Davey’s Journey Part 4

Davey wakes up, and receives a special present from Kelly and her friend. He later meets up with Kelly, and things don’t go as planned…

I got up around seven o’clock in the morning, ready to start the day, and hopefully have another get-together with Kelly. Maybe we would come back to my place, or maybe have some ‘fun’ in the woods. I haven’t decided yet.

I went over to my phone to for any messages that were sent during the night. I normally keep my phone on silent when I’m asleep unless my parents are out of town, so I didn’t hear it when Kelly sent me a message around eleven-thirty last night.

The message read, “Me and Jenny made something for you!” With the message, there was a video attachment.

“I wonder what this could be?”, I thought to myself as I opened the video, and saw Kelly, standing face-to-face with her eleven-year-old friend. A slightly shorter, yet larger chested, perhaps already a B-cup in breast size, redhead girl.

Both girls were wearing bikinis, Kelly a white one, and Jenny an orange one that had a strapless top. Their hair was still wet, as were their bathing suits, so this must have been made not long after they had returned from the pool. After a few seconds of looking at each other, the two started kissing. Not some simple kisses, but deep, French kissing.

They kissed for about a minute before Kelly pulled up Jenny’s top, giving me a view of her beautiful developing tits and pink, suckable nipples.

“I would love to suck on them,” I thought to myself as Kelly did to her friend just what I had wanted to do, and placed her mouth over her friend’s breast meat, getting the whole thing into her mouth and sucking on it, making her friend lean her head back and moan in pleasure.

Kelly sucked on her friend’s tit for a few seconds before moving over to her other one and giving it a good suck as well. Watching this was seriously giving me a hard-on, and I considered asking Kelly if her ‘friend’ would be interested in a threesome.

“Maybe I’ll ask in a few days,” I thought to myself as I witnessed Kelly remove her mouth from her friend’s chest, and lick her way down to Jenny’s navel, where she tongued and licked the little belly hole, making her friend giggle and moan even more.

Kelly stopped licking her friend’s navel after about half a minute, and then stood up, kissing her friend’s nipples before Jenny lifted the young blonde’s top, and began sucking on her friend’s tits just like Kelly had done to hers.

Jenny took one of her friend’s tits entirely into her mouth and began sucking on it hard, turning her cheeks red. This made me smile a little, seeing the young girl’s enthusiasm over sucking her friend’s breasts and engaging in lesbianism. It also made me hard, a lot.

Jenny moved over to Kelly’s other breast, and sucked on it hard as well, only to stop when Kelly told her, “Stop Jenny! My mom’s coming up.” Kelly then reached over to her phone, or whatever she was recording the video on, and turned it off.

“I guess that’s it,” I said to myself, double-checking my messages just to make sure. I then hooked my phone up to my computer, downloaded the video onto an external hard drive, and deleted the video and message containing the video from my phone. I then texted Kelly, “Thanks!”

A couple of minutes later Kelly texted back, “No problem! Did you like it?”

I returned the message, “Yes, but you should delete the video from your phone, and delete the text message containing the video. Better safe than sorry. And don’t worry, I have it downloaded to my computer.”

“Okay,” she replied, then a few seconds later texted me, “Done.”

I smiled, trusting that she did it. I then texted her, “Wanna meet later?”

“Sure!” she messaged back, adding, “When you wanna meet?”

“How about 11:00 AM,” I messaged her, to which she replied, “Sure!”

“Great! I’ll see you then!” I messaged her one last time before putting my phone down and getting ready to go to the pool to swim some laps.

I got home around ten, having spent two hours at the pool swimming laps and relaxing. I could have sworn I saw Jenny there too, wearing the same bikini she was in the video she made with Kelly. With her was a woman that I assumed was her mother, given how much the two looked alike, and damn, she was hot too! Also, given how busty the mother was, I could only guess that the young girl was going to get bigger tits!

The pool was mostly full off adults without any kids, although there were a few youngsters there, even some girls that I thought looked sexy, despite their ages, which were closer to Kelly’s age than mine, and younger.

I left the pool around ten, and when I was leaving another woman with a young girl that looked close to Kelly’s age came in. She was brunette and very pretty and slender. Not much in the way of breasts, but they were there. As I passed them I recognized them as a mother and daughter that lived up the street from me. I said ‘hi’ to them, and they returned the gesture, with the girl starting to giggle, and in a manner that made it seem like she wanted to say ‘I know a secret’.

“I wonder what’s up with her,” I thought to myself, deciding not to think about it, as I remembered the girl was a bit on the annoying side.

Once I got home I took a shower and changed into a T-shirt and jeans. I then ate some food and waited for a few minutes before grabbing my backpack and deciding to walk to the park.

I got there about fifteen minutes after I left, and once there I found Kelly sitting on a park bench. She was wearing a yellow sun dress with flower pictures on it. I also saw the park had several people in it. Being overcast it had cooled it down a bit since yesterday.

“Guess the people who didn’t want to come out yesterday are now coming out in full force,” I said to myself as I went over and sat next to Kelly.

“Hey, Kelly,” I said to my twelve-year-old girlfriend and fuck buddy.

“Hey, Davey,” she said back with a smile, looking around and commenting, “There sure are a lot of people around.”

I nodded at her comment, and said, “I just hope there aren’t too many people on the trails.”

Kelly agreed with me, saying, “Yeah. Me too!”

