Der SchmidtHaus

This is a complete fantasy, mostly for the Role Reversal…

My daughter, Sicily said she was going out to eat, at a friend’s house. So, I wouldn’t have to cook for her, but as soon as she left, I heard the side gate.

She went out the front door, then came right back through the side yard, with a couple boys. I saw them together, over bye the shed, and she pulled a key out.

The key from the hook by the back door, I shook my head, but the boys looked a little older. Maybe 11, or 12, and related. Brothers, or cousins, but Cilia was only 10 years old, and I went out the back, to hear their giggles.

It was after dark, so they had to turn the light on. It shone out the window, and I peeked around to see them pull out the mattress from her old bed. The frame, and headboard leaned up against the boards, while she held up her phone bye the window.

[Tiny Tits Teen Threesome.]

“Huh!” In my day, yeah. We had internet, and even porn, but we’re talking maybe the library computer, daddy’s dirty DVDs, but not like. A smart phone in every purse. More like Pagers, and PDAs with tiny little keyboards, and monochrome screens, text only. You could sext, but no photos, the smartest phone was a flip-phone.

Now, any 5th grader could look up Tiny Tits Teen Threesomes on their phones, and turn them around to show the boys. “You wanna try this?” She handed it over, for them to hold next to each other, and started getting undressed.

She was 10 years old, and I don’t know whether to be proud of her, or ashamed of her. When I was in 5th grade, I was barely budding, and looking at boys. Older boys, middle schoolers? Like that to joke with my friends about who was the cutest. Maybe getting a kiss, if they held still log enough, but once we got a little older, and a little taller, we had to chase them down to make them kiss us.

It was kind of bullying, really. TBPH, nowadays, they could report you for sexual assault, or at least harassment. “Boys,” she dropped her clothes, and stood there, in her underpants. Shooting her hip, and twisting back and forth. “You can put down the phone now, and get them out.” They looked at each other, and shook their head. “Look at me, not him, come here. Don’t be shy.”

In the tiny shed. Her voice got quiet, muffled through the window, with nothing but a bare bulb hanging from the middle. Reaching out to between their legs, she said something. Too muffled to make out, but I imagine to the effect that they could touch her too.

I shook my head, mentally checking the time. I’d let this go on for, minutes? Her father wasn’t coming home, and with her saying she’d eat at a friend’s house, I just put off heating up something from leftovers for myself.

Then, she got their paints open, and the little pricks sprang out. My jaw dropped, but I told myself, that I would watch. Just to make sure that they didn’t get out of hand, there were 2 boys in there with her, they could get rough with her, or jealous, and she’s not on birth control, because she’s just 10, years old!

They’re so hard, though, and she must feel so sexy, with 2 boys hard for her. Letting her fingers slip out, and off their cute little tips, so they spring back up, and she can flip her hand back over. Caress their hairless nuts, and why was I even worried about Birth Control? Nobody’s getting pregnant, but I’m making excuses for her, and still having to admit that had I gotten the chance, when I was a little older.

A little closer to their age, when I started sprouting breasts, and pubic hair. Hell, I learned to masturbate to the thought of making out with an older boy. 1 older boy, it really depended on which one looked in my general direction, and maybe smiled a little, if I hadn’t imagined that, but 2 boys, kissing either side of my neck, and rubbing my buttocks through my panties.

“Huh,” I don’t look like that, any more. I can vaguely remember, having a body like that, in the mirror to wish I would just develop all ready.

Eventually, she bent her knees, so the boy’s hands slipped out of the back of her panties, and pushed them down her legs. Kneeling on the small mattress, I could barely see the trees, blue sky, and pond she’d painted on the headboard, so we could paint over it with clear coat, to preserve it forever.

“Snh?” Am I crying? My eyes are starting to sting, but the tears aren’t running out yet. She can’t stay my little girl forever, and I’d bragged about how precocious she was. Gifted, and showed off her art works to the other mommies. She’s stopped calling me mommy years ago, but now, seeing her like this.

Not so much naked, but sitting down to slip her feet out of her panties, and the boys turning around. Pulling off their shirts, and dropping their pants to expose their pale little boy butts.

I’m almost 28, just about to turn 28 years old, and starting to get those honestly silly thought about growing old, when I’m still so young. Married young, and yes if you do the math, I had her when I was 16. Before I even turned 17, another 90s statistic on teenage pregnancy, pre-marital sex, and dropped out to take care of her, but her father.

Harold, we met at a party. I was drunk, underage, and he was delighted when I told him, I was going to have a baby. He stepped up, when so many boys denied it, and became deadbeats. Refusing to even pay child support, or at best splitting the cost of Abortion, but had I known then, what I know now.

I regret, well. I don’t regret Sicilia, but Harold would probably never go for it. I’m not too old to have my first threesome, am I? But finally, the boys finished arguing over, whatever they were arguing over. Stepped out of their pants, naked to get on the tiny bed with her. Her childhood bed, and now, was she even a virgin?

It’s something, I put off thinking about, until she was a little older, but they grow up so fast, and maybe I can convince Harry to get his tubes untied. Start over, perhaps with a son while we’re still fairly young, but. I should have had my first threesome before my 10 year old daughter! Honestly, it’s hard not to get jealous of her, laying one down to sit on his face, while the other one stood up on the mattress.

