Hang On

The kids giggled, tickling my legs, but I made it all the way across the monkey bars.

I was the only one that ever made it to the end, because I’m not ticklish, but there giggling made me giggle. So, it was my favorite game on the playground, because I always win, but then a Jimmy tried it, and he almost made it. Then, Sierra got up to try it, but these boys showed up.

They all squealed, and ran off, but I was swinging pretty high. “Flora, run!” Sierra yelled, but the older boys didn’t do anything. They just came over to the swings, and talked to me.

“Flora, huh?” One of them sat down, and started swinging next to me, while the other 4 hung onto the bars.

“Like a flower.”

“Uh,” I kicked, “Huh!” I swung as high as I could go, and jumped off. Then, I pointed to the boys swinging, and said “Bet you can’t jump this far.”

Some other boys came over, and they were really tall. Asking me about the game we played on the monkey bars?

“Oh, we don’t have a name.” They followed me back to the platform, so I climbed up, and showed them. I told them to try to tickle me so I fall off, but instead, they held my legs, and helped me along.

“This doesn’t tickle?” They felt the inside of my legs, up under my skirt, and we stopped in the middle. “I think she likes it.”

“It feels good.” The first boy jumped off the swing, but I forgot all about our bet. Then, some of the other kids came back, and said “Let her go.”

“She’s all right, see? Flora doesn’t want us to let go, do you, Flora?”

“There not bullies, there nice.”

“Just hold on, as long as you can, and don’t let go, no matter what.”

“It’s a new game, I like it.”

“Why don’t you try it?” 2 more grabbed Sierra, and one said “Up!”

“Well, how do you play it?” She looked back, and forth, but her cheeks got red, and they held her hands up. Right in front of me.

“Just hold on, and don’t let go, no matter what.”

“PBbBbBbB!” Someone stuck his face behind me, and blew a fart in the back of my undies.

“You like that?”

“Uh!” That’s when I realized that this must be some sort of sexy game, but I bit my lip. “Take off her panties.”

The boy behind me slipped them down, and I went “Oh!”

“What’s he doing?” Sierra asked.

“Kissing my butt.” We both got a laugh, and another boy got down behind her. I watched her face, when he pulled up her skirt, and her eyes went wide, when he blew a fart in her butt.

“Ah!” She didn’t laugh, she just made an “Ah sound.”

“Let them pull down your panties, you’ll like it, I promise.” I had some idea what sexy games were, because mommy always giggled, and daddy followed her back to the bedroom. Inching her finger, and they shut the door, but she said “Ah!” Like that, “Ah ah ah ah!”

There were 5 teener boys around us, I counted, but they kept moving around, taking turns holding one leg, or another. My legs, and Sierra’s, but finally, my fingers slipped, and they caught me.

“How long was that? Hang on Sierra, hang on, and you might beat me.”

“Sierra, huh? Doesn’t that mean mountains?”

“Yeah, too bad she doesn’t have any mountains.”

“She’s got cute little hills back here.” One boy lifted up her dress, and showed the other 2, they nodded in agreement.

She wasn’t the only one that came back, and another girl put her arms up.

“Up!” She wanted to play too, but just one boy picked her up, and held her around the waist.
Then he dropped her shorts, and another one put me down on the platform. I heard another fart blown in the back of the new girl’s undies, but I didn’t know her name.

The other one that was holding me let go, and went to find another girl to play with, but these were big boys. Almost men, so they knew what they were doing. He pulled my dress up over his head, and kissed me between my legs, and he didn’t blow a fart in it, or anything!

One thing was different: Nobody was dressed up like Halloween. Mommy kept all her old Halloween costumes, and sometimes she put them on to play with daddy in the bedroom. There all naughty, naughty nurse, naughty cave woman, naughty maid, but I never got to dress up as naughty anything, yet. Not even a witch!

“Uh!” He touched my butt, and wiggled his finger in, but he never stopped kissing my privates, and I know it’s naughty to try and touch me there. Or even let boys see my panties, but now there hanging down under the platform where nobody can see.

“Sphf!” I looked over, to see Jimmy bend over, and Bill tried to blow a far in his underpants. Then, he got up, and bent over, with his pants down, so Jimmy could do it. “Sphbt!”

They didn’t laugh, or tickle, or nothing, but when they stood up, and turned around. There peepees were sticking out, and they bulled down their undies, so they stuck straight up, and then Jimmy bent down to put it in his mouth, then he stood up, so Bill could bend over, and put his peepee in his mouth.

Well, I pee out of there, and this nice boy doesn’t mind kissing me there, and there both boys, so they don’t have flowers to pee out of, but isn’t that gay? Never mind, his finger feels so good, I just close my eyes, and feel it.

No one is laughing, squealing, or even giggling, or anything. It’s just a bunch of oohs, and ahs. Like a fireworks show, only it feels like the fireworks are popping inside, and the sparkles tingle all over me.

“Hn!” I just smiled, and kissed him back, with my pee flower. He stopped, and said “She’s comming,” but I could breathe to ask where we’re going. I just wanted to stay right here, forever, but he pulled his finger out of my winking butt. “I think she’s ready, guys.” He picked my legs up, and I opened my eyes, to see all 4 of them gather around.

Then, the whole playground shook with kids climbing up to see, even Jimmy, and Bill were there, leaning over the higher platforms to watch.

He suck something bigger in my butt, and I felt so full. I tried to push it out like a poop, but it just pushed harder. Then, it wiggled in, and out, a little, and I remember mommy saying “Faster, faster, deeper, harder! Ah ah ah ah!”

“Do me!”

“No do me?”

“Girls girls, there’s plenty of dick to go around.”

“I like you.”

“No, I want him, you!”

“Stop it, stop it!”

“Uh Uh!” I blinked, and saw Jimmy shaking over the wall, but I couldn’t see bill, until I rolled my eyes up. There he is, behind him, it’s just hard to see through the grated floor. But then, my boy slowed down, and I felt my butt pinch him off.

“Huh, yeah, nice tight virgin ass, huh!” I covered my mouth, because he said a bad word, but then I had to close my eyes, when he started peeing on my hands. I covered them up, but when he got done, I looked at my fingers, and they were sticky.

I didn’t know what that was, but it wasn’t pee. it smelled just as gross, so I wiped it off in my skirt, and sat up. Grabbed my panties, and hopped down, when no one was looking, but everyone had there underpants down. Even Bill, he switched places with Jimmy up on the top platform, but there was Sierra sitting on a boy, and two girls fighting over 1 boy’s peepee. Swinging it back, and forth to stick it in there mouths, until he stopped them.

“Open up, and say Ah!”

“Ahhhh!” He peed that sticky white stuff back and forth, so they caught some on there tongues like snowflakes. They smacked there lips, and said “Mh!” Then, they kissed each other’s faces, and licked up the rest that missed, but I was pretty tired. So I ran home to take a nap, and ask mommy what that white stuff I had wiped off on my skirt was when I woke up.

By then, it was too late. Daddy drove me back to point out the boys that did it to me, but they were all gone. Just Sierra, sitting on the swing, and not even kicking her feet. She saw me and waved with a big grin on her face. She better not sit out there alone all day, it’s not safe, a stranger might get her when no one is looking, but I waved back.

Thank goodness the naughty boys were gone. I don’t want to get them in trouble, so they don’t want to come back, and play with us again, and again. I think I can fit in my old princess costume. It’s too small, and tight, and short, so I look like a naughty princess in it if I cut the bottom off short enough to show my underwear when I bend over…

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