Diary of a High Price Escort Book 20

I quickly discovered that you don’t learn the ins and outs of human resources during a few hours spent on the internet. I was concerned that Mr. Smith’s associates would see through my ruse immediately, so I’d have to rely on my brilliant smile and incredible looks to get me through the luncheon later today.

Mr. Smith was expecting appropriate business attire, so after slipping into a black satin thong and matching bra, I smoothed a pair of black thigh-high nylons over my shapely legs. That took care of my appearance for Mr. Smith after the luncheon when I assumed we’d be alone. A pale blue cotton blouse and form-fitting black slacks topped with a black suit jacket fit the bill as business attire. I opted for a medium-height pair of black pumps to finish my ensemble for the luncheon.

I applied just a hint of eye shadow and a very light shade of pink lipstick. I considered leaving my wavy blonde hair spread evenly over my shoulders. I decided to go with the ultra-conservative look of tying my hair up into a messy bun just above the collar of my jacket. I liked the look of this hairstyle, and it had the advantage that when I got Mr. Smith alone, I could undo it while I seduced him.

Late morning traffic was heavy as I drove across town to Casa Grande to meet my client, Mr. Smith, causing me to arrive five minutes late. I found a parking spot across from the entrance to the restaurant and shifted my Benz into park. A glance at my reflection in the visor mirror confirmed that my hair and make-up fit the client’s request. As I slipped out of the driver’s seat and straightened up, I looked toward the portico extending from the building and noticed an older, portly gentleman with pattern baldness and white hair. As I walked in his direction, I smiled, hoping he wasn’t my client for the afternoon. My hopes were dashed as I approached when he said, “You must be Angel?”

I forced a second smile, then replied, “I am, and you must be Mr. Smith?”

His somewhat confused expression told me that Smith wasn’t his real name, which he confirmed when he said, “Do not call me Mr. Smith; call me Larry.”

“Ok, Larry, I can do that,” I answered, then added, “Are we meeting anyone for lunch?”

Larry let his eyes roam over my form as he replied, “Yes, two associates are joining us; Frank Reynolds and Ian Simmons work with me. We are the human resources department at a local manufacturing company.”

“And I am supposed to be some kind of outside consultant?” I asked, wondering how to pull off the ruse of being an expert in their field.

“That’s right, Angel,” Larry answered.

I paused momentarily before saying, “Larry, I know very little about human resources, and the knowledge I gained the past few days is most likely rudimentary compared to three men who have worked in the field for a long time.”

“HR is all about fair and equal treatment of all employees; if you keep that in mind, you’ll do fine,” Larry said, trying to reassure me.

Larry continued checking out my body as we waited for Frank and Ian to arrive. I felt a little uncomfortable having him, for lack of a better phrase, size me up.

“Is my outfit what you had in mind?” I questioned him, trying to draw his attention back to my face.

“Oh yes, it’s perfect,” Larry replied, realizing I’d noticed his lecherous stare.

I smiled and then offered something to keep his attention, “Hopefully, you will enjoy what I’m wearing underneath later.”

“I’m sure we will,” Larry replied.

His use of the word “we” confused me somewhat. My appointment was with one man, but his answer led me to believe I’d be pleasuring more than just him.

Before I could ask him about it, he said, “Here’s Frank and Ian.” He pointed toward a gray four-door sedan driving across the front of the portico.

I wasn’t expecting to pleasure three men, but I knew I could handle it, and if that were the case, I’d expect a more sizable tip than Larry alone would provide.

A minute or two later, Ian and Frank rounded the corner of the building. One was about Larry’s age but not nearly as overweight, while the other appeared to be ten years their junior. Larry introduced us as they approached, “Angel, this is Frank and Ian; guys, this is Angel.” Both had wide grins on their faces. The younger of the two extended his hand first. “I’m Frank; it’s a pleasure to meet you, Angel,” he said.

As I shook his hand, I glanced at Ian, who was still grinning, but as Larry had done earlier, his eyes roamed all over me. I wasn’t all that happy about how these two old men were sizing me up, and I let them know, saying, “Maybe you’d like to take some pictures.”

Ian instantly shot back, “I might just do that later.”

His answer led me to believe that at least he and Larry knew I was no HR consultant, and I suspected Frank also knew, judging by how long he continued holding onto my hand.

“I need a drink,” Larry announced as Frank finally let my hand slip from his.

“I agree,” I replied, knowing that I’d need more than one for what I now suspected was going to be an afternoon of intense sucking and fucking.

All three scrambled to grab the door for me, the younger Frank moving quicker than his two older co-workers. He smiled widely at me as I walked past and into the restaurant.

I could almost feel all three pairs of eyes scanning my ass from behind as I followed the hostess to a table toward the back of the dining room. I made sure to give their eyes something to enjoy, allowing my hips to sway seductively from side to side as we walked.

Larry won the scramble to help me with my chair, meaning Frank and Ian could grab the chairs on either side of me, leaving Larry to sit across the table. As we ordered drinks, all three were undressing me in their minds. I ordered a martini, knowing I’d want to be a little tipsy later when pleasuring them.

I decided to carry on the human resources ruse for at least a while and asked all three, “How long have you all been working in HR?”

