daylight.

Sue and Peggy began to chat about the weather, as if it were perfectly natural that Paige might be having sex with an animal and that nothing were out of the ordinary. It took nearly a full minute before Todd walked all the way out. But he still stood up, not knowing what to do. Looking confused by the whole thing. Paige began to moan. She was so turned on by this whole thing. She couldn’t figure out why her Mother and Sue were so happy to let her do this. But all she knew is that as hard as it was to admit Paige was extremely aroused by this whole thing.

Sue looked over at Todd and said, “What’s the matter? Come sit down.” Todd pointed at Paige, who was moaning more loudly, and already had the dog’s cumm dripping out of her onto the concrete, “Uh…?” “Oh, Paige? Yeah, Paige has been seeing a dog for a while now. Come sit down. It’s rude to point.” He did as he was told and sat down. His shorts suddenly appeared to be too tight on him, because his erection was growing rapidly. That was enough for Paige, she began to orgasm loudly, “OH GOD, YESSS!!!” She bucked her hips gently. The knot inside her driving her over the edge. Todd didn’t have a great view from his vantage point, but even still he could see everything he needed to.

Sue said, “Oh, she’s so noisy.” Peggy agreed, “I know, she’s got to learn some manners, don’t you think, Todd?” He didn’t have any idea what to say to that, “Uh, I guess so.” Paige began to calm down. Her body and face were flushed, “Oh, God, wow. Sorry everyone. It’s been a few hours and I was starting to get a little horny.” Sue waved her off, “Oh, it’s no problem, is it, Peggy?” Peggy shook her head, “No. You two look cute together. Right, Todd?” Todd nodded, “I guess so.”

Paige couldn’t help but laugh. It took several minutes before Harold’s cock finally sprung free. No one said another word about the whole thing – at least not while Todd was around.

— Chapter Six —

Paige was so excited for her 19th birthday. Her parents, Peggy and Matt, had been planning something special for her, she just couldn’t figure out what it was. She knew that her parents would probably want to have a party for her, but beyond that it was a complete mystery. Her parents were very wealthy, as second generation bankers. So she had a nice car when she was 16 and for her 17th birthday she had gotten another. So she was looking forward to see what her parents had in store for her on her 19th.

The day finally arrived and Peggy walked into Paige’s room first thing in the morning with a tray of breakfast singing happy birthday. Paige yawned and sat up, smiling with her PJs on. Harold had since gone back with Beth, who suddenly decided she had missed him being gone so long. So that was that. Her fling had abruptly ended. It was probably a good thing, Paige decided. This whole bestiality thing had just gotten out of control. No, she decided that dogs weren’t for her. She decided she was done with animals and that from here on out she was going to fly straight.

Peggy was used to treating Paige like a princess, and her birthday was no different. Paige ate her breakfast as Peggy prodded, “Are you excited that it’s your birthday today?” Paige nodded, “Wow – this is a lot of food, Mom, geez. Trying to get me fat?” Peggy smiled, “You have a big day ahead of you, birthday girl. Try to eat as much as possible. You’ll need the fuel. You’ll burn it off, don’t worry.” Paige had no idea what that meant but she nodded and was thankful for an excuse to eat, when normally she was always so anal about watching her weight, “Who’s coming to the party tonight?” “Oh, well it’s not a party per se. You’ll find out. But listen, you have a big day and part of your present arrives in two hours, so get showered and dressed and meet me downstairs at exactly 11.” Paige smiled, “Okay!”

Peggy left Paige to finish eating. Paige finished and hopped into the shower. She blow dried her hair and made sure it looked extra pretty. She rubbed lotion all over herself, put on her makeup and began to get dressed. She put on some matching red panties and a bra. She put on a short denim mini-skirt and a pretty top that showed her teen aged belly. She fixed her hair several more times, and her makeup, and finally satisfied she looked at the clock and it was almost time to go down. She put on some four inch high heels which made her a stunning 5’6″. She checked herself in the mirror and decided she was beautiful and ready to rock her 19th birthday and whatever surprise was in store for her. She heard some commotion outside, but enjoying surprises she decided not to look and spoil her present.

Paige finally saw the clock hit eleven and teetered down the stairs to find her Mother. Neither her Mother or Father were anywhere in the house, so Paige started to look out the windows, not knowing what to expect, but all she saw was a big truck with a trailer – probably one of the gardener’s. Finally she spotted her Mother outside so she walked out the front door and said, “Hi, Mom, I’m here!” Peggy smiled, “Ah! You’re just in time!” Matt, Paige’s Father, walked around from the back of the trailer, “Hey, baby! Happy birthday!” He walked over and gave her a big hug. Paige hugged him back. Peggy smiled, “Okay, are you ready?” Paige jumped up and down, looking around, trying to spot her present. Maybe it was behind the old beat up truck, she thought, “I sure am!”

Peggy’s Mother smiled, “Great, Eduardo, come on out!” Sure enough, Paige was right, her present was indeed hidden behind the trailer. But she was extremely surprised when a Latino man walked around the corner of the truck with a horse in tow behind him. Paige was puzzled as Peggy and her Father said, “Surprise!” Paige smiled brightly, but was still totally confused why her parents would buy her a horse. Sure, she may have loved the idea of horses when she was a kid, but now with two cars under her belt, she had no idea why they would think she’d want a horse. But, she reasoned, maybe it would still be fun to ride a horse around a little, so she was gracious. “Wow, I certainly wasn’t expecting a horse! Very cool!”

Matt smiled at his Daughter, “He’s quite a specimen, huh?” Eduardo – a man that Paige had never met before walked the horse up to Paige. Paige was somewhat uncomfortable with how big the horse was as it stood over her. Paige ran her hands over his coat, “Yeah, he’s beautiful.” Peggy asked, “What do you want to call him?” Paige thought for a moment, “Comanche.” Matt smiled at his daughter, “That’s a good name, he’s a big strong guy.” Paige said, “I can’t wait to go riding.” Peggy said, “Edwardo – would you mind saddling Comanche for us?” He nodded and brought Comanche back to the trailer and began fussing about with some leather straps.

Matt said, “It was my idea. Your Mother said that you have been moping around the house a little bit lately. I haven’t seen you dating anyone or anything. So I thought it might be good to get you out of the house. You know. And live a little.” Paige couldn’t claim to have any boyfriends but she had had countless orgasms with her roommate’s dog. He continued, “So we got you a horse for your birthday. I spoke with Dan the other day about you and it got me thinking.”

Dan was Paige’s future husband as far as she was concerned. She felt in love with him the first time she had laid eyes on him. He was the son of Matt’s best friend, and in many ways, Paige and Dan had grown up together and he was the only guy that she had every had any real interest in, even though nothing had ever happened. “Yeah?” “We talked about why he had never asked you out and he said that he wanted to, but that he was worried.” “Worried about what?” “That you were spoiled, but worse that you hadn’t done anything really interesting in your life. He said that he was sure you had only been outside long enough to decide you don’t like it. He was worried that you didn’t even know what you wanted out of life. He just wants someone in his life who is interesting and has things that interest them in their life.”

