Evie the Preteen Nympho – Part 1 – Prologue

Hi everyone. I am starting a new series starring 11 year old Evie, and the various situations she gets into. I hope you will enjoy!

Evie was an outgoing girl who had many friends both in and out of school and was always an adventurous type. She was not one to stay indoors all day sitting in front of a TV or computer or texting/gossiping with friends all the time. However being so young meant that she was restricted on what she could do.

Her parents had split up a year or so ago, and although she loved her mom, Evie was living with her Dad, as the Courts had decided that her mother was unreliable and was the one who caused the marriage to break down after having a number of affairs. Her dad always seemed to be working at her uncle’s building yard, and often she would be left at home for hours while he was out delivering materials which he often had stored in the garage.

Evie being an active and outdoors sort of person loved being in the Girl Scouts and having recently moved up from being a Junior to a Cadette, made her feel very grown-up. She felt very proud when being asked to help with the younger ages and being in charge of teaching them their tasks.
The summer holidays was a few days old, and one of her favorite activities had just started which was the annual camping trip with most of the other girls both older and younger, along with the 3 leaders and a one of their partners to help with the heavy lifting and organising camp fires and all those sort of things. Evie thought all the girls could do this no problem amongst them all, and did not need a man around to spoil their time and making it difficult when they wanted to talk girly gossip.

Anyway, a mass of activities had been organised from general camp building, rock climbing, orienteering, horse riding, along with time for games of tag and softball and sitting down practical tasks on mending tents and clothes etc.
The weather was set to be fine all week, and after a hot and tiring day everyone was ready to settle down for the night. The younger ones went first into their tents followed in order by the others in turn, leaving the adults talking around the fire. Evie could hear most of what was said from where her tent was that she was sharing with an older girl called Sarah who was seventeen.
The adults had been having a few beers to relax after a hard day, and to cool down. Most of the talk was about how the day had gone, and what was to happen tomorrow. When Sarah was asleep, Evie quietly opened the tent zip to watch the adults as they talked. They were laughing a lot and talking more about themselves, and rather than the week ahead. Evie could see Greg and Caren, who were the couple, go to bed, and the other two, Jane and Kim stayed at the campfire for a bit longer. However they seemed to be distracted and kept looking away into the distance over to the block with the toilets and the showers.

Evie could tell that both Jane and Kim were now a bit tipsy, and giggling all the time, when Jane, much to Evie’s surprise looked around once more as if to check the coast was clear and turned to Kim and pulled her close for a kiss. This was no peck on the cheek, but a full on passionate kiss with what Evie thought was ‘icky’ with slobbering tongues, while both were holding each other tightly with their hands moving up and down.

After about 2 minutes of this, they finally broke apart breathing heavily and looked lovingly into each others eyes both looking rather flushed in the face. They both looked around again. Luckily the entrance to Evie’s tent was in the shadows so she could not be seen. Just then there was a rustling in the bushes nearby, and someone shone a torch in the direction of Jane and Kim. In a rather false deep stern voice a man said.
“Hello ladies, I hope I didn’t disturb you? I was just checking that the fire was safe before you went to bed. haha”
In the fire light Evie he could see it was Steve, the activities co-ordinator, who was even to her young eyes, very handsome with blond hair, a deep brown tan, and had very defined muscles.
“Do you need any help with anything?” he went on to say.
Jane and Kim giggled again in their slightly drunk state, and seemed to mumble something under their breath, which Evie didn’t hear, and they both they giggled again.
“Steve” Kim said
“Can you escort us to the shower block with your big torch as we need to have a quick wash to get all the dirt and smoke smell off” and she smirked at the ‘big torch’ innuendo.
Steve didn’t pick-up on this and said this was no problem as it was getting late, just after midnight in fact.

Evie hadn’t realised that Sarah had woken up, and had crawled up beside her asking very quietly what was going on. Evie gave her a quick update, to which Sarah gasped
“No Way. Phew. I wish I had seen that” after Evie described the drunken kiss by the fire.
Evie then whispered what had happened since then, and thought it could be quite funny to watch Jane and Kim try to straighten themselves to go off to the shower block.

Sarah said to Evie that they should go on a secret mission to follow. Joking that it would earn them their Tracking Badge. It was a warm night so they just put on their Crocs and followed where the torch light was. They kept just off the path so they would not be seen by accident, though it was very dark where they were, away from the main camp buildings and away from other groups.

