Fucking Mortars

My daddy caught the PTSD in Iraq, but mom was lucky he came back at all.

He held a pillow up over his head, but I could still hear the THUMP. Then, the boom overhead, when the fireworks went off.

“It’s okay, daddy.” I hugged him, “It’s just fireworks.”

He pulled the pillow down, and hugged me back. Like he did when I got scared of thunder, and lightning, but that was a long time ago.

There was another thump, and he shut his eyes tight. Stiffened up before the bomb burst in the air. “It’s not the fireworks, it’s the fucking mortars!” He yelled, so I jumped off the couch.

“I know honey, but maybe we should get out of here,” she turned to me, “Can you call a sitter?”

I went to get my phone, while she helped him up. I ran back, texting [I need a sitter 2nite.] Then, I copied it, and pasted it to all the sitters I had in contacts.

“We better take the car.” He was really shakey, but he pulled on his boots, and I helped him tie them until my phone buzzed.

“It’s Cory, she’s at a party, so it’s gonna cost extra.” I typed back [$200.00?]

“Fine, I’ll pay it, I just have to get out somewhere quiet.”

“She’s on her way.” It said [BRT] but I guessed that ment Be Right There instead of Be Right Back.

“I’ll drive,” mom got her keys out. “Stay inside, and don’t let anyone in until she gets here.” She locked the door, and I watched daddy duck down. I didn’t know that would be a trigger for him, but I heard it was a roadside bomb.

There was another THUMP! And he ducked, but then he jumped in the car, and mom ran around with her keys. He sat up after the boom, and pretty splash of sparks to shut the door, so she could pull out around the lawn. With his truck in the driveway, she just drove right over the grass, and hopped the curb to take off.

“Huh!” I knew what one the mortar was, because I talked to Joey across the street. His daddy showed me them in the garage, but made sure we didn’t touch them, or go near them, because the bombs were this big, but he let me look down the tube. It was just a paper tube, with a plastic square on the bottom, but I could see the blue plastic all the way on the bottom.

It’s hard to believe that paper can hold such a big charge? They dropped in another one, with the long green fuse hanging out, and lit it with a sparkler. I never got the whole story, before. He doesn’t like to talk about it, so mom told me to stop asking questions after he said they were stopped by a roadside bomb.

He drove a truck, so that’s why he made mom drive, and took the Outback instead of his big pickup. It’s not a Hummer, or like an Army truck, but still. I guess it’s a truck, and he didn’t want to drive a truck through that, because it sounds too much like war out there, and he’s already flashing back.

My phone buzzed. [What’s up?] It was Jordan.

[Oh, can your daddy talk?] He was in Iraq with my daddy.

[U still need a sitter?] I started typing, no, it’s okay, Corynne… [What for?]

[I think my daddy was triggered by the Mortars. Joey across the street, his daddy got one, and a bunch of fireworks to shoot with it.]

[Oh, yeah. Is he OK?]

[I hope so, mommy took him out to the country. Hopefully there’s enough peace, and quiet out there for him to calm down.]

[Well, my daddy says the mortars were the worst, but he’s handling it better this year.]


[Well, because they launched them right over buildings, from the next street over, and you don’t even know where they’re coming from, so all you can do is take cover, and wait for them to run out of ammo.]

[Oh.] Looks like they’re taking it back in the garage anyhow. So, maybe they ran out of mortar charges for the mortar.

thoomp! … pop! Of course, somebody had another one, the next street over, it looks like. Maybe across the street, I can’t tell from here. Then, a car pulled up at the mailbox.

[GTG, Cory’s here.] I got up, and tapped in TH, and hit [Thanks] when it popped up.

I ran downstairs to unlock the door, and she looked back at the car. “That Evan?” I waved.

“Yeah, we’re kinda on a date.”

“Well, he can come in,” I waved him over, “So you can finish your date. I was just about to get ready for bed, anyway.” I stretched, and yawned while she went back out to the car, and invited him in.

thoomp! … POP! “Good one!” I laughed, and clapped.

“Hey, thanks for letting him come in, and finish our date.”

“You must be Evan, I’ve heard so much about you.” She was dressed up really cool, since it was hot, and it rained, so at least we won’t have to worry about wildfires, but that made it feel like triple digits, when it was only 96 this afternoon.

“She’s on her way to bed,” she patted my back, so I ran back up the stairs, but come on. I’m not going to sleep tonight, not when there’s so many fireworks going off, and while I could watch the mortar go off over the roofs across the street, I also saw the back of her shirt, when she turned around.

It was cut really low, so low that I could see the tan line from her bra strap in the back. Which means she didn’t wear a bra, and she didn’t say when I asked her if he made it to second base yet, I could tell by the way she laughed and blushed that he probably had.

