I Let the Cat Out

His name is Raul, but it’s pronounced “Ra’ul.” Because it’s one of the few names he can say, but I thought a black cat was supposed to be Bad luck!

Well, first mom told me to go out, and play, because I was making her crazy. Raul ran out between my legs before I could shut the door, and I yelled “Mom! Raul got out!”

“Well go, and get him!” So, I chased after him, and he went up a tree. I tried calling him, but he would come down, and then Tyler ran up, and I didn’t think he was the sort of boy to come to your rescue.

He had an Otep teeshirt, and black jeans to match. Long hair, and he always played his metal music too loud, which upset my mom. She doesn’t like loud music, that’s why she prefers cats. “They don’t bark, and dogs don’t purr.”

But still, he climbed up the tree right away, and Raul jumped down. Then, he ran under the stairs, so I had to go after him. The front porch was all wood boards, with more boards crisscrossed around it. So, you couldn’t get under there, but there was gaps between the stair steps and they were just big enough to wiggle through.

Raul backed up, and hissed, claws out when Tyler stuck his feet under the steps. Then, he tried to wiggle through, and got stuck. The cat ran out again, but then I turned around, and saw something else that surprised me.

About Tyler, his shirt pulled up, and bent over backwards like that, I could see the lacy top of his underwear sticking out. Hard to miss, because instead of being black, they were bright teal, or turquoise?

“Uh, hold still, and stop kicking, let me help. Uh!” I grabbed both legs, and grunted, but between the 2 of us, we got him back up on the step where he could scoot back out.

“Mrowl?” Raul had enough adventure outside for one day, and sat on the welcome mat, begging to go back in.

“Uh, see you later.” Tyler got a boner, and tried to hide it, but after I let the cat back in, I ran after him.

“Hey, wait! I didn’t get a chance to thank you for your help, but.” I got a dirty grin, and shook my head. Biting my lip, because I didn’t know how to ask him about his underwear. That’s rude, and I know that boys aren’t supposed to look at you, in your panties. Either up your skirt, so you have to be careful to cross your legs, nor peeping in your windows when you’re getting dressed.

“Some help, but you’re welcome. I’ll see you later.” He started walking off, but he didn’t cover his crotch any more, because the stiffy I gave him went away, but you know what? I didn’t even think about it when I helped him out from under the stairs, but the way I had to hold his legs, and pushed. It was awkward, but I wound up rubbing my body up against his crotch.

“Uh, you like Otep, huh?” I never heard of them, but they had the name, and tour dates from 2018 on the back.

“Yeah, you?”

“I don’t know, I never really heard them, but who’s she?” I pointed at the lady on the front. She had a haircut like Pink, but I didn’t say that. I didn’t know how he’d take it, even though he had lacy underwear on, they weren’t pink undies, and I don’t think the blue green lace would even match pink very well, but then again everything goes with black.

“Well, that’s Otep. The band is named after her, and she’s kind of a Rapper.”

“Oh, I thought they were metal.”

“They are, but she raps too. You want to listen?” He got his phone out, and brought it up on Pandora. He picked “Possession” first, but then it switched to Shuffle.

So, we started hanging out at the park, and when he got up on the picnic table, I went around back to see his underwear sticking out. The shirt rode up, and it was short. A little tight under the arms, too. Because it was almost 3 years old, and he outgrew it, but also it was his favorite shirt, so he still wore it.

“Uh, your waistband is rolled up, I mean down, let me fix it.” Stretch lace, it does that, but the way he was sitting, it wouldn’t lay flat. I giggled when I rolled it up, and then it rolled back down again. “It’s really pretty. Um, I didn’t expect that a boy like you would wear such pretty undies.”

“Well,” he got up, and pulled his shirt down in back. “Don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Of course not, who would I tell? I don’t go around telling everyone what kind of underwear people wear, because I’m not supposed to look either. I guess.” Not that anybody ever told me not to look at boy’s panties, because what’s the point? They don’t wear skirts, and dresses. So, if they wear pretty panties, then you wouldn’t know, unless something weird happens. Like them getting stuck under your stairs, chasing a cat.

“Well, thanks but you really like them?” He rubbed his hip through his shirt, then rolled it up under it again. It just rolled back down, because that’s what stretch lace does, if you don’t hold it down with a belt or something.

I nodded, “They’re way prettier than anything my mom buys me, but where did you get them?”