“I got my bachelor’s in labor law at Cal State in 75,” Larry quickly and proudly replied.

Ian and Frank answered almost simultaneously. “I’ve been an HR manager for…” Ian said, “Fifteen years.”

And Frank said, “Twenty years.”

I knew I was way over my head with the few hours I’d spent studying human resources on the internet.

Frank allowed me to continue my ruse and asked, “Where did you study labor law, Angel?”

I took a healthy sip from my martini and looked him straight in the face as I replied, “Let’s not carry on this charade any longer. We all know why I’m here, and it has nothing to do with labor law.”

Ian and Larry sat back in their chairs with broad smiles on their lips, but Frank looked a bit confused as I took a second sip from my cocktail, “I have no idea why Larry asked my employer to have me act as if I’m some kind of HR consultant, but I know that what I’m here for is to provide all of you with the best fuck you’ve ever had.”

Ian immediately chimed in, “It’s all about having the entire day go against our expense account.”

I laughed before I said, “So the company is footing the bill.”

“That’s right, hun,” Ian replied.

Frank leaned forward, his smile now matching the two other men’s smiles. “So you’re gonna have sex with all of us?” he asked.

I smiled widely at him as I unbuttoned my blazer and the top two buttons of my pale blue blouse. “That’s right, and since I’m the best cock sucker on the planet, you’ll all enjoy the pleasure of feeling the back of my throat,” I replied.

He sat back in his chair and looked at Larry. “You set this up?” he asked.

“I sure as hell did,” he answered and then quickly added, “One of the perks of being HR manager, and you can expect more between now and next year when I retire.”

I slipped off one shoe and stretched my foot across under the table to run my toes along the inside of his leg. Larry’s smile widened as my toes toyed with his calf.

“I need another martini,” I announced as my empty glass hit the table.

A second round of drinks was quickly ordered, followed by our lunch order.

While we waited for our food, I decided to find out exactly what I’d be dealing with later and again leaned forward after slipping my shoe back on. My left hand slipped under the tablecloth and onto Ian’s thigh. He lurched but quickly settled back in his chair and moved his legs further apart.

My hand slid up and over his thigh, and to my pleasant surprise, I was greeted with a substantial bulge in his pants leg. I grinned at him and, in a seductive voice, said, “That’ll be enough to tickle my tonsils.”

His buddies knew I was stroking his cock. “If you two have as nice a package as Ian, I’m in for a delightful afternoon,” I commented to Frank and Larry.

I only picked at my lunch, opting instead for a third martini as I watched them plow through their meals like they only had twenty minutes for lunch.

“So Larry, where will we continue our HR conference this afternoon?” I asked.

He smiled as he replied, “The company has a condo a few blocks from here that is used when higher-ups from home office are in town.”

I giggled and answered, “Let me guess, it’s not being used today.”

“It will be shortly,” he quickly replied.

I tipped my martini glass, finishing my third, then said to them, “Let’s get it on, gentlemen.”

Almost before I finished, Frank stood up. The bulge in his pants confirmed that at least two-thirds of them had cocks that would keep me happy most of the afternoon. I smiled at him as I stood up and said, “Looks like you’ve got a tonsil tickler there, too.”

Frank quickly adjusted his cock, so it stretched down his pant leg, then walked around the table, offering me his arm as I stood up. “I like that a big fat cock and a gentleman too,” I said quietly to him as we followed Ian and Larry toward the front door.

As we walked through the portico, Larry suggested, “If we take one car, we can park in the garage.”

I quickly added, “So no one will know we’re there.” He looked over his shoulder and grinned at me.

Frank and I followed the other two across the lot to Ian’s sedan. As we walked, I used my free hand to reach up and undo the bun in my hair, shaking my head and allowing my wavy blond locks to cascade down over my shoulders.

Frank quickly opened the rear passenger door and stared intently as I sat in the car and lifted my feet over the rocker panel.

Ian and Larry got in the front, and Frank wasted no time circling the back to jump in next to me.

“This is going to be so much fun,” he announced as he settled in beside me and pulled the door closed.

I turned a little toward him and undid another button on my blouse, giving him a preview of my lush soft cleavage, “I can’t wait to feel your hard cock sliding between my tits.”

Frank licked his lips and let his eyes drop to the mounds of flesh straining to escape the confines of my black lace bra. His eyes returned to mine as he said, “They look incredible.”

I reached over and slid my hand over his erect cock before replying, “This feels so fucking hard.”

Up front, Larry turned in the passenger seat and watched as I stroked Frank’s rock-hard cock. Ian tried to catch a glimpse in the rearview mirror but couldn’t see as he drove to the company condo.

In a few minutes, he turned into a condo development and then into a short driveway where the garage door opened. A moment later, the door was gliding down behind, and as the daylight disappeared, I leaned over toward Frank and said, “I wanna suck your big hard cock first.”

The martinis had the desired effect, and as we all walked into a nicely furnished apartment, I was feeling a little tipsy and very sexy. I couldn’t wait to strip out of my outfit and show off my shapely body and seductive lingerie. As we moved through the kitchen, all three men slipped out of their suit coats and hung them over the chairs. I kept my blazer on, wanting to give them a total strip tease in a couple of minutes.