Paige was disturbed to find that Dan thought of her as uninteresting. It wasn’t the sort of thing that she wanted to hear about the guy that her heart belonged to. So she nodded as she fought her tears away, “I’ll go get some jeans on.” She wasn’t going to let Dan go, just because of something as dumb as not having ridden a horse. Peggy smiled, “Atta girl!” Within twenty minutes she was riding horseback for the very first time.

— Chapter Seven —

It took almost no time at all for Paige to learn how to ride the horse around the circular driveway. She enjoyed herself a lot, actually. It reminded her of the little pony toys she had used to play with. Eduardo gave her some lessons on how to hold the reigns and post a little when the horse sped up. Comanche was extremely well trained, Paige noticed. He was gentle and it took quite a bit of effort to get him to do something that was even vaguely unsafe. She immediately trusted him and began to hug on him when she slowed down. He was definitely a magnificent beast, and she finally decided it would be fun to own a horse.

Matt had contracted a company to install a permanent pre-fabricated metal barn out behind the house. Within two days it was erect. Paige was eager to show her friends, and they all oohed and ahhed over her horse over the next few days as they came by to see her new present. A few days later, Paige noticed that he was a stallion when his huge penis became erect as she brushed him. She was deeply embarrassed by it, but still fascinated as she looked around to make sure Edwardo wasn’t looking. She thought about Dan and wondered how this huge animal compared to him and to Beth’s dog for that matter.

Several days later, Paige found herself completely alone with her stallion for the first time since she had got him. Edwardo was hired to take care of the stallion, but he had just told her to tie him up when she was finished and he would take care of him when he came back from buying some hay. She knew he had to drive across town, so she had at least an hour before he would return.

She kept brushing Comanche and his penis began to thicken. Paige looked towards her house and realized that the trees did a good job of obscuring her, and she could probably get away with murder and her parents would never know. She took one more glance around and feeling confident in her curiosity she reached under the horse and touched it’s rubbery penis. It felt electric against her fingertips. She was amazed at how erotic it felt. She squeezed it several times and it began to thicken in her hands. It was a wild feeling – being the first penis she had ever touched.

She gently ran her hand up and down the shaft as she kneeled down to get a better look. Then she brought up her other hand and felt the horse’s heavy testicles in her hand. It was wild. She felt so naughty as she cupped her hand around the head of the horse’s member. The stallion stamped his foot several times, obviously anxious and horny, “Oh, does this feel good, Comanche? Huh?” Paige was encouraged by his movements. She knew she was definitely making his erection feel good.

She tentatively massaged the horse’s member up and down several times. He seemed to be enjoying it. She looked around again, wondering if anyone could see her, but she convinced herself she was alone. She wondered what he tasted like. She had to know. Plus, no doubt, Dan would want her to be able to suck his cock if he ever decided to ask her out on a date. She swallowed and with her heart in her throat she stuck her tongue out and gently licked the tip of the horse’s member. She was surprised that it didn’t taste like much. She licked it a little more and then she surprised herself by opened her mouth and trying to suck in the horse’s large penis head. It was huge and barely fit into her mouth, but she did what she could to let the horse into her as deep as she could.

Suddenly she heard a cough that was clearly from her Mother. Paige jumped back and fell on her butt into the dirt, scaring herself as she saw her Mother with a tray with lemonade on it with a big smirk on her face. Paige stammered, “Oh! Mom! Sorry!” Peggy smiled, “Oh?” Paige’s brain was blank but she did know that she was scared witless, “No, I mean… I don’t know.” “Well, I just came to give you some lemonade because it’s kind of warm out here, but it looks like you found something else that you’d like to drink.”

Paige was incredibly embarrassed as her Mother walked up and set the tray down on the ground. It was one thing to have had sex with a dog. But two different species of animals? Peggy looked at the horse and smiled, “He’s got a big penis, I can see why you’d be curious.” “Oh Mom!” “It’s okay, sweetheart, that’s perfectly natural. Don’t worry. I understand.” Paige didn’t know what to say, as she stood up and dusted herself off, blushing hard. Peggy laughed, “Stop frowning, it’s okay, honey. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Paige frowned more, “Look, why don’t you finish giving him a blow job, and come on in when you’re done, okay?” “No, I’m done.” Peggy shook her head, “No you aren’t. It’s not nice to do that to him. You should finish what you started. It’s cruel to leave him like that. Just finish him off and then come in, okay? I’m serious.” Paige didn’t answer as her Mother smiled, “Okay, see you in a bit,” and spun around to go back inside.

Paige’s heart was beating out of her chest. She didn’t know what to say or do. She thought maybe she could just pretend like she did it, and stay out for a while, but she wasn’t sure if her Mother might be able to tell. Why had she done that? She thought she was over this whole animal thing, then this! She looked and watched her Mother who turned around and called out, “Go on now!” Paige lifted her hand as acknowledged her Mother’s demand before Peggy rounded the corner of the house. That’s why Paige hadn’t heard her Mother come out of the house – she had come from the kitchen which had a door on the side of the house.

Paige was blushing hard as she decided she really didn’t have any options, she had to do it. She was far less turned on this time as she knelt down and began to fondle the horse’s cock again. She felt forced into it, even though it was her own stupid fetish that had got her into this in the first place. She began sucking the end of the horse’s penis as best she could. To her amazement the horse’s penis began to grow and thicken in her mouth. She did what she could to lick the end of the horse’s penis in her mouth while she stroked the length of his cock at the same time.

She tried to breath as the horse began to stamp harder, jiggling the giant penis. Suddenly it began to tense hard in her mouth, yanking her her head around with the tremendous strength as it began to lunge forward at the same time. She withdrew her head, sensing that the intense pleasure the horse was feeling would soon result in it’s orgasm. She had never seen a horse orgasm. She steadied herself, but kept up her pace. The horse took over though and began to thrust hard in her soft hands. She spread her saliva all over the horse’s member with her hands making it slippery as the horse quickened it’s pace. She saw the horse’s whole body begin to tense hard including it’s testicles. She was fascinated.

Suddenly the thrusting lead to climax and the horse made a loud coughing sound while it thrusted hard and began to squirt long hot jets of semen out of it’s tip and onto the ground. She let the horse hump her hands for nearly a minute while it continued to ejaculate in long steamy ropes into the dirt below. She was entranced. Finally the horse calmed down and began to retract. She wanted it to keep cumming but the horse was clearly finished. She squeezed it’s erection several more times before the horse finally withdrew it’s penis back into it’s sheath. Paige didn’t want to admit it to herself but she thought it was really sexy, and she wanted to taste it, but she hadn’t managed to get any on her hands and the horse was now totally dis-interested. She stood up and wiped her hands off on her jeans before she swallowed and walked back to the house, where she prepared herself for the most embarrassing talk of her life.

