Bellyriding Daughter Conclusion

She felt herself getting more and more aroused. Her stomach was in knots and her buttocks shook when she lifted her hips high into the air. She decided that she wanted to make more of a scene than she already was, so she started moaning loudly. She did her best not to let the stallion orgasm too quickly too, even though her sperm soaked pubic region was making loud sucking and squishing sounds. She kept herself and the stallion both on the edge for nearly fifteen minutes. She knew how perverted everyone thought she was for doing this. It was one thing to get herself off quickly, but Paige was clearly doing everything she could to prolong her enjoyment and to get everyone to pay attention to her. She wanted all their eyes on her pussy when Comanche was ready to inseminate her again. She wanted everyone to inspect their union and comment.

She huffed, “Does anyone have a camera?” She didn’t want anyone to show anyone else photos of her with a stallion, but she desperately wanted to see her pubic hair all matted with semen. Todd said, “I do.” “Can you take some pictures of me, Todd? Please? Of my pussy? I want them.” “Uh…” He looked around for someone to tell him no, but no one said anything loud enough for him to hear, “Okay, I guess.” He took out his small digital camera and began to take a few pictures of her sloppy wet pussy. Just then, Dan, Jack’s son and the man that Paige had decided early in life that she was going to grow up and marry walked out the sliding glass door. His eyes were as big as saucers, “Oh my God! Dad said you were having sex with horses on the phone, but I didn’t believe it!”

Todd stopped snapping pictures and stood up. Paige blushed hard, but she was way too turned on to stop moving her hips. So even as she was still actively thrusting her pussy up and down the slippery sperm coated shaft, she flushed and said, “Surprise!” Dan shook his head, “Wow, Paige, you look… amazing. Why are you having sex with a horse though?” “It’s more than sex, Dan. I’ve decided to mate with him, and stay mated to him. Is that okay?” “What do you mean?” “I mean I want to spend all day with him in me. But I want your permission first.” “Why mine?” “Because, I just need it. I don’t want to explain why.”

Dan looked confused, “It’s not up to me.” Paige felt like she belonged to Dan and had always felt like that from the first moment she had laid eyes on him, “Yes it is. If you want me to stop, I will and I’ll never do it again. But if you let me I’d like to stay impaled on Comanche’s dick for the rest of the day. In fact, if you say it’s okay, I’d like to do this every day. Your Dad already gave me a job as a foreman. I want to belly ride all day, every day. But only if you tell me you will still respect me.” Peggy stood up and nodded, “Dan, I think what she’s trying to say is that she wants your approval. If you don’t mind that she’s living the life of a Brazilian woman might, then she wants to stay mated to him. She’ll do whatever you say. Either way.”

Dan still looked confused, “No, I mean, do whatever. It’s fine with me.” Paige looked Dan right in the eyes and asked, “Do you think it’s sexy? Me with a horse?” Paige worked her hips up and down seductively as Dan watched her breasts heaving with each stroke, “Uh, yeah, I guess it is. You look really pretty. Wait, is that…?” He pointed at Paige’s pussy as she got worried he might have just noticed that she was having sex, “What?” “That white stuff… is it…?” Paige nearly laughed, “Yes, Dan, it is. He ejaculated in me earlier. I’m trying to get him to do it again, actually.”

“Wow. Okay. Sorry.” Paige frowned, “Sorry about what?” “I dunno, I guess this is kinda an awkward situation.” Peggy said, “It shouldn’t be Dan. Paige has just solidified her union with Comanche. That’s how belly riders show their affection to their stallions. It’s a very prestigious rite of passage for a belly rider to come out to her friends and family. It was something I thought she should do, so there were no rumors or questions. Do you mind?” Paige moaned loudly, and arched her back as she felt Comanche begin to thicken in her pussy as he became more aroused. She quickened her pace, knowing her steed was getting closer.

“I guess not. I guess I just didn’t think she’d really mate with a horse when Dad called. I thought he might be pulling my leg to get me to come over. But seeing his sperm coming out of her. I mean… that really hit home. The horse is really trying to impregnate Paige, isn’t he?” Peggy nodded, “Yes, he most definitely is. And if you haven’t noticed Paige is doing everything she can to help him. And we should encourage her. This takes a lot of guts.” He nodded, “It sure must.” Todd handed his camera to Dan, “I think she wants some pictures taken.” “Oh…” Dan took the camera and took a few snapshot before Todd whispered into his ear, “Closeups.” “Oh!” He stood closer as the horse’s testicles began to rise up.

Paige worked her hips hard up and down the creamy shaft. Her butt quivered at the top of each thrust. She felt the stallion’s huge cock pressing hard against her cervix. It was extremely uncomfortable, but she was too aroused to stop now. Her Mother was right, Paige did want the horse to impregnate her. She wanted a gallon of his cumm shot right into her uterus. She wanted the shame of carrying a foal to term and going to the hospital and delivering a baby horse right there in front of the entire staff. She wanted to be humiliated. She wanted everyone to look down on her as the perverted girl who couldn’t get enough horse dick and eventually got herself knocked up by one. Her mind raced as she thought through everything.

Dan took several more snapshots and then turned the digital camera around and cycled through some of the pictures for Paige to see. Paige was a complete mess. Long strands of semen were tangled in her pubic hair and connected themselves to the horse’s long penis. A white froth of semen had collected right below her pussy and had ran down to her asshole. Her labia was red and swollen. Her clitoris was hard and taught. She was clearly aroused, and had clearly just taken a load of the horse’s seed into her fertile womb. She was obviously aroused and wanted more of his semen to fire into her wanton hole, where she would do everything she could to help the stallion impregnate her.

