Boning Knife (Preview)

He wasn’t the boy next door, but Jonny lived around the block…

So, his back yard was right behind us, and we shared a fence. He hadn’t come over to hang out with my brother in a while, because of the whole Covid thing. Then, he got his shots, and so did we, so it was safe for him to come over.

My brother’s only 13, but Jonny’s 14, and in high school. So, I figured he had plenty of teenager girls to look at, with boobs and stuff. Also, his mom walks around the kitchen half naked, and she’s got boobs. Mostly in her underwear, and sometimes she wears a robe, but not our mom.

She always get dressed in her room, and they have there own bathroom, to take a shower in. Being cooped up like this mom, and dad have been boning a lot. We can hear them in the bedroom, which makes me horny, and the boys. Well, at least my brother Sean. He’s been beating off a lot too. Just to judge from his dirty laundry.

He just drops them in the laundry basket for me to wash, but his sheets are always stained with so much jizz. He must beat off a bunch of times a night, since he makes his bed with fresh sheets every morning. Except for when he’s got Jonny over, to spend the night. I guess that would be weird, or gay to play with yourself right in front of another boy.

So anyways, I guess Jonny’s parents took the chance to do it in the kitchen, while he was away. He said he had to take a piss, but I went in the bathroom, and saw him through the window over the shower. He sure was taking his time, looking over the fence bent over. So, they wouldn’t see him if they looked up, but it was dark outside, and they had the lights on in the kitchen.

Mrs. Harris was bent over the counter, and she had her bra open. It hung down, but you could still see them shaking with every thrust. Her husband was really giving it to her, so the strap slipped off her shoulder, and I got a glimpse of side boob before he covered it with his hand, and gave it a good squeeze.

“Uh!” I’m so flat, I barely even bother with training bras. I don’t need them for support, but it had been a while since I checked my growths. In the mirror over the sink, I even had a little shadow under them, and not just the nipples, either. Those were hard, and really dark pink. Rubbery, and sensitive to the touch, so I pulled out my underwear, and stuck a hand down there.

“Huh!” It was hot, and a little harrier then I remember, but I wasn’t getting that wet yet. I mean, no matter how hot, or horny I was, it was just a little sweaty. So, I spit in my hand, and held my panties out to wipe, and let it roll down my fingers. Then, I sucked 2 in my other hand, and rubbed my tongue. Careful not to gag myself, but get the nice slimy spit from the back of my throat.

“HauchK!” I went back, and forth like that, but now that I was good and wet, I got back on the side of the bath tub. So, I was high enough to look out the window, and watch the big finish. Mrs. Harris was up on the kitchen counter with her butt in the sink, but when her husband pulled out, she got down quick. On her knees, and he bent his so he could aim down like he was pissing, but instead he stroked his bone until it shot out all over her chest.

“Oh, ha! Uh!” My finger slipped right in my hungry hole, and I had to lean over to put my elbow up on the wall. I closed my eyes, with my head hanging down, and bumping the window sill, but I could still see Mrs. Harris’ tits squeezing together in her hands. The thick white sticky strings rolling down the middle so she could rub them together, wet and slippery. Shiny in the light over the sink, but I knew that the windows in the breakfast nook were like a 3 way mirror.

At the changing rooms, I’d been over there with Sean, and Jonny, of course. They wanted to play boy games, but Jonny’s mother was home, and she showed me how she could use the windows like a mirror. That’s why she got dressed in the kitchen, turning so she could stick out her hip. Puff up her chest from the side, and smile over her shoulder. Dressed up all sexy for when her husband got home, but it’s no secret how she landed him in the first place.

“Uh, Shelly?”

“Oh shoot!” I almost slipped off the side of the tub, and fell in, but I caught myself on the towel rack. “Ngm!” My fingers slipped out, so I clapped shut with a grunt. “Sean, don’t you knock?” I pulled the towel down, and wrapped it around my shoulders before I turned around, but it was too late. He already saw me in my underpants, and nothing else. “Let me out!”

“Well,” he had to step beside the toilet, “I need to take a bath anyway.” I could smell smoke on his shirt when he took it off, which scared me a little.

So, I ran out, and across the hall, but thank god Jonny wasn’t out there, or anything. He had the door closed, and the music playing real loud so I could hear it in my room when I shut the door. Then, the water started running in the tub, so I had to pee.

