Happy Anniversary

¨Would you ever consider getting fucked by a man and letting me watch? ¨ Kat asked her wife, Jane, while on their plane ride from Canada to Mexico.

¨I know we’ve joked about it, but I think it would really turn me on to actually watch you do it, knowing that you would only be doing it to please me…

Kat and Jane were both in their early thirties. Kat was often told she had green ¨cat eyes.¨ She had long, straight brunette hair, was tall, and had beautiful long hands. Jane was very androgynous, with short brown hair, blue eyes, tons of freckles and resembled a porcelain elf.

¨Oh Hun, you know how much it turns me on to please you, but a dick? Seriously? Those things are f****** gross!¨ Jane answered.

Deep down, she remembered in her teens what it was like to play with her multiple boyfriends’ bodies and get really turned on. But as a full-grown, proud lesbian, she really didn’t want to admit that although she could and would never be romantically involved with a man, she did get turned on from the submissive side of her — to please her wife by doing anything she’d request, and even more so if it was something she didn’t really want to do.

Kat and Jane had been married for seven years and had been happily saving up to spend their anniversary at the beach down in Mexico. They had been invited by a friend of theirs to house-sit for her in a small hippie town with lots of artists.

¨I don’t miss sex with men, I never do, but the thought of you giving into things you don’t particularly feel comfortable with just for me gives me chills… Like I can’t imagine what it would be like to watch you get penetrated by a man! So unlike you.¨

¨Uh… Yeah… that’s like not happening ever.¨

They both got to the beach house and were mesmerized by how beautiful and charming the small town was. While Kat spent the day napping under the gentle shadow of a palm tree, Jane decided to take a surfing class.

¨Hola, ¿que tal? Soy Pablo. Bienvenida, ¿Ya has surfeado antes?¨asked a beach-blonde, blue-eyed tanned Mexican who owned a surfing club.

¨Hola, Pablo. No hablo español! But I’ve never surfed before,¨ Jane replied.

¨No problem! We are going to have a lot of fun today, grab this board and let’s head out!¨ Jane, surprised by the good vibes of this guy, was excited to try surfing.

The first lesson was on the sand, jumping from laying on the board to landing directly unto her feet without having her knees interfere. Then they headed out to the ocean. They enjoyed some laughs and Jane particularly enjoyed that Pablo was very friendly and not a mansplainer.

At one point, near the shore, a wave caught Jane and as she started to roll around, Pablo held her by her hip, saving her from swallowing a lot of seawater. Jane felt Pablo’s strength by how easily he stopped her and accidentally brushed her arm against his six-pack abs. She blushed and thought to herself how hot Pablo actually was, even though she was not actually attracted to him—or was she?

In a two-hour period, Jane was finally able to catch a wave and was exhausted. After the class, she went back to Kat, who was still napping at the beach.

Sexually, they both knew that this anniversary trip was going to be an opportunity to re-connect since they had spent the past month super busy at work had barely had any physical contact.

Around 6pm, they headed to the only restaurant/bar in town and enjoyed delicious quesadillas along with their tamarind margaritas. They were both so happy and relaxed that as they were sipping their drinks, they decided to engage in a little truth or dare game.

¨Truth,¨ Kat said.

¨If you had to have sex with anyone in this bar right here, who would you choose? ¨ Jane asked.

¨The sexy lesbian sitting across from me!¨ Kat answered. ¨You really look stunning tonight, dear. Your blue eyes stand out with this tan you got going, and I really like you in that shirt, can’t wait to fuck the brains out of you tonight.¨

¨Aww you look amazing as well, Hun. Your boobs in that dress, Oh my! But seriously, if it wasn’t me, who would it be?¨ Jane asked again.  

They both looked around and giggled since there was only an elderly heterosexual couple sitting by the entrance, two older ladies, and a bartender who didn’t seem very friendly—until Pablo showed up and sat at the bar to chat with the bartender.

¨I think I would do your surfing instructor; he looks like the typical surfer model guy,¨ Kat answered.

