I was caught Naked in the Forest

Note – While our stay at the guest house with my aunty she had to visit another town for her work leaving me alone. Her arrival continued getting delayed. During her absence I got into doing naked adventure walks at night which ignited the desire to do more. I ventured in the forest completely naked and experienced the feel of freedom in the nature and feeling like wild animal. The openness in the nature in my naked state put my pussy on sexual fire and one after another got into wild sexual interactions with the people and animal I came across. Please read earlier published story “Adventure Walks” before reading this.

While standing on the balcony when I looked towards the vast expense of the forest I was thinking about the night-time naked ventures I had gone through during the last few days. It was possible because my aunty was gone for days to the other town for her work. Her work which she thought would be completed in few days was getting more complex and her delay was further extended. She was not likely to be back for another week. I was getting addicted to getting out completely naked at night. The feeling of freedom while walking naked was quite exciting and exhilarating. Now I wanted to do something more. Though the possibility of getting caught naked out in open was a little scary; in the depths of my mind, I wanted to be seen naked by the people. If I had to do something more challenging about my naked walks; I had to go for it before the arrival of my aunty. Night-time naked walks within the binds of Silicon complex area were becoming pretty easy now. I needed to do it outside during the broad daylight.

Suddenly a vague idea formed in my mind as to what I was going to do next. I again looked at the forest area. Wow! Today looks like a nice bright sunny day. Maybe I should go walking naked now. The time was about eight am. Within few minutes, I found myself changing into my sheer nighty which I had used last two days during my naked adventures within the compounded areas of our blocks. I stood in front of the mirror studying my appearance; it looked OK. I brought the mirror to the balcony and examined the effect of bright sunlight in the background on my appearance. I was very happy to notice that the nighty was completely transparent. I was sure that my naked body would be clearly visible if I was walking in full daylight. Just a day before, I had seen a girl my age in the local stores wearing a maxi nightgown through which I could clearly see her body outline indicating that she was completely naked under the dress. Other people too were staring at her with sexual lust in their eyes. It was flagrant courageous though very effective exhibitionism. That time itself I thought of going out in shopping areas wearing my completely sheer nighty dress wearing nothing under it.

I have to confess that whenever I see some girl exposing her body in public and received noticeable attention from the people around, I too stare at her and think that – I too should try that one day. During those incidents, not only boys stare at the girl but the girls too stare openly. I know one thing for sure that many girls wish that if they would have the courage to exhibit their body in public they would go for it that very moment. When I saw that girl openly flouting her naked body under a completely transparent dress, I decided to go for it at the very first chance. Now I was doing exactly the same; I knew anyone who would see me and would know that I am completely naked under my sheer nighty.

Wearing only the sheer nighty I locked the guest room and came down the stairs and noticed no one around. Silently I hid the keys behind the electrical switchboard and quietly started walking around the block. Wow! Some boys and girls were playing some game a little away from where I was standing. They all looked from the senior high school nearby. I wanted to walk into them and see their reaction after seeing my naked body under the sheer nighty. So I walked towards them and I joined a small group of boys and girls who were watching the game. “Hey! That’s a very interesting and exciting game!!” I commented loudly.

One boy turned looking towards me and responded, “Yeah! That is our school team.”

We were facing the playing teams with the sun just a little above the horizon to the right. I stood quite close to the boys with my back to the sun and pretended to be interestingly watching the game. In between, I was asking them some details about the teams and soon I started cheering the players for every slight attempt by anyone to score the point. I was pretending to be very excited watching the game and completely unaware of the effect of the bright light passing through my sheer nighty. Within moments they all became aware of my naked state under the sheer dress because through the corner of my eyes I observed them whispering to each other while they were staring between my legs. Now my naked body was receiving their full attention whenever I was jumping and raising my arms up in the air to cheer them. Suddenly I turned towards the boy standing closest to me asking about the time and said, “Holy shit!! I almost forgot about the time. I need to get some bread and confectionery.”

“Excuse me! Where will be the stores to buy bread and other things nearby?” I asked them.

The boys looked at me and I knew their eyes were caught at my breasts and the dark patch of my pussy hair. One of the girls could not contain her feelings and asked me directly, “Are you going to the store like this?”

“Yeah! I guess so!! Why are you asking??” I replied pointedly.

“Ummm! Yes. Your dress is very transparent and even your pussy hair is visible through the dress material. You are openly flashing your pussy fur to the boys.” She was more specific about my unshaved pussy than I had anticipated.

Our conversation attracted everyone’s attention to my pussy now. Suddenly I was sexually excited. I could feel my pussy dripping and making my pussy hair wet and sticky. I liked that all were now looking at my pussy. “Well. I am fully dressed. And if my pussy fur is more interesting to the boys what’s wrong with that? We all are curious about it. Isn’t it??”

“Yeah. But your cunt is dripping. I can even see your pussy oozing and the drops hanging at the tip of your pussy hair. Anyone can see that you are extremely horny.”

The boys around me were now directly staring at my pussy and pretended to help me. They were trying to figure out among themselves as to which place is closer for me to go. While I adopted more erotic positions for them to see and now the boys also knew that I liked them looking at my naked body. While standing there I felt that the day was nice sunny with a little chill in the air. My nipples were fully erect and diamond hard to be pinched.

I waited there very close to the boys talking to everyone and letting them look directly at my naked body barely covered under the completely sheer nighty. After a few more minutes everyone was giving me some directions; I pretended not to understand clearly and spent as much time as possible offering them more chances to look at my naked body. One boy tried to sketch on the ground to explain; taking the clue I took a hunching position opposite him giving openly a direct view of my unshaved hairy pussy. Eventually, they gave me some directions which I could understand. I thanked them and started walking in the direction indicated by them. For some distance, I continued to check after every few minutes if any of them was following me. Once I was sure that I was not being followed I changed my direction and started walking towards the forest road. I continued walking on the forest road for another fifteen minutes.

The trees along the road were tall and green; the view along the road was very beautiful. There was a thick growth of trees on both sides of the road. It was about nine am by now; the warm sun was feeling good on my skin. There was no traffic at all and not even a single person on the road as long as I could see in both directions.
I must have covered a distance of half a mile when I saw a small culvert over the flowing stream. I got off the road and walked a few steps upstream and found myself surrounded by tall trees. I looked around me again at the top of trees and listened intently for the sound of branches. I was alone standing in the shadows. I listened again, and again to the sound of moving branches and ruffle of leaves. I was not visible to anyone passing on the road.

The ever-increasing urge to get naked caught me up. With one small movement I removed my only clothing; my nighty and there I was standing completely naked out in the broad daylight. I walked a few steps in the patch of the sunlit area; the sun rays caressed my naked body; the warm breeze stroked across my completely bare skin. And I liked that feeling in an instant. My mind was gradually succumbing to the great feeling and the freedom that I was feeling.

I took a few careful steps away from the culvert and approached the thick and silent woods along the stream. Every step made me feel like heaven.

The fluttering in my chest and stomach eased and I stood there, my naked breasts proud and delighted. I wondered why the heck people are against anyone being naked – this was a delight. The newfound pleasure of being naked in the broad daylight sent the blood rushing to my head. I was few hundred steps away from my only clothing which I discarded near the culvert. I stood absolutely still for a few moments, amazed and delighted.

I was naked. I was nude. I looked down at myself, looked to where the sun was… It was nicely warming the unshaved growth of brownish pussy hair welcoming every ray of sunlight. Every whisper of warm breeze was a delightful feeling for my exposed pussy. I was in heaven of the heavens. I raised my head and turned slowly, an entire circle to welcome those warm rays of the sun and that teasing, delicate brush of summer wind.

I spun around again, my arms extended. It felt so good.
Everything was moving soooo wonderful. It just felt so good, so right. I looked at the meandering curve of the stream ahead, the access to the looming, green forest. If standing here in the secluded spot naked was freedom, what on earth more on the other side of looming forest? The trees were looking at my naked body anyway.

I took another few steps forward. And then another, bolder, faster. In a matter of seconds, I was climbing the upstream slops of the stream covered with a thick growth of shrubs and bushes. I stepped into the wilds of the forest.

My hand reached out to a nearby branch and pulled it close, allowed the grey-green leaves to stroke across my flesh- naked flesh- and became one with nature. It wasn’t entirely a sexual feeling but it moistened my pussy. It sent shivers of delight through my belly from my thighs. I smiled softly as I realized that I was feeling aroused.

