
” He never understands. ” Marie said to her counsellor. She glanced up at the clock it was almost midday.

” Why do you think he doesn’t ? ” Angela asked.

” He never seems to want to talk about it, its always ok, its all in my head. ” Marie replied shifting in the sofa. Angela sat opposite in the matching armchair her pen and pad taking notes.

” You think he doesn’t care ? ” Angela asked dropping her crossed leg off her knee and changing sides. Marie looking across at Angela’s calf muscles.

” I don’t know, I mean we have been married 30 yrs had three children, I am 54 now. I feel like I’m been pushed aside, I have worked my arse off been a wife, a mother, studied got my qualifications. Now enjoying my job. I feel my husband just doesn’t care anymore. ” Marie said.

” When was the last time you had sex ? ” Angela asked.

” Two months ago, that was just a quick one. ” Marie said.

” Do you masturbate ? ” Angela asked.

” Yes. ” Marie replied.

Marie sat on the sofa, he legs crossed. Her right elbow on the brown leather rolled arm of the chesterfield sofa. Her head leaning on open palm of her hand. Her long dark hair hanging down she felt tears welling up in her eyes. She reached over with her left hand pulling her hair back.

Marie wore a black pencil skirt, her 38c 28 34 body covered in a red v neck buttonless short sleeved blouse. Black high heels. She was 5 ft 10 and sexy.

She had been in counselling for three months with Angela. They had developed a good friendship. Marie’s once a week visit was been beneficial. Her marriage had hit a wall. Her husband worked long hours, their children had left home,

Marie looked over at Angela. Angela was 55. She was wearing a white short sleeved v neck buttoned satin blouse, knee length blue skirt with a split up the side and blue heels over her 38c 26 32 body. Her shoulder length dark hair in a pony tail. She was 5 ft 10.

” Have you started going on dates ? ” Angela asked.

” No hes to busy for that, the office is his date. He says now the kids have left home hes got more time for work. I’m lonely. ” Marie said

” Hes just not interested ? ” Angela said leaning forward.

” No, I have needs my husband should be giving me. Hes to tired when he gets home from work for talking let alone sex. Yes I miss the physical, when I get the physical its usually quick. But I need the emotional as well and miss it ”

” Well, I wish your husband would join us for these sessions, so we can talk about these things. ” Angela replied.

” He thinks nothing is wrong its all in my head, and I’m stupid for talking to a complete stranger about our marriage. But you know I have never cheated. ”

” Well for the ten years you have been having problems you have done well. ” Angela said.

” Yeh, ” Marie said smiling. ” I think I have. I got pregnant at 17 and was a mother at 18. You know, my husband is the only man I have slept with. ”

” Wow, so you have never been tempted ? ” Angela asked.

” Oh yes many times, you know when you look and dress a certain way, and you get attention from the male sex. Our last child left home 15 years ago. We spent 5 years in this bubble getting used to a empty house. The last ten years we have seemed to have drifted apart. ” She said.

” What made you not want to take things further with anybody ? ”

” I have been in situations I have come close, been away at conferences and thought hey a one night stand why not ? I have kissed a couple of guys, but walked away. I’ve had one man kiss me and fondle my bust then put his hand on my leg. I let him slide his hand up my skirt as I kissed him. But stopped it. I so wanted to but I couldn’t do it. ” She said. ” I just needed to know that men still found me attractive and wanted me. ”

” Well full credit to you. ” Angela said.

” Actually my son walked in on me once, he came to stay while my husband was away. I had just taken a shower, I was in the bathroom naked looking at my body in the mirror. I forgot he was in the bedroom. He walked into the bathroom seeing his naked mother. Usually I would use the en suite, but the shower had a leak and it was been fixed. ” She said laughing.

” What did he say ? ” Angela asked.

” He was a gentleman, we laughed it off. He said its not every day you see your mother naked. Next day I asked him what he thought of my body. Id been having thoughts like. Doesn’t my husband like my body, is there something wrong with it. I still look good in a bikini. ”

” What did he say. ”

” Well a bit shocked, your mother asking you what you thought of her naked body. I was wearing a robe when I asked him. He said he didn’t really see much. It happened so quickly. So I did the unthinkable. I opened it up and took it off. I was standing stark naked in front of my son asking him what he thought of my body. ”

” Wow. ” Angela said smiling

” I know ” Marie laughed. ” I said its ok. He said I’m hot. I said your just saying that. I picked up my robe and put it on. I said be honest. Lets just say pretend I’m some lady you have picked up. He said that I’m a sexy woman and I look good in a bikini. I’m attractive. ”

” Did you believe him. I mean coming from your son. Did you take it as a unbias opinion. ”

” Yes, hes right. I do still look good. ” Marie replied.

” Well hes right, you do. ” Angela said.

” Thanks, ” Marie replied.

” Sounds like you need confirmation from other men that you still have it, and the thought of having a affair is your reassurance that you are, and your still attractive to men. Look its a common female thing. Also men. But women, they get married, have children which is hard on their bodies and emotions. Men need to be aware of their wives needs as we get older. Do they prefer the younger women as we age. ” Angela said.

