High school orgy

My freshman year, my two best friends and I set up a orgy because we were slutty and thought it would make us legends early on in our high school career. Everyone called the three of us “The Nea Girls” (Neapolitan) because of our hair. I have red hair, pale skin and freckles. Julie had long dark hair, tan skin. Ashlee had bleach blonde hair, fake tan. So the idea came to us when we went to planned parenthood and got bags full of condoms. We really had no clue what we were going to ever need them all for but we had them. We were talking about hot guys and I swear Ashlee rattled off like 50 names from the yearbook of guys she would fuck. We laughed about how maybe Ashlee should take all of the condoms, she came back with the idea of an orgy. The idea was silly and we laughed about it but it became serious. No one wanted to bitch out and all the guys would wear protection and it would be the craziest thing ever done in our school. Took some planning out. We had to do it on a weekend after Saturday detention. It’s the only day the doors were open and only teachers. The gym had a big closet with tons of mats and that was far away from detention. Only problem was the janitor who would be there. He wasn’t bad looking for an older guy. We had to pay him off somehow. We talked to him about it all together and told him we didn’t have much money. We offered like $60 but he said it wasn’t enough to risk his job. He said he would take the 60 and make sure the back doors were unlocked for us if he got a blowjob from one of us before we left. Julie agreed and that’s was that. We made these cute little flyers on index cards and handed them out to all the hot guys and a few that we thought might have big dicks.

Saturday came and there were 4 guys already waiting at the back door. We went in and got down to our bra and panties. We had this cute bowl full of condoms and another bowl for the invites. We looked like sluts. Faces full of make up, hair done, sexy bras and panties on. It started off slow. Lots of kissing and touching. Dicks came out and bras came off. We had a nice variety of titties. Mine were smaller with tiny pink nipples, Jules had really perky ones with dark nipples and Ashlee had huge boobs that had cute veins showing from being bigger. Two were all over Ashlee and Jules and I had the other two. My guy came early in my mouth and by then Ashlee was already getting fucked with her panties to the side with a dick in her mouth and Jules was getting her pussy eaten while it was still clean lol. It was the first time seeing their pussies and we were all so different in that department too. Mine was very tiny and very pink, Julie had a plump pussy that was tan and it made the inside of her pussy look even pinker, Ashlee had some extra labia. Not like roast beef but more than either of us. Two more guys come in and both of them we’re getting fucked. One guy put his dick in Julies mouth and the other in mine. Of course my guy couldn’t last so I swallowed another load of cum. When the guy fucking Jules seen I was free, he took his condom off and came in my mouth. Both of them have gotten fucked by two dicks and I’ve had none. The next guy walked in and he was a big boy on the varsity football team. I got ready to suck his dick but he took his pants off, put a condom on his almost hard Dick and fucked me. Straight used me, came and left. My pussy was throbbing.

We were there for almost 4 hours. Most of the condoms were used up. We were all messes. A lot of guys didn’t use a condom if we didn’t catch them, a few broke, a bunch came on our faces and bodies. I think I was the most prude out of them. I was the only one not doing anal at one point or another and I didn’t like to be face fucked. Ashlee on the other hand took a bunch of loads in the ass and Jules got double penetrated multiple times ass/pussy and pussy/pussy while sucking a dick. I didn’t care. I still was taking on plenty of guys. We were cleaning up condoms everywhere and the wrappers like confetti. The janitor knocked and walked in when he seen the cars were all gone. He made a big deal about the mess and even though we were cleaning it, he said the price went up. We only had the $60 but he said there were three naked, cum covered girls in front of him so what did we think he wanted. He said he wanted us on our knees in front of him. We had no choice. If he told on us, we would be expelled for sure. He actually had a great dick, really thick and good looking. Ashlee started him off and he told Jules and I to lick some cum off each other before he fucked us. Again, no choice and no one seemed to care after what we just went through. He went one by one getting head from each of us while the other two would lick cum off each other. He put Julie down on the mats first. I handed him a condom and he laughed in my face saying he won’t be wearing a condom. His dick was in Julie before we could say anything. He was rough with us the whole time. Some choking, hair pulling, name calling but we all took his dick. When he had us next to each other with our asses in the air, he rubbed mine and Julies holes and went in the middle to fuck Ashlee in the ass. She loved that shit. He was pulling her hair and she was calling him daddy. He slowed down to catch his breath and asked why my ass didn’t look used. I told him I didn’t do anal. He patted my asshole and said that’s where he was cumming. I told him no fucking way but he said that’s the only way he would keep quiet. He took Julie next and yelled at Ashlee to get my ass warmed up. I swear it’s like she wanted me so bad. She ate my pussy and ass. Fingered both holes and I ended up having an orgasm from her with two fingers in my ass. He had me on my back and my friends pulling my legs back. He said it was so hot to him that he was taking my anal Cherry and not to worry, he was going to cum soon. He went slow at first and said to finger my friends. He told me to make them feel good or ge would fuck me harder. I had them both moaning the whole time so he didn’t go harder until the end. He told them to cover my mouth until he came and went full force. It was intense but he didn’t last long. Obviously thinking Ashlee was the biggest whore, he made me squat over her face while he fingered me. I don’t know what happened but I squirted/gushed. Ashley was covered in ass cum and my juices. Never had another experience like that one.