Home invasion

On June 29, at S.Muskego Ave., in the City of Milwaukee, Beth G.-T., 23, and her husband Hector S.C., 25, were watching a movie with their 4-year old son. The movie had just started and had the surround sound on and the volume was turned up. Beth heard a noise towards the kitchen and when she looked towards the kitchen from the living room she saw three subjects standing in the kitchen area with guns pointed at her, Hector, and her son. The three subjects were hispanic guys about 25 of age and their names were Chucky, Manni and R.. They had guns, masks, and gloves on and they accessed the home through an open back window.
One of the subjects told them,
“If you stay calm and keep quiet nothing will happen.”
Hector immediately stated,
“Take whatever you want!”
Chucky came up to Hector and hit him in the head with the gun. Manni had a plastic bag zip ties. He took out the zip ties and tied Hector’s hands together in front of him.
Manni then used duct tape which was lying on the kitchen table to duct tape Hector’s hands and feet together. They also used the duct tape to tape Hector’s eyes and mouth shut as well.
They left Hector on the couch tied up with duct tape all over and Beth and her son were seated on the couch as well. One of the subjects said,
“Someone told us that you had money and that you are the owner of a company. We were told you had $40,000 and we want the money.”
Beth then stated,
“We don’t have that kind of money. It’s a lie.”
R. then stated,
“If you’re lying, we will kill you.”
Beth offered to take them to the bank to prove that she wasn’t lying. She explained that she could go to the ATM and only take out $500 during the course of the day from an ATM machine. Manni said they could take out $500 now and wait til midnight and take out another $500.
The three intruders discussed among themselves and came to the conclusion that Chucky would go with Beth to the bank. They directed her to the floor while they were pointing guns at her and Hector.
While Beth was looking at the floor, Chucky took off his mask and put on large round black sunglasses that covered most of his face. He told Beth to drive to the ATM and if she did anything bad or wrong, he would shoot her. He put the gun in the waistband of his pants. Beth drove to the ATM and withdrew $300. She put the cash in her lap on top of her legs and Chucky grabbed the money. She thought he put the money in his pants pocket but she could not be sure. Chucky told her to try to withdraw more money but the ATM denied her withdrawing any more money.
As she was driving, Beth was instructed to pull over on the side of the road. She pulled over mid-block on W. Rogers Street and Chucky said,
“Get on your knees and give me a blowjob.”
Beth feared that if she did not comply, the man would kill her, so she crawled over the seat onto the floor of the front passenger side of the vehicle and knelt in front of him. The gunman had his zipper already open and his penis was exposed. Beth took his penis in her right hand and placed her mouth on it.
“Come on, suck it”, the man said.
Beth performed a fellatio until he ejaculated in her mouth and pulled away. A small amount of ejaculate got onto her hands before the man was able to ejaculate in the white cloth that was in the vehicle. The man finished ejaculating in the cloth and they both exited the vehicle.
They walked through the alley and back upstairs to the rear door.
The intruders told Beth they needed more money and Hector was trying to talk, so one of the intruders removed the duct tape from his mouth. Hector stated to wait til midnight and they could transfer money from savings to checking and they could withdraw more money.
Chucky and the R. took Hector and the 4-year old son upstairs. They all went up to the attic. Manni remained down the stairs while the other two intruders went upstairs.
Manni then placed a piece of duct tape around Beth’s eyes and walked her upstairs. At one point she asked what time it was and they told her it was 11:29 p.m. Right after Beth asked what time it was, she was told to go downstairs by one of the intruders. She still had her eyes covered and they walked behind her to the living room.
While they were in the living room, Manni took the tape off of Beth eyes. Chucky pulled her off into the bedroom. Both men had their guns on the sides of their bodies and pointed down, but as she was walking, they poked her in the back with the gun.
As Beth entered the room, Manni, standing behind her, pulled her shorts and underwear down to her ankles.
“Nice ass,” he said.
The man told her to walk to the corner of the bed and he followed her. He told her to get on her knees on the corner of the bed. Chucky was standing in front of her at the foot of the bed facing north so their bodies were facing
each other. Beth complied.
Chucky’s pants were pulled down to his knees and he grabbed Beth’s head and pushed it down towards his exposed penis.