“That’s a very pretty dress, by the way,” I commented, which made her say, “Thank you.” I then noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra, so I asked her, why aren’t you wearing a bra for?”

Kelly giggled and said, “It makes it easier for you to suck my tits if I don’t wear one!”

I smiled at her, and said, “Thank you, but with your tits growing in, you should wear a bra. Especially with a dress like that.”

Kelly stuck her tongue out at me, and remarked, “Yes, mommy.”

I rolled my eyes at this, after which I stood up, and asked her, “Well? ready to go on a hike?”

Kelly quickly got off the bench, and said, “Sure” before skipping over to the trail entrance, with me in tow.

We got a little way on the trail, and to our disappointment, we were passed by someone going on a run.

“Well, shit,” I said under my breath before turning to Kelly, and saying to her, “There might be too many people out here.”

“There might be less people the further we go in, “she suggested, adding, “Besides, we should be pretty safe once we get to your little camping shelter.”

I shook my head, and said to her, “Maybe. But if someone sees us go off the trail they might get curious and follow us.”

“And catch us,” she added in, which I nodded to, and told her, “if we were both the same age at worst they would tell us to stop. But because you’re four years younger… and look it, they might call the cops.”

Kelly sighed at what I told her and finally said what I knew when she first asked me to lick her navel, which was the reason why I was reluctant to lick her navel in the first place. “Because I’m too young to legally have sex. And even though you’re a teenager, you would still get in trouble.”

I gave her a small smile, and told her, “which is why we can never let anyone know about our relationship. At least for now. Unless we can really trust them.”

“Umm, I told Jenny about us, which is why she made that video I sent you,” she said sheepishly, adding, “She said if you could suck my tits, then she could suck them too!”

I did a quick look around, gave her still-clothed tits a quick kiss, and told Kelly, “I don’t mind if she sucks your tits, just as long as I get to keep sucking them as well.”

Kelly at this, and told me, “Of course! I love it when you sucked my tits!” Kelly shrugged and admitted, “Actually, I just like having my tits sucked. I should have let Jenny suck on them a long time ago.”

I laughed a little and informed her, “That might have led to you two having sex.”

She thought about what I told her for a few seconds, and then answered after another hiker passed us by, “I might like that! I do like it when you lick me, and I know she wants to!”

“How do you know?” I asked her while walking along the trail before adding in, “I mean, it’s pretty obvious that she wants to have sex with you, but has she ever told you?”

Kelly nodded her head, and told me, “Yeah. She’s told me several times she wants to lick my pussy. She also tells me she wants to have sex with you too.”

I gave her a questioning look, and asked, “So she’s bisexual?”

Kelly nodded, and told me, “Yeah. She told me last year, and says she is, but that she prefers girls.”

I thought about what Kelly had just told me, and asked her, “Do you know if she’s ever had sex before?”

Kelly shook her head, and told me, “I don’t know. She’s never told me if she has, and I’ve never seen her close to anybody else, besides me.”

“Are you her only friend?” I asked, a little concerned that girl might only have one.

Kelly shook her head again, telling me, “No. She has other friends, I’m just her best friend.”

“And the one that she wants to have sex with,” I said with a laugh. Kelly laughed as well.

We finally reached the little side ‘trail’ that would take us to my camping shelter, and after looking around to assure no one would see us, we walked down the path and quickly got to the little
open area where I spent many nights out in the woods. I then turned to Kelly and gave her a deep kiss, followed by a kiss on her neck.

After a few seconds of kissing her neck, I lifted her dress over her breasts, giving her tits a couple of sucks before kissing down her body, and sticking my tongue into her navel, French kissing it. While I was doing this I was rubbing her still panty-covered pussy with my fingers, causing her to form a very visible camel-toe.

After a few seconds of kissing and licking her navel, I lowered her panties down, slipped two fingers into her, and placed my mouth over her slit.

Kelly moaned and sucked in air as I licked and finger fucked the girl, giving her pleasure as I tasted her pussy, which was a wonderful taste.

I licked and finger her for several minutes, causing her to come in my mouth, and moan a little too loud for me to be comfortable with, considering how many people were out on the trails.

I gave Kelly a few more licks before I began moving up her body, kissing and licking her navel for about half a minute before licking my way up to her tits and sucking on them for about a minute. I then kissed her and was about to set some sheets under my shelter, when I heard thunder.

“Well shit,” I whispered, looking up through the trees, and seeing that the clouds had become darker. “Guess this is all we can do today.”

Kelly frowned in disappointment, pulled up her panties, and complained, “I really wanted to have sex today!”

I kissed her, and then kissed her now-covered breasts before telling her, “Sorry, but if there’s a thunderstorm coming in, then it will be too dangerous out here under all these trees.”

Kelly sighed and said, “I know. It still sucks.”

I lifted her dress back up to give her breasts two more sucks, and then told her after another thunderclap, “We need to get out of here before it gets bad.”

I released her dress, and Kelly took my hand to help guide her out, not saying anything because we knew we needed to get out of the woods, and quick.

We half ran towards the back entrance, getting there just as we saw a bolt of lightning flash in the sky. The fact there was a roar of thunder a couple of seconds later.

“Yeah, I need to get home,” Kelly said, kissing me quickly, and running home. I looked at her running off, then looked down at my dick, and said, “sorry” to my still hard cock, then began to run home once it to rain.

If anyone would like to send a personal comment to me about this or any of my other stories, please email me at 🔞Life Selector🔥 Interactive porn game, start playing now!🕹