His confession shocked me

To hear that my husband liked little girls came as a big shock. But to save our marriage I decided to help him in his perverted adventures.

I got married when I was 18 and moved in to a new home with my husband, life was great, we were in love and going at it like rabbits every day, but a few years later our sex life took a nose-dive, we were doing it less and less, and when we were having sex it felt quick and awkward with very little passion.

I worried that my husband had got bored with me, so I confronted him and we had a big loud argument about it, I didn’t understand why he was getting so angry with me for bringing it up and I started to think that he was cheating on me and sleeping with someone else behind my back.

I made him sleep on the sofa downstairs, he couldn’t sleep in the spare room because we had my niece staying with us for a couple of days and she was sleeping in there, I told him he had to sleep downstairs until he was ready to talk to me like a mature adult.
One night he came in to our bedroom while I was putting some clothes away and told me he had something he wanted to tell me, I sat up and panicked inside, I couldn’t look at him in the eye, “What is it – is there someone else? – Don’t you love me anymore? – Are you doubting your sexuality?”

I never would have guessed his response, never in a million years did I expect to hear the following words come out of his mouth.

“I’m sexually attracted to girls.” He said.

“So you do like someone else. Who is it? – Is it that Rachel bitch from your work? – It’s her isn’t it!” I snapped.

“It’s not Rachel. It’s not one specific girl.” He replied.

“Then who is it, what are you talking about?” I asked.

“All girls. I like little girls.” He said.

“So, what – I’m too tall for you?” I asked.

“No! – I like little girls. Underage girls.” He replied, finally getting me to understand what he was trying to tell me.

“Sexually?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Oh.” I uttered, I then had to leave the room in order to deal with what he just told me, so I went and locked myself in the bathroom, ran the tap to cover up my cried and I cried on the toilet for nearly an hour and having a panic attack, I just found out that my husband, the man I thought I knew, was in fact a perverted paedophile who liked little girls more than me and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it.

For the entire time that I was in the bathroom I could hear him knocking on the door, apologising, begging me to forgive him, and to come out so we could talk, I ignored him, but did eventually come out.

We both sat on the bed and I spoke more about it, he told me he had felt this way since he was 14 and he had sex with his sisters friend when she was 8 years old, that was his first time, he confessed that he’d slept with numerous more underage girls, his last being when he was 19 and just before we met, he didn’t know why he felt the way he did towards little girls, but it was like an addiction for him and he couldn’t stop and it was driving him crazy not being able to sleep with girls while being married to me.

It was at this point I heard our front door of the house open and close, it was my 11 year old niece Sophie, she called upstairs announcing that she was home, I looked at my husband and shook my head thinking the worst, “Oh god, you haven’t?….” I asked.

“No. No way. I swear. I haven’t touched her.” He instantly replied, knowing that I was asking him if he’d abused Sophie.

Sophie started coming up the stairs, I opened my bedroom door and looked out in to the hallway, I told her to go to her room and stay there for a while, “We’ll get pizza later, okay.”, and she obeyed and went to her room.

Over the next week I saw him deteriorate rapidly, he was having night sweats, he was very fidgety, easily prone to snapping angrily, he wasn’t well, and he was like a drug addict having withdrawals, I didn’t agree or like what he was but he was my husband and I loved him, he was a good man and a good husband, it’s not his fault he’s wired wrong in the head.

I loved him so much, even after learning what he is, and like any good wife all I wanted was for him to be happy and healthy, there was only one way to make that happen, “I’ll help you. I love you. You – you want a girl?” I asked him.

He nodded.

“I’ll get you a girl. Okay. I love you.” I replied, there was only one girl I could think of and I wrestled with the idea for a while, but it was her or no one, “Does she have to be conscious for you to – do it?” I asked him.

“No.” he replied.

