Campground shower

There was this time I was at the campground taking it easy for a weekend . It was an old fashioned place , vary rustic
Anyways I was staying in just a tent , it was late at night , way to hot so I decided to go down the the showers to cool off .
Now those showers are not private at all , there’s a wide open locker room with 8 shower stalls along the side with no doors or curtains .
I walk in , and there they were , a young man and woman Naked in the shower together , there we’re having sex , they were standing up , well he was as she was bent over and he was fucking her from behind . She wasn’t a 10 , but was nude and the sight of her made my dick hard
I tried to not pay attention to them and went over to the corner , undress then walked to a shower stall .
The 2 stopped fucking , tried to cover them selves while they got dressed . Meanwhile I’m watching this nude woman walking around to get dressed, I’m shower off with a massive boner . When they walk out , she looks at me with a big smile .
Made for a great night for sure .