Blackmailed mom. Part 4

Finally, a week went by during which the boys didn’t stop by my mom’s house. It was Sunday, and I got home for dinner. As soon as I entered the apartment, I immediately heard the familiar moans coming from mom’s room. Walking down the hallway, I peeked in, the door was unlocked. There were four naked guys standing around my mom’s bed, and the fifth was on the bed with her, furiously pounding her poor ass. He was holding her hair with one hand and several fingers of the other were stuck in her mouth. At one point a second guy came up to her and after slapping her cheeks a few times, he asked:

– Well, bitch, did you have a good rest without us?

Because of the fingers in her mouth she could not answer anything clear, and the question was rhetorical.

– We’ve thought about it and decided that you’re not spending enough time with us. So now we’re going to see each other a lot. Honestly, I have no idea how you’re going to combine us and work, but I don’t give a fuck. You can quit if you need to.

I could clearly see the flow of my mom’s tears getting stronger, and she started to make some angry noises. The kid fucking her ass pulled his fingers out of her mouth, but before mom could say a word, he pressed her head into the pillow and began ramming her ass even more aggressively. Her thighs and ass shuddered and went in waves under the hard movements of the guy’s torso. And soon through the pillow began to break through and mom’s moans, alternating sometimes with shrieks. After a while, the semen was already filling mom’s puffy ass, squeezed into the bed by the guy who laid on her. When he stepped back, three men were all over her at once. One sat mom down on himself, the second got behind her ass and grabbed her hands, and the third was already driving his cock on her lips. Mom even tried to shove them off, but after a couple of seconds all three cocks were pushed into her holes.

For about an hour and a half these guys raped my mom in various positions. When they finished, I left the apartment so that mom wouldn’t know that I had seen everything. 15 minutes later, I came back in. At that very moment mom was hurriedly stuffing the remaining laundry into the washing machine.

The next day mom went to work, and I, in turn, didn’t need to go anywhere, so I stayed home. Toward noon, the doorbell rang. When I opened it, I saw an unfamiliar kid and two others, but already known to me. The guy looked to be about 15-16 years old, rather tall, obviously overweight, with an unpleasant voice and a very conspicuous red forehead from acne. After saying hello to all of them, I said that my mom isn’t home right now, to which the fat one replied:

– That’s even better, she won’t have to yell.

After crossing the threshold, the guy continued:

– These guys told me everything, – he said, pointing his finger at the two guys standing behind him, – They say that your mom can be used as a cock pump, and that this bitch will do anything you tell her, as long as you don’t leak her pictures.

I just nodded and shrugged.

– The other day I saw the videos they made of her – she’s a fucking hot bitch, and I’d fuck her good. But I got a better idea. I want to try something a little harder with her. I’m thinking I’m gonna BDSM her like a whore. I’m gonna make your poor mommy feel like she can’t feel her limbs.

“I can’t believe someone thought that her body could be used in a much more interesting way,” – I thought.

– But we don’t have any money for all this bondage stuff. That’s why we’re here. Somebody said she had a stash somewhere. That’s where we’re gonna borrow the money from.

The boy confidently and quickly went into the room, and when he entered it, he went to the closet where the money was. For some time he rummaged through it, periodically stuffing the banknotes into his pockets, after which he closed the cupboard and silently left the apartment.

The next day my mom didn’t go to work, and already in the morning I could see that she was worried about something. I immediately realized what it meant and, dressed, went as quickly as possible to the apartment with the monitors.