The living room was furnished with white leather furniture, a love seat, and a full-size sofa arranged in an L shape with an oval coffee table in front and a matching end table between the two sofas.

“Make yourselves comfortable, guys. I need to use the bathroom,” I said, looking around for the bath.

“It’s upstairs,” Ian offered.

I turned and made my way to the open staircase that led to the loft of the condo, knowing that all eyes would be glued to my form as I walked up the stairs. “I won’t be a minute,” I promised, assuming they all wanted to get the party underway nearly as much as I wanted to start pleasuring myself with three rock-hard cocks.

Once in the bathroom, I quickly used my fingers to comb through my hair, spreading it more evenly around my head and shoulders. I applied a fresh coat of brighter red lipstick and more mascara, lengthening my eyelashes. A squirt of my favorite perfume on either side of my neck and into my cleavage completed my preparations for what I was anticipating would be an afternoon of very hot, steamy sex.

The loft had half walls that allowed a view of the living room below. Other than a large king-size bed, the only other furniture in the area was a white leather chair tucked into the far corner of the open space. I envisioned being fucked from behind later with my arms resting on the back of the chair and looking down at whoever might still be downstairs.

I stopped at the top of the stairs, giving the three men below time to focus on me and letting the anticipation of my strip tease build a little. Three pairs of eyes were fixed on me as I slowly removed my blazer and draped it over the staircase’s handrail. I released the garment, allowing it to slide down to the bottom, but none of them followed its descent.

As I started down the stairs, I slowly undid the buttons on each sleeve, then the remaining buttons down to the waistband of my slacks. With each button, I opened the fabric first, revealing the rest of my soft cleavage and bra, then my creamy white belly. Each step moved me closer and closer to my goal, three erect rock-hard cocks to please and use for my pleasure. I was halfway down by the time I’d opened the last button, then stopped mid-staircase to pull the tag ends of my blouse from the waistband of my slacks. The final button slipped through its hole, and the pale blue blouse hung completely open. I smiled at the three men staring at my tits and asked, “Enjoying yourselves?”

Two nodded their heads, yes, but Frank said, “Fuck yes!”

The blouse slipped off my shoulders, then made the same slippery descent down the handrail to join my blazer at the bottom.

Ian, who was seated alone on the loveseat and had an erect cock since I first stroked it at the restaurant, could wait no longer. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock through the opening. He sported an impressive erection, perhaps eight inches of rock-hard shaft topped with a sheathed head. As he stroked it for the first time, the foreskin pulled taut, revealing a deep purple blood-engorged cock head. I knew his would be a beautiful cock to pleasure with my lips, tongue, and mouth.

Before starting the remainder of my descent on the stairs, I undid the button at the waistband of my slacks. I moved slowly and very seductively down each step until I reached the last one, where I stopped smiling first at Frank, then looking toward Larry, and finally at Ian, who continued stroking his rock-hard cock.

My pussy was growing wetter with each passing moment. The combined effect of the martinis and the anticipation of three hard cocks made me horny beyond belief. I turned away from them, facing up the stairs again, my hands moving to the waistband, then slowly slid the fabric down over my silky smooth ass cheeks. One of them gasped out loud as my slacks slid down my legs, revealing the contrast between my milky white flesh and the black straps of my thong riding up over my flaring hips and between my cheeks.

With my slacks puddled around my heels, I bent at the waist, reaching out with one hand to steady myself on a step above, and reached around with the other hand to slide my red-tipped fingers over the now nearly naked flesh of my ass.

“Fuckin’ A,” I heard one of them say as I gained my balance and moved the other hand from the step to join the first so I could spread my cheeks apart.

Without turning to acknowledge the compliment, I said, “I love being ass fucked.”

“Yes!” the same voice exclaimed.

As I straightened up, I lifted one foot and slipped out of my shoe, letting it fall to the floor behind me. The other shoe fell off, and I stepped out of the pile of fabric around my feet.

“You are going to put those back on, aren’t you?” Larry asked as I turned and stepped from the final step.

I reached behind and picked up my slacks, hanging them over the handrail where my other garments had slid earlier.

I smiled at Larry as I used my foot to straighten out the shoes and slipped my feet back into the heels as I said, “Every good whore always fucks with her heels on.”

I stood before these three for a moment, giving them all time to capture the mental image of my seductive body. As I began moving toward them, I slid my hands up to my hips and stretched the black bands of my thong higher on my hips, then up to run red fingernails across the exposed flesh of my stomach and even higher over my tits, oozing from the confines of the black lace bra.

I moved toward the larger of the two sofas but turned to look at Ian, who was stroking his cock at a slow methodic pace. The head appeared and disappeared under his foreskin with each stroke, and it seemed to be an even darker purple color.

“Isn’t anyone else going to show me their cock?” I asked as I turned my attention to Larry and Frank.

Larry instantly unzipped and pulled a much smaller but equally hard cock from his pants. He stroked it using only his thumb and index finger, and I knew my forehead would be pressed against his paunchy belly when I took him entirely in my mouth.

I turned my attention to Frank, expecting him to unzip and proudly show me his cock. He smiled and said, “I’ll let you be surprised.”