Peggy was drinking tea at the kitchen table when she saw Paige enter. Peggy smiled, “Hi, honey. Sit down. Do you want some tea?” Paige nodded, “Uh, okay.” She sat down while her Mother poured a cup of tea for her Daughter. “Here you are, honey.” Paige sipped the tea and then looked at her Mother, “I’m sorry Mom. I know it’s gross.” “No, not at all, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Did you finish him off?” “Yeah. With my hands.” “Oh Dear. Oh well. That’s a shame.” Paige was confused, “Why?” “Oh, I just think it would be a good idea for you to learn how to give a blow job and swallow. It’s a skill every girl should try to master. Your future husband will thank you.”

“Oh.” Peggy smiled and said, “Well, there will be plenty of time for that. You can try again tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?” “Sure, I’ll have Eduardo leave you two alone during your rides from now on, so you two can practice.” “Uh, okay… So… you’re not mad? I mean, I do feel horrible. I had sort of given up this whole mess.” “Oh, heavens no. You shouldn’t feel bad. It’s perfectly natural. You two looked good together.” “Mom!” Penny laughed, “It’s okay, sweetheart. Don’t be embarrassed.” Paige sighed as Penny, said, “Okay, kiddo – go get cleaned up, and I’ll make some dinner.”

— Chapter Eight —

It was still summer before college started again, and Paige had nothing better to do but hang out around the house. Paige’s older brother had a summer job that kept him away from the house, so it was just her and her parents for the most part, and really it ended up being mostly just her and her Mother. So she headed out to the barn again and instead of starting her ride, she decided to get right to the task at hand. She began to brush Comanche and soon, just like before she saw his penis distend and thicken. Before long she was on her knees and sucking the stallion’s penis. The stallion’s giant cock was beginning to seem more normal to her as she tried to fit it deep into her mouth. She pictured Dan’s penis and tried to suck with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. But gradually her mind drifted from Dan back to the stallion as she became acutely aware of how dirty it was to be sucking a horse’s stiff penis.

She held her hands tightly around the stallion’s rigid shaft and stroked it as well as she could. Soon afterwords she felt the stallion begin to tense and thrust forward. She did what she could to keep her mouth firmly around the stallion’s penis even as it flared in her mouth. She squeezed hard with both her lips and her hands as the horse thrust hard with it’s haunches, forcing her back and forth, as her head was forced back and forth violently. Still she held on.

Suddenly she felt like she was drowning. A violent splash of horse semen erupted and shot back into her throat. She felt like coughing but she managed to swallow the first mouth full of cumm. The second was too much though and she coughed, spraying semen out over her arms and legs. She managed to swallow but more semen was still streaming out of the horse’s penis as it shot out all over her face, hair, and tee-shirt. She managed to put her mouth over the horse’s cock once more and swallowed two more mouth fulls until it was just too much and she pulled her face back and just let the horse cumm on her face as she huffed and continued to squeeze the horse’s penis lovingly, “Does that feel good, boy?”

The horse began to calm down and the stallion’s penis began to withdrawal and pull up back into it’s sheath as it finally felt satiated. Paige laughed a little, and decided to walk back into the house just like she was, with sperm on her face, arms and clothes. She knew her Mother would find it amusing. She walked back into the house and opened the door saying, “Surprise!” Her Mother was sitting there drinking tea just like before with another cup sitting in front of her, “Oh my! Look at you!” Paige laughed, “Well, I tried, but my God! It went everywhere. I couldn’t swallow it all.” “So I see. Sit down and have some tea.” Paige sat down, and waited for her Mother to pour the tea while she sat there, semen dripping from her face onto the table.

Paige didn’t bother to clean up even a little before she sipped her tea. She kind of enjoyed having semen all over her. Peggy said, “I think you ruined that shirt. Maybe you shouldn’t wear something you care about tomorrow, huh?” Paige nodded, “So you don’t mind if I try it again?” “No. Why, do you want to?” “I don’t know.” “Well, you have to learn somehow.” The girls both shared a silent moment with smiles on both of their faces. That night, Paige masturbated several times thinking about it. She thought long and hard about the differences between Beth’s dog and Comanche.

— Chapter Nine —

The next day was like before, except Paige waited until the coast was clear, until she stripped completely naked except for her stylish designer cowboy boots. She didn’t want to ruin any more clothes, like her Mother said. Her parents were both home, but Paige knew how to avoid them. Besides, she was horny and wanted to run around the house naked. She couldn’t help herself. She felt her heart beating fast, as she waited until the coast was clear, when her Father was watching TV before she ran outside. She felt her breasts and butt giggling as she ran. It was so wild being naked in the house with him there. Normally he wasn’t around when she was doing naughty things, but she was getting more bold. Like the day before Paige quickly went under the horse and began to scratch his belly until the horse was aroused.

Soon she was sucking it off hard. She paused, realizing that she was suddenly a lot more horny than the previous day. She stopped and began to rub the horse’s penis across her nipples. It felt good, but it wasn’t what she was looking for. She ran her fingers down her body and felt her pussy. It was warm and wet. She was definitely aroused. She stood up ran the horse’s cock through her pubic hair a few times. She shuddered, thinking it would be so sexy if she could have sex with the horse. But no, it was one thing to practice having oral sex with a horse, and it was quite another to have sex with one, even if she really did want to try it. She was still trying to convince herself that she was over animals. This was for Dan, her future husband, not for her, she decided.

Paige sighed, turned squatted again settling with rubbing her clit while with her left hand while she held onto the horse’s dick with her right. She continued to suck hard. Before long, she felt the horse’s familiar tensing and she prepared herself for the onslaught. Suddenly her mouth was filled with the familiar hot sticky horse semen as it shot out of the horse’s pulsating penis and into her. Like before she managed to swallow once before she had to pull herself off of the throbbing penis as it shot out all over her.

Paige rubbed her clitoris hard as thick ropes erupted all over her face, chest, arms and legs. She felt it drooling towards her pussy hair and instinctively she aimed the still erupting cock down towards her hot pubic mound. Sticky ejaculate began to cover her pubic hair. She rubbed it in and suddenly felt herself climaxing. She worked her sperm covered fingers into her pussy and she ran the horse’s penis on her face. She moaned and huffed as she felt her pussy convulsing around her sperm coated fingers. Finally her whole body tingled as she and the horse both finally began to relax again.

She stood up and teetered back into the house, nude and dripping with semen. There, now her Mother couldn’t say anything more to her. She walked into the house, and like both times before, her Mother was sitting at the table drinking her tea, but this time she was reading the paper. She set the paper down and smiled at her Daughter, “Hello there! Wow, look at you. Did you forget something?” Paige laughed, “Yeah, well, I kinda wanted to try it naked today. It was… interesting.” Peggy laughed again, “Well don’t just stand there. Sit down and have some tea.”

Paige did as she was told, the cold chair feeling odd on her butt and back. She had had sex with Beth’s dog enough times that her Mother had seen her naked dozens and dozens of times, but Paige normally had enough shame to get dressed afterwords. Not today, thought. Paige drank a sip of tea before she said, “Okay, are you satisfied now?” “Yes, Are you?” That question lingered on Paige’s mind for hours after she managed to avoid her Father, take a shower and get dressed. Long after bed, even she wondered if she wanted to try it again. And she was sure she did.