I got there pretty quickly and started the system right away. As soon as the image appeared, I saw the following picture: my mom was sitting in front of the kid on her knees, naked to the waist, and he, in turn, was furiously masturbating on her face. Apparently, he managed to come while I was walking to the apartment. He was standing there, holding my mom’s head and jerking off right on top of her, almost resting the head of his cock on her nose. Mom sat there, sobbing quietly, and obediently endured. As soon as she took her eyes off the guy’s device for a second, he immediately started yelling at her, forcing her to return her gaze to him again. After a while, he pressed himself even tighter against mom and now his cock and balls were literally resting on her face as he continued to pound away. After a few more minutes he removed his cock from her face and told mom to take it in her hand to continue jerking him off herself. She wrinkled her nose slightly in disgust and gently cupped the kid’s dick. It was all sticky and swollen to the brim. Mom slowly began to reproduce the progressive movements, for which she was immediately slapped by the boy, who ordered her to move her hand much faster. For about a minute mom sat there and jerked the cock of a teenager she didn’t know in front of her face. Then he abruptly removed her hand from his cock and took it himself, quickened the pace, moved back a little and pointed the penis head at mom’s face. His semen spurted out in several copious spurts onto her. Mom closed her eyes and turned her head slightly away. The white substance that covered her face began to slowly flow onto her neck and chest. Releasing the last volley, the guy quickly pulled his pants up and walked away. Almost by feel, mom reached the bathroom to wash off his cum.

After another hour, the front door opened. My mom walked gingerly out of her room into the hallway, where the fat guy and two other guys were already piling in. Two of them were carrying large black bags. Unfortunately for me, for some reason the connection to the cameras cut out abruptly as the guys started to help mom pull off her clothes. I spent the next few hours sorting out the problem, eventually making it through the evening. I went home, figuring that enough time had passed and the guys had already done what they wanted to do with my mom.

Fifteen minutes later I was home. Closing the front door, my gaze involuntarily fell on the passage leading to the kitchen, where I was surprised to see two boys. Through their conversations I heard a very muffled scream or moan. It was coming, naturally, from mom’s room. The closer I came to the room, the more distinct were these pitiful sounds. And when I opened the door, I could finally see the reason why mom was making them. Next to her bed stood that fat guy, naked from the waist down and with a whip in his hands. And directly on the bed on her stomach lay the mom herself completely naked. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold made of a thick and light-proof cloth, from under which a few wet spots were clearly visible where her eyes were located and a couple of wet streams running down her cheeks. There was a gag in his mouth, over which some kind of cloth was additionally tied. Her hands were tied behind her back in a bent elbow position. The legs were also bound, and in several places at once. Tight knots made it impossible for mom to move them apart, and several ropes tied her thighs to her feet, thus keeping her knees bent without any chance to move them, much less to straighten them. There were also several ropes running from her big toes to mommy’s feet, tied to her hair at the end so she couldn’t completely lower her head. All the ropes were pulled very tight. Mom’s plump thighs were so tight that they stood out even more than usual and even looked juicier. Her ass was all red, with marks from the palms of hands and the whip the guy was holding. Similar marks were visible on her back. There were various dildos, vibrators, whips, ropes, several latex suits, anal plugs, and various lubricants lying all over the bed. The appearance of most of these items indicated that they had obviously been used recently. The kid noticed me and, after giving a few more slaps to my mom’s poor ass, approached me, asking me to leave the room. He came out with me and closed the door to the room.

– Did you keep her in that position the whole time?

– Of course not, – the fat one answered, – No bitch, including your mom, could stand it. She’s only been like that for about an hour. True, she didn’t rest before that either, as you know.

He chuckled derisively at his own words and continued:

– I’m not done with her yet. I’ll torture her for at least another hour. You can watch if you want. Maybe even participate, – he said with a smirk.

And while I was glad to be offered that, I was more concerned about whether the cameras could catch it all. Yes, they weren’t transmitting the images to the monitors, but I hoped that it was the transmission of the images to them that was the problem, and that the cameras were still recording even so.

Before we went back inside, I asked the kid not to make my presence known during the process. He nodded and opened the door of the room.

And there I was, standing in front of the bed. I looked closely at the bound and defenseless mom lying there. She still continued to moan, making futile attempts to free herself. Even through the gag and blindfold, there were occasional sounds like “let go,” “stop,” and “please.” “What the hell have they been doing to you?”, – I thought, taking another look at all the things scattered around the bed. My musings were interrupted by the fat man slapping my mom’s ass again. A small wave went through her, mom started twitching, and her moans grew louder again. The kid then grabbed mom by the neck, and started talking in her ear:

– Do you want me to get “him” out, bitch? Say it.