His hands continued to rest on the white leather on either side of his legs.

I looked toward Ian and Larry as I said, “I did promise to suck his cock first.”

They both shook their heads in approval, knowing that soon enough, my red lips would be surrounding their cock heads.

Moving closer to him, I slipped one leg between his and moved Frank’s legs further apart. As I bent at the knees before him, he spread them even wider and lifted his hands to his shirt, starting at the top and undoing the buttons slowly. His chest was hairless, and twin points of hard flesh formed his nipples. I knelt before him, my hands slowly sliding along the top of his thighs toward the clasp of his pants, then yanked his shirt from the waistband and let it fall open before me. I knew from the bulge in his pants that Frank had a big cock, and I could hardly wait to grasp him and feel it pulsing in my hand.

My hands reached the waistband of his slacks, but instead of moving my fingers in to undo his belt and the clasp, I arched my fingers and drew them slowly up over his naked stomach and chest. My index fingers circled his taut nipples several times before I scratched his quivering flesh with the tips of my nails. Frank’s eyes were glued to mine as I teased him. The unbridled lust in his stare told me I shouldn’t wait too much longer to release his cock from the confines that surrounded it.

As my fingers worked to open his pants, Frank reached up and slid the satin straps of my bra off my shoulders, allowing them to hang loosely around my upper arms. His fingertips moved slowly down my chest where the straps had been caressing lightly over the naked flesh of my upper chest. I thought for a moment he would hook his fingers inside the lace cups and pull them away, but instead, he just traced along the top of my lace garment until his hands met in the center of the exposed cleavage. I smiled at him, trying to relay my permission to tug the cups free, but he just removed his hands and placed them beside his legs as I worked the clasp of his pants undone.

I moved my eyes down to the enormous bulge in his clothing; his cock lurched, causing the bulge to grow even more significant. I couldn’t wait to see his surging cock, feel it in my hands, and savor the aroma of his loins for the first time. My hands slid around to his hips, and I started to slip his pants off. Frank lifted his body slightly, allowing me to slide his pants down across his thighs and below his knees.

He wore black cotton boxers; the fabric was stretched tight up and over the shaft to the elastic waistband of his underwear. I leaned forward and extended the tip of my tongue, pressing it against his cotton-covered nut sack, then slipped my moist tongue along the length of his rock-hard shaft to the head. As my hands slid up his now naked thighs, I looked up at him and said, “Let’s have a look at this beautiful cock.”

I slid one hand between his thighs and cupped his balls through the cotton material. “Do you have a nice thick load of cum saved up in there for me?” I questioned him.

He just smiled and shook his head yes as I released his nut sack and slid the palm of my hand along his stiff cock shaft. It surged again as my hand reached the tight waistband of his boxers. I hooked my index fingers under the elastic material on either side of his cock and stretched it away from his body, then slowly began pulling his boxers toward me. As the fabric stretched, his cock began to rise from his loins; with each inch I pulled the fabric, more and more of his cock appeared before my eyes.

Once I’d stretched the waistband as far as it would, Frank lifted his ass a little, and the garment almost popped off his ass. As I slid his boxers down his thighs to join his pants, I studied the magnificent cock I had just released. It was at least ten inches long, somewhat smaller in girth than most, and covered by a matrix of blood-engorged veins along the shaft. Unlike Ian, whose cock head was sheathed by foreskin Frank’s circumcised cock head looked like a bulbous scoop of ice cream oozing over the edge of a cone. I couldn’t wait to lick his corona and taste him for the first time.

“Now that’s the kind of human resource I know all about,” I said as I studied the rock-hard cock standing straight up from his loins.

Frank laughed at my play on words, and as I leaned forward, he reached for his surging cock and began stroking just the head.

I kept eye contact with him as I lavished his now naked nut sack with a slow lick, then asked, “Are you going to fill my throat with sweet thick cum?”

He smiled and replied as I ran my tongue along the shaft of his long hard cock, “Absolutely.”

When my tongue reached his corona, I slowly ran the tip around the circumference of his cock head, teasing the sensitive flesh and causing Frank to moan softly.

I looked up into his eyes as the tip of my tongue pressed into the tiny slit at the top of his rock-hard cock.

“Take it in your mouth slut,” he demanded.

I smiled and ran the tip of my tongue around my lips before parting them and lowering my mouth over his cock head. My lips slid over his corona and along the top of his shaft as he moaned again, this time louder than before.

As my mouth slipped further along Frank’s cock shaft, I heard Ian exclaim, “Swallow that fucking cock.”


Frank lifted his hands and placed them on my head, letting them rest there until his cock head pressed into the back of my throat. As I relaxed my throat muscles, I felt the pressure of his hand forcing my head down. His bulbous cock head slipped into my throat, and in an instant, my nose nestled into the curly patch of pubic hair at the base of his delicious cock.

We moaned in unison as I used my throat muscles to massage his sensitive cock head. I felt his hands close, filling his fists with my long blond locks. “Fucking A,” he exclaimed as I continued throating his surging cock.