” So what I need to have a affair ? ” Marie said

” Not saying that. ” Angela said.

” But I want to. ” Marie replied. ” You know if it wasn’t my son at home that day, and it was anybody else, I would have fucked him. ”

Marie looked at her watch, her time was almost up. She felt some tears run from her eyes.

” Here’s some tissues ” Angela said standing up and sat next to Marie.

” Thanks, god the mascara. ” Marie said dabbing her eyes. Lucky Im going home after this. Not going to work after a appointment at the Counsellor

Angela laughed, ” You still have ten minutes to compose yourself. Actually your my last client today. ” She said.

” Your hardest most complicated for the end of the day. ” Marie said.

” Got the afternoon off. ” Angela said ” I take a week day afternoon occasionally.

” Nice ” Marie said. ” Thanks for the chat, its really nice to talk to another female my age. ” Marie opened her handbag pulling out her make up opening it looking in the small mirror.

” That’s what I’m here for. ” Angela replied.

” God what a mess, think I can get to the car, the 20 minute drive home and in the house with no one seeing my face. ” Marie said.

” Its not that bad honey. ” Angela said smiling.

” Don’t lie, I’m a bloody mess. ” Marie joked.

” Want to use my bathroom upstairs to sort yourself. ” Angela asked.

” You don’t mind ? ” Marie asked closing her make up container and putting away her mascara tube.

” No, not at all course you can. ” Angela stood . Marie stood following her out the door to the main house, down the hallway to the stairs that lead to the master bedroom and ensuite.

” Nice room. ” Marie said.

Angela’s King size bed against the far wall nicely made. The room tastefully decorated. Marie walked over to the glass french doors looking out over the bush. They stepped out onto the balcony together.

” Nice view. ” Angela said. ” I wake up on a nice day, breakfast in bed with a coffee and open the curtains and look out at that view of the bush. The birds singing. Not a person for three hundred metres my nearest neighbour a elderly couple in there 70’s. I can walk around naked and not be seen. ” She said.

” Wow. ” Marie said. ” So you enjoy been single ”

” Well I don’t say single. More unattached. ” Angela said smiling.

” True, ” Marie said walking back in Angela’s room following her to the bathroom. A Jacuzzi in the corner, a walk in double shower, a double vanity with two basins.

” Wow huge bathroom. ” Marie said smiling looking in the mirror at her eyes. She pulled out her mascara and wipes. She started tidying up her make up. Angela leant on the vanity next to her.

” I used to share this with my husband. ” She said. ” Until he found he started prefering men to women ” she said.

” Really. ” Marie asked.

” Yes, he had been seeing men for a year before I knew he was cheating. I had suspected it. So one day I had a friend follow him to a gay bar. He started passionately kissing a guy outside and went in. She took photos. He confessed. I was pissed he was fucking men in the arse then coming home and fucking me. But he said he wore condoms. He said he never had unprotected sex with a guy. He assured me. ”

” Did you believe him ? ” Marie asked.

” Well he was a arsehole, but yes I believed him. ” Angela said looking a Marie.

” Much better ” She said.

” How did you feel, he prefered men ? ” Marie asked.

” You know when I met him, hes always been feminine. We had two children. The sex was ok. I mean, I don’t know, I’ve sort of always wondered and it wasn’t really a surprise. It was more, not if but when he would come out. ” Angela replied looking at the white tiled floor.

” Wow, ” Marie said.

” Yes. ” Angela laughed. ” I got the house. He gave it to me. Said he still loves me, but cant be with me. How does that fuckin work. ” She said.

” Sounds like you need a counsellor. ” Marie joked.

Angela laughed. ” Yes, sometimes I wonder. But you know hes happy with his man. I’m happy just been me and by myself. Kids are happy. ” Angela replied.

Marie looked around the bathroom. ” I’d love a bathroom like this. ” She said. Mine has a small shower, small basin and toilet all about the size of you shower. ”

” I like a big bathroom. When people come to stay its nice having my space. ” Angela replied. ” It feels like an apartment. ”

” It does, a real retreat with the balcony. ” Marie said as she looked her newly fixed make up.

” That’s better. ” Angela said smiling.

” Yeh ” Marie asked.

” Much better. ” Angela said.

” Good, I can go out in public now not looking like a zombie. She reached into her bag on Angela’s bed pulling out her perfume spraying her wrists.

” Nice perfume. ” Angela said.

” My husband gave it to me, years ago, its his favourite. When I put it on it was like a call to fuck me. But not now. ” She said. ” Don’t know how many bottles I have gone through ” she added. ” But now. The bottle doesn’t seem to empty. ”

” Oh baby. ” Angela said ” Don’t cry again you have just done your make up. ”

” I know. Hey thanks for the session. Its really helpful. ”

” Hey sure, like I say, that’s why I like doing my job. Was wondering a minute ago if I needed you to be the counsellor. ” Angela said.

Marie laughed. ” Yes me to. Well I should go home and do some house work. Husband working late again tonight. ”

” Ok ” Angela said. They stepped forward towards each other and hugged each other.