Mom, of course, not being able to answer, began only to moo and mooing that was clearly positive.

– Okay, I’m going to open your mouth and you’re going to ask me nicely, understand?

He untied the rag and, removing it, began to take out the gag. When it was out, mom breathed only raggedly for a few more seconds, and then in a shaky voice started begging the kid to take “it” out, talking about how she couldn’t take it anymore and something else like that. “What are we even talking about?”, – I thought. And as if hearing my thoughts the kid said to me:

– Watch closely, I’m going to pull it out now. I hope you’re as fucked up as she was when I put this big guy in her.

The guy squirted some lube on his hands and leaned over and started pulling something out of my mom’s ass. It was a dildo. But not an ordinary one. It was, to say the least, very impressive in size. When the guy only took out half of it, I thought his end was near, but no. It was like it never-ending. Mom moaned and sometimes yelled, which caused the kid to tell her to shut up every time. When the dildo was fully withdrawn, I could finally see the size of it. “That’s crazy. How did it even get inside you?”, – I seriously puzzled, shifting my gaze from him to my mom and back again. I don’t know how many centimeters it was in length or how wide it was, but it was truly huge. “Oh, how I long to see that big shit going in you. I hope the cameras were still able to record what was going on.” As I looked at my mom’s ass again, I saw cum begin to flow out of it in a slow and copious stream. Apparently they had fucked her ass, cum inside and didn’t even let the semen flow out. So now mom was lying there for an hour with all that cum literally corked up her ass with that dildo. That fat asshole didn’t seem to be sparing her at all. Even though I didn’t know what he’d done to her in the previous few hours.

– So, you want to try out some more of this stuff?”, – the guy said, rummaging through one of the black bags.

Mom immediately panicked, literally begging and pleading with the boy to make it stop. But he didn’t seem to be interested in her words. From his bag he took out a few vibroballs and a rather large-sized anal plug. Handing it to me and nodding his head in mom’s direction, he walked over to her and began shoving the vibro eggs into her vagina one at a time. Although mom’s reaction to what was happening was still intense, it felt like she was pretty tired. After all, the three of them had literally ” got mom fucked” for almost half a day. After the last vibroball had been inserted into mom, the kid stepped back and gestured that it was my turn. I moved closer to the bed and took another look at the plug. At that moment it seemed to me that my mom’s red and already tortured ass was just created for the object in my hand. And now my palm was already on her plump and juicy ass. I touched her for the first time and just from the touch the sensations were already amazing. My mom’s ass was warm, even hot, from all the spanking and pounding; tight, but at the same time soft and pliable, so that when I began to squeeze my palm, its skin began to seep easily between my fingers. It was even more pleasant to the touch than it looked. After feeling one area well, I moved on to the next and couldn’t stop. For at least 10 minutes I touched, tweaked and slapped almost every inch of her juicy ass. Mom’s thighs also did not escape from my hands and were groped no less thoroughly. Finally, I decided that it was time to use the plug. With another hand rubbing her ass, I spread it slightly. Mom, all this time while I was touching her ass, only moaned and occasionally asked me to stop, probably out of pride, because she knew there was no point in counting on it. But when her ass began to be spread, she sensed another impending disaster and begged me not to shove anything more into her. “Well no, mommy, you’re going to have to be patient some more,”- I thought, – “I’ve come too far to stop now.” I can’t say I didn’t feel sorry for her at that moment, after all, she was really tired and the guys had obviously tortured her a lot. But she didn’t look like she couldn’t take it, and the urge to try to shove that thing in her was too great.