My saliva glands kicked into overdrive and filled my mouth with thick, cock sucking lubricant. Frank must have known I needed to fill my lungs with air because he pulled on my hair, lifting my mouth off his cock. A thick coating of saliva covered his shaft, and as his cock slipped from between my lips, a string of spit stretched from the head to my tongue.

I gasped for air filling my lungs, expecting him to push my mouth back down over his slippery hard cock, but he held my head firmly, staring at the sexy sight before him as he said, “You guys are gonna love how her throat feels.”

Frank’s grip on my hair wasn’t tight enough that I couldn’t turn to look at Larry and Ian. With a sliver of saliva coating my lower lip and chin, I said, “Larry, how about you fuck my tight asshole; Ian, you and Frank can stand here and take turns fucking my throat.”

Frank released my hair as I moved back enough to make room for him to stand. Larry stripped out of his clothes and stood to move behind me as Ian followed suit and joined Frank between the sofa and my mouth.

As I moved my head toward Ian, he pulled his foreskin back and placed his cock head on my outstretched tongue. Larry had knelt behind me, and I felt his hands sliding across the smooth flesh of my ass.

“Give it to me!” I exclaimed to no one in particular, knowing that both Larry and Ian would be doing that instantly.

Ian’s hand slid to the back of my head as he lunged forward, sliding his throbbing cock to the back of my mouth. The pressure of his hand on my head increased, and his cock sank deep into my throat, filling my oral cavity. His harsh moan confirmed that he loved the sensation of throating me so quickly and totally.

I felt Larry stretch the thin sliver of material away from my ass and heard him spit into his hand. A moment later, his moist cock head was pressing against my sphincter. Both hands returned to my hips, and he held me firmly as his cock stretched the flesh and he entered my anal hole.

“Fuck her good!” Frank exclaimed.

Ian pulled back his throbbing cock slipping from my mouth. I gasped for air again as he moved my head to the right, offering my slippery mouth and throat to his friend. “Throat fuck the whore,” he said.

Frank didn’t wait to be invited a second time; his hand replaced Ian’s, and as Ian had, he lunged forward until my nose pressed into his groin and his cock head surged into the depths of my throat.

“She’s a good cock sucking whore,” Ian said as Frank pulled back a little, then sank his pulsing cock deep into my throat again.

From behind, Larry was giving me a slow, deliberate ass fucking his smaller cock, easily sliding in and out of my asshole.

Frank pulled back, allowing me time to fill my lungs again and spit excess saliva all over his cock. “That’s it, boys use me like a cheap whore,” I said just before his cock invaded my throat again.

Larry’s hands grasped my hips, and he dug his fingers into the soft flesh as he began fucking my ass at a faster pace. His balls slapped against my slit each time he thrust his stiff cock inside my ass.

Ian urged them both on, “Give her what she craves.”

Frank’s cock slipped from my wet mouth, a long strand of saliva stretched from his cock head to the tip of my tongue. “Fuck my ass harder!” I pleaded. Larry continued slamming his small but rock-hard cock into my ass, and his fingers dug into my hips even harder as his cock swelled.

I spit on Frank’s cock again, and as I moved my mouth toward the bulbous head, I said, “Fill my ass with your hot, thick cum.”

I knew Larry was on the verge, and my plea for his cum sent him over the edge. His cock exploded inside my ass, pumping shot and shot of hot cock juice deep in my ass. I squealed with delight as he filled me with his seed.

As I throated Frank again, Larry’s cock went instantly limp and slipped from my ass. I felt his hot cum begin oozing from my ass, and his hand moved to capture the flow. Frank pulled back his cock again, slipping from my throat and mouth. “Give it to her,” he said. A moment later, Larry’s fingers were smearing his cum across my lips, and I opened my mouth so he could coat my tongue with his thick salty cum.

“Hmmm,” I moaned, tasting my favorite thing for the first time from these three men.

As his fingers slipped from my mouth, I said, “I love the taste of hot cum.”

I felt Larry’s hand slide along my back, and as I returned my attention to Frank’s rock-hard cock Larry inserted several fingers in my ass. I could feel his digits probing my cum coated anal cavity, and I pressed my ass back against his invading fingers.

“Should I fist her?” I heard Larry ask his two companions.

His question excited me, and as I moved my mouth off Frank’s cock head Ian and I both answered in unison, “Yes!”

Larry’s fingers instantly withdrew from my ass, but just as quickly, I felt his full complement of digits pressing against my sphincter. He didn’t move slowly but instead pushed hard and fast, stretching my puckered hole open and filling my ass with his fingers. The force of his invasion pushed me forward and drove Frank’s cock deep into my throat. My nose pressed against Frank’s pubic mound, and his balls pressed against my chin.

Larry’s knuckles cleared my sphincter, and as he slipped deeper, I felt my flesh tighten around his wrist. His hand filled my ass more than his cock.

As he fist fucked my ass, I began concentrating on giving Frank a deep throat blowjob he would remember forever. I used my throat muscles to massage the bulbous head of his cock while my tongue and lips pleasured his pulsing cock shaft. I reached up and began rolling his cum filled balls in the palm of my hand.

Frank let out a deep guttural moan as my oral talents brought him closer and closer to climax. I wanted his spunk; I craved having him explode in my mouth as much as I craved Larry’s cum in my ass moments earlier.