¨Me too, given the choices!¨ Jane said.

¨Oh yeah? He is so tall and strong… I think I would love to watch him take you,¨ Kat said.

Before Jane could say anything, Pablo waved at Jane, and she waved back. Pablo approached them

¨How are you guys doing tonight? Are you enjoying the town?¨ Pablo asked.

“I know, I loved this town so much I moved here. I’m actually from Ensenada, Baja California; that’s where I learned to surf in much colder waters. I’ve been here for three years, but anyway, I’ll be around if you girls need anything,” said Pablo as he walked back to the bar

“He is totally the kind of man you were actually into, right? I get jealous just thinking about you with men, but I also get turned on by the idea of watching you get pleasure from someone else,” said Jane.

“It’s funny—you like the idea of me getting pleasure from someone else, and I like the idea of you getting used by someone else for my pleasure. Hehe, what a pair we are! I’m not sure if it’s the margaritas talking, but should we actually do it?” asked Kat.

“What do you mean? With him? Now? Pablo? A threesome?” asked Jane

“Yeah… I mean, we’re on vacation, so far away, and neither of us would get attached to a dude,” said Kat.

“No way, hun, that’s crazy. I mean, he is hot for sure, and if I were ever going to be with a guy, it’d probably be someone like him, but I don’t know, I get jealous,” answered Jane.

“What if I don’t do anything with him, like if you only let him fuck you and I get to watch you guys? I would love that so much!” said Kat.

“Uh, I guess that would be less worse? But hey, why don’t we go down to the beach?” said Jane, changing the subject. She grabbed Kat’s hand, paid the bill at the bar, and they walked down to the beach, which was just steps away.

It was nighttime now. The sound of the waves embraced the singing of crickets while Jane and Kat sat down to stare into the ocean.

“I want you to tell me the last time you had sex with a man,” said Jane.

“You know that, silly. I told you it was with Rob in college, remember?” answered Kat.

“Yeah, I know, but I want you to tell me again. This time, I want to know the details. I’ll be able to handle it this time,” said Jane.

Kat noticed that Jane was asking because something about it turned her on, so she narrated:

¨ I had thrown a party at my place and everyone had left but Rob, so we were watching videos on the computer, then he slowly started to get his hand closer and closer to my leg until he decided to put his hand on my knee and slowly caress me. I wasn’t certain that I wanted to do anything with him so I stood up and pretended like I didn’t care he had done that. I got a glass of water and I looked down at his pants. I noticed he clearly had a boner. I could see the shape of his dick and that really turned me on…¨

¨Stop it¨ Jane said. ¨So, it turns you on to see his erection? ¨

¨Are you getting jealous dear? I can stop if you want me to¨ Kat said.

¨I am jealous, but I kind of like it. I’m sorry Hun, keep going,¨ Jane said.

¨Ok, so… I played a movie and we were both laying down on my futon, then super slowly, he got closer and closer to me until I could feel his boner against my leg, then he started to rub himself against me…¨

Jane interrupted Kat by pushing her back on the sand and getting on top of her. A ferocious and lustful kiss pushing her tongue inside Kat’s mouth. She traced Kat’s silhouette back and forth with her hand, squeezing her right boob over her dress.

¨And what happened then?¨ Whispered Jane into Kat’s ear.

 ¨..Then I pretended not to notice what he was doing, which got him more turned on until I slowly put my hand down and started feeling and touching his dick over his pants like this.¨

Then Kat put her hand on Jane’s crotch and rubbed her clit over her pants. Jane felt a bolt of electricity and moaned a little bit. Then she started kissing Kat’s leg from her feet up her shin, knee, up her thigh and put her head inside her black dress. She reached her white panties and stopped there for a second to smell the sweet smell of her wife’s vagina. With her nose, she softly pressed against Kat’s clit making circles over her underwear.


 Kat tilted her head back in pleasure, and as she looked to her right, she saw Pablo walking towards them in the distance. As she became more and more turned on by Jane’s gentle touch and teasing, she decided to ignore that she’d seen Pablo and was curious to see his reaction when he saw what was happening. The idea of being watched really turned her on.

