Farming is nice naked

I am 40 years of age, I am very fit and swim to keep up fitness, also a little jogging, not a fitness nut, just enjoyment. I am an ardent nudist and really do get a buzz from exhibiting myself, I have two daughters who are the same aged eight and ten. So I guess I am basically a 40 year old lesbian who occasionally loves fucking a male with two young daughters, all of us have no inhibitions at all. Our lives are, the farm, each other and enjoyment, I would not swap what we have for anything else. I am totally determined to live my life free from any of societies ridiculous restrictions and want the same for my daughters.

I have enjoyed every bit of my life, despite the fact that many may think that I have been “used”. I am just me, when the old guy next door asked me to be the nude model for his group, I was over the moon chuffed and excited. The idea of people looking at me striking wild poses nude when I was 10, mesmerised me, those days and nights were the best ever. Having my body stroked and pampered by 7 people at once including 3 ladies was sheer magic. My bald little pussy was always wet, even when I just thought about it.

Sessions when others in the Club came with friends of their own were so special. performing with other naked girls and boys, while cameras clicked away madly was just wow.

My daughters know everything about all my days, all my fucks, all my everything’s, including my special request shoots with doggies or older people. I want them to experience what ever they wish without feeling they’ll be judged or to feel any kind of guilt, I wish for the fun and laughter and hot sweet sex. Looking for suggestions regarding activities we may not have thought of and emails that you think we may enjoy, you will be correct, we will and we cannot be shocked or offended.
👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