Crazy party with my sister

It was a special day for both me and my older sister, Emma. You see, our birthdays fell on the same day, but with a one-year age gap. So this year, as we turned 16 and 17 respectively, we have had the craziest birthday party ever!

I invited ten of my closest guy friends from my class, who were known to be a noisy and energetic bunch. They arrived at our doorstep, crashing into the house with basketballs dribbling and skateboards clattering against the floor. Their enthusiasm filled the air as they exchanged playful banter and challenged each other to impromptu races around the living room.

“Hey, birthday boy!” Screamed Mikel and Bobby, my best friends, as they burst through the door. We exchanged high-fives and wide grins, excited for the crazy party ahead. With a thunderous entrance, we rolled into the living room, the rest of the boys following behind us, creating a whirlwind of noise and energy.

Within seconds, the once-organized living room transformed into a chaotic playground. Boys scattered across the room, kicking toys aside as they jostled for a prime spot in front of the video game console.

Meanwhile, my sister Emma invited three girls from her class. The girls settled in the kitchen, so we rarely interacted with them in the beginning. They did their «girls staff», like baking or whatever the girls do at the party of their own.

Our parents left the house for the evening, giving us the ultimate freedom to let loose and have some serious fun.

Occasionally, one of the boys would wander into the kitchen in search of a soda can or a quick snack. As they entered the realm of the girls’ party, their presence disrupted the otherwise harmonious atmosphere. The girls would shriek in protest, their voices carrying through the house like a chorus of alarm bells.

At first we paid no attention to the “other” girls party in kitchen. Unbeknownst to us, my sister Emma and her three girlfriends were having their own celebration. But as “our” party became too wild, a door to the living room swans open and my sis Emma appeared in the doorway.

Emma, the sassy girl with a slim figure. She wore striped knee-high socks, denim shorts hugged her curves, accentuating her slender figure, and the colorful cotton top.

Emma has usually calm demeanor and good sense of humor, for a girl I mean. But this time she looked furious. With her hands on her hips and a determined look in her eyes, addressed the boys who were engrossed in their rowdy play in the living room. Her voice carried a tone of authority and frustration as she questioned their activities.

“Don’t you have anything better to do than kicking toys and tugging on the PlayStation?” She exclaimed, her voice laced with irritation.

“What do you think you’re doing, turning my house upside down?” Emma spat, her frustration evident in her voice. The boys exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond. They had been caught up in the thrill of the party and hadn’t considered the consequences of their actions.

A moment of silence hung in the air before I, determined to defend my own stance, retorted, “Your house? It’s my house too, sis. We both live here, remember?” The boys watched as our sibling disagreement played out, uncertain about which side to take.

Emma’s eyes narrowed, her voice firm as she replied, “Yes, it’s both our house, but I’m the older sibling, and I won’t allow you boys to turn it into a mayhem.” The weight of her words carried a sense of authority, emphasizing her role as the elder sister.

Challenging her claim, I questioned, “And what right do you have to boss us around? Just because you’re one year older doesn’t mean you can control everything.” The boys looked on, intrigued by the growing confrontation between siblings.

I took a deep breath, realizing that arguing with my sister at our own birthday party would just spoil the fun.

“What are you proposing?” I asked, trying to keep my tone more friendly than confrontational.

Emma’s eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, “We almost have the cake ready. And trust me, it’s the biggest cake I’ve ever baked. Let’s join together in celebration and indulge in it.”

A smile spread across my face, relieved that we were moving towards a resolution. “Sure,” I agreed. “Let’s do it,” my voice laced with newfound enthusiasm.

In no time, my sis came back with the massive cake, followed by three more girls. They were all rocking sassy outfits with skimpy shorts and colorful striped socks. The sight of them had us bursting into laughter, and the energy in the room instantly skyrocketed.

And you know what happened next? A hilarious fight broke out about who was going to have the honor of cutting that cake and divvying it up into portions.

But Emma, being the voice of reason, stepped in with a mischievous grin and said, “Calm down, you crazed maniacs! There’s plenty to go around, so don’t lose your frosting-loving minds!”

With a swift swoop, Emma took charge and sliced that cake into huge pieces. I mean, these portions were no joke. It was like a slice of heaven on each plate.