I giggled, “They let you buy girl’s underwear at Walmart?”

“Well, no.” He grinned, guiltily, “I didn’t exactly buy them.”

“Oh, you stole them?” I nodded, “I steal stuff all the time, too.” I was trying to sound cool, and exaggerating. “Me, and my friends, we go to the store together, and take turns flirting with the boy behind the counter, so the rest of us can grab whatever we want, just as long as it’s not in the coolers. He can hear us do that.” I nodded.

“Oh, which one?”

“Which store?” I looked around, and pointed in the general direction, “The AM/PM on the corner. There’s way too many cameras in Walmart, so how did you pull it off?”

“Well, you know my sister?” I shook my head, “Chelsey.”

“Oh yeah,” I nodded, “I didn’t know she’s your sister.”

“Well, that’s because she’s not my real sister, by birth. We’re adopted, but we went shopping together once, and while nobody was looking, I grabbed another pack, and tried them on in the changing rooms.”

“Oh! Yeah, they don’t have cameras in there.”

“Of course not.”

“But what about the magnet tag thingies? They have to take those off when you pay for them, so they don’t set off the alarm when you leave.”

“Yeah, but they don’t put them on everything, and if you’re really interested in getting some nicer looking panties, and you’re not above stealing.”

“Yeah, I’m totally going to try that the next time we stop by Walmart, but you have a car?”

“No, why?”

“Well, I was thinking maybe you could take me,” then we could try them on in the back seat, and if he got a boner, again. That would break the ice, and I’d get to see it. In his pretty panties.

“It’s not gay, you know.”

“I wasn’t even thinking that.”

“Well, I guess it’s nice that you’re so cool about it.” He blushed! “I never told anyone about it, but.”

“Oh! You want a sex change like Caitlyn Jenner?”

“No? I’m not a girl, I’m a guy, it’s just.” He took a deep breath, and sighed. “They don’t just look sexy, they feel sexy on me, and male underwear is so boring.”

“Well, you sure got a big boner when I humped your crotch under the stairs. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass you, but.”

“Since the cat’s out of the bag.” He joked, and we both laughed.

I nodded, “And Pandora’s out of the box.”

“Oh, no. Pandora wasn’t in the box, it wasn’t even her box, it was the Gods’.”

“Oh yeah?” He changed the subject. Just when it was getting good, but I couldn’t think about a good way to steer it back around to undies, and what he has in his undies, whether it’s hard or not, and how to fix that when he isn’t.

So, he told me the story, apparently it’s a Myth, but not like an urban legend conspiracy theory myth, like wearing lacy underwear makes you a fag. I mean mythology, ancient Greek mythology like Hercules, and the Titan Atlas? Yeah, you can look it up if you’re interested, but don’t ask me why a music App picked that as their mascot. I mean, if you think about it, Pandora’s box wasn’t full of music, it was full of all the trouble in the world, but the moral of the story is once she opened it, she couldn’t put them all back.

So, like the complete opposite of what I was thinking. You know, outside the box? Because a metal head wearing pretty lacy panties is really out of the box, but I really wanted to get in his pants.

“How old are you?” He finally asked.

“That’s rude!” I shook my head.

“Oh, okay. We’re going to be polite now,” he crossed his arms, “After you asked me about my underwear, and played with the waistband.”

“Thirteen, why?”

“Because you don’t look thirteen.”

“I know, why don’t you rub it in? I asked you why you wanted to know my age so bad. You want to go watch a PG-13 movie?”

“No, but if you’re flirting so hard with me, then I have to know if I’m going to get in any trouble.”

“Oh,” I stopped walking, and crossed my arms, like he did. “So now you’re worried about getting in trouble, after we talked about shoplifting.”

“Well, that’s different, because if you get caught stealing, even if they do arrest you, they just make you wait a couple hours in a holding cell until you can see the judge, but if they catch you dating girls too young, you go to prison, and they make you register as a sex offender.”

“Oh, yeah. Well, you don’t have to worry about that, because I am thirteen.” I lied, of course. “Ask my parents if you don’t believe me.” I dared him, betting on him being too scared to ask my dad if it’s okay to date his little girl, because I know full well he’d hit the roof, and probably call the cops. Especially a long haired metal head in all black, unless you see his panties.

“No, that’s okay, you in any hurry to get home?” We wandered off, and left the picnic tables far behind.