— Chapter Ten —

Paige was getting more and more brazen and her Mother encouraged her. After talking about it Paige’s Mother said, “I don’t see any point in wearing clothes anymore around the house. And it’s about time your Father knows about this whole horse thing you’ve been doing.” “You think so?” “Yes, we should find a way to tell him, without him freaking out.” The hatched a plan to get Matt to be okay with Paige giving Comanche oral sex.

Paige couldn’t explain, even to herself, why it would be a good idea. She just knew that she wanted him to see her naked and covered in horse sperm. Paige smiled at her Father and said, “I’ll be back.” She walked up the stairs, and she stripped down naked. She brushed her hair and re-applied her makeup before she put on her cowboy boots and clomped down the stairs. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as she came into view of her Father. He didn’t even look over at her. She felt her whole body heat up as she got more and more nervous. She finally rounded the couch and flopped down into it. Finally Matt looked over and spotted his naked daughter, “Whoa!”

He said it so loudly it kind of surprised Paige and she said in a somewhat surprised voice, “What?!” “What are you doing?” “Oh, it’s just kind of hot, it’s okay, Daddy. I just felt uncomfortable, so I took my clothes off.” She put her feet up on the coffee table so that he could see that she was wearing only cowboy boots. Her breasts and pubic hair were in plain view. He said, “You better put on some clothes before your Mother comes in and sees you.” “She shook her head, “I’m not worried about her. I always walk around without clothes on when it’s just us.” “Oh. Really?” “Yeah, does it bother you? It doesn’t bother her.” “I guess not.” “Good. I like being naked.” She smiled and leaned back as if the conversation were over.

Her Father couldn’t help but probe, “So you’re naked all the time then, when I’m not around?” “No, not all the time, although I’d like that.” Paige’s Father was quick to say, “Well, you should! I mean, if your Mother is okay with it. I don’t mind.” Did her Father find her sexually attractive? Paige’s pussy felt hot as she thought about it. Paige nodded, “Maybe I’ll just try it for a day and see how it feels.” He seemed to agree with that idea, “Sure. Just don’t tell your Mother that I said that, okay?” She laughed and leaned towards him on her right, instinctively putting her left boot up by her butt and lifting her hips ever so gently, giving him a much better view of her pussy as she reached over and pushed him playfully.

Paige laughed, “Don’t worry, I won’t.” She wanted to masturbate, but she thought that might be a bit much. She instead gently rubbed her legs and stomach as she watched TV for a few minutes. She knew her Father was stealing glances, but he didn’t say another word. Paige finally said, “I think I’m going to go outside and brush Comanche.” “Oh yeah? Like that? What about Eduardo?” “He’s gone – he’s always gone during the heat of the day. Mom gave him time off every day, starting from 1 and going until 3. I think she felt bad for him being out there in the heat of the day.” “Oh, well, okay, I guess. Okay, honey, have fun.”

Paige smiled and walked straight into the kitchen, where her Mother was sitting reading the newspaper. Peggy smiled, “Oh, look at you – going out for another round?” “I thought I might. Dad didn’t seem to mind that I was naked, by the way.” Peggy just nodded and said, “That’s nice dear. Now run along and have fun.” Paige felt like she was young again and her Mother were telling her to run along and have fun at the park or something – not have oral sex with a stallion. Paige went right out and did exactly that. For the first time in ages she felt really very free. She took her time, sucking the stallion off. Just like before the stallion ejaculated all over her face and hands and breasts among other places. She wanted to masturbate, but she also wanted to walk back into the house. She wanted her Father to see her.

She teetered back into the house and her Mother smiled, just like the day before. “Would you like some tea, darling?” “Uh, not today, Mom. Thanks anyway.” Her Mother smiled and went back to reading. Paige opened the kitchen door, and went through the house. She found her Father still on the couch. She felt her heart beating fast again. She was still nude, but had semen all over her face, arms, hands, chest, stomach, pubic hair, and thighs. She was a complete sloppy mess. She flopped down on the couch again and wiped her sperm covered fingers across her forehead saying, “Phew. It’s hot out there.” He looked at her, clearly a little confused. She snickered, “What are you looking at?” “You’re all wet.” Paige could tell her Father couldn’t tell if it was water or something else, “Yeah.” Paige decided to make him ask.

He frowned, “Did you run around in the sprinklers or something?” He didn’t look like he was sure it was water anymore, even as he asked. “No, no… Comanche was just looking uncomfortable too so I decided to make him feel better. So I gave him a blow job.” “What!?” She nodded and cupped her breasts as she rubbed the semen around her nipples, “Yeah, I know, I probably shouldn’t do that. Mom might catch me, huh?” He looked mesmerized for a second until he said, “Well, yeah, you should probably be more careful. But wait, why did you give him a blow job anyway?” “I don’t know, I was kinda horny, I guess. I didn’t masturbate, but I wish I had. Now I’m all pent up.”

“Oh, I see.” He sat back and tried to pretend to watch whatever was on TV. Paige dropped her hands into her lap, as if she were a little church girl and pretended to watch TV too. She then spread her legs and put her boots up onto the coffee table and lazily let her right hand cup her pubic mound. She then began to work her sperm covered fingers up into her pussy and then ran them across her clit several times. She even let out a moan.

She sighed loudly and said, “Okay, that’s it, I better go upstairs and masturbate. I’ll be back in a bit, Daddy.” She reached over and put her spermy, vaginal juice covered hands on his knee as she kissed him on the cheek with her sperm covered lips. He looked up to her and nodded, not knowing what to say, “Okay.” She walked up the stairs and nearly broke down laughing. She settled into bed and masturbated for almost an hour, until her Mother called her for dinner. She took a quick shower to get the semen and sweat off of her body and walked back downstairs, nude.

Matt was obviously nervous as he looked at Paige and then looked at Peggy. Clearly he was waiting for Peggy to erupt in protest at their nude Daughter at the dinner table. Instead no one talked about it. Instead the conversation avoided any topics around horses, dogs or nudity. Everyone was cordial and sweet. Paige felt like masturbating again.

— Chapter Eleven —

“Oh, incidentally, I spoke with Eduardo, and he had some ideas on how you could improve your riding. He’s from Brazil and he found a new saddle for you to try.” Paige was confused, “Oh, okay?” That’s all Paige’s mother would say. It had been a few weeks since Paige had worn a stitch of clothing. She had managed to lead a life of leisure. She masturbated often, gave Comanche blow jobs at least once a day, and other than that she had a lot of time to read and relax. But as she went to bed she pondered what this new saddle would mean.

As Paige frowned at the mess of straps hanging from Comanche the next day. Paige was standing stark naked in the barn as her Mother smiled, “I’d like you to try it if your game. It’s a belly riding saddle. It’ll help you ride but under the horse, instead of on it’s back. You’ll ride with him inside of you. It’s the way Brazilian women ride.” Paige frowned, nervous about why Edwardo was there for the first time in weeks during her riding time, “Huh?” “You know, so you can have sex with it while you ride.” “What?! Mom! I’m over animals, I told you.” “I know, honey, but I think this is something you have to try. You gave dogs a chance and you’ve been sucking Comanche off for weeks now, it’s clear you have more experimenting to do. I think you need to try this.”