There was just enough light from the torch to see what was happening ahead. Both Jane and Kim stumbled a bit, and Steve helped them by holding their hands until they reached the block, and the security light clicked on. Evie and Sarah crept closer in the shadows to hear what was being said.
“There you go ladies. Safely delivered in one piece.” Steve announced.
“A bit less of the ‘Ladies’ please,” Kim said “we are not that much older than you I’m 32 and Jane is 35”
“There’s no need to tell him that” Jane hissed. “Anyway, before you go can you check inside for animals and bugs”.
There had been a couple of occasions in the past when a snake had been found and one time a Raccoon had got in the block some how, causing havoc.

Steve went in, and the motion sensor lights came on inside bit by bit as he walked down the corridor checking each cubicle and the larger one at the end for disabled access showers.
Jane and Kim continued a whispered conversation which Evie and Sarah could not hear, and at the end they seemed to come to a decision, and stumbled into the shower block and closed the door.

Minutes ticked by and after a while the sensor lights started to turn off, all apart from the end one where the disabled shower was. Sarah finally spoke.
“I wonder what is happening in there? It’s very quiet, and I’ve been thinking. Neither of them has brought down any wash bags or towels!”
“I hadn’t thought of that” Evie said. “Let’s sneak a bit closer and earn our badges?”

They went around in the bushes to to stop the outside security light coming on, and finally got under the window at the end of the block. The windows were far too high to see anything.
“I wish we had brought those periscopes we made a few weeks ago” said Evie.
All they could hear was the shower running, and Jane and Kim giggling a bit, but then they heard Steve say quite loudly.
“Ladies, I should be going now. Stop doing that!. No! I could lose my job”.
Then Kim could be heard.
“Fuck that! Get in here now and join us. The water is lovely, and so are you” to which more giggling could be heard.

Evie and Sarah looked at each other in the gloom and giggled themselves and decided they had to see more of what was going on. They moved along the wall carefully so the light didn’t come on, and in through the door.
The inside light clicked on, which they had forgotten about, and they both darted across to a corner where the wash basins were out of sight from anyone looking from the end cubicle.
They then whispered to each other on how they would get closer.
“We will have to sneak into each cubicle in turn, and hope they don’t notice the lights. Be as quiet as possible” Sarah said.

So they took off their Crocs and raced down the corridor to the 3rd cubicle along with the lights turning on as they passed each one. There were another 3 to go which they did one at a time until they got to the last one before the disabled shower, and sat on the bench inside keeping very still. Luckily for them the last light for this cubicle was broken. They both whispered congratulations to each other for their excellent tracking skills.

They could hear more giggling, and a few moans from Steve. Was he ill or injured?

Evie carefully stood on the bench, and looked through a vent at the top of the divide which had a few slats missing. She was shocked at what she saw and pulled Sarah up to have a look as well.

They had to put their hand over their mouths to stop themselves letting out a scream. Kim, Jane and Steve were all naked with the shower running over them and they were rubbing their hands all over each other.

“Steve” Jane said “How do you get your all over tan?”.
To which he replied
“There is a lot of space here, and plenty of places to sunbathe in private”

Evie and Sarah could see he didn’t have any tan lines, and the other two were fairly brown as well. Jane was slim and tall and willowy, and had fairly flat chest, but Kim was rounder chunky some might say, but had huge breasts which she was rubbing all over both Steve and Jane.
Steve was facing away from Evie and Sarah, but they could see Kim was moving her left hand backwards and forwards while holding his bottom with her right hand, and kissing Jane violently on the mouth.

Steve then shifted position and Evie and Sarah let out a gasp as Kim had his penis in her hand and was rubbing it up and down. Both the young girls knew all about sex from their school classes, but had never seen it happening in the flesh. Sarah had seen porn on the internet, BUT this was completely different. Steve’s cock was standing stiffly in front of him and must have been 8 inches long at least.
This shift in position allowed Evie and Sarah to see all of Jane and Kim, and were surprised to see they did not have any pubic hair. They were completely bald and glistened in the light.

Things carried on like this for a few minutes until Steve grabbed Jane by the hair, kissed her very hard, and pulled back looking into her eyes saying.
“Jane, fucking suck my dick right now!”
It was not a question, it was an order, to which she jokingly saluted and knelt down in front while Kim lifted up her ample breasts for Steve to suck on.