“Oh GOD!” Paige moaned out loudly, after looking at the pictures. She was so turned on she couldn’t help it. She felt the stallion begin to haunch forward with his hindquarters, thrusting hard into her tiny hole, massaging his penis on her silky folds of her vaginal grip. She tightened her PC muscles as best she could. She wanted to give the stallion as much pleasure as she could. The onlookers were a mix of horrified, and amused as the stallion neared his climax. Paige cried out, “Yes, fuck me! Inseminate me!!!” Peggy said, “Darling, please watch your language.” “I’m sorry Mom! I just want him to fill me up so bad!” “I know, sweetheart. It’s okay. It’s just not ladylike to use such foul language. He’ll ejaculate into you any moment, but just watch your mouth in front of the family and our friends.”

“Yes, Mom. Sorry. Unhhhhh… His dick is just so huge!” “I know honey, that’s the curse of being a belly rider.” Paige was about to orgasm when Dan asked out of the blue, “Paige, this might not be the best time to ask, but… do you want to go out with me sometime?” The stallion was thrusting much harder now, and all Paige could do was lift her hips and let the onslaught happen, as she looked over at Dan with a mix of horse lust and love in her eyes, “You don’t mind then… if I… am with a horse?” “No, I mean… I guess no. What do you say?” Just in that moment, Comanche decided he too liked Paige enough to start ejaculating into her hot cunt. Just then Harold trotted over and began to lick at Peggy’s butt and pussy lips. Paige arched her back high in the air as her own orgasm overtook her, “OH GOD YESSSSSS!!!”

Her whole body tensed and shook in a violent orgasm. Her mouth parted and she began to yell and twist her body as she shuddered. Her butt and leg muscles quivered in the most intense orgasm of her entire life. Comanche was shooting long hot ropes of fresh ejaculate against her cervix which was pulsating hard and sucking up as much of the hot fluid into her uterus as it could. Her whole body lapped and sucked at the rigid, pulsating horse meat. Paige was quite obviously trying to impregnate herself with the semen that was still erupting from the 1000 pound animal’s cock as her old K9 lover licked at her pussy. Peggy’s Mother tried to stop him, “Bad dog, no.” Peggy interrupted, “No, Mom, it’s okay, Harold and Paige have had sex quite a few times before. It’s fine.” Dan’s mouth was open wide as he watched Paige work her body up and down Comanche’s penis, massaging and milking it with her spasmodic pussy in front of everyone. Finally Harold trotted back to Beth, still licking his chops.

Dan cleared his throat and said, “Uhm… was that yes for me or for him? Or… for the dog?” Paige was panting as her breasts giggled wildly, her nipples erect and aching to be pinched and massaged. She was still orgasmic, as her anus and pussy tightened rhythmically over and over around the over sized meat she had buried 8 inches inside of herself. “Yes, Dan… oh god yes! If you’ll let me belly ride, I’ll go with you anywhere. Ohhhhhh…” Matt stood up hearing this and said, “I know you want to take our Daughter out, but you can’t take her into public while she’s mating with a horse.”

Dan nodded, “I’m okay with whatever she wants to do. But you’re right, maybe dinner and the movies is out of the question. I can her up into the mountains. We can ride horses up there. I know some trails we can take.” Matt looked at his orgasmic daughter, “Are you sure you really want to do this, honey?” Paige nodded as her stomach was still in knots, “I want this more than anything ever, Daddy… The chance to go on a date with Dan… and… get several loads of horse sperm in my pussy at the same time? Oh god, Daddy… Yes! It’s heaven! Plus, I’ll get to be… as loud… and as perverted… as I want!”

Everyone cleared their throats loudly as if that was simply the most disgusting thing they had ever heard. Peggy looked down at her daughter’s pussy which was suddenly a stream of fresh horse cumm as it began to quickly flow out of her sopping wet hole, “I’d dare say you are in heaven now then, Paige. The only way you two could be closer is if he could get you pregnant. Lighten up, Matt. You should be happy. I think our job is done. We’ve successfully mated our daughter to a stallion. That’s no small feat and I for one am proud of our little girl. And thanks to Jack, our Daughter will never go hungry. She’s got a job, and a cute boy who wants to take her out and a stallion for a lover. Hopefully Dan here can appreciate how tight their sexual bond is now, and can learn to love and appreciate the Brazilian belly riding lifestyle without being jealous of her needs. If that happens, I couldn’t be a happier Mother.”

Dan nodded and said to Peggy and Matt, “I don’t see why I would be jealous. I really like your Daughter. I’ll tell you what. I’ll let your Daughter stay mated to her horse there, if you let me give her a goodnight kiss on our date.” That melted Peggy’s heart, visibly, “Oh you’re so sweet. You have my blessing. Matt?” Matt huffed, “Okay, I guess.” Paige was still rocking her hips up and down, feeling the flow of horse ejaculate pouring out of her as her orgasm finally began to subside. Paige huffed, her face and chest flushed as she panted, “Thank you everyone… for giving me your blessing. You don’t know how much this means to me. I love you all. Oh, and Beth, feel free to bring Harold by… anytime.”

— The End —

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