I could practically hear my dad saying, “Well, you should have thought of that before you left the bathroom,” but that killed the mood. So, I grabbed the box of tissues to wipe out my spit, and threw them away. “Huh!”

Sitting down on my bead, I bounced a couple times, and I heard the beat next door. I mean my brother’s room, but it didn’t sound like his music. It sounded like, poppy? The guitar just went dununununununun nunuh. Over and over again, but if I scooted over to the wall. I could just make out the lyrics.

“It’s only a crush, it’ll go away, it’s just like all the others it’ll go away.” Sounds more like rap, and is that a drum machine? “Or maybe this is danger and you just don’t know.” I can really tell what he’s saying, though. So, that’s better than Sean’s Rahrahh metal music. “You pray it all away but it continues to grow.”

“I want to hold you close,
Skin pressed against me tight.
Lie still, and close your eyes girl,” Well, I was on my bed, so it was easy enough to do that.
“So lovely it feels so right!” Who knew Jonny was so into such romantic music?

“I want to hold you close, soft breath,” or breasts? “Beating heart.” I could feel it pounding in my chest, and it was getting harder to breathe. Maybe even like Maroon 5 Harder to Breathe.

“As I whisper in your ear, I wanna fucking tear you apart!”

“Uh fuck! Uhhhhhh, fuck!” That wasn’t me. “Huhhhh. Fuck, yeah.”

That had to be Jonny, because Sean was still in the bath tub. The water was off, but I could hear the water sloshing around in there, which really wasn’t helping my bladder, but then the music just cut off.

“Huh!” Did he really say that? The singer, I mean. Yeah, it was all romantic, up until the part where he says I want to fucking tear you apart, and the worst song like that I’d ever heard was that Nine inch Nails fuck you like an animal song, but they don’t mean that, really. Do they? I mean, that’s just scary, and not hot. At all, and you think you know somebody, but those killer types.

I mean, like school shooters, and stuff. You know, there used to be even worse, serial killers like BTK? Yeah, that stands for Bind Torture Kill, but whenever they talked to their families, and neighbors. They all say how he was such a quiet guy, always payed the rent on time, they could hardly believe that he had a bunch of bodies in the basement, or worse. Body parts, lamp shades made out of women’s skin, and what they didn’t say about BTK.

That part is pretty obvious. Bind, rape, torture, rape, then kill, and maybe play with the body when you’re done with that. Before she get cold, I shivered, but now I really have to pee, and Jonny snapped me out of it.

Knocking on the door. “Save me the water, man.” The bathroom door, I stopped holding the covers, and pillow over me. Hugging it, and scared witless, just from 1 sentence. 7, or 8 words, depending on whether you count wanna as 1 word, or 2. Want to, fucking tear you apart.

“Huh!” I shook my head, and tried to laugh at myself. “Ha.” It didn’t work, but I stopped hugging the pillow, and crossed my legs. I really had to go pee now, but mom and dad were already locked up in their bedroom. So I knocked.

“What is it?”

“Uh, mom. The boys are hogging the bathroom, and I really have to pee.”

“Okay,” she let me in, “What are you wearing?”

“Oh,” I slipped the sheet off my head, and dropped it by my door. “I was just about to get ready for bed, when I heard the water running.” I ran in their bathroom, and dropped my panties to sit down. “HhuhHhuh!” I shivered on the cold porcelain, but then I just let go, and shot out pee all over the water in one big gush.

“Snh,” mom sniffed, and stuck her head in the open doorway. “Shelly?”

“Yes mom.” I wiped, even though I was about to ask her if it was okay to use their shower.

“Huh, you’re growing up, and now that you’re a young lady, maybe we should have a little talk.”

“Oh, mom.” I shook my head, “I really need a shower.” Dropped the seat, and made a face at dad, when he got up.

“Listen to your mother.”

“Why? You don’t listen when she tells you to put the seat down.” I dropped it, and kicked off my panties, but I’d never felt so modest in all my life.

“This is important,” she shut the door, but in her nighty. That just made it all the more obvious how grown up she was in the body, which just made me feel small, young, and underdeveloped. She sighed, and put the lid down, while I opened up the door, and got in the shower.

They don’t have a bathtub, like the main bathroom. They’ve got a shower in the corner, with a glass door. So, she could still see me start up the water, and kicking my underwear off in the corner.

“I understand that at your age, you’re starting to have feelings, about boys?”