I think her asshole was pretty well lubricated with everything I could get my hands on, so I decided I didn’t need to lubricate the plug as well. Stretching her ass a little wider, I slowly slid the thing into her. Moaning and begging me not to do it, my mom began to make her ineffectual attempts to get loose again. Despite the fact that this plug was obviously smaller than that huge dildo, it took a long time to get in and was very tight. In addition, mom herself was apparently actively resisting the penetration of the foreign object and was actively trying to squeeze her ass as much as possible. “I can’t even imagine how nice it feels to have a cock in there when she does that. I can see why all the guys like to fuck you in the ass. And you, mommy, probably don’t realize that squeezing it that way only gives them more pleasure,” – I pondered as I continued to struggle to get the butt plug in. Apparently, her ass was tight enough on its own, and she was squeezing it too. Even all the multiple penetrations of her ass didn’t seem to make it much wider. When the butt plug was inserted almost all the way in, mom began to squirm even more. But after just a couple of seconds, that foreign body was juicy and with the distinctive sound of the lubricant enveloping it, tightly inserted into mom’s asshole. By that point, she didn’t have the energy left to scream and squeal, so she made a sound like a pitiful moan and a heavy exhalation at the same time. When I pulled away, mom only began to sob quietly, twitching occasionally. At that moment, the guy who had previously just waited for me to finish with the butt plug activated the remote he held in his hand. The vibrating eggs in mom’s vagina vibrated furiously, even from far away their loud buzzing could be heard. Her sobs immediately turned into pitiful shuddering moans. Mom was wriggling all over, unable to either roll over or get the annoying vibrators out of her. As unpleasant as the situation was, she couldn’t fight her own body, so after a few minutes she shuddered even more, as did her voice, and the blanket beneath her began to get visibly wet.

– The bitch is drained. I don’t know how many times today, – the fat boy gloated.

The endless vibration in her vagina, which made her cum every few minutes, was wearing mom out. After cumming a second time, she gathered the last of her strength and begged the boy to stop like never before.

– Come on, just a couple more times. Come on, pleasure me at least a little, – said the guy, standing over mom.

Mom begged the guy until she cummed for the third time and only then, apparently, realized that it was all useless. So further from her were heard only jerky, shuddering moans, sometimes interrupted by sobs. Finally, after bringing her to another orgasm, the guy asked his mom:

– Do you like it? Think well about your answer, because if it is negative, I will have to do my best to make you change your mind.

With fatigue and some inner pain mom gave a positive answer.

-Well, that’s great! Then you won’t mind experiencing this wonderful feeling again.

For all the time of “socializing” with guys, mom was used to being deceived all the time. So this time she didn’t say anything, but her blindfold began to wet even faster and her lips quivered. And soon the crying gave way to her moans again.

The guy put the remote next to her and went somewhere else. I, meanwhile, decided to see if the camera was recording what was happening. About 15 minutes later, the fat one returned to the room accompanied by those two guys. By that time I had already checked the cameras and was relieved to find that they were working and recording everything. The boys approached my mom. One took the remote control, stopping the vibroballs, and the other two began to untie her, taking out everything that had been placed in mom’s ass and vagina. Before they removed the blindfold from her eyes, I managed to get out of the apartment. When mom was completely untied, with all the objects out of her holes, and the blindfold removed from her eyes, she, breathing heavily, just went limp, and couldn’t even move her hand. All over her body were red streaks from the ropes, numerous whip strokes and spankings. She lay there for at least 40 minutes before she was able to get up. Almost immediately she began to clean up, for not only did she have to change the soaking wet linens of her bed, but she also had to bag all of the many items scattered about her. My mother, without her consent, had tried each of them on herself today. I, on the other hand, had to watch hours of footage of what had been done to her before I got there.

About an hour later, I went back inside. Mom was sound asleep by the time I got there. Today had probably been the hardest day of all for her.

After eating, I sat down at the computer, which already had today’s tape successfully transferred to it. I started watching from the point at which the connection was cut.

When the guys stripped my mom, the first thing they did was immediately fuck her in turn. As soon as each of the guys enjoyed her holes, mom was sent to the shower. After washing, she was led back to the room where she was tied up. For the next couple of hours, all mom did was get tied up in different positions, with different amounts of ropes and knots used, and different objects inserted into her.