Jane was licking his rod up and down, in between rubbing him up and down. She flicked her tongue across the top of his shaft and gave the end a suck. Steve pulled up from sucking Kim’s breasts and started kissing her very hard, while holding her close with one hand on her ass, and the other on the back of Jane’s head.

Evie and Sarah watched all this in fascination from their vantage point high up so none of those in the shower could see them from their angle, and they were both in shadows.
Jane then kissed the end of Steve’s cock, and did something the young girls watching could not believe! She started to take it into her mouth, and when they thought she would stop she didn’t and kept going until her nose touched Steve’s body. She gurgled a bit and shook her head from side to side before clamping her lips around the shaft and slowly drew back, her cheeks pulled together as if sucking on a lollipop.

Steve let out a groan, pulled away from kissing Kim and said.
“Keep fucking doing that you bitch!”
“What about me?” Kim said in a falsely shy way.
“You” Steve said in a wicked looking sneer “are going to be finger fucked until you cum, then I am going to lick you out before fucking both of you hard before shooting my load all over you and in you. All night if it needs it! How about that?!”
“Do it right now you fucker” Kim said. “I am so fucking horny so do what you like”

Steve didn’t wait a second. He quickly moved his hand away from Jane’s head and down between Kim’s legs, cupping her hairless pussy, rubbing to and fro for a couple of seconds before curling his knuckles and plunging at least 3 fingers inside her, from what Evie and Sarah could see. Jane was still bobbing up and down at a great rate, and Steve was sliding his fingers in and out of Kim at speed.

Kim kissed Steve hard, and bent her legs slightly, which seemed to allow Steve to push further inside. Jane pulled back from sucking and stood up with Kim between her and Steve and with her fingers she started rubbing the top of Kim’s pussy. Kim was moaning a great deal now and was alternately sticking her tongue into Steve and Jane’s mouth.

Watching from above, Sarah started to feel rather warm and sweaty. From her sex lessons she knew what Jane was doing as Sarah had been doing this for a couple of years in bed almost every night, rubbing her clitoris and plunging her hairbrush in and out until she had an ecstatic ending, biting her duvet to stop crying out. Watching someone else doing this to another was completely new, and she was starting to feel very turned on, breathing a bit quicker, and a small bit of wetness was dripping down her leg on the inside of her pyjamas.

Things seemed to be reaching an end below. Kim was rocking back and forward, her hand holding Jane tightly to her, and her other hand over the top of Jane’s, seemingly encouraging her to rub faster and harder.
Finally, she let out a stifled scream threw her head back her eyes rolling into the back of her head and collapsed onto the shower floor, water cascading all over her quivering body as she gasped for breath, her face and chest flushed red with the exertion.

“For fucks sake!” she eventually said, while the other two looked down on her. “I need that cock inside me!”
“It’s my turn first” said Jane “I haven’t had anything yet”
“OK then. But hurry up” replied Kim.

Jane lay down next to Kim, and Steve lay down on top of her. She pushed him up onto his hands so she could reach down to take hold of his prick and pulled it towards her dripping pussy. Kim sat up and got involved by also taking hold of Steve’s cock and guided it towards her friend’s welcoming vagina. First Steve pushed in a short way before withdrawing. It was slimy, covered in Jane’s juices and Kim bent down and gave this a quick suck before taking the cock in hand and pulled it towards Jane’s gaping hole. With out any effort all 8 inches went in to the hilt sending Jane into raptures as she could feel it going all the way inside and hitting her cervix. She arched her back to greet the initial thrust and wondered to herself if she could take what was to come without passing out.
Kim dipped her head down between the two bodies licking and sucking Jane’s pointy breasts before running her tongue down her body to where her and Steve’s bodies were joined. Frantically she licked away at Jane’s clit and savoured the taste of her juices and the slight salty taste of Steve’s pre-cum.

As the rutting pair became more lost in their own world, Kim sat up and thinking evil thoughts she wanted Jane to be totally overwhelmed and destroyed by this young stud. So she went round the front to start with, and standing astride Jane, grabbing Steve by the hair and pulled him between her legs for him to lick as he had promised earlier, and relieve some of her burning desires. After a couple of minutes of this she let him go and went round behind them and knelt down behind the couple, snuggling up behind Steve, and in perfect timing started rubbing herself on him and thrusting forward as if she was fucking her friend.