I left the room and went in to the bathroom, I cried for nearly 20 minutes because I knew what I was about to do was wrong, and to my own family as well, but I had to do it, I had to help him, I took some drugs from the cabinet and went downstairs and mixed them in to a strawberry milkshake, it was Sophie’s favourite, I took it upstairs to her, she was laying on her bed doing her homework and listening to her music on her headphones, she looked so innocent.

When the drugs quickly took effect and knocked her out, I swept her unconscious and limp body in to my arms and carried her in to our bedroom and laid her down on the bed, “Let me know when you’re done.” I said before turning and heading for the door.

“Thank you. I love you.” He said, “Don’t you want to be here?” he asked.

“I don’t think I can watch.” I said.

“Please, I need you to see. I want to show you that I don’t hurt these girls. Please stay.” He said.

I reluctantly agreed to stay, and I sat in a chair in the corner of the room while he did what needed to be done.
I watched, occasionally turning away, as he slowly removed Sophie’s clothes before removing his own, I was surprised at how neat he was being, he folded his and her clothes up and placed them neatly on the dresser.

He positioned her on the bed, placing a pillow under her head, laying her arms at her sides, opening her legs about 8 inches apart, he began to touch her, rubbing his hands slowly all over her naked body, his cock became erect a lot quicker than I thought it would, and he started to kiss her, starting with her lips he gently kissed her body as he inched his way down towards her crotch.

He folder her legs, lifting her knees up in the air and placing the soles of her feet on the bed then spread her legs wider apart, he then leaned down and began to lick her pussy, Sophie was beautiful but she wasn’t a woman, she had no breasts and no pubic hair, she just looked like a small shiny doll, I didn’t understand why he found her sexually attractive, but I continued to watch with an open mind.

Sophie started to lightly moan out loud, her moans were sexual in nature, but how could a child enjoy this experience, surely their bodies aren’t developed enough for that yet, I certainly didn’t think about sex when I was her age, it was disturbing and yet fascinating.

He climbed up her body and slid his hips between her inner thighs and started to rub his erect cock along the crack of her pussy, after a minute or the tip of his cock slid in to her crack and he groaned out loud as he thrust his hips forward and penetrated her for the first time, Sophie also reacted, she briefly opened her eyes, threw her head back, arched her back off the bed and moan loudly before falling back unconscious.

I then watched as my husband made love to her on our marital bed, he was being very gentle with her, holding her like she was the most fragile thing in the world, he made love to her slowly, it was strange seeing him on top of such a small girl with his huge cock inside her, thrusting away with a smile on his face and hearing them both moaning and groaning with such pleasure and passion.

I couldn’t stop watching at this point, it was, it was kind of beautiful watching him make love to her.

I got up and walked over to the bed and sat down on the side to get a closer look, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at him and then stroked his hair, “What is it about girls that attracts you to them?” I asked.

“They’re just so beautiful. Look at her…” he said, continuing to make love to her as we talked, “…she’s so pure and innocent. Like an angel from heaven. It makes me feel alive. To me this feels normal, like this is how things are meant to be, it feels right.” He explained, then he began to huff and puff, “Hold on.” He said.

He started to thrust his cock in to her at a faster rate, I recognised his breathing pattern, I knew he was about to come, I watched him pound her little pussy and I wished it was me he was doing it too, I held his head, “Look at me. Look at me!” I demanded.

“Its my face I want you to see when you come. Fuck her, fine, but, look at me. Look at my face.” I said.

And so he continued to thrust hard while looking in to my eyes, and he eventually released and ejaculated, “Ooooh-Jeesh-aaah!”, I saw the glint in his eye as he blew his load and I kissed him, “Feel better?” I asked.
“Yes. Much.” He gasped in reply.

When he was done I re-dressed Sophie and carried her back to her room and laid her on her bed, I would give her a morning after pill in the morning, just in case.

After watching my husband have sex with a little girl, I kind of understood why he liked it so much, I still don’t fully agree with it, but if it makes him happy then I will help him when I can and get him the girls he needs.

I’m happy to be complicit in his paedophilia if it saves our marriage.