 When Jane was going to go up for a kiss, Kat pushed her head back to her pussy so that she wouldn’t notice Pablo approaching.

Jane carefully bit Kat’s clit over her panties and used her tongue to push against it and slowly began to feel how the fabric got wet from her mouth. Jane moved her tongue from side to side of her clit and with each stroke Kat felt an immense wave of pleasure. 

Jane put her fingers right over Kat’s vagina’s entrance over her underwear and she felt how warm and wet she was. She carefully moved the fabric to the side and slid the tip of her finger less than an inch inside her. Her wetness made her wet as well. There was nothing that she loved more than the feeling of having her fingers inside her wife.

Kat was burning with desire to have all of Jane’s hand inside her. She looked again and Pablo was reaching a fair enough distance in which he was just about to be able to see what was happening in a matter of seconds. As he visualized Jane’s head between Kat’s legs he froze, but before he could walk away or anything Kat waved at him with a smile. Confused, Pablo stood still. Kat signaled him to ¨shh¨

As Jane was teasing her vagina with the tip of her finger, she moved her underwear to the side to suck her clit. Kat was moaning louder. Now Pablo could watch and hear them.

¨Dear, don’t freak out or look back, but Pablo’s watching, and I really like it. Do you think we could try playing with him? If you don’t like it or don’t feel safe, you can always use our safe word,” Kat asked.

Jane looked back at Pablo and then quickly turned towards Kat again. “Okay, I guess it’s now or never. How do we do this?” said Jane.

With a huge smile and her usual charm, Kat said, “Pablo, do you want to come over here?”

Faster than the speed of light, Pablo went over and sat right by them. Jane sat back, also between him and Kat.

“So, Pablo, do you want to play with us for a bit?” asked Kat.

“I would love to play with you girls,” said Pablo.

“All right, well, don’t do anything unless we tell you, okay?” said Kat.

“Okay, no problem! You tell me what to do, and I’ll gladly do what you ask,” said Pablo.

¨Ok dear, why don’t you take out Pablo’s dick for me?¨said Kat

¨Is that ok with you?¨ Jane asked Pablo

¨Yeah, sure that’s more than ok,¨ said Pablo

Jane put her hand over Pablo’s swimming trunks and felt how his semi-hard dick got strong under her palm. The feeling of that motion reminded her of her youth when she dated men. She rubbed her hand against it back and forth, then pulled the elastic and liberated his now very hard erection.

His dick felt warm and soft, she curiously stroked his skin up and down his shaft. Kat reached inside Jane’s pants, took a little bit of her wetness with her fingers up to her clit and rubbed it to match the rhythm that Jane was using on Pablo. Jane let out a soft moan.

¨What should I do now?¨ asked Jane

¨Good girl. Now I want you to lay on your back¨ said Kat

As Jane quickly laid on her back, Kat grabbed Jane’s pants and underwear and took them off her.   

¨Now Pablo come here¨ Kat demanded.

Pablo positioned himself in front of Jane’s open legs with his dick pointing towards her. With one hand, Kat slid inside of Jane’s shirt and bra, flickering and squeezing her nipple. She spat on her other hand, grabbed Pablo’s dick and positioned it to rub it’s pink head against Jane’s clit. First little pats, then applying a little bit more pressure and rubbing it side to side.

Jane felt nervous and guilty for enjoying the feeling of doing something forbidden such as being with another person and doing it publicly on the beach.

Using Jane’s wetness, Kat lowered Pablo’s dick to her entrance to collect a little bit of that natural lube and dragged it up her clit and back down a couple of times. Pablo reached and tried to kiss Kat, but Kat moved her head away knowing Jane would disapprove if she did that.

¨Pablo, when was the last time you had an STD check?¨ whispered Kat in his ear.