Also, if you don’t wear a bra, then he doesn’t have to figure out how to unhook it, smart. So, I slammed the door, out in the hall loud enough for them to hear downstairs. Then, I kicked off my shoes, and then I decided the quietest way to sneak back to the stairs was to get down and crawl.

“Smooch, smooch!” Sure enough, by the time I peeked through the railing, she had one side off, and her arm out, so he could cover up her boob, and squeeze it. I grinned, and my already blushing cheeks got so hot, they burned up to my ears, and started running down my neck.

“Huh!” She wiped her mouth, and pulled her legs off his lap. He pulled the other side down, so she could pull her arm out, and another good thing about wearing such a cool dress is she could just let it down, like an apron. “Uh!” She put her hands up, up on his chest. “Not yet.”

“What?” She sat back, but she held on, and pulled herself up next to him.

“Let me pull this off.” He stuck his arms up, so she could take off his shirt, and I could see his tan lines now. around his neck, and also halfway down his biceps, but she made him sound like he was a lot stronger. I guess, or maybe I just imagined a lot more muscles, when she said she loves his arms around me.

“Now?” he got up, but she shook her head, and lay back, laughing. She shook her head.

“What not?” He was almost on top of her, but she had her legs crossed over, so he couldn’t pull her dress out.

“I want to see more. Come here.” She stuck her pinkies in his belt loops, but he didn’t have a belt on. Then, she rolled over off the couch, and he sat down on the other end. This side, where the arm would have got in the way, If I wasn’t high enough to look over it, but she switched places.

Oh yeah, and she’s left handed, so she can’t sit next to you at the table, unless she’s on the right side. Unless you’re left handed I guess, but she pulled her dress up, and took his hand. Put it down the front of her panties, and started undoing his pants. Sure enough, he had a boner. Maybe even a big boner, I don’t know really.

I mean, he’s not a grownup, he’s a teenager, and even in the teenager porn, they get hung guys with really big ones to show off. Not that big, but who cares? She wasn’t complaining when she grabbed it, and started pumping it. “Ahn!” Squirming and moaning, “Huhn!” Nooding, and her eyes started squinting, lower, and lower until they closed like she was asleep, but she didn’t stop. Humping his hand, and pumping his.

THUMP! I ducked, and then another bomb went off right over head. I blinked, but when i looked up, Cory’s eyes were wide open, and looking right at me. She grinned, and looked down. “Don’t stop, uh! Huh,” Her eyes closed again, and her dirty grin too, but she was still smiling.

Good, she didn’t mind me watching, I should have thought of that. Okay, I did, enough to slam the door loud, and lie about going to bed. Sneak back down the stairs, and peek around the landing to watch them make out on the couch, but this was practically a home run. Wasn’t it? I mean, of course it wasn’t all the way, but what’s 3rd base? Maybe it’s a finger bang, and getting to beat him off, but now they’re both breathing so hard, and so fast, I can hear them up here, and I know one of them has got to be close.

“Uh! Ngh!” He held his breath, and his tummy wrinkled! Oh, I didn’t see his abs before, but she must’ve because she loves they way they tense up, when he’s breathing. I just watched him, and I halfway expected it to all come out in 1 big burst!

THUMP! Is that next door? BOOM!

“Huh!” He looked up, but straight up, and laughed. I ducked back before he looked over, but I could still hear him panting. “Huh! That was close!”

“Ha, yeah. Now, don’t stop what you’re doing. I’m pretty close woah! Ahaha!” I looked back, but she was already laying back, on the coffee table. Laughing, and he pulled her legs up, then put his head down. Face first , he even made “RH!” Noises, shaking it back and forth in the front of her panties, and sniffing like a dog with a chew toy.

“Wait, stop.”

“Now what?” He looked up from between her legs.

“Let me take them off first.”

“I’ll do it.” he looked down, and she put her legs together so he could slide them up, but while he wasn’t looking. She turned, and smiled right at me, then she winked.

I heard another thump, and held in my laugh, until it popped, right over our roof, it sounded like. Maybe it was next door’s, and it just sounded like that from the way the ceiling slopes off that way. I don’t know, but as soon as she put her legs back down on the couch. He pushed the coffee table out, so he could bend down between them, and this time kiss her bare privates.

“Oh, oh god yes! Oh Evan, I love you so much. No.” He tried to look up, but she pulled his head back down. “Don’t stop, not yet.”

I feel real bad about what happened to dad. Especially now that I got more of the story from Jordan, but if he hadn’t gotten triggered, flashed back, and had to be driven out of here, like he couldn’t do in Bagdad all those years ago. I never would have needed a sitter, and she never would have brought her date over, so I wouldn’t have gotten a chance to see this, so I guess it’s worth it.

Sorry, dad.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