I just turned the shower on my head, to get my hair wet, and drown her out. “It’s okay,” she went on when I pulled my head out, but she just had to raise her voice. “You might find it hard to believe, but I went through the same thing, when I was a little older.”

“Puberty?” I just popped the top on her shampoo, and smelled it. For no reason, it smelled just like her hair, only stronger of course.

“Huh,” she sighed again, and went on. “Not just the changes your body is going through.” We already had that talk, when I got on the blob. That was embarrassing, because I couldn’t just wake up with a gift from the blood fairy in my sheets. Oh no, I had to go code red right there on the playground, so practically the whole school saw it soaking through my pants before I could run inside, and find a dress in the lost and found. At least they were dark pants, so everybody thought I just wet myself.

“Right now, you’re probably having strange feelings, and with a boy in the house.”

“Uh, he’s not just a boy. His name is Jonathan, you know.”

“Yes, of course. However, it’s important that you don’t act on these feelings, with a boy. Before you’re ready, I know that you might feel ready.” Well, I had my hair all lathered up, so that was a good excuse to stick my head back under the water, and drown her out. Shaking it, and feeling the suds run down my body.

What little body I had, but that’s what I was so ashamed of. I wasn’t really a nudist, when I was little, but I guess you could say I went through a naughty streak. That’s a joke, because for some reason I just wanted to take my clothes off, and run around naked. Outside mostly, because around the house, my family just ignored it. “She’s just trying to get attention,” they said, but I don’t know about that.

It’s weird, because thinking back now. I could hardly remember it, other than getting spankings when I put some clothes on. It’s not like I wanted that kind of attention, but I was 6, so that was over half my life ago, and now I can’t tell you what possessed me to do that.


“Uh, sph!” I got soap in my mouth, and my eye.

“You’re not listening, and this is important.”

“I know, mom. But it’s scary, and I’m a little freaked out, okay?” I covered my chest, and crossed my arms to hold onto them. “Why were you even listening to me in the bathroom, anyways?”

“You came in here.”

“No, mom.” I pointed, “The other bathroom?”

“I wasn’t,” she shook her head, “And why didn’t you go when you’re in there?”

“Huh, because I was.” I turned away, to the corner, and lowered my voice, to a mumble.

“Playing with yourself?”

“While Jonny was over here spending the night, I guess.” I shrugged, “His mom, and dad took the opportunity to bone in the kitchen. So, I could see them through the bathroom window, and Sean was out beating off by the fence.”

“Well, Mark is going to have to talk to him about that, but I could smell it.”

I turned, and she nodded at the wet glass. So, I wiped the drops off to see the look on her face.

“Smell what?”

“Your arousal, something must have gotten you hot, and bothered, because I could practically smell it through the door.”

“Oh,” I shook my head, but my wet hair flopped over my chest. “Can you hand me a towel?” I cut the water off, since it was starting to get cold, anyways.

“Throw me your undies, so I can rinse them out.”

“So, that’s why boys sniff underwear, to find the pair you’re wearing when you were horny?”

“I don’t know,” she threw the towel over the door, so I could pull it down, and start drying off. She shrugged, and turned to wring them out in the sink. “Honestly, I don’t understand most guys’ kinks. Why, has anyone been smelling your underwear?”

“Nonoho.” They probably smell mostly like spit anyways. “At least, I don’t think. Uh, mom?” She looked back, and cut off the faucet. “You don’t think that Jonny’s one of those panty sniffing freaks.”

“I don’t know, I doubt it, but.” Her eyes searched my face, so I had to turn away. Blushing with shame, even with the towel up to cover the front of my body. What little I had to cover up. “I don’t know, honestly. Why, do you have any reason to think he would?”

“Well, I haven’t found my underwear drawer open, or dug through. I guess, he’d want the dirty ones to sniff anyhow.” I just left those lying around, wherever I kicked them off, like any other clothes, really.

“Huh,” she dried her hands, and pulled out a drawer by the sink. “Well, just to help you with your urges.” She pulled out a little box, and set it on the counter. She had to push back some makeup, and perfume bottles to open it up, which gave me a chance to grab another towel for my hair.

First, she pulled out a strip of rubbers. “What’s that for?”

Then, she pulled out a vibrator. “I’m going to let you borrow this, but I want you to make sure you wrap it, first.” She bit the corner, and tore open a package with her teeth. Then, she sat down on the toilet, and showed me how to put it on, the dildo. “Now, you don’t have to worry about pinching the reservoir tip so there’s room for the load.” But she showed me that, too.