¨I haven’t had sex in over two years because I broke up with my long-term girlfriend. Don’t worry, I’m completely clean,¨ said Pablo

Mischievously grinning, Kat replied, ¨Alright, well, I think its time you fuck my girlfriend. First, do it really slow.¨

These words turned Pablo on so much that within a second he pushed his thick dick inside of Jane’s vagina really slowly. Jane enjoyed the pressure and warmth of every inch. Nervous about the lack of protection, Jane wanted to speak up, but as soon as Kat saw she was about to say something, Kat used the side of her hand to push it against her mouth and mute her. She also kneeled over her arm so that she couldn’t move it. Jane loved being dominated so much that she got even wetter and decided to give in.

Kat positioned both legs on the sides of Jane´s head facing Pablo, and carefully placed her wet folds over Jane’s lips. As Jane enjoyed the slow and delicious penetration, she sucked on her wife’s clit.

Kat bent over and placed her face above Jane’s clit to flicker it with her tongue as Pablo kept pumping her. He loved watching Kat’s tongue play with Jane’s clit as his dick disappeared inside her. He slowly took it out and slid it over back and forth as he penetrated Jane’s mouth and rubbed Jane’s clit simultaneously.

Jane was over the moon, her moans were now higher pitched and louder. She became sloppier at licking and sucking Kat. She could feel both of them sliding over and around her clit. To know that her wife’s mouth was being penetrated by a penis made her feel possessive and jealous but at the same time, the wrongness of it, made her so horny that she understood Kat’s fantasy of having her do that too.

Kat noticed that Jane was close to cumming so she grabbed Pablo by the dick and directed him to fuck Jane again. Kat then positioned herself over Jane, facing her and kissed her passionately while he fucked her. It was as if the pleasure she was receiving from the penetration came from Kat. This somehow made her feel connected to her. Kat pinched her right nipple as a huge orgasm began taking over Jane, her vagina walls tightened around Pablo’s penis and began contracting. She yelled inside of Kat’s mouth, feeling such pleasure and relief.

Pablo felt so satisfied to help her orgasm like that. He didn’t want to cum just yet, he took out his penis and slid it over Kat who was lying on top of Jane. He entered her and could feel how wet she also was. It was so easy to slide in and out of kat. She felt so much pleasure from being penetrated while making out with Jane.

Pablo sneaked his hand between them and rubbed Kat’s clit with his index and middle finger as he continued to fuck her. This time he was going faster and harder. Jane slid downward under Kat and placed her lips around her nipple. She sucked on it and licked it hard. Kat couldn’t stand so much pleasure at the same time, she moaned so loudly as she exploded in ecstasy, feeling the connection between her nipple, her clit and the inside of her vagina.

Kat rolled over her back to catch a breath. Pablo stroked his penis but Kat didn’t want him to cum before watching her wife suck on it, so Kat took off Jane’s shirt and sports bra, leaving her completely naked and sat behind Jane’s head. Kat grabbed both of Jane’s boobs and pushed them together.

¨Come here, Pablo, she demanded.

Pablo got the idea and slid his dick between Jane’s boobs rubbing himself against them. Jane’s boobs were big and soft. Kat holding them in place for him to fuck them added a pressure that felt so good.

¨Open your mouth,” Kat said to Jane. She obediently opened her mouth and Pablo inserted his tip inside as he slid between her boobs. Pablo pounded faster and harder, he was ready to let go. Kat grabbed his dick and jerked it pointing at Jane’s face until he exploded. His first streak, a splash of white cum that spattered over Jane’s face and even got to Kat’s stomach. The second streak landed over Jane’s lips. For the third and fourth one, Pablo pushed himself inside of Jane’s mouth as she sucked him dry.

Kat felt so content with her wife’s cooperation. A fantasy come true to witness how this random guy’s dick emptied itself inside of her wife’s mouth.  She wasn’t sure Jane would ever allow something like this to happen.

Kat reached over for Pablo’s shirt and cleaned her wife’s face with it.

¨That was really good girls, incredible,¨ Pablo said.

The three of them dressed up and parted ways.

¨Happy anniversary, my love,¨ Jane told kat as they walked away holding hands back to the beach house.