I Had To Force Her

She wanted to make sure she would never get pregnant.

I knew the moment I first saw her that I wanted to have my children with her. She is 5,2 and dainty with strawberry red hair and dark blue eyes. She large 33C breasts, pointy ears, a dainty nose and full red lips. I am 6,9 and muscular with golden blond hair, dark blue eyes, pointy ears, a strong nose and thin lips. Jade and I first met in high school. We were immediately drawn to each other and started dating, through the years we became inseparable. Even though we were a couple we never had sex. On graduation day I asked Kate if she had any thoughts about starting a family. She said, “Rafe I love you very much, but I don’t want to have any kids.” I was shocked. “Why not?” I asked. “I want to focus on my career.” She said. She then informed me she had set up an appointment to have a hysterectomy done on Friday. I told her that I had hoped to have kids with her, that she was the only one I wanted to have kids with. We ended up having a huge argument about it. “It’s my body! My decision!” Jade shouted. “If you have this procedure then we’re through!” I yelled. She didn’t want to be with someone who wouldn’t support her decisions and so we broke up. I was devastated. I thought I was going to be planning my future with her. Instead I found myself all alone on a Saturday night all because she didn’t want to have kids. I was angry and hurt, I went to my fridge and grabbed a beer. As I drank my beer, I couldn’t stop thinking about how she was the only one I wanted to have kids with. A few beers later and I found myself thinking about a piece of property my Grandparents had left to me that was in the middle of nowhere. I suddenly found myself forming a plan. I had less then a week to get everything ready. By Thursday I had everything ready. That night I went to Jades house. I still had the key she gave me so I let myself in. She wasn’t home so I took the opportunity to get ready for when she got home. It wasn’t long before I heard her car pull up and I hid behind her front door. When she walked in I grabbed her from behind and shoved a handkerchief into her mouth and used a second one to tightly secure it in place. She fought and struggled but I grabbed her arms and pinned her them behind her back, I grabbed some rope from the bag I had brought with me and tightly bound her arms so that her hands were touching her elbows. Then I grabbed some more rope and tightly wrapped it around her arms and chest successfully pinning her arms to her back. The whole time I was tying her up she struggled and resisted with all her might. She tried to scream but all that came out was a barely audible moan, and all her struggling did was help me tighten the ropes. I forced her down and securely tied her ankles together, then I tightly bound her knees together. Then I pushed her knees to her chest and tightly tied the rope around her back and shins. She grunted when I pulled the rope tight before securely tying it in place. She was wearing a dark blue knee length floral dress with black nylons and high heels. As I looked at her all tied up, I got a massive hard on. I enjoyed tying her up, and that made me extremely turned on. That’s when I knew I had to rape her right there in her house.I ripped a hole into her nylons and started rubbing her pussy through her panties. Then I took the scissors I had used to cut the lengths of rope I’d used to cut her panties off. Once her panties were of I continued to rub her pussy. There was a look of fear in her eyes. She knew what was about to happen and was vigorously shaking her head no. “You don’t want me to do this do you bitch?” I asked with a sneer. She again shook her head no with tears in her eyes. “Well that’s too damn bad!” I yelled and with that I slid my middle finger into her pussy and began finger fucking her. “Your going to miss your fucking appointment tomorrow, because I have every intention of breeding you!” As if to prove my point I removed my finger from her pussy, and proceeded to remove my pants and shorts. Her eyes bulged when she saw my cock. It is 11in long 33cm thick. She was staring at my and vigorously shaking her head no. I ignored her and rolled her onto her knees. I lined my cock up with her entrance. “Brace yourself bitch! This is really going to hurt!” I yelled before ramming my cock into her. A muffled scream tore through as I took her virginity. I thrust hard into her body until all 11in were inside her. I viciously pounded away at her pussy, forcing myself deeper and deeper inside her. I rammed through her cervix and into her womb. My shift got bigger as I got ready to ejaculate, she must have known I was close to cumming inside her, for she started to frantically shake her head no as she gave muffled cries of protest. Seeing that and hearing her muffled cries only caused me to fuck her even harder. I rammed into her as deep as I could go and shot a copious amounts of sperm deep into her fertile womb. I collapsed onto her back from the huge orgasm he had just had. I awoke still balls deep inside Jades pussy, and what had awakened me was her futile attempts to get me off her. I pulled out of her and glanced out the the front window. It was still dark out, I knew I had to move quickly if I wanted to get Jade out to my car without being noticed. I pulled a large sack I had brought with me and, with some effort shoved Jade into it. I quickly tied the sack shut, threw it over my shoulders and walked out the door. When I got to my car, I quickly put Jade in the trunk of my car, slammed the trunk shut, got behind the wheel and drove away. I drove for hours before I finally arrived at my destination. It was a log cabin right smack dab in the of nowhere. It had one room, one bathroom, one kitchen and one underground cellar. I was the only one who had the keys to cabin, the key to the front door, and a key to the cellar. I grabbed Jade from the trunk of my car, threw the sack over my shoulder,closed the trunk and walked into cabin. As soon as I entered the cabin I closed and locked the door. I then proceeded to cellar and upon entering it I again closed and locked the door. After placing the sack gently on the ground, I untied the sack