Ellie’s little friend – Part 1

Ellie and I were joined by my best friend …and his cousin, Mia. Shocks, surprises and so much fun last night.

So fun times last night, remember I told you that my best friend wanted to ‘play’ with Ellie? Well, after talking to Ellie about it and explaining what Peter wanted to happen, we both agreed to let him stay over but it didn’t quite go as we were expecting, it went better than expected, I met Ellie’s little friend.

My best friend, Peter, came over to spend the night at my house, but what I didn’t know was that my mom had spoken to his parents to make sure it was okay to stay over and that’s when mom found out that his cousin, Mia, was currently staying with Peter’s family because her parents worked in a hospital and they didn’t want to risk her catching the virus when they came home, mom decided to invite her over to stay as well, she thought it would be nice for both Ellie and Mia to meet and have someone to play with so they wouldn’t feel left out.

Peter is the same age as me but older by four months, and Mia is a year older than Ellie, similar in height and quite cute, she’s a few inches taller than Ellie though, has straight blonde hair, it was tied in a ponytail at the back and she had a streak of hair coming down each side of her face, she wore a thin pair of glasses with a red frame, her eyes were blueish green, and she had a small fake tattoo of a cluster of stars on her left cheek which were rainbow colored, her fingernails were also painted in different colors, which I thought look really nice.

It was early afternoon when they came over and we spent a lot of time in our rooms, Peter and I were in my room playing on the Switch and Ellie and Mia were in her room doing whatever it is girls do in their rooms, no idea, after eating some food at around 6PM mom left for a late shift at work and we spent a while downstairs playing board games on the kitchen table, talking, laughing, getting to know each other and just having fun, like normal kids for once.

It was starting to get late and Ellie walked up to me and whispered in my ear, “Do you want me to ask Mia if she wants to play with us?”, covering her mouth with her hand so Peter and Mia couldn’t see what she was saying, I knew what she meant, but we’ve only just met her and it could be risky, “Discretely.” I replied.

We went back to playing the game and after a few minutes Ellie just got up and grabbed Mia’s hand “Come on, Mia, I need to talk to you.” She said, and then ran off with her, dragging her up the stairs to her room, giggling all the way.

Once they’d left, Peter started asking me questions about what was going to happen later, I told him I’d spoken to Ellie and she said it was okay, I also gave him a bit of a talk, told him whatever happens, if anything does happen, that if Ellie says no or doesn’t want to do something then that’s it, I told him if he hurt her I’d break his arms, I felt like a protective father giving his daughter’s boyfriend “The Talk”, he was okay with that.

“What’s it like?” he asked me, he was a virgin, I didn’t really know what to say, it’s not something I can easily describe, you have to experience it for yourself to find out, “Like nothing else you’ll ever experience in your life.” I replied.

We went upstairs at 10PM and I knocked on Ellie’s bedroom door because we hadn’t heard anything from them in over an hour, she opened the door but wouldn’t let me inside, “What do you want?” she asked, holding the door closed just showing her face.

“Do you and Mia want to watch something on TV in my room?” I replied.

“Urm – not right now.” She said.

“What are you doing in there?” I asked.

“Just talking. We may come in later.” She replied, then she shoved me away from the door, “Go away.” She demanded, slamming the door shut.

I was really curious to know what they were doing and under different circumstances I would have just walked right in to see, but I knew what Ellie was talking to her about so I just left it and joined Peter in my bedroom, we sat on my bed and watched Pirates of the Caribbean and got about half way through when Ellie and Mia appeared at my bedroom door, they were changed for bed, Ellie was in her nighty as usual but Mia was wearing like a Zebra patterned onesie and the hood had ears on it, which she had put up over her head.

They entered the room carrying a quilt, blanket, pillows and an old KFC bucket full of chocolate and snacks which they raided from the kitchen cupboards, after laying out the quilt, blanket and pillows on the middle of floor, Ellie closed the door and turned off the light, then they laid on their stomachs facing the TV with the snacks emptied out on the floor in front of them, Peter and I were sat on my bed just glancing at each other looking puzzled, they threw us some chocolate bars and we all just watched the film.

We watched the movie all the way to the end, it was near midnight by now, near the end of the movie, Ellie and Mia were whispering and giggling to each other, then when the credits started to roll on screen, they both sat up and waddled across the floor on their knees to the bed, “Come here.” Said Ellie, pulling on my legs, I moved and sat on the edge of the bed, “Are you ready?” she asked, but she wasn’t talking to me, she was asking Mia, she looked really nervous and unsure, she was blushing and grinning while biting one of her finger nails, she eventually nodded, “Yeah.” She uttered, under her breath.

