Bus stop cum

I moved to a new city last year for my job. There’s a decent amount of crazies like any other city. At this one specific bus stop, there is this man there. Not sure if he’s homeless but he’s always there. Few days into living in the city and this woman pulled me aside away from that man. When we got on the bus she told me I must be new because that guy is a known masterbater. I partially believed her but she could’ve been messing with me too. The thing she didn’t know is that I’m a MAJOR cum slut. I love everything about it. Always have, always will.

The next day I was at that bus stop later in the afternoon. He was there and I needed to know if she was right. He had a bag on his lap and a sweater. I stood kind of near him with some really tight pants. I was disappointed when I got on the bus that he didn’t do anything. I put my bag down and right before I sat, I noticed my leg had something on it. It was cum! A few thick ropes on my leg and ass. Most would be freaked out. Not me, I was extremely turned on by it.

The next time I was there, I stood nice and close. Every time I looked over, his hands weren’t moving. I was trying to catch him but he was too quick. He had a sweater over his lap again but I knew what he was doing. I stopped trying to look because the bus would be there any minute. I got on the bus and shot him a quick smile. My pants had cum on them, I was a happy girl. Now I just needed to find a way to let him know I wanted it or it was okay.

Sunday I had off. I put on my smallest skirt and headed for the bus stop in the late afternoon. This was a great way to let him know I liked it I thought. I stood in front of him. There were only two other people there. I lifted the back of my skirt and stood there waiting. Not long after I felt a warm splash under my ass and then two more on my leg. I put my skirt back down and gave him a smile. Didn’t even get on the bus. He knew what I wanted after that. I tried my hardest to wear dresses and skirts as often as I could. I loved getting it on my bare skin. I love thinking about all the dirty things we did.

One of my favorite times was when I went with no panties. It was his first time seeing my pussy. I lifted the back of my dress and pulled my ass so he could get a good look. I felt him standing behind me and the first splash hit my pussy. It took everything not to moan out loud and cause attention. Another great time was a few weeks into this. I stuffed my panties in my pussy for the walk over. When I lifted my dress I pulled those out in his lap for him to keep. I’m sure they smelled like good pussy too. Another good one was I was on my way to work. I had a meeting with my boss and no time to clean cum off my pants. When I felt him stand, I knew he was going to cum soon. I turned to face him, undid the front of my pants and pushed my pussy on to his dick. He’s never tried touching me so this was his reward. We stood there getting my pussy rubbed by his dick and he came a lot all over. I pulled up my pants and went to work. Months of this and never speaking to each other is one of the hottest things I’ve done.