Paige sighed in a non-committal tone. Peggy said, “Look, just try it, and I’ll leave you alone, if you don’t like it.” Paige frowned, “I don’t know mom.” “Just once.” “Ugh, okay, but do you promise to leave me alone after this?” “Sure.” “Promise?” “Okay, I promise. But you have to do it a few times then. Not just once. You can never tell if you’re going to like something if you only do it once.” Paige sighed, “Fine. But after that, I’m done. Okay?” “If you say so.”

Peggy helped Paige get into the saddle. Edwardo turned out to know a great deal about Brazilian belly riding saddles, and helped them get everything settled. Paige wasn’t sure she wanted Eduardo to know about her having sex with the horse, but Peggy said, “Oh don’t worry about it. I told him about you and that dog, so it’s okay. He knows enough already. Besides, he’s helped women in Brazil before. He’s an expert, don’t worry.” That didn’t make the nude 19 year old feel any better, “Let’s just get this over with.”

Peggy’s arms and legs were strapped to the horse and Eduardo began to massage the horse’s dick as it slowly distended further and further until it began to touch Paige’s pubic hair. She shivered slightly as the horse’s member slid across her sensitive labia. He began to press the horse’s penis against her flesh, as she widened her legs as best she could, even though her ankles were tied firmly to the saddle. Edwardo pushed the thickening member harder against her stubborn vaginal lips. He was just too big. Paige began to get frustrated, “This isn’t going to work.” Peggy smiled, “Just relax. Brazilian women do this, and if they can do it, so can you.” Paige took a deep breath and struggled harder, working her hips around in small circles, trying to let Edwardo push the horse’s huge penis into her.

After several more failed attempts and many more tense moments Paige’s eyes flew open, “OH MY GOD! He’s HUGE, Mom! Oh Wow!” Peggy smiled seeing that only the very edge of the horse’s head had slipped into her Daughter, “He’s only just entered you honey. Try to relax. He’s only about an inch in you.” Paige began to panic, “Oh, I don’t know if I can do this, Mom! He’s massive!”

Peggy smiled, “You can do anything you set your mind to, sweetheart. If you want to learn how to belly ride a horse, you can do it.” This was the wrong time for a Mother Daughter pep talk, Paige thought, but she tried to relax and let Eduado feed inch after inch into her hole. After nearly a full tense minute, Paige squirmed, “Oh my god, he’s touching my cervix, Mom. Ow!” Eduardo stood up and said, “She’s done.” He indicated that the horse’s penis would go no further into the young girl. Peggy smiled, “He’s all the way in you, I guess. How does that feel?” “Painful. He’s huge Mom. But, it’s okay. I think I can do this now.”

Peggy smiled, “Good. Now, let’s get this lesson going. Eduardo, can you please instruct my Daughter on the proper technique for riding a horse in this manner?” “Si!” He began to lead Paige out and around the back yard. Paige tried to listen to his broken English as he tried to explain the finer points of riding a horse while it was having sex with her. She quickly orgasmed, almost without warning. The world felt very out of place and upside down for her. She didn’t know why, but she was immensely turned on. Suddenly Paige’s Father emerged from the house looking red. He must have spotted them on the lawn, “What the fuck is going on?!” Paige had almost forgotten that he had taken the day off of work to get some work done around the house.

Even as she was still orgasmic, Paige felt her heart stop. This was it. Her fun and games were over. They had finally made a mistake and her Father had caught them going too far. “What the fuck are you doing to my Daughter?” He looked furious as Peggy caught him and in the calmest voice ever she said, “Honey, stop. We’re just teaching Paige how to belly ride.” “To what?” “To ride under a horse’s belly. It’s called belly riding.” “What are you talking about?” Peggy took a deep breath as if she were trying to explain a complex thought to a child, “Paige is learning how to ride a horse. This is the traditional Brazilian method of belly riding. See how the sling keeps her in place, but she can still move her hips?”

He nodded, “I see, but what the fuck?” Peggy nodded, “It’s okay, honey, you should be proud of our Daughter, she’s come a long way.” Matt clearly wanted to explain the obvious – that his Daughter was having sex with a horse – a fact seemingly lost on his wife. And a fact that his Daughter was no doubt enjoying, as another small orgasm rippled through her body. She couldn’t help it. Paige tempted fate and nearly taunted her Father, “Aren’t you proud, Daddy? I couldn’t ride a horse at all a few weeks ago, and now, look at me! I’m actually belly riding!”

“Uh, yeah… but is he? I mean… Are you having sex?” Peggy hit Matt gently on the arm, “Oh stop it, Matt, this is your Daughter you’re talking about. She’s just learning how to belly ride. It’s completely innocent. There’s no need to be grotesque about it.” Paige nearly laughed as her Father looked as though he was somewhat perverted for even noticing that she was in the middle of having sex with a stallion. Peggy said, “Eduardo, please ignore the distraction and continue your lesson.”

Eduardo continued to lead Paige around in large circles on the lawn. Each step drove Paige closer and closer to another orgasm. But not the small orgasm that she had before. This orgasm was growing deep in her belly. She was so turned on that Eduardo was leading her and that her own Father was watching her. Her pussy made audible squishing sounds, from how wet she was. Eduardo said in somewhat broken English, “Please raise hips with each step.” She got the hint and began to gently lift her hips with each step the horse made. It had the effect of driving the horse’s huge cock deep into her wet hole and then withdrawing it sharply before repeating the process. She was in heaven as she arched her back.

Paige felt the horse’s head begin to flare up inside of her, “Oh my god, he’s growing! Mom, ow! He’s huge!” Peggy smiled, “You can do it, baby! I’ve got faith in you.” Matt shook his head, “Wait, he’s going to cumm. We should stop this.” Peggy said, “No, Matt, how else is she going to learn how to belly ride. Just stop worrying. This is just part of the belly riding experience.” He was panicked, “Look he’s starting to buck. He’s going to kill her.” Sure enough the horse’s hind quarters were thrusting back and forth violently. Paige was extremely worried about her safety. But there was no stopping this. The 1000 pound animal was no dog. He was huge and savage. This was the most abuse her pussy had ever taken as her cervix was pummeled hard by the thrusts of her new mate.

Peggy shook her head, “No, she’ll be fine. Look, she’s getting into a rhythm. She’s just learning how to ride a stallion, honey. How do you think Brazilian women learn how to belly ride? This is how. It’s a rite of passage. Besides, you said yourself that she needed to have more worldly experiences. This is part of Brazilian culture. I think she’s doing a great job. You should be proud of her. It takes a lot of courage and guts to ride a 1000 pound animal like that. Look, she’s even doing it with poise and grace.”