“No, but I’m not leaving you alone until I get to see you in your sexy underwear.”


“Yeah. So, where do you know where we can get dirty?”

“Okay,” he shrugged, and led me off to the woods. He laughed and shook his head. “You always come on so strong when you hit on boys?”

“I don’t know, I never flirted with a boy before. Just my friends, girl friends, but not like Girlfriends. I don’t suppose you boys ever practice flirting with each other, kissing, dancing sexy, and dressing up to take off your clothes for each other.”

“You really do that?”

“Sometimes, not all the time. We’re not bisexual, but that doesn’t matter if it’s not going anywhere.”

“Then why do you do it?”

“The same reason why we talk fashion? To get a second opinion. Sure you can practice stripping for a boy in front of a mirror, but it really helps to ask someone else if you’re doing it right, and if you don’t know any boys besides your family, then you ask your friends.”

“Like if your butt looks good in those jeans?”

“What jeans?” I tried to look back, but it’s kinda hard to do without a mirror or something, even when you’re not wearing a baggy skort. Honestly, you wouldn’t even know I started puberty with the clothes my mom buys me, which is the point. That’s why I never had a boy to talk about this stuff with, until now.

I really liked Tyler, though. Ever since I found out his dirty little secret, and I got extra lucky that it was underpants, because that was as good an excuse as any for him to unzip his jeans, and show me.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what kind of underwear I’m wearing?” I didn’t look away, I just unbuttoned the flap by feel, so I could pull it out of the way, and untie the drawstring on the shorts.

“Well, you said they weren’t as pretty as these.” He dropped them, and started turning around, but instead of covering himself up, he stuck out his butt, and looked over his shoulder. Flipping his hair back, so he could suck in his cheeks, and stick his lips out. “So, do they make my butt look big?” He shook it, and I giggled.

“Oh, no. Not at all,” but I touched them. Felt the rough flower pattern, and he got a really nice pair with orange circles in the middle of the flowers like polka dots, and little gaps in between them, so I could see his pale butt skin right through them! “They’re really tight.”

“My panties, or my buttocks?”

I snorted, “Both, you’re a bad boy, you know that?” I pulled my hands back to swat them, but he turned around before I got the chance.

“Well, they’re tighter now.”

“Huh!” I covered my mouth, and squealed through my fingers when I saw it. Not just his boner, but the stretch lace rolled down. So, the head stuck out the top like an upside down heart. Pink, and even a little damp on top.

“It’s okay,” he took my hands gently, and put them on his tummy. He pulled his shirt off, but I felt right down to his waistband. One hand went for his crotch, and rubbed his balls through the tight lace, while the other pulled down the waistband, and pinched my thumb around the soft swollen head.

“Huh!” I squeezed it, and more sticky fluid came out, so I rubbed it in with my thumb. “I thought it would be hard. All the way to the end, I mean.”

“Well, the rest is hard, if you want to stroke it.”

“Huh, you can touch me too.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Uh!” Finally, he stuck his hand down my shorts, and rubbed me through the front of my panties. I forgot, but mom got me some Cinderella ones, since there’s a new one on Netflix, instead of Disney+ but these were for the last Disney one with Lily James, since Netflix didn’t make underwear for their princesses. “Huh!”

I blinked when he took a deep breath, held it, and started shaking. So, I had to hold on with both hands when it started bulging, and dribbling out over my thumbs. Both thumbs, and when I let go, a whole lot came out all at once when it went soft.

“Huh, hah! Hehihn!” I just got my first handjob, and “That’s amazing!” I started jumping up and down, “Omagod omagod omagod! When can we do it again?”

“Huh, well that depends.” he leaned up against a tree, and held onto a low branch, until he could stand up. Without his knees giving out, but he took a minute to catch his breath.

“On what?”

“Well, on what kind of underwear you have on, under your top.”

“You want to see?”

“No,” he stopped me. “Not like that. Take it off slowly, sexy. Here, let me put on some music for you to dance to.”

“Okay!” I didn’t recognize the lady singing, so I asked. “Is that more Otep?”

“No,” he showed me, “Genitorturers.”

“Huh!” I read the title, scrolling across the screen. “Flesh is the Law?”

“Yeah, you’ll like this one, I can tell.”

“Well, don’t tell. Then, you might get in trouble…”

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