We couldn’t wait any longer. We dove right in, stuffing our faces with cake like it was our mission in life. The flavors exploded in our mouths, and the frosting was so rich and velvety, we couldn’t help but let out a few “mmms” and “ahhs” of pure dessert ecstasy.

And guess what? Even after we all had our fill, there was still a mountain of cake left on the platter.

As we looked at each other, unable to contain our laughter, the sight was absolutely hilarious. Our faces were covered in frosting, with streaks of sugary goodness on our cheeks and noses. It was like a frosting explosion had taken place, and we were the victims.

“Whoa, you look like a pig, brother!” Emma exclaimed through fits of laughter, pointing at my frosting-covered face. Her teasing only made the situation funnier, and I couldn’t help but playfully retort.

“Look at yourself, sis!” I shot back, grinning mischievously. Her once cute and pristine cotton top was now covered with smears of white frosting.

“You know what,” Emma proposed with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, “let’s not clean ourselves just yet. Let’s crank up the music and dance like there’s no tomorrow!” Her suggestion was met with excited cheers and nods of agreement from the rest of us.

Without wasting a moment, we turned on the dance music, and the living room was instantly transformed into our very own wild dance floor. The beats pulsed through the speakers, urging us to let loose and unleash our inner party animals.

The party erupted into absolute mayhem as the energetic beats of Dua Lipa’s “Physical” filled the room. It was a song that had the power to make even the most reserved of dancers let loose. We couldn’t help but move our bodies to the infectious tune, jumping, twirling, and singing along at the top of our lungs.

As the excitement reached its peak, someone got the brilliant idea to grab the remaining pieces of cake and toss them into the air. It was as if time stood still for a moment as the cake soared through the air, only to come crashing down upon us in a glorious explosion of frosting.

Laughter echoed through the room as we found ourselves covered from head to toe in a sticky, sweet mess. The frosting clung to our faces, our hair, and even our clothes.

When the wild song come to the end, we looked at each other and laughed. We were so messed up. The boys pulled off their t-shirts. And guess what? Girls followed the suit pulling off their tops and bras too.

So, we kept on dancing, letting loose and enjoying the freedom of being topless. The music flowed through our bodies, and we allowed ourselves to unwind and embrace the carefree spirit of the party.

In no time at all, we unleashed our inner wildness and started jumping and dancing like there was no tomorrow.

And that’s when the party reached a whole new level of craziness. The boys decided to take things up a notch by pulling down their pants. Not wanting to be outdone, the girls joined in on the wildness and started pulling down their shorts and panties as well.

A moment later we all danced almost naked, with just the socks left on us! The boys danced with hard erected cocks sticking in front of them, almost touching the naked dancing girls’ bodies.

My sister Emma, along with her best girl friends Kiki and Lucy, were right at the heart of the craziness. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Emma, who was always the voice of reason and rationality, was now letting loose and embracing the wild side like never before.

Amongst the wild revelry, there was one girl, Lana, who seemed hesitant to join in on the fun. Lana was a shy girl, with a blue eyes and short blond hair and a small tits. She stood in a corner, wide-eyed and clutching her arms around herself.

“Come on, Lana, don’t be shy!” Exclaimed my best friend Johnny, taking Lana by the wrists and gently pulling her into the center of the circle. She reluctantly agreed to join the craziness.

As the party continued to go the crazy way, my sis Emma bent her knees, placed her index finger into pussy hole, and jerked and twisted it, rolling her eyes up and down.

The room erupted with a humm of surprised voices and laughter as Emma’s gesture took everyone by surprise. It was too frivolous act, even for our wild company.

Without a second thought, I had a wildest idea and decided to seize the moment. With an impish grin on my face, I leaped onto the table where the remnants of the massive cake were left. I plunged my cock right into the creamy frosting, covering it with white substance.

Then I leaped towards my sister, holding out a cock covered with cake frosting. “Hey sis, want to have a taste?” I asked, my eyes filled with mischief. To my surprise, she didn’t hesitate for a moment. With an eager grin, she took my penis into her mouth, and stated leaking it, savoring the rich sweetness of the frosting. Her face lit up with excitement as she exclaimed, “Mmm, this is so delicious!”