There was no pathway in front of me, but I could see where steps could be taken. I took them. I looked back over my shoulders once, just as the stream was disappearing from view, and my fears of getting caught naked by someone dropped from me. It all felt too good and too wild. After walking through thick bushes for some more time, a clearing appeared ahead of me, and in nature’s silence of the forest, I stepped forward, lush grass curling between my toes and sunlight once again caressing my naked body. I smiled softly and followed the sun’s caress with my hands. I liked my body’s physical excitement and as I allowed myself to cup naked swelling of my breasts with their rock-hard nipples and let my hands stroke my belly before delving lower, actually softly stroking my hardened clit, right there, fully in the open air. I looked around, my eyes and ears taking in every sight and sound, my mind lost in the supreme nature all around me. I was alone. I was naked and free. I was aroused-shockingly. I paused before I dared indulge myself anymore. Here I was in the big wide outdoor world and I was free to do what I wanted without fear of interruption or even being overheard.

I allowed my right hand to toy more with my exposed pussy, to tease the by-now hardened clitoris, exposing itself to the freshness of the wild. I let my hand toy and tug my hardened nipples. With no hesitation, I permitted myself the joy of a deep sexual thrill, allowed myself the very real sensation of arousal in my completely naked state. I felt more alive than I ever had before, my body relishing every slightest movement of my hands on my naked skin.
I was amazed to see how quickly the sense and sensation of arousal began to spiral higher within me, how my pulse quickened and butterflies took flight within my taut belly. I sank to my knees with the realization that I needed it… deeply and immediately.

My right hand pressed harder against my engorged clit, and fingers penetrated my slippery pussy. My left hand pulled at my hardened nipples and I stared around me in wonder, in joy. I was close before I even had time to consider just what I was doing and where. My fingers delving deeper and my hips starting to rock against my hands as control spiraled away from me. Within seconds I was grinding against my right hand, my left pulling harder on each nipple in turn, far harder than I had ever before. The climax began, sharp, hard waves of delight hitting me with the force of blacksmith’s hammer on the ledge, each pulse a concentrated blast of delight. It felt as if my entire naked body connected to every delight that I had ever experienced. I probably cried out in ecstatic joy for above and far beyond my experience. This, the climax of climaxes!! It was surrounded by fresh air, by nature in the rawest forms, and experienced as a level so much deeper and higher. My entire body rocked and jerked and stuttered through spasm after joyous spasm. I felt my juices spill over my fingers, felt my pussy release in a manner that was very new to me, so much beyond anything I had ever felt before. I climaxed and climaxed, again and again, stunned as the layers of ecstasy mounted each other, intertwining and multiplying, my body jerking harder, twitching and spasming with a passion that was almost violent until final eruption slammed through every nerve of my body. I might have not passed out, but I was certainly unaware of everything around me for minutes.

When I gained my senses, I felt the sun dappling my body through the leaves and branches high above, started to smell the greenery and the earthen moistness of the forest, and sensed the gentle movement of the warm air across my naked body.

The mild aftershocks sent gentle waves through my body, adding more of my pussy juices to those already drying on the fingers of my right hand which was now resting against, exhausted, my wet dripping throbbing cunt. I became fully aware of my naked state in the open wilderness of the forest, it soothed me. I was sated and truly satisfied but still extremely horny.

I slowly untangled my legs which had somehow become entangled underneath me, then rested on the grass, propped on my elbows, staring slowly at my naked body. My breathing slowly returned to normal. I was relaxed and wonderful. Standing on legs, I stretched and then spun in a lazy circle, luxuriating in the gentle breeze. I smiled, looking down at my bare flesh and then around at the leaves and branches and grass surrounding me. Above me, the sky was an azure blanket beyond the tallest reaches of the trees.

I focused on the barely discernable path that led further into the heart of the forest, a narrow thoroughfare that had been left into the wilderness by the paws of animals unknown. It led me into the wonderful calmness of the forest. It increased the appeal of the partially hidden pathways and I stepped gladly, delightedly into the footsteps of all the foxes and badgers, mice, rats, and squirrels who had gently beaten their way deeper amongst the trees.

Leaves tickled my thighs and calves with each step, their sensuous touches sending wonderful waves of sexual pleasure through my belly. I smiled naturally, my mind relaxed with the joys that I felt shimmering inside me, and my footsteps quickened with the increasing urge to enter deeper into the wildness of nature.
I had no particular idea of where I was headed, or why, or what I might do when I reached wherever I would. I didn’t care- if anyone was watching me naked- and yet I continued to ensure that I was surrounded by the trees, bushes, moss, birds, and small animals who I wanted to share my naked freedom with any living being, in fact.
And I was alone in that way, and every step forward emboldened me, made me feel relaxed.

I have no idea for how long I strode deeper into the forest, but every step raised my fulfilling senses to new levels. I paused every few steps to look down at my naked body, at the erect nipples on small but firm breasts, down at the base of my belly, still glistening with pussy juices, and each time those pauses occurred I would run my hands all over my naked body. I could not stop wondering at the natural joy I felt. I was endlessly surprised by how arousing I found the simplest of my own touches.

Reaching a narrow, grass-covered clearing I found myself standing on the rising slope to the top of a small ridge. I could see wonderful natural greenery up to a long distance ahead of me. Soon I sank to my knees and opened every sense to the rapture of the nature all around me and deep inside me. I found myself touching most sensitive parts of my body softly, fully aware, fully self-focused, my mind at once in the wilderness, and yet completely absorbed with the sensations of my body. A new climax rippled through me with a speed that I never experienced. It arrived quickly after the gigantic explosion, I didn’t think anything of it other than how wonderful it felt.

I was about to rise to my feet when I heard faintly what was different than the calm waves of nature; that appeared like chatting of some girls and boys. It didn’t panic me in any way because it was distant. And my levels of relaxation were simply too concentrated.
Nodding to myself, I finished the movement I had started before the chatting words reached my ears, and began to creep deep in the forest. I was relaxed even though I was at the risk of being caught and I did not have anything to cover my naked body. If I was caught they would see me completely naked in open daylight.
I moved with caution, gently parting the branches in front of me with each soft step that I took. I was getting down the slope on the other side of the ridge. I increased my pace to get closer to those voices to find out who they were. Suddenly a branch that I had released after taking a step ahead hit me between my legs right in my pussy slit causing the powerful explosion of sexual delight deep in my pussy. Instinctively my both hands were clutching my throbbing pussy tightly. Looking ahead I noticed a deep ravine and a stream of fresh-cold water… I was still holding my throbbing pussy in both hands. I wanted to finger my pussy hard… where do I go?? The group of unknown boys and girls will see me while playing with my pussy… Ha ha!!

My mind soon was questioning me. Why was I thinking about them? My mind and body wanted to share the joy of my naked freedom with everything in the forest; then what was I feeling shy of them!! Suddenly I became brave and careless. I didn’t care; let them see me naked. I looked ahead and I started running at my fastest speed through the shrubs and bushes and trees like a forest animal enjoying the moistness and the earthly smell of the forest. I ran criss-cross, up and down, this way and that way until I was sweating like an animal and fully exhausted. I dropped down on the lush green grass at one of the smallest clearings along some unbeaten pathway of the forest animals. While I closed my eyes to absorb the delightedness my both hands traversed over my sweaty naked body; left hand to the hard rock nipples and my right hand to my sweat-covered dripping pussy. As the fingers started exploring the depths of my pussy I was delightfully gliding over the gentle waves of the wonderful calm but violent sensations arising from the depths of my pussy.

Suddenly my senses were alarmed by the faint but very clear chatting noises which sounded extremely close to my heavenly delighted place. I could hear them very clearly. “I told you I have seen a buck-naked girl running like an animal. See there… There she is.”

“Holy fuck she is fingering her cunt” I thought I was dreaming and the voices did not seem real.

“I want to fuck her cunt with my fingers.” I heard a male voice.

“I want to eat and suck her pussy.” A female voice was interrupting the male voice.

“Holy fuck. It is real.” I shouted at myself in my dreams and opening my eyes looked in the direction of the voices. They were standing less than fifteen feet away from me and looking at my naked body with the fingers of my right hands still in the depths of my pussy. I was so shocked that I not only forgot to get up but even did not pull my fingers from my pussy.

When I realized what was happening around me, it was too late. This group of three girls and two boys were standing surrounding me and looking down at my completely naked body in the most erotic position. I was still lying on my back in the grass with my right leg stretched straight and my left leg quite spread away and bent at the knee. My left hand was holding an erect nipple and the fingers of the right hands deep inside my cunt. I was completely speechless and dumbfounded. I looked at them with a blank expression on my face.