“Okay,” this was weird enough before I went out, and caught dad playing with his boner in bed. He rolled over, so I couldn’t see it, and pulled the covers up to his chest, but I knew what he was doing. I even got a little giggle on the way back to my room. With the rubber wrapped sex toy tucked under my towel, I wish I had enough up front to tuck it between, but once I got the towel off.

I remembered Mr, and Mrs. Harris. Of course, I’d seen a little porn, but nobody I knew as much as those 2. Going at it whenever they got the chance, and they really liked to get out of the bedroom, when they had their house to themselves. With the kids there, they just shut the door, and pulled the curtains over their bedroom windows, but I got to see her all dressed up sexy in her best underwear, and she had more than enough for boob jobs.

I mean not implants, but her husband really liked her cum catchers. That’s what he called them, when he thought nobody was listening, but out in the back yard once. He was barbecuing, and she came out with a platter, but then they got frisky, and went back inside to fool around. He really liked to squeeze them around his boner, and hump them hard. So, they bashed his legs, and bounced apart. Then blowing his load all over her neck so it ran down, and got her tits all slippery when she sat up. Rubbing them together, and wiping her fingers all over the thick sticky mess.

“HhuhHhuh!” I couldn’t get it in, at first. It was too big, and I was too tight, but I could squeeze it between my legs. Rub it up, and down, buzz it all around, until it touched off a loud squealing orgasm, and I had to bite my pillow to scream in it. I barely shut it off before I passed out, but then I woke up cold.

In the middle of the night, stark naked, and while my hair was dry. Rolling around on the towels mussed it up something fierce, and my knee bumped the rubbery vibe when I kicked them off.

So, I picked it up, and smelled it. It just smelled rubbery, and dry. So, I stuck it in my mouth, and sucked it, thinking about Jonny, and wondering how much like his dad he was. In the pants, I bet he’s not that hairy, and he doesn’t have any gut. I mean, Mr. Harris isn’t fat, but he’s not skinny, either. I’m sure he can see it sticking out, when he’s got a boner, but not Jonny.

Oh, no. He’s got a nice flat tummy, and sometimes when he’s breathing real hard. I could even see his muscles flex in his abs when he pulled his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face. A little hair already starting to curl around his belly button, and a few more pointing down. Not like a line, I’d seen men with a full landing strip all the way down to their pubes, and his dad has a pretty hairy belly all over, but I wonder if he’s got hair on his chest?

Jonny, not his dad. I’d seen him with his shirt all they way off in summer, but not Jonny since. Well? Ever since his voice started cracking, and he started getting hair under his arms, but I’d seen him in a tank-top on summer, and it was almost spring again, so I bet he’s even hairier under there.

“Oh, huh!” I just held my breath, because I could. It wasn’t a screamer like the first one tonight, but then again. I hadn’t built up so much sexual frustration to let go since then, and if I had dirty dreams, I couldn’t remember them. I re-used the same rubber, even though I know you’re not supposed too, but when I pulled it out. “Snh?”

Now, I could smell it, so I pulled the covers up over my nose, and took deep breaths through it. Fell back asleep with my head full of the satisfied sex smell, and the pleasure of a fresh orgasm whirling around in there, too.

Too bad nothing really happened between me, and Jonny the next morning. I overslept, so I couldn’t see him in his underwear with morning wood, but he was fully dressed when I put on my night gown, and went out to the kitchen for breakfast. I wanted to flirt, but with mom right there, and dad would probably get upset if he saw him looking at me the way he did.

My nipples were so hard, I could probably scratch glass. Pressed up against the shower door, with him behind me, humping me hard into it until I was loose enough to wrap a rubber around it, and get boned. He sure looked at my nipples holding the fabric out whenever dad looked away. I looked up at his face, he looked up in my eyes, then looked away like it was nothing.

It wasn’t nothing, just those looks were enough for me to get my panties nice and stinky for later. When he left, but I did managed to ask him about that song I heard last night. Not by name, I didn’t blurt out fucking tear you apart right there at the dinner table, but I did ask dad about maybe getting a breakfast nook?