“Mommy! Oh god! Mommy! Look!” Right there, in front of both her parents, Comanche began to thrust harder, forcing his girth deep into Paige’s tiny, slippery hole violently. Paige moaned loudly, getting off on the fact that her parents were watching Edwardo walk her around in circles, naked as the day she was born. Matt shook his head, “This isn’t safe at all, we should stop this.” Peggy held his arm, “No Matt, she’s 19 years old now, she’s had lots of experience. This is her decision.” “Experience with what?” “Dogs.” He frowned, “Dogs?” Paige really didn’t want her Mother to out her, but she was getting closer and closer to orgasm, as her Mother continued, “She’s been sleeping with her roommate’s dog for the better part of a year, Matt. How could you not have noticed that?”

Matt was clearly confused and dumbfounded, “What? She’s been having sex with a dog? How long have you known about this?” “Since it first happened actually.” I caught her in the act.” “Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me?” “It was a secret, of course. I didn’t want to betray her trust. Edwardo told me that wealthy Brazilian women bring their dogs over to each other’s houses and have intercourse with them in the afternoon after tea. Although it’s somewhat well known, belly riding is far more common and steeped in tradition, even if it is done by less wealthy women. They used to belly ride right down the main streets of Rio before it was finally outlawed. So I for one am glad she’s at least getting into the cultural aspects.” Paige moaned loudly as Comanche’s huge phallus began to expand inside of her. Her stomach tensed and her butt flexed. She knew she was close to orgasm.

Matt shook his head, “Wait, how is this better than a dog again?” “If it’s between our Daughter being with a mutt or a stallion, I’d personally would rather that she chose a horse. Although horses are typically reserved for commoners in Brazil, here in America, a man who owns a horse is probably a lot better off than a man who owns a dog. I just want what’s best for our little girl. Besides, belly riding is a national tradition in Brazil, and the class division is changing even there. Very prestigious women now belly ride all day long, even while working, Edwardo told me. I verified that looking around the Internet a little. I asked Edwardo to help train Paige so that she can become a full fledged belly rider some day.” Peggy’s odd logic sort of made sense to Matt, but still. There was his daughter, nude, taking a horse’s dick as the animal thrust hard into her. How could that be okay?

With several huge thrusts Comanche unleashed a torrent of semen in a huge gush into Paige’s body. “Oh, he’s cumming!!!!” Large ropes of sperm erupted into Paige’s tense body. She couldn’t help but orgasm. Her whole body shook as her anus and pussy pulsated hard. She couldn’t believe how wild she felt, and how dirty as she lifted her butt hard, taking as much of the onslaught as she could. Her toes curled as she moaned loudly. She had never thought, in her entire life that she could be this free and open about anything sexual, let alone intercourse with an animal. Peggy smiled, “Look how pretty she looks, Matt. Don’t they look simply amazing together? Who would have thought she could have done this the very first time trying? It just goes to show how it’s just a matter of wanting it bad enough.” Paige definitely wanted this stallion’s dick.

Matt couldn’t believe his eyes, “So you’re saying that bestiality is okay?” “Stop being disgusting. That’s our little girl you’re talking about. Can’t you see she’s just learning new traditions? I think Paige is one of the classiest girls I’ve ever met. Look, how elegant she looks.” Paige rocked her butt up and down as she climaxed hard, her cervix sucking up the thick gooey liquid that was shooting into her. Peggy continued, “If she were just doing it to get herself off, that would be one thing. But belly riders do it to mate. Paige is just mating with the horse. Let’s ask her. Paige, do you want to do this again?” Paige moaned loudly, “OH GOD YES!” “See?” Matt shook his head, “Okay, the fun is over, let’s get her inside.” Paige shook her head, “No, Daddy, can you… just… leave me here for a while.” “Okay, but let’s get you down first.” “No, please, don’t. Just let me stay impaled on him for a while longer. Please?” She was still whimpering and her pussy was pulsating hard, just as Matt spotted a small flash of semen begin to drool out of her.

Peggy smiled, “See? Paige is getting into the nuances of Brazilian customs. Brazilian women stay under and subservient to their horses for sometimes a day or more. They carry out their lives like any woman would – but they choose to handicap themselves by keeping themselves bound to their stallions. They even carry their children through childbirth like this, if you can believe it. Wouldn’t that be something?” Matt turned on his wife, “I can’t believe Paige wants to stay hung up on his dick like this in front of us and Edwardo. And I can’t believe you’re going on about hoping she fucks a horse while she’s pregnant.”

“Stop being gross, Matt. That’s our Daughter we’re talking about. She’s not a pervert. She’s a classy girl, who’s learning how to ride a manner that we may not be used to. At least I’m helping her center her interests around something with a deep cultural background. I, for one, think we should support her. As long as her future husband doesn’t mind, I don’t see why we should stand in her way. Personally, I think she’s incredibly brave belly ride a stallion in front of us. Do you think it’s easy to do that, Matt? This is an accomplishment.” Peggy pointed at her daughter who was still climaxing and rocking her hips as Peggy and Matt argued.

She continued, “Don’t try to pretend like this is news to you, Matt. Next you’re going to tell me you haven’t seen her walking around with horse cumm all over her the last few weeks. Please, don’t insult my intelligence. If you had a problem with our daughter and horses, you should have stopped her from walking around naked and giving him blow jobs all day. If you don’t want me telling your family that you’ve been ogling your naked Daughter for weeks, you had better start treating her with respect.” He swallowed hard, wondering what his Wife might say or do if he protested any more.

Peggy continued, “Frankly, I can’t wait for everyone else in the family to see the woman our Daughter has become. I think they’ll be impressed at how Brazilian women can be so productive and gracious while belly riding. It’s remarkable if you ask me. I think the rest of the family will be amazed at how Brazilian women live. I’m so proud that we successfully mated our daughter to a stallion. What do you think, Paige, do you want to tell the family?” Paige’s Father looked defeated. He shook his head and walked back into the house, while Paige was still cumming around the horse’s thick sperm coated penis.

— Chapter Twelve —

Her Father and her had barely spoken a word of the incident after it. Paige wondered if he absolutely hated her. Probably not, she guessed, but he was probably pretty upset about the whole thing. The only thing he said was after Paige’s Mother had made several phone calls coordinating the family members and a few close friends to go over and visit Paige’s Grandmother’s house for lunch the following weekend, “I can’t believe we’re really inviting the family over to watch Paige screw a horse.” She shook her head, “She’s just belly riding, Matt. They don’t know why we’re all meeting at my Mom’s house. Are you going to be supportive?” “Ugh, I don’t see how I have a choice.” “Good.” After that, he never said another word.

Paige was all nerves as the family started drove over to Paige’s grandmother’s house. Paige sat in the backseat of the truck with Edwardo, naked, with butterflies in her stomach. Comanche was being pulled behind the truck in a trailer. Since her first day of belly riding she had only done it only twice more. She felt very awkward about the whole thing. But Peggy was stern, “You said you would try it several more times. Now everyone is expecting to see your belly riding this weekend. You had better practice.” Paige wished her Mother would leave her alone, but she nodded and did as she was told, secretly loving the whole thing.