“This fucking horny slut in fucking her dripping cunt out in open in broad daylight and not even getting up to cover her pussy!! She wants to be fucked??” I was shocked and could not think straight.

“No!! No!! You do not understand her. Like you boys, the girls also feel horny and sexually aroused. Sex is equally great for the girls. If you want to help her to make it more pleasurable let us do it. But do not insult the sexual needs of this girl. Let us join her in her sexual exploration!!” One of the girls took the lead.

“She looks absolutely beautiful naked and sexually horny in this nature. I wish I could join her to share her joy of freedom!!” Another girl declared with open opposition to the boys. They all were staring at me. I did not want to get fucked by anyone here. I thought it to be better to pretend shocked or continue speechless and incoherent in my behavior. I continued moaning and fucking my cunt with the fingers of my right hand while they were watching me completely shocked.

“Maybe she would like someone to suck her cunt and suck hard cock!! You never know!! Right??” Another girl expressed and all joined her giggling at my sexual display.

While they still were watching me intently, I slowly raised myself to stand next to a girl who I thought looked very beautiful and harmless. And then slowly turning away took few steps away from her as if I was walking away. The girl suddenly held my hand saying, “You can’t walk away like that you fucking cunt.”

I felt her pulling me close to her. Suddenly she pushed me to the ground and looked at her friends. One boy came towards my head and pulling both hands above my head kept me pinned down. A pair of a girl and boy spread each of my legs wide open and held me in a spread-eagled position. The girl who had pushed me to the ground now came on her knees between my legs. The girl and a boy at my head started teasing by playing with my breasts. Within moments my nipples were rock hard and fully erect. The girl at my head pulled and pinched my nipples very hard sending a shock wave of pain and pleasure through my body to the depths of my pussy.
“Oohhh… Please stop…” I didn’t want to look sexually aroused.
All four people who held me pinned down by holding my hands and legs to the ground started tickling at my sensitive areas of my sweaty naked body. My back arched thrusting my pussy inthe most erotic and lucid position. Feeling extreme sexual arousal I couldn’t hide my moaning.

“Aahhh… nghhh… Please… oohhh…” I couldn’t even say anything clearly.

The boy at my head to the left bent his head and started licking, sucking my left nipple very hard while all of them were looking at my body responses. I could not imagine how quickly my body betrayed me so easily. “You are already aroused, aren’t you? You are fucking horny slut.” They were throwing sexual insults at me.
He continued sucking very hard on my nipples while my body was shivering and I was tossing my head left and right under the forceful pinned downed position. I couldn’t imagine what would happen to my naked body if they would go down at my pussy. Before I realized the girl at my feet brought her face to my belly and started licking and kissing deep into my belly button. She was nibbling and biting on the tender skin there. My body started shaking vigorously and my eyes rolled back in my head, my toes started to curl. I wanted to hold on to the unbelievable sensation that was running through my body by bringing my knees to my chest. But the boys and girls pulled my legs and hands with more force bringing me to spread-eagle position again. She slowly brought her lips to my pussy and started kissing all over between my legs. My body couldn’t stand the pleasurable torment. The girl was now at vigorous licking and biting my pussy all over with her sharp teeth while I was helplessly pinned down spread-eagled. I tried to suppress my moans but failed as she continued biting at my erect and pointing out clitoris. At one of the sharpest bites at a most sensitive area at the tip of my clit I sensed the most powerful explosion at the deepest portion of my pussy.

“Please noo… Aghhh…” My back arched further, my head tossed backward, My hands gripped tightly the grass as if I was clinging for my life. The next sharp bite at the base of my clit was so hard that I thought she was ripping my clit from my pussy. It sent jolts of electricity through my entire body making me shriek loudly. I did not know what was happening inside my pussy. I felt a powerful flow of juices erupting from my pussy while my body was trembling and shivering out of control. The eruption from my pussy was so powerful that all of them were surprised with shock amazingly.
“Holy shit!! Never seen anything like this.” The girl was so amazed that she shut my pussy with her mouth letting my pussy juices in her mouth. Soon my pussy eruption stopped but she continued licking and sucking my pussy lips. Apparently, some of my pussy hair got stuck in her teeth and she commented that it would be great to eat my hairless pussy.

“Let us clean her pussy off hair.” The girl positioned at my head recommended while everyone looked at her. Getting the clue she asked the girl whose face was completely wet with my pussy juices to hold me pinned down and herself positioned between my legs. My eyes were closed due to exhaustion from the powerful orgasm and spectacular eruption of pussy juices fountain from my pussy. I tried to see through my half-opened eyes at the girl between my legs and got lost again in the state of highest sexual arousal.
I suddenly responded with a loud painful cry when the girl had twirled my long pussy hair around her fingers and pulled hard with a great force uprooting them from the sensitive skin of my pussy lips. My eyes were covered with tears and again holding a thick bunch of coarse long hair around my clit the girl gave another most forceful pull uprooting almost all hair exposing blood red and blue fully swollen clit. I shrieked with utmost pain and trying to request them to stop it. But the cruel girls and a boy continued plucking my pussy hair by pulling out in thick bunches till no more hair could be pulled by using fingers. My pussy was looking like half-dressed chicken; blood red and swollen; with teeth marks of sharp bites all over pussy. Clitoris was looking like red blackish cherry ready to burst out blood any time. They all were looking at my bloodshot red and purple pussy and laughing jokingly. My body was writhing and moving under the shock of pain and ultra-high sensitivity of the skin around my pussy.

Suddenly the girl who made my pussy less hairy brought her mouth to my pussy and started kissing and licking with utmost love and sensuality. The loving caresses of her kissing lips and sucking tongue all over the sensitive and painful skin of my pussy lips were awfully soothing and sexually arousing. She continued kissing and licking up and down all along the length of my pussy slit. Her tongue played and flickered in the depths of pussy slit and my body trembled and shivered out of control. She used her fingers to gently spread my pussy exposing my cunt opening which was full of flowing out pussy juices. She pushed her tongue in and out, slowly licking the inner walls as my body was getting out of control again. She kept on sucking my clit, pushing my body to the edge of earth-shattering orgasms one after another. Each time when the orgasm passed, she licked my clit again, flicking it faster. When she sensed that I was cumming again, she sucked my swelling clit in her mouth and continue to suck it until my pussy exploded in her mouth again. I screamed and shrieked continuously as she wouldn’t stop forcing me to cum.

“Ohh God… Fuck… fuck… fuck!!” I screamed like a wild animal, holding in my tight grips anything next to my hands; I couldn’t bear the sensation of extreme pleasure anymore. She sucked my most sensitive clit with her lips and tongue, making it swell even bigger and her tongue still ravishing it. Fire in my pussy was turning into explosive fireworks. My body tensed like a tight wire getting almost there. She now pushed her longest finger inside my pussy and started rubbing at the engorged swelling inside bringing me to the edge. That was the limit beyond. My mouth opened to scream but nothing escaped. My body arched un-imaginably when the orgasm hit with uncontrollable jerks of my tense body. As my arched body dropped on the grass like a broken tight wire, my pussy exploded like a volcanic eruption of my pussy juices. She moved her face away from my pussy in amazement to witness and see the wonderful panoramic view of repetitive pussy eruption again and again.

“Ohh No. I am cum… ming!!” I couldn’t bear that pleasure anymore. My pussy wanted her to suck and lick it more forcefully. It felt like I was going to pee at any moment, but the pleasure was extremely intense and I couldn’t help moaning. My body started to buck my hips as she kept thrusting her tongue. My breathing was completely erratic and beyond control. My pussy was throbbing like never before and suddenly all the senses collapsed between my legs as she lashed hard diamond-like pointed clitoris with her tongue. Finally, my body slumped down. My cunt wouldn’t take it anymore. Nature had taken my naked body. My chest rose up and down, covered in my body sweat.

They all stood looking at my naked sweaty and exhausted body while I lay there with my eyes closed. While they were still pleasantly shocked and surprised with the sexual performance of the completely naked forest girl and wondering what would happen next I was trying to gain senses. Through my half-opened eyes, I could see that they were still looking at my naked body. I pretended to be momentarily passed out due to sheer exhaustion and displayed my naked body in the most erotic position by extending my hands above my head and thrusting my pussy up with my legs wide open. I was lying there like a naked horny slut showing my sweaty pussy and tits loudly shouting at open nature, “hay!! I am naked here… come and fuck my cunt deep and hard!!” My armpit hair was damp with extreme sweat; my face was covered with sweat beads all over and pussy was still slowly dripping of pussy juices. Moments passed with some erotic comments made by them about my naked horny display. Through the silence of the forest wind and ruffle of the leaves, one of them heard the distant and faint cries of a dog in distress. Soon they realized that they have completely forgotten about their dog. There was a real commotion and all were looking at each other with a questioning look where is the dog. “Oh My God! Where is our Pleasurer?”