Ellie pulled really hard on my trousers and boxer shorts and yanked them from under my butt and down my legs, Mia briefly turned her head away in embarrassment after seeing my willy appear in to view, “It’s okay. Look. Look.” Said Ellie, reaching out and tugging on my willy, Mia turned back around and watched, the way Mia’s eyes were shifting around my groan area it was obvious she’d never seen a willy before, “Touch it.” Said Ellie, Mia shook her head, Ellie grabbed her arm by the wrist and pulled her hand towards my crotch, Mia pulled back but quickly gave in, she closed her eyes as Ellie placed her hand against my willy and pushed her fingers around it to grip it.

“It doesn’t feel horrible, does it?” said Ellie.

“No.” said a nervous Mia, open one eye slowly, looking at her hand around my willy, then opening the other.

Ellie moved Mia’s arm up and down, “Just rub it up and down like that.” She explained, she let go of her arm and Mia continued to tug on my willy, which was growing in her hand with every tug.

“What’s happening?!” said Mia in a panic.

“It’s okay. That’s meant to happen, it will get bigger. Just keep rubbing it.” Replied Ellie.

I felt a bit strange being jerked off by another girl, it wasn’t the same way that Ellie did it, but it still felt amazing, Ellie then moved over to Peter, who was already sitting on the edge of the bed, ready and excited, “Hiya.” Said Ellie, “Want me to do that with your willy?” she asked.

Peter nodded, “Yes, please.” He said.

Then Ellie pulled down his pants and boxers, “Oooh…” she sounded, “His balls are hairier than yours.” She announced, I glanced a look and she was right, his balls were hairier than mine, but who cares, Ellie tickled his balls for a moment and then took hold of his willy, rubbing it up and down, Peter’s eyes widened and lit up with joy as his erection started to mature, he was loving it.

“Eew, you put it in your mouth?” chuckled Mia, seeing Ellie lean herself down and start to suck on Peter’s erection.

“Yeah.” Replied Ellie, “Try it.” She added.

Mia was reluctant and looked conflicted, “Go on.” Said Ellie.

“How – What do you do?” asked Mia.

“Just suck on it like a lollypop. Here, look, watch me.” Replied Ellie, demonstrating how a pro does it, “Lick it first, like that, then put it in your mouth.” She explained.

Mia looked me in the eyes, smiled and laughed with nerves, then nervously stuck out her tongue and licked my tip with the tip of her tongue, she recoiled briefly then took a deep breath and licked it again, she licked from the middle of my shaft up to the tip and then tilted her head forward, sliding my willy in to her mouth.

“It’s good int it?” asked Ellie.

Mia smiled with my willy still in her mouth and nodded a little, I felt her teeth grind gently on my shaft but it didn’t hurt, both Ellie and Mia continued to suck me and Peter off for about ten minutes, then I announced that I was coming, “I’m coming. Ellie.” I said, I could feel it building up.

“No. Don’t stop sucking, Mia. Keep going.” Said Ellie.

“What does that mean?” Mia asked.

“Keep sucking it.” Replied Ellie.

Mia wasn’t prepared for this moment, she didn’t know what was about to happen, “Okay..” said Ellie, she leaned over and took over sucking me off, while still tugging Peter off, I ejaculated in to her mouth, “Mmm” Ellie sounded, still loving the taste of my white candy, she took most of it in her mouth but let some squirt out and run down my shaft, “Taste it.” She said to Mia, “It’s nice I promise.” She added, licking some of my seed off my shaft, she managed to convince Mia to try some and so she leaned in and licked a tiny bit off my shaft, her face cringed like she’d just eaten something really sour, “Yack” she groaned, I thought she was grossed out but it, but then she went in for some more.

As Mia analyzed the taste of my spunk, Peter suddenly ejaculated all over Ellie’s hand, to her horror, “No!” she shouted, quickly moving back over and slamming her mouth around his spirting shaft, Peter’s reaction to being sucked off and coming in to Ellie’s mouth was the same as mine when it happened the first time, pure pleasure, when he’d finished ejaculating he collapsed backwards on to the bed, “Wow.” He gasped.

The girls finished lapping up what remained of our spunk and Mia watched with fascination as my willy shrunk and shriveled back down.

Being jerked and sucked off was only the beginning of what we all ended up doing together, Ellie is a great teacher, but I’ll have to put that in another part later because this one is already really long.

Look out for part two, I’ll post it as quick as I can.

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