The guys around as exploded with noise and laughter. Other guys repeated my feat, covering their cocks in frosting, and offering that to girls to leak. To my surprise, no one of the girls refused. In a moment, girls giggled and eagerly accepted the challenge. Laughter filled the air as each girl playfully licked the frosting from their cocks. Even Lana, the shy one, gladly leaked frosting from the cocks of two boys at once!

What happen next, is hard to fathom. We laughed and chuckled, making jokes about one another and ourselves. My sis Emma’s calm demeanor was nowhere to be found, as she turned to a wildest cock’s sucker you can imagine. The once-shy Lana had transformed into a wild spirit, joining in a blowjob party with a newfound confidence.

My penis was in the Kiki’s mouth next, after Emma finished with it and I renewed it’s covering of cake frosting. Then my friend Billy stuck his hard cock into Kiki’s tight pussy from behind. And other guys joined the fun too, fucking my sis Emma and her girl friends Lana and Lucy from all sides at once.

I covered my cock with the cake frosting once again, and as Emma’s but become available, I inserted it into her tight ass hole with surprising easiness. As it turns out, cake frosting was an excellent lubricant, after all. Who could though of that?

As the party reached it’s wildest climax, boys ejaculated into girls pussy or ass holes or mouths, whichever was accessible at the time. As a horny wild teenagers, we have had large supply of sperm, and we unloaded it in girls with wild screams and puffs.

All boys looked tired and sweaty, relieved of their last drops of sperm, we plopped down around on chairs and sofa, or on a floor, sipping sodas and ice tea, panting and puffing.

The girls sat on a floor, looking around wide-eyed, inspecting their bottoms with fingers. Then Emma and Kiki stood up and trudged for the bathroom to clean themselves up from the mess. Lucy laid on a floor, breathing heavy and rolling her wide eyes.

“What… What did just happened?” Muttered Lucy, checking her bottom with the fingers and looking at the white staff that covered it. I guess, she tried to decide, was it more like a sperm, or like a cake frosting.

My sis Emma and her girl friend Kiki emerged from the bathroom, looking refreshed and rejuvenated. Their hair was neatly combed, and they had managed to clean themselves up. They rummaged through clothes, searching for fresh outfits to wear. Meanwhile, Lucy, seeing their return, stood up and made her way to the bathroom, taking her turn.

Emma’s eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the chaotic mess we had created throughout the house. It was a sight to behold, I must say. Everything seemed to be turned upside down, with remnants of cake frosting and bread crumbs scattered about. Socks and underwear were strewn across the floor, adding to the disarray.

Emma’s frustration was evident as she shook her hands, trying to make her point clear. “Guys, you all need to help me clean up this mess right now!” She exclaimed urgently. “Our parents will be back in just one hour, and they can’t see the house like this.”

“And why should we do that?” Asked Jimmy, lazily lounging on the couch. Emma’s eyes flashed with anger in response. “You all had a hand in creating this mess, so you all must help clean it up,” she snapped back, her frustration evident in her voice. Her determination was evident, and she was not going to let anyone off the hook.

“And if we won’t do that?” Jimmy asked, testing Emma’s patience.

Emma’s irritation was evident as she snapped back, “If you won’t help clean up, then I’ll make sure that none of you ever have a chance with me or any other girl in our school.”

The threat hung in the air, and it was a credible one. Emma’s influence and popularity among our peers made her words carry weight. The boys exchanged glances, realizing the seriousness of the situation. Cleaning up the mess suddenly seemed like a much more appealing option.

With Emma’s stern reminder, there was no room for argument. One by one, we all got up from wherever we were and joined in the cleaning effort. Some grabbed trash bags, others fetched cleaning supplies, and together we began to restore the house to its former order.

As we worked side by side, the tension eased, and we even managed to find some humor in the situation. The cleaning process became another opportunity for laughter and bonding, as we reminisced about the wild and crazy moments of the party.

In the end, we managed to clean up the mess just in time. When our parents returned, they found us in the living room, looking innocent and well-behaved, unaware of the raucous celebration that had taken place only moments before.