Edwardo had started giving the horse shots to extend how long Comanche could have sex with her. She had managed to have sex with him for almost 2 hours straight the day before – a record for Paige. But it had just been her and Edwardo. Her Mother hadn’t come out to see her once since the first day. Paige would just walk back into the house after serveral hours, drooling semen out of her pussy, onto the floor. She’d sit and chat with her Mother for a few minutes, or maybe go in to watch TV with her Father if he was home. Other than that, her parents almost totally ignored her sexual fetish, at least to her face.

But Paige was very nervous about today. It was really the first time she would be coming out. Edwardo said the Brazilians called it “La Confession” which was the day a belly rider would tell everyone around her that she was open about her belly riding. Paige didn’t really want to do it, but her Mother seemed to be excited by the prospect and the day had already been planned out. Paige would rather her kinky ways stayed between her and her family, but but Peggy would have none of that. Finally, just when Paige was about to have a complete breakdown they arrived. There were dozens of cars in the large driveway of Paige’s wealthy grandmother’s house. Peggy said, “Okay, baby, it looks like just everyone is here or is about to arrive. You had better get saddled up. I’ll meet you out back in a few minutes. Edwardo, could you make sure she is saddled up?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

They got out of the truck – Peggy and Matt walked up to the front door, while naked Paige and Edwardo walked to the back of the trailer, and began to get Comanche out of the back. He was already saddled, but it still took a full minute for Paige to get into it, and get her wrists and ankles strapped in. She wore nothing but her cowboy boots. Edwardo gave the stallion a shot and began to rub it’s sheath. He said, “This is stronger shot.” “How long will he last now?” “Six hours? Maybe more?” Paige couldn’t imagine having sex with him for six hours straight but she let her head relax into the saddle, thinking about it. Within moments, the familiar horse dick that Paige had learned to accommodate began to press against the opening to her pelvis.

Paige cringed. This was the first time she had had sex with a horse outside of the relative safety of her Parent’s house. Now she was doing it in broad daylight in her Grandmother’s driveway, in plain sight of anyone who might drive up or of any of the guests who might look out the window. She sighed, it was simply too late now. Her Mother wanted her to do this, and she didn’t see that she had any choice now. She resigned herself to letting Ernesto feed the fat horse penis into her. She tried hard to let him gain entry, but even after a few days of having regular sex with him, she still found it rather difficult to let him have sex with her.

Suddenly he popped into her, “Oh god!” Only the head of Comanche’s dick was inside of her, but it never failed to surprise her how big he was. Edwardo smiled with relief, “There!” He fed the rest of the penis into her as it thickened and extended. She winced with the familiar uncomfortable feeling of eight inches of horse penis forcing it’s way up her tender and slick vaginal canal. Then she felt Comanche bottom out in her cervix, “Ow! Oh, wow… Mmmm…” She was soaking wet she was so turned on. She had been thinking about this for days, and now it was about to come true.

Edwardo took Comanche’s reigns and handed them to Paige. He had taught her the basics of how to control Comanche from underneath. She could turn him, make him stop, and make him go. She could even make him back up. But Paige hardly thought she was the one in control. She was the one who was tied up to him, and she was the one who was getting fucked in front of her family against her will. She sighed and said, “Okay, let’s get going.” Edwardo nodded his head, “Okay.” She pulled the reigns and got him to walk around the trailer and up the driveway towards the house. Then she walked around the side of the house where she heard quite a commotion. Paige wondered how many people were there. It suddenly started sounding like more and more people. It was somewhat disorienting being upside down with a huge horse dick in her, but she managed to navigate the horse anyway. She stopped the horse as Edwardo asked, “What’s wrong?” Paige frowned, “I’m nervous.” He nodded, not knowing what that meant.

Paige decided before she went out and faced the group of people she should have an orgasm first. It might help. She began to buck her hips and thrust upwards. She felt the giant shaft sliding back and forth in her. She wanted to orgasm around his big dick. She suddenly felt very brazen. Her breasts swayed with each thrust of her pelvis. She wanted people to catch her. She wanted people to see her cumming. Almost subconsciously she squeezed her legs, giving Comanche the signal to walk forwards. That’s when he started walking and Paige rounded the house.

A huge gasp came from 16 sets of eyes. Paige’s eyes opened wide as her bucking piqued and she began to climax, “Oh my god!” There were way more people there than she had expected there to be. Both her sets of grandparents, her Parents, her Aunt Sue and her husband Mike, her son Todd, four of her cousins, her Father’s friend Jack and his wife, Mary. Then Paige spotted Beth, her old roommate and Harold, the dog that she had had sex with for months on end. But even the sight of Harold made her even more horny, and scared. She was climaxing hard, as she moaned, “Unnnnnnn, ohhhhhhh! Oh god!!!!” Yes, there she was, in front of her whole family, as her pussy and anus convulsed hard, suckling at the huge animal’s penis.

Not that having sex with a stallion didn’t make her horny anyway, but Paige wondered with Harold thought. She shook the thought out of her head as she realized how many people were there. A gasp originated from the better part of the crowd. Several of the women put their hands over their mouths in shock. Paige continued to cumm hard as she lifted her butt. She didn’t want to stop cumming. She thought if she did, something bad might happen. So she kept thrusting her hips upwards hard, getting as much sensation against her labia as she could.

Todd tried to look away, embarrassed. Several of the other men squinted, as if they couldn’t fathom what they were seeing. Sue and Peggy began to clap gently, as Peggy said, “Wow, look at Paige everyone. Isn’t she amazing?” Peggy’s Mother asked rhetorically, “What is she doing, Peggy?” “She’s belly riding, Mom. Okay, everyone, let me explain what’s happening here. A few days ago, Matt and I made the decision to mate Paige to her horse. It’s a Brazilian tradition. Women in their culture belly ride under their horses. It’s a very prestigious tradition and we decided it was best for Paige to learn how to ride in this way. We also thought you should see her and hear it from us first before anyone else finds out.”

Sue nodded, “He’s magnificent. She’s lucky to have found him. And she’s lucky you two let her ride like this.” Paige rocked her hips several times, looking at the crowd of people. Peggy’s Mother shook her head, “This is absolutely disgusting.” Peggy shook her head, “No, Mom, this is is a proud Brazilian tradition. It’s not like she’s just bent over and letting him fuck her. Many women there mate with stallions for life. Paige has only been mated on and off for a few days now. But we’re trying to encourage her, because we want to embrace the cultural traditions.” Paige could tell that at least half of the people there shocked and unsure of what they were looking at. The other half – mostly the men, were adjusting themselves and looking uncomfortable as their own penises grew in their pants.

Paige suddenly saw out of the corner of her eye that the stallion’s testicles were gently lifting up closer to his body. She knew well that this meant he was about to have an orgasm. In turn, Paige lifted her hips hard, letting Comanche bottom out against her cervix. She moaned loudly, “Ohhhhh!” Comanche was obviouly getting off on all this movement under him and surrounding his penis, because he began to thicken inside of Paige. His head began to flare up, growing and mushrooming significantly against her cervix. She knew he was close, as Peggy continued, “We were very impressed by Paige’s courage.”