Soon boys dashed in some direction of the dog and girls followed them moments later without even bothering about me leaving my naked body erupting with sexual explosions from my pussy and tits and fully erect nipples, alone in the forest. I continued in the same position for few minutes waiting for any of them to come back. As moments passed I realized that as a very opportune time to get up quickly and disappear in the thickest of the forest growth. Without losing any moment I got up and slowly walked away in the direction I thought would take me away from these people and climbing the slope of the ridge at my fastest and kept moving away.

After crossing the ridge I slowed a little to catch up with my breath. I continued walking through tall grass and under the trees. The foliage was getting much thicker now. It was taking quite some effort to get a pathway to walk through. The bushes and the shrubs were so thick that I could not see anything ahead except the greenery of the forest. I have been out in the forest since morning. I was confused and out of my mind. I had a feeling that I was still hearing the conversation of those boys. My body and mind were still feeling the touches of the hands of those boys all over my body. I was still sensing the sucking of my clit and nipples by the lips of those girls. It was quite an experience letting those girls and boys walk into me while completely naked and sexually aroused. My body and mind had heavenly feelings while they were touching my naked body and fingering my pussy. But now, that the incident was over I did not want again to be seen by them.

I sat under a small thick bush under the shadow hiding my naked self for some time. I was feeling so shy that I tried to cover my naked form by pulling a small leafy branch and took position on my fours. I slowly crawled ahead. It was quite uncomfortable crawling with head down and ass up in the air trying to hide my body behind the bushes and grass. I did not want to stand up and get noticed. I wanted to move to a calm serene place in the depths of the forest to dissolve my naked body and mind in the privacy of my own under the tall trees and soothing bright warm sun.

As I was finding my way through the trees and bushes sometimes climbing up and down the steep and high rock walls my pussy was rubbing between my sweaty thighs and increasing the sexual tension inside my pussy. I felt a trickling sensation of pussy juices between my legs and the smell of dried pussy juices between my legs was making me feel like a wild female animal in the forest. I was like a female animal in heat in search of a fuck partner in the forest. I noticed a large lush green clearance ahead. The sun was shining on the grass beautifully. I ran like a wild forest animal across the clearance, between the trees, and up and down the slopes. It felt soo good. I was above the heavens. My naked body was full of sweat and shining like a naked angel in the forest. I was standing between the grown bushes leaning against the thick trunk. I closed my eyes and my right hand started touching between the pussy lips up and down and my engorged clitoris. My hands and fingers clearly felt the throbbing within the walls of my pussy. I never had experienced anything like this before. Left hand silently moved to my hardened nipples and at the slight touch with my fingers, a sudden spark of somewhere deep in my belly exploded into uncontrollable twitching and convulsions of my tense body. I wanted something to happen to my pussy in and out. I was drifting in the darkness filled with bright lightening all over inside my body when a new voice filtered through the air to my ears- truly shocking—

Somewhere very close a young boy was saying, “Hey. Believe me… I saw her completely naked… She looked very erotic… walking completely naked for her boyfriend and get fucked!!” And he giggled.

“You must be daydreaming my friend. Naked girls do not get out in an open forest in the broad daylight…!!” His friend was laughing.

“No. No. Believe me… She is real. I am sure we can find her somewhere here…”

“Yeah!! I know beautiful girls bring their pet dogs for mating to the breeding center every Monday. But they don’t walk naked. If what you saying is true it would be great luck to see a girl young like us completely naked here… But I don’t believe you!!” I heard another boy.

I gasped, stifled a gasp. Suddenly I wanted them to walk into me. I laughed. Actually, I had my pussy and nipples in my hands. I have been too engrossed in my sexual arousal. I was naked and horny not far from those boys. It appeared to me that there were only two boys and they have noticed me. The woods offered cover but it was very easy to find me. My every sense was working to find out where I was compared to them in my exposed naked world. Will I be caught again!!

Today seemed to be the day at the breeding center for mating dogs. There may be more groups with dogs in the area. Now I understood the reason how I got engaged with the group earlier. I wasn’t sure where I could hide. I could head left or right but in the forest, everything is very deceptive. If I run they could hear my sudden rush along either course. And hadn’t that boy suggested that they had a naked girl to find? If they are not going to the

All of the sensuousness, vicarious pleasure, took a different form as all my attention was diverted to this situation. What if I surprise them? Don’t I want to be seen naked?? Didn’t I like when the boys were looking at my pussy when I just started in the morning? I slowly emerged from my place and came around the bush to look across the clearance towards the ridge. A new shock hit me like a wrecking ball. I saw two boys with their back to me standing at the highest spot ahead of me. I slowly concealed myself behind the grass still looking at them.

“I bet she is running naked in this clearance here!! But if she sees us she will run away. We have to be hiding!!”

I could hear them very clearly now. “What would you do with her if you get her?” His friend was asking him.

“Well! I want to touch every inch of her naked body and kiss her!! And you?”

“I don’t know!! I’m just curious about girls and their naked bodes. If she is really running naked somewhere here I guess we may get a chance to play with her pussy and tits.” I was getting interested in their conversation. I saw them turning to my left and disappearing behind the tall bush and grass. I waited for few moments and imagined that they must have taken some hiding position to keep the clearance area under their watch. I liked those boys. I would pretend that I am unaware of their presence and carelessly walk into them. I didn’t know what would happen then!! My mind and body were already burning with fire from within. My sexually aroused body wanted them to touch me all over and do something more thunderous to my pussy. I slowly turned to my right and started running like crazy through the thick bushes and trees. I ran up and down the slopes until my pussy was throbbing like it would explode any moment. My complete body was covered with the shin of the sweat when I reached back to the clearance area. I stopped behind the tree so that I could see ahead from where I thought the boys may be watching me.

I emerged running from behind the tree and did three high jumps then turned around and did a cartwheel. I was out of my breath and then collapsed on the grass. I closed my eyes and lay on my back with hands raised above my head and legs wide spread exposing my pussy to the sun. My legs were stretched in their direction. If they emerge from their hiding location they would see my wide-open pussy clearly. I was carefully looking through my half-closed eyes in their direction. The moments clicked for some time but no one emerged. I was almost certain that the boys had gone away in some other direction. So I got up to a standing position and thinking where to find some stream to wash my sweaty naked body. Suddenly I felt some movement through grass and shuffle of leafy branches behind me.

I surely knew that it must be the boys behind me. I did not make any move except to bring my left hand slowly to my pussy and started scratching inside my pussy slit slow and deliberately. I turned around to face the boys continuing with vigorous scratching my pussy slit so that they could see clearly what my hand was doing to my pussy. I noticed they could not believe what they were seeing out in open in broad daylight. A completely naked girl scratching her pussy in their full view!!

The boys were staring at my naked body and the action of my hand at my pussy. I waited for a moment till they started approaching me and as they were closer I started running in the opposite direction. One of them started chasing me; I pretended to avoid him but my mind wanted him to catch me. I noticed a tree branch extended across and ran in that direction. While jumping over the tree branch I tumbled and tumbled letting the boy catch me. I pretended to escape but another boy joined him. I struggled to escape until I was pushed on the grass and they pinned me down. We rolled over the grass struggling with each other for few moments. Soon the boy ended up on top of me pinning me down. “Who are you and why are you naked in the forest?” The boy tried to ask me through his short breaths.

I acted like I was trying to catch up with my breath. “I… I like the forest.”

By then the other boy was standing over me. “Let her speak” I heard him saying. But I closed my eyes and stopped resisting. At the same time, I slowly spread my legs wide and pretended to be completely exhausted and tired. I surrendered my naked body completely in their hands.

The boy holding me down leaned over and started kissing me. I wanted to tell him that I am full of sweat but he sealed my mouth with his lips and continued deep kissing. I was so horny that I did nothing to resist him. So he kissed me again. Momentarily I sucked his tongue and kissed him back but quickly turned my face sideways to avoid further kissing. Then he began kissing my neck while holding me pinned down. I just lay there making slight movements of my legs as fading sign of my resistance.

Watching what was going on, another boy suggested, “She is enjoying your kissing. Let me also join you guys to make it much better.”