and pulled Jade out of it. She glanced around frantically, clearly trying to figure out where she was. “Welcome to your new home!” I said cheerfully. “This is where you’ll be staying until you give birth to my child!” I declared. She glared at me with hatred in her eyes. She knew any protest on her part would be futile. I went upstairs and grabbed a bottle of water and the fertility pills I had picked up at the drug store. I removed the gag and forced the pill into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it. Then I gave her a drink of water to chase it down. I then untied the ropes around her legs and took her to a small bathroom in the corner of the cellar and helped her relieve herself. After I cleaned her up, I took her to a mattress that had two sheets and a blanket. I laid her down on top of it, spread her legs and proceeded to rape her. “You fucking basterd! Get off of me! Let me go!” She screamed. “Scream all you want, no can hear you.” I said calmly. “However if you continue to speak to me this way I will have no choice but to gag you again.” I said sternly. “Fuck you!” She yelled. Immediately I forced the gag back into her mouth and securely tied it into place. Just the act of gagging her again made me hard. I pounded hard into her pussy until load after load of my sperm shot into her fertile womb. I stayed inside her until I became soft again, and then I pulled out. “I’m going to go make breakfast.” I said as I tied her knees and ankles together. “This cellar once doubled as a bomb shelter, so it’s the perfect place to keep you until my child is born.” I said with a smirk on my face. I locked the cellar door behind me before making my way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I began to make myself breakfast. After I finished my omelet and orange juice I made breakfast for Jade. I placed it on a tray and took it to the cellar. After locking the cellar door, I took Jades breakfast to her and carefully placed it on the mattress. I eased her into a sitting position and removed her gag. After I finished feeding her the omelet I made for her and got her to drink her orange juice, I placed the tray on the floor. As I set the tray down I heard her speak. “You kidnapped me just so you could force me to have your child.” She declared. “That’s right, and speaking of which it’s time to rape you again.” I said cheerfully. “No! Please don’t do this to me!” She begged. I promptly gagged her again. After I made sure the gag was tightly secured in place, I rolled her over onto her stomach and pulled her up on her knees. I started messaging her pussy with my hands. Then I inserted both my middle fingers into her and started finger fucking her. Somehow knowing that she really didn’t want this really turned me on. I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and took my clothes off. I aligned my cock with entrance and roughly rammed my cock in. As I raped her I pulled her back against my chest and forced myself even deeper inside of her. “I’m so glad I kidnapped you Jade, I truly enjoy raping you.” I said in a lustfull voice. “Soon you will be pregnant with my child, and I look forward to making you a mother against your will.” I said happily. I roughly slammed my cock into her harder and harder, quickly reaching my climax and shooting my cum deep within her. I stayed in her until I got soft and pulled out of her. There was a look of rage in her eyes when I looked her. Lunch time went pretty much the same as breakfast. I removed her gag, fed her, gagged her, and raped her. After I finished feeding her dinner I gagged her, then I untied her legs and helped her to the bathroom. After I helped her relieve herself and cleaned her up, I took her back to the mattress, tied her up and raped her. I hammered into her as hard and as fast as I could. She orgasmed on my cock and I exploded deep inside her. I collapsed on top of her and passed out with my cock still balls deep inside her pussy. The days went by pretty much same, each morning I’d force her to take a fertility pill. Then I would relieve her and clean her up. Then I’d feed and rape her until night where I would feed her, relieve her, and rape her until I pass out with my cock balls deep inside her pussy. I woke one morning hoping that Jade was pregnant. I had given her the last of the fertility pills yesterday and was debating about whether I should by more or not. Jade needed water regardless of whether I forced her to take pills with it or not. So I grabbed a water bottle and headed to the cellar. Jade looked like she was in a bit of distress. I removed her gag and she immediately puked into the bucket I had often used to give her sponge baths. I went and got a wet washcloth and used it to clean her mouth and face. “I hope this means I finally knocked you up.” I said hopefully. “You basterd.” She said disdainfully. I went and grabbed the pregnancy tests I had bought and took her to the bathroom and made her pee on all three of them. After cleaning her up I waited for the test results. All three were positive! I had done it! I had finally gotten Jade pregnant! I grabbed the pre-natal pills I had gotten for her and made her take one. I’ve decided not gag her during her pregnancy as she will likely need to throw up before I get to her in the morning. The days seem to fly by rather quickly now. The amount of food I have to feed her has increased, along with number of times I have to relieve her and clean her up. It’s been amazing watching her belly get bigger and bigger knowing I did that to her. Jades belly is huge now and she looks like she could pop any day now. I gave her the last of pre-natal pills yesterday and I’m hoping my child will be born today. After all today is my birthday, well mine and Jades. We were born the same day at the exact same time. I guess you could say it’s part of the reason I so obsessed with Jade being the mother of my children. We’re both 25 today. I heard Jade cry out and ran to check on her. She looked at me with panic in her eyes and in a panicked voice she cried “You have to untie me! My water broke!” I quickly untied her and put her in the back of my car. Fortunately I knew of a town nearby, it would only take us an hour to get there.
