Hotel Lockdown

The small hotel on the edge of the small English town had fifteen bedrooms and during the summer it was normally full but during the winter it was very quiet with normally no guests Karen was the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. And Mrs Henderson who owned the hotel, it was mid way through the winter months and Mr and Mrs Henderson had gone away on their annual holiday leaving Karen to run the hotel while they were away. There had been a warning of very heavy rain and gale force winds so Karen had sent the staff home early to avoid the bad weather. Sixteen year old Colin who was in Karen’s class at school was the only staff member on duty he was a part time porter who was known as a bully, there were three guests in the hotel Simon who was two years younger than what Karen was and his brother Mark who was four years younger than Karen their mum had gone to a meeting leaving the boys alone in the hotel. The wind started to blow heavy Karen decided to lock the hotel down by closing the shutters, as it was late Karen had already got ready for bed and was wearing just her dressing gown but still went out to close the shutters once outside Karen felt the wind was stronger than what she had thought it was. Colin was sat in the office from where he saw Karen through the window struggling with the shutters, as he watched her the wind blew the bottom of her gown up, Colin’s eyes went wide when he saw Karen’s love tube, the wind kept blowing Karen’s gown open much to the joy of Colin who was enjoying the sight, when the wind blew Karen’s gown wide open revealing her boobs as well as her love tube Colin thought this wind is good, Colin saw Simon and Mark in the lounge and called them in, The three boys stood admiring Karen’s boobs and love tube as they watched Karen struggled on unaware that the three boys were watching her, Karen got the last shutter closed then after doing her gown up went back inside the hotel shuttering the door as she did, Karen saw the boys looking at her but ignored them and went up to her room where she switched on the camera system and got a surprise, Colin was sat in the office jerking his eight inch erection, Karen sat watching then after a few minutes smiled when she saw Colin squirt three spurts of cum, in the lounge she could see Simon stroking his six inch erection while Mark sat with his back to Simon stroking his three inch erection, Karen watched smiling when Colin squirted four spurts of cum when Mark did not squirt cum Karen guessed that he had dry cum. In the morning after breakfast the two boys and their mum left, Karen went out and undid the shutters seeing Colin walking home as she did. Karen thought bet you would not be very happy if you knew I had saw you wanking off. Colin looked back at Karen and thought you have got a lovely pair of tits bet you would angry if you knew what we saw.