Jack shook his head, “I didn’t know women could have sex with horses.” Sue nodded, “Isn’t it amazing, Jack? She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” “He nodded, while Mary, his wife, smacked him, “Hey! Watch it.” He shrugged, “Hey, I just call it how I see it. Paige looks like she’s really into this whole thing. Whoa, look at that.” The horse began to haunch it’s hind legs thrusting hard into Paige. Paige was so embarrassed that Jack and his wife Mary were there. It was their son, Dan, who Paige wanted to eventually marry. Sure enough he’d find out about this. She really wished her parents hadn’t invited them, but at the same time it was making Paige incredibly horny thinking about him finding out. It looked frighteningly dangerous to the onlookers, but Paige just arched her back and leaned her head back and let out a loud guttural moan, as the horse violently fucked back and forth inside of her, “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH….”

Sure enough, the audience was watching, as the huge stallion began to drive poor Paige’s body over the edge. She was completely under his power and out of control. But she began to orgasm just as Comanche began to make a very loud coughing sound. Todd asked, “Is he…?” The horse was still thrusting extremely hard into Paige. But what they couldn’t see was that a huge jet of semen had shot out of the long penis that Paige was impaled on and it had shot deep inside of her, bathing her engorged pussy and cervix with hot white seminal fluids.

Paige climaxed harder than she had ever come before in her life, arching her back higher than before, so that her pelvis and stomach were literally against Comanche’s as Peggy said, “Ahh, there you go. And that’s why they call it belly riding. When the horse is ejaculating into our Daughter, her instincts are to get as much of his semen into her womb as she can, so that’s why she’s lifting herself up so high and riding up and down so hard. She’s trying to milk him with her pelvic muscles. That’s why she’s so engorged with blood. You can see her anus tightening there. See? Look. Right there.”

Comanche worked his orgasmic penis up and down Paige’s tight pussy canal over and over, spraying her insides, while she firmly sucked the end of it’s penis with her spasmic vulva. Sue nodded, “Wow, she really is cumming, isn’t she? Amazing. I guess she really is trying to get herself pregnant with Comanche, isn’t she?” Peggy nodded, “She sure is, when she comes in after having sex with him she’ll drool out almost a cup of semen onto the dining room chair afterwords. That means she’s sucking it all up there! That’s a lot of cumm up in her uterus!” Beth chimed in, “Yeah, when she fucks Harold, she’s really orgasmic too. I bet she has nearly that same amount of cumm up there afterwords. I’ve never measured it, of course. But she’ll have sex with him two or three times a day, easily.”

Paige’s grandmother on her Father’s side was shocked, “She has sex with dogs too?” Peggy tried to calm her down, “She used to, Mom, but no more. Now she’s a belly rider. No more casual sex with animals for her. We’re just mating her with the horse now.” “What’s the distinction again?” “This is a lifestyle, not a fetish. Paige is a classy girl, and belly riding is a classy tradition. She’s not just fucking a horse, Mom.” Just then the horse began to calm down, but a small amount of semen began to appear at the edge of Paige’s red vulva, sticking to Comanche’s penis, and Paige’s pubic hair. She was a complete mess, as the semen began to drool out of her and onto the grass of the lawn.

Matt’s Father said, “It sure looks like she’s fucking a horse to me, Peggy.” “No, she’s a classy girl. Classy girls don’t fuck horses. They may mate with them, but this isn’t just a fling, like it was with Beth’s dog.” Beth retorted, “She was having sex with Harold for over six months. I’d hardly call that a fling.” Peggy nodded, “Yes they were in a relationship together. I didn’t protest their attraction to one another but this is different, isn’t it, Paige.” Paige, wishing people would stop talking about Harold, as if being impaled on a post-orgasmic horse cock wasn’t embarrassing enough, nodded, “Yeah, it is different, I guess.”

Peggy nodded and smiled, “Well there you go. I, for one, would like to congratulate Paige and Comanche. Now let’s all stop staring, shall we? It’s rude. Come on, let’s get lunch ready everyone.” With that people started milling around. Jack was the first to come up to Paige and say, “So this is a lifestyle thing, huh?” “Yes, I guess it is.” “So you’re going to stay like that, under there, huh?” “I guess I am.” “Is that your plan for your future?” “Of course not. I want the same things every girl wants. I want to work, and I want a husband and I want kids.” “But are you going to do it on your feet or… under him?” Paige was a little embarrassed to say, “I’d rather stay under him, I guess. I checked and the state laws don’t have any criminal penalties for bestiality. So I don’t see why I couldn’t.”

Jack nodded, “Hmm… What are they teaching kids in the schools these days? Well, I own a small factory over on the east side of town. If you want a job, I could sure use someone who could act as a foreman and make sure people show up on time. I’m sure those guys wouldn’t mind seeing a pretty belly rider. It might make them show up on time for once.” “Really?” “Yeah, I don’t see why not. As long as you can get yourself there and back every day and report back if anyone doesn’t show up on time, that’s fine.” “Wow! Thanks! When do I start?” “How about Monday?” “Wow, okay!” “Good, I have to go make a quick phone call.”

Paige was left relatively alone as everyone sort of avoided her as they prepared the BBQ and got food laid out. Beth asked a few questions about how Paige made the big switch, and Sue asked if this had managed to get Paige off, to which she blushed and nodded, but that was about it for questions. About an hour passed and her Mother cut up some food and fed her, next to the table. After lunch, Paige took it upon herself to start moving her hips up and down the length of the stallion’s dick again. She was already extremely wet, but the thick coating of horse ejaculate made Comanche’s dick easy to slide up and down on. She loved that feeling. She always thought the second time felt better than the first, but she was still unsure whether she should go through with it.

Being fed food, while nude, by her own Mother while more than a dozen people were present, while she was impaled on a spermy stallion’s cock was all too much for her. She began to slide her pubic mound up and down the rigid shaft in her pussy, which made audible sounds. She did so ever so slowly but deliberately. She waited until almost everyone at the table had taken notice, but she didn’t stop. She thought long and hard about it and decided, while she was still gliding her hips up and down, to ask out loud, “Does anyone mind if I try to get Comanche to orgasm again?” There were murmurs but no one protested audibly, “Okay, sorry, everyone, I’m just so horny right now. I really need to feel him cumming in my pussy again. But I kind of want to make it last this time, so I might make it take a while, if no one minds.”

Sue said, “I’d suspect that’s the way it is with Belly Riders, always trying to find a way to enjoy intercourse with their lovers. Go ahead, Paige, enjoy mating with him.” Peggy nodded, “Exactly, he is your mate. Do what you want with him.” Paige huffed in a horny sounding and exasperated tone. She quickly thrust her hips up and down several times and then got into a rhythm. To her word, she took her time, slowly working her hips up and down. Her sloppy cunt, was completely covered with sperm, she knew, but she was too turned on to stop now. She had to feel his dick erupting inside of her in front of the entire family. She was just too turned on.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