By the time we arrived at the town and got to the nearest hospital her labor was well underway. The doctor asked me how long it had been since her water broke and I told him a little over an hour. He checked to see that she was fully dilated. The doctor said he wanted to run a quick scan to make sure everything was alright. Not long after Jade is being wheeled into the operating room. The doctor says they have to perform an emergency c-section in order to save the children’s and Jades lives. “Children?!” I cried. “Yes you’re having twins! Congratulations!” With that the doctor went in to the operating room. After what seemed like an eternity, I heard the beautiful sound of my children’s cries. The doctor came out and told me the operation went well, and That I had a healthy baby boy weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and a healthy baby girl weighing 5 pounds 2 ounces. My twins it seems had been embracing each other in the womb, making it so as neither one of them could fit into the birth canal, and so they were both born at the same time via c-section. Then I asked how Jade was. The doctor said that a considerable amount of damage was done to Jades uterus as a result of the complications and unfortunately had to remove Jades uterus in order to save her. I thanked the doctor and went about the process of filling out the birth certificates. A few weeks later and Jade, Kade, and Kate were released from the hospital. I told the doctor that Jade really liked being tied up and asked if it would be ok to do that. He said that would be fine so long as we take easy with having sex. So as soon as I got Jade and the kids in the car, I drove to a secluded place where I tied her up, gagged her and put her in the trunk of my car. When we got back to the cabin first brought in Kade and Kate. Then I went back out to retrieve Jade. I pulled from the trunk my car and carried her back to the cellar. Even though on their birth certificates she is named their mother, I will never see her as such. For the entire time we were at the hospital, she never looked at them or even touched them. She even seemed to resent the fact that she was being made to breastfeed them. So I’m going to turn this bitch into a feeding station for my kids. I even bought her adult diapers so I won’t have to untie her. I bought a nine month supply before I had kidnapped her. I wanted to be prepared in case the place didn’t have any bathrooms. When I removed her gag to feed her she called me a liar. “You said I only had to stay here until I gave birth to your kid, your brats have been born so let me go!” She cried. I slapped her hard, “Don’t you ever call my kids that again! As for letting you go there has been a change in plans, I’m going to keep you until the twins are old enough to be weaned from your breast milk. So I suggest you get used to your fucking place bitch. You are mine until I say otherwise!” I said sternly. It wasn’t but I eventually settled into a comfortable routine of caring for my kids. That of course meant taking care of Jade too, she was my kids food source after all. On the day my kids turned 9 months old, I decided it was time for Jade to go. So around midnight that night I got the kids in their car seats and then went to get Jade. “It’s time to get rid of you Jade.” I said coldly. She looked at me with fright and started shaking. “Tempting as that may be I’m not going to kill you Jade.” I snarled. I then walked up to her and removed her gag. “Anything you want to say before we go our separate ways?” I asked harshly. “Yes! How dare you do this to me?! You kidnapped me, forced me into giving birth to your children, and then you treat me like I was nothing more then a food dispenser for your kids! I may have gotten the hysterectomy I wanted, but it was done as a result of having kids, not as a means of preventing me from having kids in the first place! I feel like damaged goods and it’s all your fucking fault! I hope I never see you or those kids again!” She yelled angrily. “I can arrange that. Can’t have a nasty bitch like you around making our lives miserable.” I said flatly. With that I clamped her gag over her nose and mouth and held it there until she lost consciousness. While she been ranting he had soaked the rags in chloroform. Once she was unconscious I untied her, stripped her of rags, and dressed her like a slut. I then placed her in the trunk of my car and began the long journey back to her home. When we finally got to her home I took her out of the trunk of my car and put her on a bench on her front porch. Then without another glance I walked to my car and drove away. I had no intention of returning to this town. I had already moved all my belongings to the cabin and then sold my house online after I kidnapped Jade. I plan on moving to the town my kids born in so th can have a proper education. As my kids get older, I’m going to have Kade hone his skills by having him kidnap his sister routinely. That way he will be ready to kidnap and breed the woman he wants. And Kate will be ready for a man to kidnap and breed her. The End.

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