She sucked him, but didn’t pump it in and out, just held it in her mouth, with her cheeks pulled tight over the teeth, smiling, and letting go of the base. She’d pinched it to pull it down, from beating against his tummy, but then she slipped her fingers down, turned them around, and pulled his balls out to rub against her chin. Shaking her head back and forth, then letting it pop out. Swing back up to bounce off his pubeless.

“Huh!” Then popping a ball in her mouth, looking up at him, and then flipping his rock hard back and forth with her nose, leaving it wet, and shiny in the bare bulb. The mattress sideways on the floor, in front of the painted headboard, with bookbirds frozen mid flap across puffy looking white clouds.

I showed her that, how you can throw a book, so it flips, and flaps like a bat, or bird. So, she drew crude books in pencil, flying through the sky like birds, then painted them carefully, but I’m standing out here, watching her have oral sex, with 2 boys. Through a window, like some peeping pervert, and I have to laugh at myself.

The role reversal of the situation, I’m supposed to be guarding her, keeping boys from peeping in her windows when she’s changing, but all I did was provide blinds, and curtains she could pull across them. A bedroom upstairs, overlooking the yard, and eventually a nice big girl bed, she never bothered to paint.

It was a childish phase, she outgrew, but something we enjoyed together, but I’m starting to leak. I don’t care how tired Harold is when he gets home, even if he passes out, I’m going to mount him for some deep dicking but until then. It’s sick, exciting, and pervy to pull out the front of my apron.

I’d just done the dishes, to clear the sink, and there was a sleeve of ground beef thawing from the freezer to. Think of something to do, too much for just me, I should probably slice off a burger, and put the rest in a ziplock, in the fridge. “Oh,” I’m wetter than I thought. Biting my lip, and unzipping my pants, to wiggle my fingers in there, and dry the damp spot with the crotch of my panties.

“Huh!” I blinked, because the headboard whacked against the frame, but just once. The boys were switching places with her, and the one who laid down wiped his mouth, grinning. The other one lay down in his place, but turned around the other way. Holding up his glistening hard little dick, but Sicilia shook her head. Waved her finger in his face, and reached down to move his hand.

She sat on it, scooching to get it in the fold between her legs, and licked her lips. Her eyes fluttering shut with such a smile of pleasure, and her face so read it was running down her neck. Her tiny nipples, slightly darker than the thin circles around them, sticking out. Humping slowly, grinding it gently against his pubeless.

Bone? I know there’s a pubic bone there, but it’s not padded like a girl’s. Like the hump, bulging up from the gentle pressure, and pulling slightly with each hump. Each wet hump to get them both wet and slippery with spit from oral sex.

She shook her head, and looked up. The other boy’s arm out, caressing her face lovingly, and finger-combing her hair back. His thumb holding down his hard dry prick, she licks her lips, sticking her tongue out, mouth open wide to lick the tip, and curl her tongue around it, then sucking her cheeks in tight over her teeth.

Feeling up his legs, and pulling his nuts out, his hairless nuts, and how old are they? Which one is older, they must be cousins, but they look like brothers, then I remember, “Huh!”

The Schmidt twins. It had to be. I’d never seen them before, I’d only heard that there were some triplets, when they were born. It was a minor news story, when I was, well? In high school, but not yet pregnant with her. 2 boys, and a girl, so they had to be 11, or 12, maybe 13 at the oldest, but obviously not identical twins.

They had a sister.

2 boys, and a girl.

“Hhuh! HhuhHhuh?” I wonder what she looks like? “Huh huh uh!” Naked, with them. “NMH!”

“What the heck? Who’s out there?”

“Oh, my god!” I ran for the porch, but too late.

“Mom?” I barely made it halfway up the steps to the back porch when she peeked out the doors. Double doors, so you could get a mower in, and out, I suppose.

“I’m sorry, but. You’re not in trouble, I just. Saw the light on, and I went to see what was going on, but you kids have fun.” I shut the kitchen door, and leaned back against it, heart pounding, and trying to catch my breath, but it felt for all the world like I’d been caught in the act. By my mother, who definitely told me that good little girls don’t play with themselves in bed at night.

She’d caught me, one night. Coming in, to tuck me in, and I was already tucking my nighty in with my fingers.

“You guys better go, see you later?”

I don’t know how long I stood there, flashing back to my sexually repressed childhood, my rebellious teenage years, but before I’d gotten to the party, and the first time I really got drunk.

Long enough for the kids to get dressed, and Sicilia to send the boys running off, through the side gate.

She knocked, “Mom, let me in. Huh, we need to talk, I guess.”

“Yes, I suppose it is long overdue, but was that the Schmidt twins?”

“Yeah, uhm.” She shook her head, biting her lip, and took a deep breath. “Huh, the truth is, I don’t know which one I like more, and.”

“What about their sister?” I changed the subject, just because I was nervous, and I had no idea what to say.

“Huh,” her face fell. “She died, when they’re little, so. They’re just the Schmidt twins now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” but only for being relieved that that poor little girl died before they got old enough to do anything incestuous? My god, what a stupid, selfish and evil thing to even think, you should be ashamed of yourself.

She giggled, “You want to hear a joke?” A dirty one, to judge from the giggle. “One year, on Christmas even, a farmer came out with his shotgun. He heard something loud, in the outhouse. That’s like the latrines at camp.” I nodded, “Then, when he looked in, he heard Santa yelling in a thick German accent. Saint Niklaus said ‘Nein, Rudolff. I said der SchmidtHaus’!”

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