He came to my feet and held them pinned to the grass and started kissing my legs above my knees. I was shocked but I felt very sure that the smell of my pussy juices and pee will repeal them and they would just walk away dumping my naked body. But my mind and body were already completely surrendered to their exciting kisses and touches. I lied there without any resistance as their kissing felt so good.

Meanwhile, the first boy moved his face to my breasts and sucked my nipples, and lightly pulled on them with his sharp teeth sending an extremely powerful wave of sexual arousal to my pussy. Noticing the response of my naked body and pointed nipples he said, “I have never kissed a girl’s nipples, they smell sooo good. And do you see the response of her pussy??” He was excitedly watching the response of my pussy and asking the other boy.

Then he moved away from my breasts and started licking, kissing sucking my hairy armpits. Next, he moved to my stomach and abdomen; and moved up to my left armpit. “Holy fuck!! This girl’s armpits hair too is testy and silky. Love to eat and suck them.”

The boy holding my leg to keep me pinned down released my legs and spread them wider getting full access to my pussy and started kissing upwards and began to kiss outer pussy lips. He was teasing me. I wanted them to notice my sexual responses. I was waiting for the other boy at my feet to start kissing my pussy. But I was at the mercy of those boys and my body and mind didn’t want them to stop. My pussy was already quite wet and dripping by then. He teased my pussy with his fingers by circling his fingers over my engorged clit. I was getting wetter from his touches and was opening my legs wider to give complete access to all inner areas of pussy. He was now kissing and licking the most intimate parts of my pussy. My pussy smeared his hands and face with profusely dripping juices but he continued sucking and the inner depths of my pussy hole. It was getting more difficult for me because my body and mind were completely surrendered to the touches and kisses of those boys. My body was participating and reacting to their actions. The electricity and the lust took my body over and I was no more in control of myself.

He now sealed my narrow cunt hole with his lips and started it sucking hard with forceful suction. I felt my pussy juices being sucked out. I could feel more quantity flowing out into his mouth. At times he used his hands and spread my pussy wide open to fuck my pussy with his tongue. My whole pussy was in his mouth. He would flicker violently my swollen clit with his tongue and then back to sucking my pussy hole again. Every now and then he was biting my pussy lips and clit. I wanted him to bite my clit sharply with his teeth. So I thrust my pussy into his mouth with all my force. He was surprised to notice the reaction of my body; he was quick to give me a very sharp bite with his teeth on my clit. My body jerked with the shock and the force of wave it sent through my body to my nipples. The next moment my body arched thrusting pussy up in the sky and there was a forceful gushing flow emerging from my cunt like a fountain.

“Oh fuck!! No. No. Oh My God!! Oh My God!!” I could not say anything other than whimpering and moaning.

Both the boys stood by my side watching my erupting pussy with amazement and shock. They were laughing and giggling at my helpless face. My pussy fountain was so forceful that it spread the liquid from my pussy on them. Soon they realized what was happening after their clothes partially got wet and soaked with pussy fountain.

“Holy Fuck!! Is this girl peeing or cumming?” One of them was saying. They were looking at each other and looked beaming with fantasy ideas. They were thinking of something unique to try on my naked body.

As the pussy eruption ceased and it became a mall trickle from my cunt the boys continued watching my pussy eruption sitting next to me. I was now completely exhausted and continued laying there without any energy. Moments later they both took positions, one near my shoulders and the other at my waist. “Hey, did you ever see any other naked girl like this?” He was asking the one at my shoulders.

“Mmmm. To tell you the truth, before this I have never seen a naked girl. I did not even know that girls grow hair in their armpits and on their pussy. This girl is amazing. She is allowing us to do anything to her pussy and tits. I love this girl!!”

“Yeah. That is absolutely correct. But I think we can try if she does not resist.” The other one looked up with a questioning expression.
“You bite her, I mean nibble her nipples; first the right and after a little pause then left nipple. I will watch her pussy and then I will nibble her clit. Let us see what happens.” Both looked at each other in agreement.

Though I had my eyes closed and was drifting over the waves of sexual pleasure and delightedness I could get their intention and was more aroused in anticipation.

Very next moment I felt my right nipple being sucked and nibbled with great force which sent a million-volt shock wave through my stomach to the depths of my pussy. To be taken and used by one or more persons had long been my deepest fantasy, though now that I was in the midst of that very experience, I was overwhelmed by imagination and anticipation. My body arched and my stomach crunched thrusting my pussy up in the air in a most erotic way. When the boy watching my pussy saw it he did not lose any moment and placed his mouth on my engorged clit. It immediately received nibbling with his sharp teeth. I cried with the pain of extreme pleasure and felt the reverse wave from my pussy to both my hardened nipples. Both the boys were surprised and shocked with the amazing response my naked body was exhibiting to their nibbling at my nipples and clit. Encouraged by the visible thrusts of my breasts and pussy they changed from nibbling to steadily growing sharp bites with their pointed teeth at my nipples and clit. There was no stopping them; over and over they made me climax without rest, made me tremble with climax without pause. Just a few moments before, the idea of letting these two boys touch my naked body seemed very appetizing. But now the reality was quite overpowering my naked body and mind. With each bite at my nipples, the more powerful wave of higher climax passed through my body from my nipples to my clitoris and back. They took it in turns to bite my sensitive nipples and clitoris to make my pussy dripping profusely. It felt like my erect nipples and clitoris would burst from sensitivity. Each time my body arched with force and fell down releasing a flow of liquid juices from my pussy. I could not control my moaning and lost completely the control of my mind. I was incoherently uttering erotic words which did not make any sense. The boys could hear me saying like, “Of fuck!! Oh fuck!! Harder… Faster… More Hard!! My fucking pussy… Oh Oh” Boys could not believe what they could do to my naked body.

Encouraged with the way my naked body was out of control of my mind and hearing my moaning and erotic words emerging from my mouth, one of the boys sat between my legs and pulled me bringing my pussy in his laps; my both legs were around his waist like I was holding him with my encircling legs around his waist. My eyes were closed and my naked body full aroused. My cunt wanted extreme fingering. My cunt hole was on unimaginable fire and exploding with uncontrollable sexual desire. Soon I felt his one hand holding my legs wide apart and the other hand commencing vigorous and most violent fingering of my pussy. I was thrusting my pussy to suck his fingers to the unseen depths inside of my cunt. I was experiencing sexual desire like never before. His fingers were moving furiously in and out rubbing all over my cunt channel lubricating with overflowing pussy juices. Suddenly I felt him withdrawing his finger from my pussy and very unexpectedly he slapped my fully engorged clit with full force. I cried loudly with the never-experienced strange mixture of pleasure and pain. My stomach squeezed with full force and tried pulling my legs closer. Instead, my body thrust pussy upwards closer to his face since he was holding my legs tightly around his waist. And then a huge fountain erupted from my pussy with enormous pressure which went more than four feet up in the air. For few seconds it continued rising few more inches and then it immediately became a trickle dribbling from my pussy. I lay there fully exhausted with my wide-open pussy staring at his face.
As I started gaining my senses and coming out of senseless sexual behavior of my naked body I opened my eyes and looked blankly at the boy who was still staring at my pussy. My legs were encircled around his waist. He smiled at me saying, “You are an amazing girl. I have never seen any pussy like yours. Love you!!”

My immediate usual response to praise like this was, “Thank You!! Me too!” And I realized what the fuck I was saying. But my words were spoken and would have an entirely different meaning.

Before he would say anything I requested him, “I’m very thirsty. Can I have some water to drink?”

He looked around saying, “There may be a water bottle in my backpack there.” And requested another boy to get it for me.
I saw another boy going a little away behind a small bush and for quite a few moments nothing happened. Then the boy who was with me went in the same direction to help his friend. I instantaneously realized that was the most suitable moment to disengage with the boys. I slowly crawled very silently in the direction of a thick growth of the bushes without drawing any attention of the boys and disappeared in the greens of the forest. I continued to walk away from the boys with my greatest caution avoiding anything that would make noise and draw their attention. When I was sufficiently away from them I started running like a crazy animal through the bushes and grass.