His hands were guiding my mouth on his cock. He pulled me down, filling every part of my throat, then lifted me up so I could fill my lungs again and pleasure the head with my tongue and lips.

“Suck it!” Frank said.

I sucked hard on his cock head, drawing my cheeks in tight against his throbbing shaft.

“Make me cum!” Frank demanded.

I continued sucking his swelling cock, knowing he would soon reward me with a load of thick hot spunk. My mind became a blur as Larry’s fist pressed deeper and deeper inside my ass, and Frank’s cock head wedged into the back of my throat.

He exploded, bringing me back to reality. His bulbous cock head spewed forth thick stream after thick stream of hot cum down my throat. I pulled back so his last shots of thick juice could coat my mouth and lips. His cum tasted incredible, a salty mixture of sperm-filled cock juice that I savored as he finished pumping his load into my mouth.

Larry slowly withdrew his fist from my ass, leaving my sphincter gaping wide open. I let Frank’s cock slip from my mouth, then leaned forward to lap the last few drops of his fantastic load from his cock.

I looked up at him and smiled, my lips glistening with his reward. “Your cum is so tasty,” I said.

Frank just smiled and collapsed on the couch. Larry slowly massaged my gaping ass with the tip of his middle finger. I had satisfied the two younger of this sexy trio in short order, leaving me with the older Ian to dispatch. I figured I would be able to suck him off in three or four minutes, collect my tip, and be outta there shortly.

Ian grinned at me and then reached out for my hand. “Stand up slut,” he said in a rather demanding tone.

I wondered what this older businessman had in mind as I followed his instructions.

As the old saying goes, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

Ian wasn’t going to be dispatched so quickly.

“I’m gonna fuck your tight pussy until you cum then I’m gonna tit fuck you and blow my load all over your face and tits,” he said with total confidence.

I smiled widely, using the back of my hand to wipe the coating of cum Frank had deposited on my lips, then said, “Go for it, Ian.”

Frank and Larry got up, moved across the room, and sat on the other sofa to watch their older friend do his stuff.

Ian’s cock was rock hard, standing at perfect attention. He reached for my wrist and directed me toward the couch. “Sit down and spread those sexy legs,” he directed.

I followed his order, leaning back against the cushions, and slowly lifted my legs, spreading them as I did.

My pussy was dripping wet, its glistening lips pressed tightly together.

“What a beautiful cunt,” Ian remarked as he knelt between my wide-open thighs.

I smiled at him as I slid my hands to my breasts, cupping both the pressing them together, showing him how much soft flesh awaited his cock when he decided to tit fuck me.

Ian reached out with one hand and ran his index finger along the outside of my pussy lips. I cooed softly at his gentle caress. His finger circled my wet slit several times, then, from the top, slipped under the hood to massage my now throbbing clit.

“That’s very nice,” I said as his fingertip circled the hard nub of pleasure.

After massaging my clit until I was nearly breathless, Ian slid his finger down, spreading my lips and then probing into the wet flesh inside.

“Yes, finger my wet pussy,” I said softly.

His finger moved slowly, massaging every part of my quivering slit while he applied pressure to my hard clit with his thumb. I knew that if he continued, I’d be climaxing very quickly.

He stared down at me as his finger worked its magic. “Please give me another,” I pleaded, wanting his fingers to fill me more completely.

Ian grinned at me and straightened out his middle finger, sliding it inside to join his index finger.

“Hmmm,” I moaned as he curled both and began massaging my G-spot.

I slid my hands up across my flat stomach to cup my big tits, my thumbs, and index fingers, pinching and twisting the erect nipples.

“I’m gonna make you squirt, Angel,” Ian proclaimed.

“Oh, God, yes!” I exclaimed, knowing from previous experiences that if stimulated in just the right way, my cunt would explode with a stream of clean orgasmic fluid. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I am treated with a mind-blowing orgasm.

Ian curled his hand so the muscle just below his wrist massaged my clit, and the tips of his fingers pressed against my g-spot as he moved his hand up and down as opposed to in and out. The sensation was incredible, and in very short order, my loins were tingling with anticipation of a quickly approaching climax.

“Please don’t stop!” I begged.

Ian wasn’t about to stop, at least not until I sent a gush of hot fluid squirting from my pussy. His hand kept moving the same way, up and down but with increasing speed, drawing me closer and closer to the edge. My pussy went completely numb as I rode his hand over the pinnacle of ecstasy, releasing a torrent of steaming hot orgasmic fluid. “Oh, fuck yes!” I screamed as the flow continued for what seemed an eternity.

Ian was smiling from ear to ear as his hand stopped dripping wet with my sex. “Wow, you’re a squirting machine,” he said.

I could only grin as my orgasm finally began to subside.

He withdrew his hand and offered his dripping wet fingers to me, lowering them into my wide open mouth. I sucked every drop he provided.

“You’ve made a mess of me,” I said as he pulled his hand away.

Ian just smiled and said, “I’m just getting started.”

“That was some start,” I said, then added, “You are going to fuck my dripping wet pussy aren’t you?” It seemed like a silly question after I’d asked.

