Cumming on 12 year old girls

13 year old jerking off with two girls till cum

Growing up there was a group of kids in our street that used to hang out, and there were two girls I played with the most, Lindy and Annie. When I was 13 and just starting to notice girls and jerk off, we had a hot encounter.

They were 12 and we’re doing a fun play for their families, and they wanted me to see their practice show. There were 5 girls in total, and the last sketch involved them doing a dance wearing only panties. A couple of the girls had small buds as their breast were only just developing, but this didn’t stop me from getting a teen hard on.

When the show finished the girls went into a bedroom to get dressed, a few minutes later 3 came out and went home, leaving Annie and Lindy in the room. Annie called me in and to my surprise they were still in their panties only.

They giggled and asked if I liked the show, particularly the last part. I said yes it was fun, and Lindy suggested I strip down to my underwear too. I was embarassed but they eventually convinced me, and it wasn’t long before I had an erection again, and I couldn’t hide it.

The girls were enthralled by it and made me show it off. I went with the flow and walked around shaking my cock and they giggled and said how exciting this was. The each held it for a short time, and Annie asked me if I jerked off like her older brother did. I didn’t want to admit it but she then said jerk off for us. Lindy also told me to do it.

I started wanking and the girls giggled and said yes keep going. They were sitting next to each other on the bed and I was standing on the floor, after a couple of minutes I blew a big load and made sure I got some on both of their tits and stomachs. Annie loved it but Lindy was a bit grossed out but I didn’t care.

Over the next few years every now and then I would let Annie watch me jerk off. She let me cum on her face and tits which were developing nicely, but she didn’t let me fuck her. We moved away when I was 15 and I didn’t see either girl again.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