In some of these positions she was fucked, but in most she was just stuffed with various dildos, plugs, vibrators, nipple clamps, blindfolds and mouth blindfolds.
After a few of those grueling hours, she was given a short break. After that, the latex suits came into play. They were too small for her, so that she could barely fit into them, but they looked even better on her than they should have, for they were tight on all parts of her body. But it was hardly as good for mom. She could hardly breathe in those tight and constricting suits. While she was trying them on, she got a good whipping and vibrators. One of the suits was a vacuum. It had only one hole for breathing in the form of a small tube sticking out of the mouth. Having laid out the rig with it on the floor and “packed” mom in it, the guys wore her out for almost an hour. During this hour the vibrator almost never left the vaginal area. Periodically they turned on the strongest mode and closed the breathing tube with a finger. Without seeing what was happening, with the vibrator constantly running and no more air coming in, my mom would start twitching harder than usual, obviously very nervous, and even seriously worried that no more air would come in through that tube. But every time, after a while, sometimes even too long, because it seemed to mom that she was already losing consciousness, the air started to come in.

Having finished with the suits, there was again a break. After that, however, the binding began to get even tighter. There were many times more ropes and knots, tighter ties, and more difficult and uncomfortable positions. Sometimes combining and tying her up in one of those costumes. Watching one of those positions they had her locked in, I sat there thinking, “Was mommy always this flexible?”. On some of the positions that were difficult for her, the fat one would stand in front of the immobilized mom and, looking at her closely, start jerking off, subsequently cumming right on top of her. To say it was just brutal is an understatement. It was terrifyingly unbearable for mom, who could barely stand it all, but amazing for all of us. I saw her in poses that were hard to even imagine. I am still amazed at her flexibility and suppleness. In some positions I couldn’t understand how she was even breathing normally. It was clear that these guys didn’t have to fuck her at all, unlike the others. Rather, they were projecting their most daring perversions on her, which a normal girl would hardly go for. It took me a while to notice that all of these guys were looking at their phones from time to time. And only by looking more closely at the images on their gadgets and a little brainstorming, I realized that they were watching there different moments of selected porn to then something similar, sometimes in a more perverted and harsh form, to try with mom. All the porn videos were apparently labeled BDSM, fetish, or bondage in no other way.

And so I finally got to the point that interested me the most. Mom was tied up in the very position I found her in when I arrived. But her eyes and mouth were not yet closed. For a while all three of them whipped her with whips, spanked her with their palms, and touched her intimate parts, sometimes sticking their fingers in there. Mom’s moans and shrieks, which sounded like some kind of painful squeak, didn’t stop for a minute. Then one by one the guys began to approach mom and, leaning on her with their whole body, shoved their cocks into her ass, further cumming inside. It was especially hard on mom when the fat guy piled on top of her. Still, there was nothing she could do but take his cum in her ass. When the third guy cummed, he also lifted mom’s ass up slightly so the cum wouldn’t leak out. The second guy started shoving a gag in her mouth and tying a rag over it. And the fat one, rummaging through his bag, pulled out the object for which I was watching the whole thing without taking my eyes off the screen. Here it is. Huge, black, with fake wreaths. In the video, this dildo seemed even more gigantic. Walking up to mom, the guy demonstrated it right in front of her face. It only took mom a few seconds to examine it and once she realized what it was, her eyes were filled with genuine fear. Her breathing quickened and tears came to her eyes again.

– Just the sight of your ass was enough to know that it needed a good fucking cock. To get that cock deep enough to take your fucking breath away, – the fat one said, continuing to twirl the dildo in front of mom’s face, – And I found the right candidate. This little thing cost a lot of money, but trust me, your cock-hungry ass is going to love it.