He grinned before replying, “Oh yeah, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of that wet cunt, but first, I wanna tease your rock-hard clit.”

I spread my thighs wider and moved both hands to my loins. “Are you talking about this hard little clit?” I asked as my index fingers pressed the hood of flesh covering my clit.

“That’s the one,” he said as he grasped his hard cock with his right hand.

Ian moved a little closer and slapped the head of his cock against my exposed clit. It instantly tingled from the touch.

“I like to call this clit fucking,” he said as he pressed the underside of his cock head against my hard nub of pleasure.

I slid my fingers and spread myself open wide as I said, “I think I’m going to love being clit fucked.”

He pulled back on his cock shaft and stretched the flesh as taut as he could, then leaned forward, sliding his cock head against my exposed nub of pleasure. Ian stared down at me as he moved very slowly forward, his shaft massaging my clit.

My loins began to react to his touch, a tingling sensation spreading outward from my sensitive clit. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna love this,” I softly said, causing him to smile widely.

He began a deliberate movement back and forth. First, his cock head slid over my clit followed by the rock-hard length of his shaft. Again and again, he rocked forward, then back, massaging my quivering clit with his incredible cock.

“Fuck you are driving me insane,” I exclaimed, causing him to press his cock even firmer down against my tingling clit.

“I wanna make you cum,” Ian said as his cock massage brought me closer and closer to another incredible orgasm.

I wanted to cum, and I urged him on, “Keep rubbing that hard cock against my clit,” I said.

He continued a slow, steady rhythm rocking back and forth, using his cock to massage my throbbing clit.

“That feels so fuckin good,” I said as his clit fuck slowly lifted me toward the climax.

Ian somehow knew that I was getting closer and closer and said, “Tell me when you’re on the edge.”

My clit was already numb, and the pleasure of his superb cock massage was quickly spreading throughout my loins.

“I’m there, Ian please make me cum again!” I exclaimed.

He pressed his cock head against my quivering clit and just moved it ever so slightly from side to side as I clawed my way toward the peak of pleasure.

“Oh, God, yes, my fucking pussy is on fire!” I screamed as the sensation of another orgasm spread across my entire body.

Ian stared at me intently while his cock moved slowly against my clit. He finally broke into a huge smile when he realized that I was making that incredible slide down from what was a climax I’d remember forever.

I returned his stare and then pleaded, “Fuck me, Ian.”

He released his cock and slid both hands up to gently cup my tits as he moved his hips back so his cock head was poised just outside my quivering cunt.

“OH,” I cooed softly as his gentle caress of my tits continued, then moaned when he pressed his cock head against the swollen lips of my pussy.

“That’s it, put that beautiful cock inside me,” I begged in a low tone of voice.

My pussy lips parted as he moved slowly forward until the head of his cock was surrounded by wet flesh.

“Oh, my God,” I said when I realized he was going to fuck me at the same pace he’d clit fucked me a moment earlier.

I arched my hips up a little hoping to draw his rock-hard cock deeper inside. I wanted him to fuck me fast and hard, but Ian had other plans. I pulled my hands up from my sides to cover his as he continued a slow, gentle massage of my tits and rock-hard nipples.

“Deeper,” I pleaded

Ian gave me a little more of his cock, seeming to enjoy the sensation of my soaking wet pussy slowly surrounding his shaft. His eyes were glued to mine as he continued his playful handling of my tits and the sensual plunge deeper inside my quivering sex.

“Yes, more!” I again pleaded as he gave me more of his wonderful rock-hard cock.

He moaned softly as he reached full penetration, his balls resting against my ass.

“That’s it, Ian, I love having every inch of your cock buried inside me,” I said.

He grinned, then slid his hands off my tits and down to my hips. I’d hoped he was grasping me tighter so he could start fucking me harder and faster.

Ian ground his loins against mine the flexed his muscles causing his cock to lurch upward inside my soaking-wet pussy. Again and again, he caused his buried cock to lurch, giving me a slow internal cock massage.

The tingling in my loins returned as his cock rose and fell inside me. I placed my hands on his chest and slowly dragged my nails over his smooth flesh. “You are going to fuck me soon?” I questioned.

He shook his head yes, then slowly pulled back, withdrawing his soaking wet hard cock to the point that the tip barely spread my swollen cunt lips.

His grip on my hips tightened more as he said one word, “NOW!”

Ian pulled my hips toward him as he slammed his cock home. As soon as his balls slapped against my ass, he pulled back then hammered me again with his throbbing cock.

“Oh, yeah, that’s what I want!” I exclaimed as he pounded his cock into my hot cunt a third time.

Every time he drove it into me, his balls slapped my ass, and when he pulled back, his cock head slipped just outside. My cunt lips stayed open for his more aggressive assault.

Ian’s grunts confirmed that my slippery pussy was giving him as much pleasure as he could stand.

“That’s it, Ian fuck me like the dirty whore I am!” I said.

He smiled and then asked, “Tell me what you want?”

He wanted dirty talk, and I was pleased to give him what he wanted. “Fuck that hot whore cunt,” I said.

His death grip on my hips tightened even more as he started pounding away at my quivering pussy.

“That’s it, Ian; use me, make me your cum bucket,” I said.