Kim reached down and stuck her hand between the two bodies partly to rub Jane’s clit again, but also to feel the length of Steve’s slippery manhood piling in and out of Jane’s womb. This sent Jane into a frenzy of feelings of love for both Steve, and her lesbian lover, and her legs started to shake with a building orgasm that peaked like she had been hit with a Taser, and she let out an ecstatic cry.

All of this was being witnessed by Sarah who was now in real trouble in a sexual way. She didn’t care anymore about anything, and without thinking grabbed Evie, gave her a long passionate kiss, took hold of one of her hands and thrust it down the waistline of her pyjama bottoms, holding it against her dripping vagina while she continued to watch the shower. Evie was shocked, but for some reason didn’t pull away and started rubbing as she had seen Steve do to Kim a short while ago. Evie didn’t know if Sarah was wanting more, but that was soon answered by Sarah giving her another sloppy kiss and holding her close whispered in her ear.
“Evie, stick your fingers in me now. Do it now! I need to cum. Finger fuck me now and I will teach you everything you want to know about fucking”
She could hear herself saying this in a distant way. Not saying ‘loving’ or ‘being passionate’. Just the moment of total abandon led her to say with absolute truth and feeling the word ‘FUCKING’.

In the other room, things were reaching a climax in more ways than one. The thrusting became more urgent and while Kim carried on in rhythm with Steve, with her other hand she reached down and started masturbating herself furiously.

Steve’s breathing became more urgent, and through gritted teeth.
“Oh God! Jane I’m gonna cum inside you.”
“Steve” Jane gasped out looking him in the eyes “Fucking do it. Fucking shoot your cum into my cunt”
This sent all three of them into a final flurry of activity, and Steve thrust into Jane as far as he could go with Kim’s hand wrapped round his shaft and the palm of her hand on Jane’s bald pussy. Kim frantically rubbed herself to a climax at the same time, and in a deep growling voice said.
“God Janey! I can feel him shooting into you. Oh fuck! Keep going you fucking stud. Fucking stick it in her. Fill her up with your spunk”

After what seemed like an age Sarah and Evie watched as Steve pulled out with his prick all glistening followed just after by a gush of milky globs of semen which was quickly washed away by the shower and down the drain.

Everyone collapsed on the floor before Kim moved down, first licking out the fluids leaking from her friend, and then moved on the Steve’s prick which she started to work on to bring it back to life.
Steve being young and virile soon started to become aroused again.
Kim was sucking at a great rate of knots bringing him fully erect before turning to him.
“My turn now, and I want you to fuck me up my ass right now!”

She got up and squatted over Steve, grabbed his prick and guided it into her asshole, before leaning back on her hands to impale herself as far as possible. Jane turned on by this sight, moved round and started licking Kim’s bald pussy for all she was worth. Steve reached over and started rubbing and sticking his fingers into Jane’s pussy, scooping out his own cum in the process and smearing this all over Kim’s heaving breasts.

Sarah and Evie had not thought this possible for three people to be so depraved, but it was unbelievably arousing to see, causing Sarah to thrust down harder on Evie’s fingers, and becoming weak at the knees. She turned to Evie.
“Fucking keep going. Make me cum, and I will do the same to you”
Evie had seen how Jane and Kim had reacted to their orgasms, and wanted to experience the same so she doubled her rate of massaging and hoped she would be able to experience the same.
Sarah’s breathing became faster and faster. She closed her eyes and pulled Evie close again saying
“Do it to me right now! You’re going to make me cum!”
And she shot out a hand to steady herself in the cubicle, bit her lip and covered her mouth with her other hand letting out a stifled moan. Her legs nearly buckled under her, but she held tight to the top of the shower cubicle and let her breathing subside.

“Did I do it okay?” said Evie as Sarah calmed down and her breathing slowed.
“Abso-fucking-lutely. You can do that any time any where you want.” Sarah replied.

Down below Kim was pounding up and down on Steve’s pole, and with Jane rubbing frantically on her clit and sticking her fingers in and out every few seconds, Kim reached her own climax in a writhing shaking mess of bodies. Completely spent, Kim pulled Steve out of her insides and started to wash herself and Steve under the shower.

With another evil look Steve grabbed both women, who were still flushed with lust, with a hand on each of their behinds, and said in a rather loud voice.
“Who is ready for me to shoot my load?”
Kim spoke for both her and Jane
“Give it to us both you fucker. Shoot it in our faces you horny cunt”

Both women knelt down taking it in turns to wash Steve’s cock under the shower, and then in turn licking and taking it in their mouths as far as it could go and sucking backwards. Steve closed his eyes, savouring the sensations from the vicious oral abuse he was receiving.

