Getting kidnapped and raped in Japan

Was on a trip to japan and got kidnapped while on a late night train.

Well here goes nothing. I haven’t really talked about this to anyone irl but as you guessed from the title I got raped in Japan. Now this is something I haven’t really told anyone except this anonymous page on the internet but now that I think back on it I kinda enjoyed it. So I’m not expecting any sympathy please feel free to masturbate to it, I hope my experience can give you release :).

To start off I am now 32 the incident happened when I was 27. I now have a 4 year old son who I love dearly. He was a product of you guessed it the rape. Anyway so lets turn back time I was a 27 year old korean woman visiting japan on a two month business trip. I was supposed to check up on a branch of the company I worked at. I would often spend late hours at work and would take the last train out. One of those so called late days. I happened to be wearing a tight pencil skirt. A weird guy kept touching my ass and rubbing his groin on me. I tried to be respectful and kept pushing him back. As soon as my stop came I got off and started walking to the hotel I was staying at. It was a 15 minute walk but it felt like forever. Trying to speed walk while wearing heels was hard enough but when I looked back I saw a dark van driving up to me. Before I knew it two guys got out of the back of the van wearing masks covering their entire face and grabbed me. I was hauled into the back of the van and thrown in. They locked the doors and the driver hit the gas. As soon as we were inside a guy climbed onto me and started unbuckling his pants. I tried screaming but he slapped me across the face with the back of his hand and pulled out his cock. Realizing what was about to happen I clenched my teeth shut. He pinned his cock up against my lips and began to choke me. When I opened my mouth to gasp for air he buried his cock into my mouth. Meanwhile another guy was ripping away my skirt with a knife. He tore my pantyhose and pushed my panties aside. He began playing with my pussy. The guy on top of me pinched my nose to prevent me from closing my mouth and kept using it to pleasure his cock. He came rather fast but when he pulled out of my mouth the man playing with my pussy shoved his cock into my pussy. It hurt so much but as I was trying to scream the man who had used my mouth grabbed my wrist and injected something into me with a syringe. I slowly started drifting out of conciseness while I was being violated.

I woke up shortly after. At first I thought it was a simply a nightmare but as I looked down I noticed my nude body was covered in small abrasions and cum. The ground below me was wet with semen. They didn’t wait for me to wake up they had continued to rape me while I was unconscious. My right arm and left arm was bound up. The room however was unusually quiet. Little did I know I should have enjoyed that peace for a while longer. After a good 15 minutes I heard a bunch of voices. A door opened up on the far side of the room and masked men walked in. This time there was 10. They laughed as they walked over and started undressing. Realizing I was about to be raped again I begged them to stop but one of them told me to shut up. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up off the ground. He shouted that I should do my job as a woman properly and that I should please all the men with my bodies. As he was shouting at me another walked behind and spread my pussy he plowed his cock right in and paid no heed to my screams. He kept fucking me until I found my screams being muffled by another cock. After they came other’s took their place. They all took rotations on my body. They tried my pussy then switched with someone else to try my mouth. Once my pussy had been came in so many times they found it undesirable to use they switched to my ass. Then they pinned me on the ground and used my breasts. I had screamed so much all I could do was croak instead of moan. My body was broken. The rape seemed to go on for hours. I eventually stopped caring.

I was woken up by a female officer. I had apparently been kidnapped and kept in a local butcher shop for three days. The men were all arrested. I was somehow alive after all that. They had supposedly forced me to drink water and eat food to keep me alive but had kept using my body over those three days. When I tried moving I felt a sudden pain surge through my nether region and ass. Those sick bastards had stuffed my body with sex toys for entertainment after they had finished raping me. When the doctor had come in he informed me that I was pregnant. After recovering I gathered my things and left japan. I moved back to korea where I became a single mother.

I know it sounds tragic but after that entire incident I guess I started having cravings for sex every now and then. I started buying sex toys and got super addicted to masturbating. It kind of was like a sexual awakening in a sense. But anyway that sums about everything I remember from 5 years ago. Thank you for reading.

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