His eyes stayed fixed on mine as I continued my verbal reaction to his incredible fucking.

“God, your cock fills my slut cunt so good,” I next exclaimed.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” I said.

I could tell he was approaching the point of no return as his eyes turned to slits of pure lust.

I wanted his cum, I wanted his thick hot cum inside me, but I wanted him to shoot his load wherever he wanted it.

I looked up at him and asked, “Do you want to cum on my face? Do you want to paint my pretty face with your hot cum shot?”

Ian just shook his head no.

“Do you wanna shoot that hot load all over my tits?” I asked.

He again shook his head no.

I smiled, knowing that he wanted exactly what I wanted. “Empty those big balls deep inside my hot, wet whore cunt,” I said.

Ian didn’t respond with a nod of his head; instead, he responded with a deep thrust into my slut cunt.

His cock exploded, shooting hot cum deep inside me, again and again; it spewed forth thick wad after thick wad of cum, filling me. His eyes closed as his twitching cock emptied his cum filled balls of every drop.

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed, then quickly added, “That’s a lot of cum.”

He smiled, knowing that his balls had drained themselves of his thick, hot seed.

As he finished, Ian slowly pulled back until his cock slipped from my cum filled slit sitting back on his haunches, watching me with lustful eyes. He seemed proud of the mess he’d made of me.

I wanted to give him more to watch, so I slipped one hand between us and cupped my fingers at the opening of my pussy. A quick twitch of my internal muscles caused my pussy to expel a thick wad of our combined juices.

“I wanna taste you,” I said as I lifted my hand to my lips.

His eyes followed, then watched as I let the wad of cum drip off my fingers onto my extended tongue. For a more sensual visual effect, I made sure some of his cum ended up on my lips too.

He smiled as I smeared it around my mouth, then slowly sucked and licked his load from my fingers.

“You taste so fucking good,” I said, then asked, “Can you give me more?”

Ian moved one hand to my pussy, and I gave my muscles another twitch. A second helping of hot cum dribbled from me onto his hand.

He must have loved seeing his cum smeared on my lips because when he lifted his hand above my mouth, he let the wad slip off onto my cheek and over one eye.

I didn’t touch his facial masterpiece letting the string of cum from my eyebrow down over my eyelash in place as I said, “I wanna look like your filthy cum slut,”

His free hand moved to my pussy, and I clenched my muscles hard, pushing the final wad from my dripping cum filled cunt.

“Paint the other eye,” I suggested as his hand rose from my crotch.

His fingers moved like a trained artist as he let the string of cum fall between my eyes and then coat my eyebrow. The final brush stroke was a thin string of cum that stretched from the corner of my eye across my eyelash.

I smiled and said, “I love being your whore cum slut.”

From across the room, Ian’s compatriots broke into a slow round of applause, acknowledging their approval of his work.

Ian slowly rose and, while standing between my spread legs, said, “You’re the best piece of ass I’ve ever had.”

I sat up on the couch and just smiled, not touching his work of art.

Larry and Frank both approached, cell phones in hand, and then proceeded to snap pictures of Ian’s work. I smiled and posed sensually for them.

“Promise those are for your eyes only,” I said. They both nodded in agreement.

Ian began dressing, but to be honest, I would have done both Larry and Frank again, giving them an opportunity to add a few brush strokes of their own.

Ian finished dressing and then urged his friends, “Guys, I think we’ve gotten what we wanted.”

I was a little disappointed when I realized I wouldn’t get a second chance at Larry and Frank, but I knew that I’d be getting a hefty tip from these three guys.

As Frank and Larry dressed, Ian walked over to me, handing me a bank envelope that was stuffed full. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I want to see you again alone.”

I grinned and whispered back, “Elegant Escorts dot com.”

Ian replied, “Count on it, Angel.”

While the guys dressed, I got up and went to the bathroom. I ran some warm water and wet a hand cloth. As I patted Ian’s cum from my face Larry appeared at the door.

“Can you take a cab back to the restaurant?” he asked.

“No problem, hun,” I replied, knowing that I could now shower before I dressed.

“Just lock the door when you leave, OK?” Larry said.

I just smiled and shook my head yes. A minute later, I was alone in the company-owned condo.

I took my time showering, then got dressed and, as promised, locked the door as I left, wondering if I’d be meeting Ian there again in the future. I enjoyed his style of fucking; he took his time and made sure I was completely satisfied before worrying about his pleasure. I would welcome the chance to go another round with him anytime he liked.

As I hailed a cab, I noticed dark clouds approaching from the west. Flashes of lighting within those clouds confirmed we were in for a good storm. The cab ride back to Casa Grande was short, but as luck would have it, just as the cabbie pulled to a stop behind my car, the sky opened up in a torrential downpour.

“Looks like you’re gonna get a little wet,” he said, letting me know he wouldn’t be getting out to hold an umbrella for me.

I just smiled and replied, “This will be the second time today I’ve been drenched.”

By the time I got into my Benz, I was soaked to the bone, water was dripping from the ends of my hair. I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it back, and patted my face dry before starting the car and heading home.

I’d have time for a relaxing bubble bath and complete my report to Daddy before snuggling under a warm blanket to get some sleep.