“God girls, you’re going to make me cum like and express train”

In full view of Evie and Sarah, he pulled back, took his shaft in his hand and started tossing himself up and down. It was his turn to be breathing heavily and fast and became flushed in the face and chest before he screwed up his face and started blasting away at both women.
First at Jane who opened her mouth to receive the salty fluid, then pointing at Kim he did the same before firing more and more at their faces and down onto their breasts. After what seemed like an age, the spurting slowed to a dribble. Jane and Kim had semen dripping off their faces down their chests and further down to their pussy’s before dropping onto the floor to be washed away.

Jane and Kim kissed hard again, exchanging Steve’s milky cum and licking it off each others faces before making a show of swallowing it down with a loud smacking of their lips as if they had just had a sip of coffee.

After a while everyone started to calm down, and after a refreshing shower, they started to sober up. Jane said it was getting late or early, and they should be getting back before they were missed by anyone.
“Steve. I hope we can do this again some time?” Jane said
“It will be difficult at the moment as I am working all day, and have to do some night hikes the next few days before I get a few days off” Steve replied. “Maybe you can let me have your cellphone numbers and we can arrange a meet-up”

While this was going on, Sarah whispered to Evie that they should get back to camp before the others in case they started checking tents. They crept out of the cubicle and decided to race up the corridor and out before the others noticed the lights had come on. This they did, but opened and closed the main door a quietly as possible but quickly enough so the others could not have time to peak out of the end door to see what was going on.

They stuck to the main path on the way back, stumbling a bit on tree roots, but got back to their tent safely, and without meeting anyone. The got inside, but kept a look out, for the others who followed a few minutes later led by Steve with his torch. Jane and Kim were only in their panties and bras, carrying their other clothes so they didn’t get wet.

On the way back, Evie had been thinking deeply on what she had seen. The passion, the loving, the physical pleasure, the completely abandoned nakedness and complete uninhibited fucking. On a different level she could see the power the women had over the man, and even though he said no, for a man (unlike women) ‘No does not always mean no!’ when sex is involved. What did this mean? And she knew she had to think about this some more.

After a couple of long passionate kisses with Steve, he went off back to the house where he stayed, and Kim and Jane, who both looked sleepy, had their own long clinch before going to their separate tents.

Evie and Sarah were themselves sleepy, but both highly aroused.

They zipped up the tent, and Sarah turned to Evie
“Get your PJ’s off right now. I think we both need a bit of attention ourselves before we can sleep.”

Both girls dis-robed and lay down on their sleeping bags. It was a warm night so they did not feel cold in any way. Cuddling up face to face they kissed hard, their legs entwining and pushed hard against each other’s vaginas. Sarah’s firm perky breasts pressed against Evie’s small breasts on her chest.
“Thank you Evie for a wonderful expedition, and what we saw. Well!! And thank you for your help with ……. my little problem. Now it is time for us to have a bit of fun” Sarah said.

At that she shifted round and dived between Evie’s legs and started licking her tongue all over her hairless snatch. Evie not quite knowing what to do pulled Sarah’s legs so that she straddled her face and copying what Sarah was doing, started to lick and push her tongue in and out of Sarah’s wet vagina to mimic what was giving Evie the most pleasure. Sarah was not completely hairless, but seemed to have been shaved into a neat v-shape.

They continued like this for what seemed like an age, forgetting where they were and what might happen if anyone suddenly looked in. The feelings between Evie’s legs became more intense, working their way up her insides. She did not know what these feelings were, but her entire mind and body were now focussed on these. Before she knew it her little body convulsed. She pulled Sarah’s legs hard and rammed her tongue deep inside Sarah which stifled the scream that came from her mouth and nose. At this, Sarah’s legs shook violently and she came hard, pulling away from Evie’s pussy taking in a deep breath and letting it out as quietly as she could.

Both girls were exhausted now. Sarah turned around again, her face glistening with Evie’s juices and gave Evie a hard kiss. They kissed for an age, swapping the bodily fluids they had on their faces and in their mouths before they curled up in one sleeping bag and held each other tight until they finally drifted off to sleep.

Echoing what Jane had said to Steve Sarah said
“Evie. I hope we can do this again some time?” to which Evie responded sleepily
“Of course we can. We still have 4 more nights here together”.

The End. More chapters to follow!

Wickr = satan666bad

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