Chucky’s penis went into Beth’s mouth with no condom on and he was taking his hands and pushing her head down while she was performing fellatio on him. Beth was crying and feared that they would kill her.
Shortly after Beth started to perform oral sex on Chucky, Manni was standing behind her on the west side of the bed. He removed Beth’s shirt and bra and fondled the woman’s breasts. He then started rubbing Beth’s clitoris and put his fingers deep into her vagina for a few minutes. He then said to his friend,
“Hey guy, she’s wet!”
So Manni pullled down his pants down to his knees and started rubbing his bare penis between Beth’s vaginal lips.
When Manni’s penis was fully erect, he pushed it into Beth’s vagina while she was still forced to give oral sex to Chucky. Manni started thrusting very slowly and deeply into Beth’s vagina.
“She’s loving it,” Chucky said. “Look at her move her ass.”
After about 10 minutes, Manni withdrew his penis from Beth’s vagina and put his finger in her rectum.
“You like having your asshole fucked?”
“Please not….” begged Beth.
“Relax and I think you will like it, baby.”
So Manni put his penis at the entrance of the woman’s anus and pushed it slowly into it.
After a few more 10 minutes both men stopped and switched places with another. In the meantime they had taken their gloves off and the lights were off in the bedroom.
“Please stop it,” Beth said, as Chucky was spreading her hairless labia apart and putting his erect penis at the entrance of her vaginal opening.
“Your mouth says no, but your body says yes, baby,” replied the man.
Chucky then pushed his bare penis into Beth’s vagina and started thrusting in and out of her, while Manni forced her head down by grabbing her buttocks and pushing her body down towards his penis. Out of fear, Beth took Manni’s penis into her mouth and performed fellatio on him.
After about 20 minutes both intruders sexually penetrating her, Beth heard R. yelling something from upstairs. He had been upstairs in the attic with Hector and their son. Hector heard Beth crying during this time and started banging on the floor, in an effort to get Chucky and Manni to stop hurting his wife. R stayed in the attic with Hector and his son preventing them from leaving.
Chucky then speed up his thrusts into Beth’s vagina, finally ejaculating into her.
At the same time Manni pushed the woman’s head to his penis as he was releasing his semen into her mouth.
“Oh yeah, swallow it,” said the man and Beth complied.
Manni then told Beth to get dressed and they pulled their pants up.
The two intruders then grabbed Beth’s hands and by the time they got out of the bedroom, both men had their gloves on and their guns with them. Both men took her upstairs to the attic where Hector and her son were sitting. Beth said she walked first and the other two men had her hands and were walking behind her directing her where to go.
They had to sit on the floor in the attic again. Just before midnight Chucky said he would take her to the bank to withdraw more money. He took off his ski mask and put on large dark sunglasses again while Beth was looking down. Chucky walked her out of the back door and through the alley into the vehicle, she got into the drivers seat again and the man got in the front passenger seat.
Beth drove to the same ATM and transferred $500 from her savings account into her checking account. She attempted to make another transaction however was denied.
She was able to get $500 from after transferring the money, placed the money on her lap and the gunman took the money. Told her to drive back to the house and not try anything funny.
The man told her that when they got back to the house she was to say she only withdrew $300. He told her that if she told them anything beside that she would get hurt.
During the whole time, the robber had the gun in his waistband. When they got back to the above location, the man directed her to go upstairs into the attic, when she got in the attic he placed a small piece of duct tape over her eyes again from temple to temple.
The three men then talked about going downstairs and getting money from robbing the neighbors.
One of the men removed the duct tape from Beth’s eyes and R. told her to go with him downstairs to help him. She walked with him down the stairs and he took the TV from the living room. He directed Beth to grab the bag filled with the Play station games and cell phones.
The two of them went through the alley and placed inside the vehicle from the house. R. had taken his mask off and placed on large dark rimmed sunglasses on his eyes as they carried the items outside of the house.
Once they got inside the house they told her to sit down in the chair in the living room. The other two men came downstairs and they bound her feet and hands with tape. They taped one hand to the chair and let her other hand free. Chucky told her to count to thirty before she did anything and all three men ran out the rear of the residence. Beth counted to thirty, undid the tape from her feet, ran to the kitchen to look out the window and did not see any of the intruders, she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran upstairs to aid her husband and went to neighbors house and called the police.

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