I turned and hopped- dashed in a direction where I believed I could run faster, determined to put as much distance as I could between my well fucked and sexually aroused naked body and the boys. I turned left and right running between bushes. I could only faintly hear the boy calling me. Stopping at one of the safest spots I paused to catch my breath and allow my heartbeat to slow. It was a nice shadowy place in a slight depression and no one could see me.
I slowly glanced at my sweaty naked breasts, my flat belly, and I smiled at myself. I was again finding it very hard to believe that this was me- completely naked. I even allowed completely unknown boys to play with my pussy and let them eat, suck, and bite my clitoris out in open broad daylight. Now after having been tongue and finger fucked I’m running from point to point in this forest away from those boys. The memories about the morning incident of pussy licking and sharp biting at my pussy sent trembling climaxes through my thighs and my belly. The strong sexual urge quickly intensified as I realized how strangely I behaved in presence of a group of boys and girls. How strangely I allowed the complete liberty of touching my naked body and then allowing them to bite my nipples and pussy. My engorged nipples and clit were very sore and ultrasensitive all over. My hands slowly moved between my legs to meet those tremors emerging from my throbbing pussy. I was so much engrossed in dealing with my arousing thoughts and sexual feelings that I became completely unaware of the forest surrounding me.

At one moment when I parted a tree branch full of leaves, I saw a steep downslope. If I wouldn’t have noticed the slope I would have tumbled down and got injured. After looking for the safe way, as I climbed down the slope carefully to the bottom and found myself standing at the shallow catch water drain running along the narrow dirt track. The dirt track was so narrow and sharply winding along the bends and deep curves of the hills through the thick growth of the forest that it was almost invisible. It was a great delight to find some dirt track to walk on. My naked body had numerous bruises after walking through shrubs and grass and over the unbeaten animal ways in the forest. Next moment I was standing in the middle of the narrow dirt track in my full naked glory as if the track belonged to my naked body.

I did not know which direction to go. But I turned to my right and continued walking on the dirt track. The track was mostly covered under the shadows of the tall trees and bushes with continuous steep ups and downs along the sharp bends. I could hardly see the track for more than a few feet ahead or behind me. Sometimes I could see the downhill or uphill slope and anticipate the oncoming slope after a sharp bend ahead. At one of such curves, I noticed some moving figures of girls and boys who appeared to be walking on the same dirt track. I could not imagine the distance between them and me but they appeared quite close. I looked around for some hiding place but found none except thick thorny bushes across the catchwater drain. It was a very pleasant and erotic experience with the group I met a few hours before. And then those two boys very nicely finger fucked me and made me squirt like never before. I have been behaving very strangely since morning. I walked into this forest only to get naked and enjoy the freedom of being naked out in open during broad daylight. Then I wanted to be seen naked; which put me on real sexual fire. And then I let the unknown boys to finger fuck my pussy. What was going on with me?? What the fuck was taking over my mind and body?? I was almost determined to come across this new group of people in my completely naked state and continued walking in their direction. As I anticipated they would appear any moment from across the track bend ahead and they would be shocked to see a young naked girl. I could not imagine what their reaction would be!!

Suddenly my attention was drawn away from the surroundings and the situation I was getting into. It would have been difficult to get away from the group of earlier people if their dog wouldn’t have drawn their attention. What would happen if this group insists on forcing me to go with them?? Fear of uncertainty suddenly was overwhelming. Now I wanted to hide myself.

Quickly my mind decided to find some hiding place. I looked again for some hiding place. The catchwater drain was the only place to hide. The bottom of the drain was dry at the depth of just two feet. The edges of the drain had some foliage to conceal me partially if I get into the drain for hiding. My walk and running through the forest had brought me to the dirt track unknown to me. Time was running out of any options. The people would appear any moment and see me. I could see their heads moving above the foliage coming in my direction. I quickly counted them as a group of two boys and three girls. They were approaching in my direction with a fully grown dog quietly walking ahead of them. They were very close and would see me standing completely naked in the middle of the track. I quickly jumped in the drain and took a hunching position.

I was all prepared to turn and run in any direction. I was sure if I would have done that the dog would have become aware of my presence. Despite being just a few feet away from me, the dog stayed right where it was waiting for its owner to join him and appeared not interested to notice me. My skin, my naked flesh, tingled as I tried to squeeze my body watching the girls and the dog coming closure and closure. I realized that my hunching position would reveal my presence. So I very slowly and cautiously stretched my body along the lay of the drain lying on my back. Now I was lying on my back at the bottom of the drain looking up in the sky. I could not see them but I could listen to their conversation clearly.
“I dunno how far we have to go! I just want the mating of my doggy done today. Brian had promised me to be at the breeding house with his dog by now. Hope he will be there when we reach there!!” I heard one girl talking to the other person.

“Yeah, I too hope so!! But is it really a suitable time for mating for the dogs?” The other girl was asking.

“Yes!! I know for sure that my female dog is in heat presently; I am sure it will work pretty well.” Both the girls started giggling.
“How do you know that your female doggy is in heat?” She was asking curiously.

“Oh. You know I can make out when I take her for a walk outside. Other male dogs follow her. And her pee smells very strong.” She was explaining with more giggling.

I now understood from the conversation that there must be some breeding center for the dogs somewhere close in this forest. This group was taking their female dog for mating with the dog to that breeding center. Maybe the earlier group which I met few hours before was also going to the same breeding center. I almost stopped breathing to conceal my presence hoping that they would not notice me. Slowly their voices started drifting away from me. Though where was I and how do I go back to my place?? I closed my eyes to think clearly. Though suddenly, I felt a shadow on the lower portion of my naked body. To my horror and surprise, I saw a dog standing right above me staring right into my face. I was sure to be caught naked by this group now.

I heard one girl calling the dog and the dog was not moving. It sniffed the air smelling my sweat. I closed my eyes expecting inevitable. The girl’s voice appeared coming closer to my hiding spot. Suddenly I felt a hot stream of liquid pouring on my entire body. I opened my eyes and saw the back of the female dog in a squatting position and it was spraying its hot pee all over my naked body. I tried to avoid that pee spray on my face by pulling my body a little up but then the entire pee spray came on my exposed pussy. It felt weird and very sticky. So I turned my back up. It got worst. My ass got the remaining entire pee which trickled between my legs soaking my inner thighs. The dog continued spraying its pee until it was done. When the peeing stopped I looked up; there was no dog. I heard the girl pulling the dog with its collar while the female dog was making resisting noises.

I felt relieved of the weird situation. I was full of stanch of the female dog’s pee all over my body. I did not know of any flowing water stream close by to wash my body. After few minutes I stood up slowly and quietly in the drain and saw no one on the dirt track. I got out of the drain and started walking in the same direction from where I had come earlier. I was surprised by my boldness. If the dog would have started barking and would not have moved away from me in time those boys and girls would have seen me completely naked with my swollen red and purple pussy.
I felt quite sure that I was not noticed by anyone except the female dog and continued walking on the dirt track. I thought I was following behind the same group keeping a quite safe distance between them and myself. I was completely engrossed thinking about the stinking smell of dog pee and my sweat. A moment later I was standing right in the middle of the track under the warm bright sunlight looking all around for some direction that would lead me to a stream and I could wash my stinking naked body. I could hear faint voices of those girls fading away from me over the mild breeze. I was now aware of their presence. I was not scared but was just a little careful. Maybe it was not a good day for my naked walk in the forest. There appeared to be too many people walking around. I was excited both physically and sexually. I wanted to be seen by them but I didn’t want to be taken by surprise. I have to be more careful from now on!! Maybe it is not a good idea to walk on the dirt track.
I jumped off the dirt track in the bushes, pulling the leafy branch to cover my naked presence. It was quite demanding to find a way through thorny bushes and grass to find a way. I wanted to move to a calm serene place in the depths of the forest to dissolve my naked body and mind in the privacy of my own under the tall trees and soothing bright warm sun. As I was finding my way through the trees and bushes sometimes climbing up and down the steep and high rock walls my pussy was rubbing between my sweaty thighs and increasing the sexual tension inside my pussy. I felt a trickling sensation of pussy juices between my legs and the strong-smelling stench of dried dog pee on my body was making me feel like an animal in the wild. I was like a female animal in heat in search of a fuck partner in the forest. I noticed a large lush green clearance at the ridge. The sun was shining on the grass with its warmth. I ran like a wild forest animal across the clearance, between the trees, and up and down the slopes. It felt soo good. I was above the heavens. My naked body was full of sweat and shining like a naked angel in the forest. I was standing between the grown bushes leaning against the thick trunk. I closed my eyes and my right hand started touching between the pussy lips up and down and my engorged clitoris. My hands and fingers clearly felt the throbbing within the walls of my pussy. My clit was super sensitive. I never had experienced anything like this before. Left hand silently moved to my hardened nipples and a slight touch, with my fingers a sudden very powerful spark somewhere deep in my belly exploded into uncontrollable twitching and convulsions of my tense body. I wanted something to happen to my pussy. I was so much engulfed in the sexually aroused state of my mind and body that I lost the sense of time completely. I didn’t know how long I was running and walking in the forest bushes and grass. Suddenly I was hungry and thirsty. I looked at the shadows of the trees and bushes to guess the time. I had started in the morning and have been wandering in the forest completely naked like an animal. I got caught naked by two groups of boys and girls and allowed them to play with my naked body. It was a unique and exceptionally different feeling of freedom. They did not know me and I didn’t know them. It was kind of unimaginable complete freedom of sex and nudity in their presence. I tried to guess the time and realized that it must be getting late afternoon.