Through the gag I could hear the mom trying to get him to stop, but the guy was already thoroughly lubricating the dildo. The other two opened another can of lube and began to lubricate mom’s ass just as thoroughly, without going too deep, because they needed their cum to stay inside. Finishing his preparations, the fat man brought the dildo up to her ass. He tapped it a few times and began to drive its head right around her cherished hole. The panicked sounds that mom was making cannot be described in words. She tried to mumble something through the gag and made another futile attempt to free herself from the ropes. Just a few seconds before the guy started pushing that dildo into her, mom was blindfolded so that the moment when everything would start would come even more unexpectedly for her. At the point where his head was barely pushed in, mom even tried to be patient somehow. But the further it was pushed in, the louder were her shrieks, cries, and inarticulate pleas to stop. The dildo was incredibly tight, but I’m sure that made it even more pleasant to shove it in. More pleasurable for the fat man, of course. Judging by my mom’s emotions and her active resistance, I doubt that the process was even a fraction as pleasurable for her as it was for the guys. The kid shoved it in so long and deep that even I, knowing the outcome, wondered, “Will it really fit all the way in?” The fingers on mom’s feet clenched and unclenched furiously during the whole process, and began to do so even more vigorously when more than half went in. Any sudden movement of her feet, provoked an equally sudden throwing of her head back, as her hair was bound to them. The same action took place in reverse order. After about 5 minutes of actively ramming mommy’s poor ass with this giant, he was fully in. When he entered fully and the palm of the fat one pressed against her ass, it really took mom’s breath away. Her continuous moans and many other complaining sounds were abruptly interrupted. That huge dildo seemed to be driven into mom’s ass in an unbelievable way. It wasn’t until about 10 seconds later that everyone heard her muffled moans again, combined with some kind of half-cry. One of the guys decided that now was a good time to jerk off, so he stood on the bed above mom, wedged his cock between her bound feet and started moving his torso. When he cum splattered his cum all over her back and feet, the fat guy and the other kid decided to act up too. The fat one positioned himself right above mom’s ass to be able to scrutinize the fruits of his labors. The second one placed his device in front of her face. Mom could not see him, but the distinctive smell of aroused cock was distinctly in her nose, giving her a rough idea of what was going on in front of her. A few minutes later, she felt the warm liquid drop several drops onto her ass. Another minute later, the same familiar substance splashed onto her face. After jerking off a few more times, the two guys went to the kitchen for a break, and the fat man stayed in the room, and, taking a whip, from time to time beat mom, pawed her, sometimes moving the dildo inserted in her, so that mom would not relax and could not get used to the sensation. She lay like that for an hour before I came. Without the slightest possibility to move, without seeing anything around, and only feeling the whole range of emotions that she was getting from that huge foreign body, incredibly tightly shoved into her juicy ass. At the same time receiving whip blows from the fat man, it was impossible to imagine what mom was thinking at that time.

Finally, I got to the point where I was already appearing. Naturally, I reached the moment where I touched my mom’s ass for the first time. Still fresh memories were able to awaken those sensations in my hands. “How good her ass is. I’ll definitely get to it again.” It was at that moment that I decided I absolutely had to try out mom’s juicy ass with my other spot sometime.

I didn’t finish watching the tape until the morning. The video player read 8:46:22. Almost 9 fucking hours, including the pauses, rests, and other things that the guys were doing to give mom a break.

It was well past dawn outside the window, but I decided to sleep, at least for a couple hours. Waking up by noon, I went to the kitchen and was surprised to see my mom there. She was making breakfast. Apparently, she had recently woken up too. The reasons for waking up so late, atypical for her, and the fact that she was at home on a workday were quite clear to me. She certainly looked tired. But she didn’t fall off her feet, rather she looked more sleepy and slowed down. After breakfast she retired to her room again and slept for a few more hours.

The boys were gone for two days. It seems that even they realized that after something like that, mom needed at least minimal rest. Looking ahead, the next week mom tried to remedy her situation, and even had a serious conversation with the guys. But it ended in another rape. And a couple days after that, mommy’s hopes to finally stop being a sex toy for a bunch of frumpy teenagers would be completely shattered….

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