Ellie’s little friend – Part 2

Second part of my story of what happened between Me, Ellie, Peter and his cousin. Peter loses his virginity.

When Mia and Ellie finished us off, they went back over and sat on the blanket on the floor, talking quietly to each other, I pulled my bottoms back up and sat on the bed with my back against the wall, Peter hardly had any energy to move but managed to get his pants back on and join me sitting up on the bed.

“Wow.” He said.

“She’s good at that isn’t she?” I replied.

Peter nodded, still smiling, “My cock’s all sticky now.” He joked, rubbing his crotch.

“Has Mia ever done anything like that before?” I asked.

“No.” replied Peter, “I can’t believe she did it either. Was it good?” he added.

“Really good.” I replied, “She won’t tell anyone though, will she?” I asked, concerned that I don’t know her that well and she may tell her parents or someone.

Peter thought about it for a moment, “No. No, she won’t.” he said, certain in his response.
“Good.” I said, with relief.

Ellie came over and sat on the bed next to me, “Mia want’s to watch a film.” She said.

“Oh right. Okay.” I replied, “What does she want to watch?” I asked.

“Toy Story 4” she replied, then she leaned up and put her mouth to my ear, “Do you still love me?” she whispered.

Why the heck would she even need to ask me such a thing, I threw my arms around her and squeezed her tightly, and gave her a kiss, “I’ll always love you.” I said.

“Does Peter still want to do stuff?” she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, I didn’t know what he wanted to do, well I did, but I don’t know, “You’ll have to ask him.” I said.

She gave me a quick kiss and crawled over me to Peter and sat by him, “Was that fun?” she asked him.

“Yeah. Lots.” Replied Peter.

“Do you – still want to do stuff?” she asked him.

“Yeah.” He replied, excitedly, “Do you?” he asked.

Ellie nodded and smiled at him, “Mia.” She called out, Mia turned to look at her, “If you want to watch a film will you sit on the bed so me and Peter can lay on blanket?” she asked her.

“Sure.” She replied, standing herself up and walking over to the bed.

“Thanks.” Said Ellie, taking Peter’s hand and leading him to the blanket on the floor, she positioned the pillows and then held up the sheet so she and Peter could get under them, “Night.” She shouted, adding a giggle as she pulled the sheet over their heads.

Mia smiled at me, “What are they doing?” she asked.

I just shook my head, “Don’t ask.” I replied, “So you want to watch Toy Story 4?” I asked.

“If that’s okay.” She said.

“Course it is.” I said, then I flicked through the on demand films and started to play the movie.
Mia shuffled up shoulder to shoulder with me, nice and cozy, and shared her chocolate raisins with me while we watch the movie, I put my arm around her just to make it more comfortable, which she seemed to like, I couldn’t help notice the zip on the front of her onesie, near the top, had slid down a little bit and I could see she was wearing a bra, and she had boobs, they weren’t big, but I could see the small bumps, she caught me looking down her front, she started to blush and quickly zipped it back up.

“Sorry.” I said to her, embarrassed that I’d been caught, Mia was still pretty much a stranger to me.

“That’s alright.” She replied.

We stayed quiet after that just watching the movie and eating the raisins, then we heard giggling coming from the floor and the sheets were moving around, the sheets weren’t that thick and you can tell what position they were in by the shape of the bumps of the sheet, clearly Ellie’s head was bopping up and down, she was sucking Peter off again, I shook my head while Mia just chuckled.

A short time later we heard Ellie complaining to Peter, he was obviously doing something wrong, it was so funny listening to Ellie lecturing him and directing him on how to have sex, he was trying to get it inside her but obviously he couldn’t find the hole, Mia and I couldn’t stop laughing, then Ellie gasped loudly and we saw the sheet moving again, bopping up and down, it was the outline of Peters ass, with the bumps of Ellie’s knees at the sides, they were having sex.

Mia looked at me again, “What are they doing?” she asked.

I whispered my reply in her ear, “Shagging.” I said.

She looked shocked, her jaw dropped and then she giggled, “Ooh!” she said.

I haven’t heard Ellie groan and moan like that from this perspective before, it was quite arousing, I started to get another erection just listening to them having sex, he was fucking her so fast and clumsily that the bed sheet started to move and slip off his back, we could now see them both from the waist up, Peter was holding on to Ellie’s head and really ramming his cock inside her, again he’s just like I was for my first time, you get a bit carried away, Ellie was groaning loudly, her legs flapping around in the air.

When Peter came inside her, he groaned louder than Ellie and I ever have, and he was swearing over and over, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.” Then he just collapsed beside her catching his breath.
I did notice that Ellie didn’t have an orgasm, I can tell when she has one, she always has one when I have sex with her, every single time, maybe that means he’s not as good at sex as me, at least I still have that going for me.

The night continues. In part 3 of the story. Look out for it.

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