I walked carelessly for some more time and came upon a small clearance. I dropped on the cooling grass and let my naked body absorb nice and warm sun rays. I was quite sweaty and smelly due to female dog pee but I didn’t care; actually, I liked it. I looked to my left and saw tall thick bushes with nice shadows. I got up and walked to relax under the shadow. It was nice cooling and pleasant breeze. When I looked at the bushes to my left and right I saw that they were mostly covered by leafy creepers. It was like a canopy allowing very little sunlight to the ground below it. One particular bush was almost like a cave with a very small entrance from the grassy clearance. The branches were hanging so low that it was almost touching the ground. I almost crawled under the bush and liked it so much. It was almost like a cave. It appeared like a hiding place for some forest animal. The pungent smell of animal pee mixed with damp decaying leaves was quite overpowering. Soon I realized that I myself was smelly and sticky like an animal. I selected the bush cave as my resting and hiding place.

Under the thick bush canopy when I looked around I noticed a small stone partially popping out from the covering of dries and damp leaves. I cleared the top of the stone by pushing away the leaves and found that it was almost a flat stone slightly sloping in one direction. It was big enough for me to rest my tired body on it. It was not exactly rectangular but looked like a small bed. I could squeeze my tired body for resting on it. While sitting on the stone I felt tired and closed my eyes to relax and calm down.

The day was full of incidents since morning. It was a good decision to get into the forest for my naked walkout is open during such a nice bright sunny day. Though now I was feeling thirsty and a little hungry. I felt sure that if I rest for a while on this stone under the bush cave I will gain my strength. The feeling of the leaves to my naked feet was quite damp and tickling. I tried to adjust my body on the stone and I realized that the stone was really small; I could barely rest my body above the waist on the stone and my legs and hands were dangling on the sides. However, the stone top was just about few inches above the ground; one end being much higher than the other; thus making it a slanting stone. I managed to rest my upper body on the stone with my head towards the lower end. It was a little uncomfortable position with my ass up and head down with legs widespread on the sides of the stone. But it was much better than nothing. As I rested for few more minutes I found myself drifting into the grip of powerful sleep. I realized that I was awake since early morning. I had gone to bed almost two hours after midnight because I was walking naked on Silicon campus. Now with my upper body resting on the stone, my tired body found it comfortable almost like a nice bed.

With my eyes closed and my body resting comfortably on the top of the stone, my mind was drifting over the wonderful sensation of the forest breeze and the touches of the branches and leaves over my naked body. Another moment came alive when my pussy and nipples were vigorously subjected to powerful licking and sucking and my pussy was leaking like a broken outlet. I don’t know how long I slept and when I started dreaming in my half-sleep. In my dreams, I was wondering what my naked body wanted from those boys. My pussy was throbbing nonstop. I wanted something alive and throbbing to insert in the depths of my pussy and shower its spray to douse the fire within the quenching walls of my pussy.

Was it real?? Someone was licking my pussy very hard. This was much better than the boys in the morning. I liked its long tongue traversing the entire length from my ass hole to the super-sensitive clitoris. It was exploring all the depths and folds of my pussy during every swipe. My clit was enormously engorged and was super responsive. Each stroke of the long rough tongue at my clit was releasing the floods of my pussy juices and while returning to my ass hole it would enter up to the unknown depths of my pussy and suck all the juices in one go. My clit would wait eagerly for another powerful stroke. My body was responding by thrusting my ass hole wide open for more effective licking and bringing my pussy lips in open for receiving a loving swipe of the tongue up to the extremely engorged clitoris. It was wonderful in-separable awareness of dream and reality. I don’t even know if I was awake or dreaming.
I felt as if something real was happening with the feeling of little pressure on my lower back and around my waist. The wonderful feeling of licking and sucking of my pussy was still real now accompanied by humping on my back. The furry skin on my butt and back was real and I was pinned down on the top of the stone. When I was fully awake I was taken over by surprise and shock. I could clearly sense the grunting rumbling noises of the dog on my back. It did not take long for me to imagine what had happened.

I fell asleep on the top of the stone with my ass up in the air and pussy exposed between my legs wide spread and placed on the sides of the stone. My pussy was covered with the dried pee of a female dog already in heat. Possibly while wandering in the forest the dog found me in the bush cave sleeping naked with my pussy invitingly staring at him. For the dog, I was a bitch in heat waiting for him with my pussy and ass hole which was completely soaked with pee of a female dog in heat. It came and confirmed my willingness by smelling and licking my pussy and asshole. This exactly coincided with the erotic part of my dream. My dripping pussy juices acknowledged my willingness. My erotic dream grew more intense. I thrust my asshole and pussy to the dog for more licking. My body was set on sexual fire from the within of my pussy walls. Dog’s great haunches were pounding against my ass. His paws were on my shoulder blades and his hot breath against the back of my neck. The dog continued to rumble. The dog paused for a moment to position himself before driving his pointed penis fully into my wide-open pussy. The thin pointy tip soon plunged deep inside the broad base stretched pussy lips. The dog momentarily pulled back slightly, the backward-pointing barbs on his penis catching on the inner walls of my pussy. He thrust forward with great force, the barbs acting like a ratchet to pull his penis deeper. Again and again, the dog repeated, pull back, thrust forward, each time penetrating deeper till his fur-covered balls were pressing my pussy. I felt the penis barbs catching once more and felt his penis twitch and spasm inside my pussy. The dog again pulled back slightly and gave a final deepest thrust; the over tensed penis twitched uncontrollably and spurted numerous hot shots of his cum in the depths of my pussy. It felt as if the dog sprinkled my pussy with volatile inflammable liquid setting my entire body on sexual fire. Every inch of my body wanted to be fucked. My pussy was sucking in the penetrating penis of the dog and wanted to take more in my cunt hole.

That is when I was awake and aware of what was happening. I tried to push the dog away but it was at the point of no return. It rumbled angrily and was almost going to take a big bite at the back of my neck. I could feel the huge size barbs of his penis wedged deep inside my pussy and knew that I was approaching the biggest tide of orgasm wave emerging somewhere deep inside my pussy. I whimpered and put my head down, covering it with both hands. The dog now knew that I was completely under his control. I was shocked that I wanted to fuck my cunt violently and wanted to feel him cumming inside my pussy again. I groaned and arched my back, spreading my knees wider for the dog. The dog pressed on my back harder and licked the back of my head and neck. I could not resist groaning as the dog shifted its weight forward and I felt the furry sheath bunching up against my pussy slit as it penetrated deeper. The intense sensations overwhelmed me and my pussy started erupting like a volcano even before the dog began fucking my cunt rapidly thrusting in and out.

The dog was using the barbs on his penis to penetrate deeper with each thrust. I moaned as the inner muscles of my pussy clenched hard on the dog’s penis and the dog roared as its penis twitched and jerked, blasting against the inner depths of my pussy. The dog using his paws to pull me on his long erect penis at the same time my throbbing pussy willingly sucked the dog penis deeper inside. Sensing my body movements the dog felt that I was trying to get up. The dog immediately pinned me down with his weight and grabbed the nape of my neck with his sharp teeth lightly scaring me. The dog growled deep and thrust his penis deep in my cunt. The dog was extremely heavy and not easy to throw off my back.

His every stroke was driving me crazy. The dog was pushing his penis to the un-imaginable depths of my pussy. He thrust again, deeper, then deeper again, as his knot began to push in my cunt hole. His furry balls slapped at my clit hard, and I came right then and there. A burst and explosion of orgasm rocked every muscle in my body turning me into a real female dog on heat. I came long and hard and simultaneously the dog pushed his swollen red knot in my pussy. It was big… I was not sure if it already entered my pussy or it will hurt very bad when the dog pushes it harder again. My whole body was on sexual fire. It was feeling so good. I wanted the dog to push his knot further deep inside my pussy.