“Uh,” Sean got up, and put his dishes in the sink, with a boner. Right away, as soon as I said it, but Jonny said “I’ll tell you later.” Sean untucked his shirt over by the sink, and ran off to his bedroom, before anyone else saw it, but then Jonny picked his dishes up. I checked out his crotch, but if he had a bone on, I couldn’t see it through his pants. “Thanks for having me over.”

“I’m gonna go walk him home.” I got up too.

“Not dressed like that.” Dad pointed to the back hall. “Go put some clothes on.” Then, he followed me to my room, and held the door when I tried to close it.

“Dad, I’m not going to put some clothes on, with you standing there. Give me a little privacy?”

“I’m sorry honey, but we need to talk.”

“Huh!” I just sat down on the bed, and told him to talk to Sean about whipping it out in the back yard, and beating off where anyone could see him. Well, any of the neighbors, if they came out on the porch, and just looked over the fence, but still.

He warned me about boys, saying No, and some boys that can’t take no for an answer. So, your best bet is to avoid going off with them alone, for whatever reason. They might make excuses, but once they get you alone, they can grab you, and cover your mouth before you get a chance to scream. Scream “Fire!” Instead of “Rape!”

“Huh, okay dad. I’m good and scared now, so can you leave me alone to get dressed?”

“Just be careful,” he left, “Especially around that Jonny kid.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about him,” I yelled through the door. “He’s not going to get the chance!”

To fucking tear me apart, but dad finally said it. The R word. Rape, and that fucking Tear you Apart song got stuck in my head. I don’t know all the words, and it started out so sweet, but then he said it.

“I want to fucking tear you apart, huh!”

I got super horny, and locked the door to break out the vibe, and re-use the same rubber a third time. I had 2 more, still stuck to the torn open package of the first one, but mom didn’t say. That they could also be used on a boy, like Jonny, so we can bone without knocking me up, but after a while I even got the tip in.

It felt amazing, especially the head where it split down the middle. Even though it didn’t have a pee hole, just a dimple on front, but this wasn’t like a plain old plastic vibrator. It was more like a dildo, or a hard plastic dick hollowed out to put the batteries in, with a motor, and a hard crease to rub into my wrinkles. Buzz my clit to another breathless orgasm.

I held my breath too long, and I guess I didn’t gasp another one in, because by the time I could breathe, I was dizzy, and almost passed out. Good thing I didn’t, so I could enjoy all the pleasure until it slowly drained out of my body, leaving me satisfied.

Mom, and dad were out in the living room, so I took it back to there bedroom. Left it in the sink, and flushed the rubber down the toilet, but mom came in, and showed me how to take out the batteries. Wash it on the outside, “Careful not to get the contacts wet.” She set the cap aside, way away from the sink, and up on the top of her jewelry box. Then, she washed off the end, but turned over so the water didn’t run down to her fingers, stuck in the hole. “So, how’d it go?”

“Great, I’m satisfied.” I held up 3 fingers, and giggled. “Probably for all week, but if I have to borrow it again.”

“I’ll have to get one of your own, but that could take weeks. For the time being, just ask first.”

“Okay, mom.” I can’t believe how cool she was about it, and I couldn’t wait to tell my friends. Their moms hid them, if they even had sex toys, and if they got caught playing with them, they’re in big trouble. So, they had to sneak them out, and put them back. Careful so they’re the exact same way as they found them.

One friend even sent me a picture she took, of the lock box. Her dad’s a gun nut, so he’s got gun safes all over the place, and her mom used an old pistol one to keep her pocket rocket in. [I had to take a picture to make sure she didn’t find them put back the wrong way. She’s so anal about that.]

I laughed at her little joke, but “Ew.” There was a couple butt-plugs right there, but before she went on about trying it, I just said [GTG.]

[Yeah, I GTC. LOL.] I didn’t ask, but it was obviously Got to Cum. Since she got horny talking about sex toys, and masturbation, when we hadn’t ever before, but I was fine. For the time being, so instead of texting my other friends, I looked up that song, on the internet.

[Fucking Tear You Apart Song] Song. Sure enough, it’s called [Tear you Apart] by, [She Wants Revenge]

“Uh!” There’d this girl on the cover, in a bra panties, wife beater, and holding her arm behind her back. So then, I looked up the lyrics, and tried to sing along, but the lyrics page had a picture of the back cover with the song titles.

The same girl, in the same clothes, and the same pose, holding a kitchen knife behind her back.

“When I whisper in your ear: I wanna fucking tear you apart!”

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