I don’t know what was wrong with me. I was getting fucked by the dog and I liked it the most. I was thrusting my pussy into his balls and the dog was increasing his force with each thrust deeper and deeper. I was thinking beyond the fuck. This fuck by the dog was better than heavenly sex. I was delighted and fully on fire in and out. Sex was dripping out from every part of my body. I liked to be the bitch in heat for this dog.

The dog pushed me down with his huge weight again; he wrapped his paws around my waist and pushed his penis deep inside my cunt once more pushing his knot further inside, he wriggled and humped and thrust as hard as he could. The stone below was acting like a wedge to hold my body pinned down. I felt his knot begin to swell inside my cunt.

While working at the dog farm back home I was told that the dog has a knot, which is a thick part of flesh at the base of the dog’s penis. During the dog fuck dog penis gets pushed inside followed by this knot inside the cunt of the bitch. Then, once inside, it swells up to three to four times the original size. Once the knot reaches full swelling the male dog shoots his sperm out inside the bitch. Usually, after full swelling of the knot, it takes forty minutes or more to release the sperm. It is difficult to continue in the same position for long; so the male dog jumps off the female dog’s body and gets on his feet facing the opposite direction. Though for the entire period of more than forty minutes their genitals remain stuck together till the male dog’s knot remains swollen. Sometimes the knotting prolongs for hours and male-female genitals remain glued for the entire duration.

I felt the dog filling my pussy as his knot continued swelling and my pussy got stretched wider inside. As the dog jumped off my back and came on his feet facing in opposite direction, I felt his cum breaking the seal and it started dripping down my inner thighs. The dog was now tied and knotted with my pussy. I was wedged with this huge dog in a sexual position like a pair of male-female dogs with my cunt glued to his balls holding his swollen knot inside my cunt. I noticed that it was a fully grown German shepherd Alsatian dog weighing at least one hundred pounds. While I was on my fours and the dog standing, the height of my pussy and his penis matched exactly making us like the best pair of dogs in fuck position with my pussy glued to his asshole. But the dog was getting uneasy now under the bush canopy. He wanted to go out in the grass and started dragging me with his huge knot buried inside my pussy and it was not coming out. I tried to pull myself away but my cunt was holding his knot very tightly. We were stuck together ass hole to asshole. There was no way to free me from the dog. I did not know, how many hours my cunt will remain stuck to this dog’s balls.

The dog was very strong and heavy. The dog now easily started pulling me out. I was getting dragged by my pussy with his swollen knot stuck inside my cunt. With every pull, his knot was getting bigger and was stretching my tightening pussy lips. I felt like the dog was holding my pussy and pulling me out. It was a very unique experience to be pulled and dragged by the swollen knot inside my cunt. Every time I tried to move my way the dog pulled me with his penis and swollen knot inside my pussy. It was a feeling experienced never before. It was a little weird but it felt good in my pussy. I stopped resisting the dog and crawled backward with the dog with my pussy glued to his asshole. We were now in open on the grassy patch under the lengthening shadows of the approaching evening. At one moment dog turned a little and started licking my face. I felt like a real female dog and loved my fuck partner. Suddenly my eyes caught the sight of a collar around the neck of the dog and I was very scared. Because I knew it was a pet dog and the owner of the dog would be searching for it and if the owner is somewhere close by then I would be a part of a very humiliating scene. If the dog hears its owner it would immediately rush to them dragging me with him.

I tried all my force to pull my pussy off his knot but the knot was swollen to its fullest extent and was not coming free. Even the lubrication with his cum was not working to pop out the knot from my tight-lipped pussy. I only hoped that no one comes till I get free from this dog and kept my fingers crossed. But soon my luck ran out and I noticed the dog raising his ears as if it was hearing something over the gentle forest breeze. It started making some rumbling noises as if it wanted to go back. Within few minutes I could faintly hear the chatting voices and was sure to be seen by the people while I am glued to the dog with my pussy to his balls.

Now the dog was surely dragging me to its owner and I was desperate to get separated from the dog. Luckily I got a branch of the bush and grabbed it with both hands. Now if the dog would pull his knot would pop out from my cunt. But the effect was exactly different. My pussy lips gripped his know tighter than ever. It felt as if my pussy would be ripped off into pieces. I thought, whatever happens, I have to get freed at this very moment and then I will quickly hide anywhere in the bushes. But my pussy did not leave the grip on his knot. I held my head down with shame and humiliation, getting my naked body dragged towards the group of people approaching us. Next moment I decided to face them with courage without feeling humiliated. I was having sex with this wonderful dog and now I am knotted with him like a bitch!! So What…??

I was pleasantly surprised to see only a pair of young girls approaching. The moment she saw her dog she called him, “Oh my Dear Blondi—-” she could say nothing more than, “What the fuck is—” when she saw him knotted with me.

“Oh My God!! Look here… Blondi is fucking a beautiful bitch… what a lucky boy!!”

She sat down to touch him lovingly. “Hey, Shelly. I have never seen anything like this— a dog fucking the girl in real!!” She was telling the other girl.

“Yeah. Tammy. I always love to see the dog mating. But this is absolutely wonderful!!”

“Hey, girl. I’m Tammy. How did you manage this.” She was asking me.

“I dunno. It just happened.” Both the girls didn’t believe me. So I continued. “I am a nudist. I came into the forest to enjoy naked freedom for a day. At one moment I had to hide from a group that was going for mating of their female dog. I tried to hide under the grass in the roadside water drain. But the female dog noticed me. The female dog came right over my hiding place and sprayed all her pee on my naked body. Later I heard that it was bitch in heat and they were taking her to the breeding center.”

Both the girls looked at each other and smiled acknowledging that they met the people which I was mentioning at the breeding center.

“At noon I was very tired and fell asleep and woke up to find your dog already mounted on my back and penetrating my cunt.” I paused for a moment for having used the word cunt. The girls did not look shocked and I resumed. “Your dog is very heavy and he was almost going to bite the back of my neck.”

I looked at them to see their reaction. “Yeah. Your naked body covered in smelly pee of a female dog already in heat made you a perfect bitch in heat for Blondi.”

Tammy and Shelly then went few steps away and started calling Blondi one by one. Once Blondi would walk to Tammy dragging me with my pussy and then he would walk to Shelly again dragging my pussy from Tammy to her. It looked quite funny and interesting to both of them to watch their dog pulling my completely naked body with his knot buried in my cunt. Teasingly Shelly asked me, “Hey, How do you like Blondi pulling you with your cunt glued to his balls?”

“To be honest!! I really love the feeling in my cunt. I would love to be dragged with my pussy like this all the time till Blondi has his knot tied to my cunt. The only problem I have is that my knees and hands are getting bruised.”

Shelly and Tammy not only looked shocked with my honest response but their eyes were filled with lust and jealousy. Soon at one moment, Blondi twitched his body thrusting his knot deeper in my pussy. I felt like a huge explosion with liquid burst in the depths of pussy; my cunt was filled with thick liquid erupting from his penis. My pussy leaked from all sides and my inner thighs were fully covered with his cum. A few moments passed and his knot popped out making a very loud popping noise. It took few moments for Blondi to realize that his knot was untied, he turned around and started licking my leaking pussy and inner thighs eating every drop of his cum.

Both tammy and Shelly could not take their eyes away from my pussy. I slowly got up on my feet and stood with little effort. The sun was already sinking below the horizon and it would get dark soon. I did not know where I was and how to get back to the complex.

I asked Shelly which way they would be going and how do I get back to Silicon complex. Shelly smiled and asked, “You walking all the way naked like this?”

“Mmm I don’t know where I dropped my clothes somewhere in the forest. I guess it will be quite dark by the time I reach there and I know the way to get inside without getting noticed.” I explained.

Shelly asked me where exactly they can come to see me the next day and they wanted me to promise them that I will help them to get knotted with Blondi the way they had seen me. I was very happy to agree with what they wanted. I suggested they could visit me in the evening and to bring at least a liter bottle of pee of female dog in heat. We walked together for more than fifty minutes through the forest until we touched the main road from there our directions were different. I had to take the opposite way on the main road and had to walk another mile before reaching back.

It was quite dark everywhere when I was nearing the Silicon complex. The entire area was flooded with street and parking lights. I located where I could pass under the wire fencing. After inside the complex premises, I resumed walking without trying to hide or cover my naked body, I boldly continued walking to our block and reached the guest house room. Nobody noticed me.

After a shower and a small dinner from the fridge, I was dreaming about all the events of the day. I could not contain my excitement about the next day’s evening visit by Shelly and Tammy with Blondi. I was already dreaming to watch them completely naked knotted with the dog.