Identity Theft Part One

This is a story of a 13 year old girl who steals her sister ID to steal her “acting” job. The sister finds out and things turn out bad for her sister.

Bre had always been jealous of her older sister. She had always been envious of the way she could always get what she wanted, especially from men. Kelsey 18, was charming, funny and good looking. Kelsey often used these traits to her advantage to get things that Bre could only dream of. Things like boys, extra candy from the local grocery store, a new car from their father and most recently an acting job. Bre thought back to how Kelsey had stolen this job right from her this morning.
Bre had been waiting in the park across from her school waiting for her sister to come pick her up after school. As she sat on the bench waiting a man had come and sat down next to her. He was a tall thin man wearing a sports coat with dirty jeans. Bre had always been friendly to everyone so she quickly introduced herself and asked him who he was and what he did. The man seemed nice enough he had said his name was Desmond and that he was a movie producer of sorts. At this new Bre’s heart began to race she had always wanted to be a famous actress and this was her chance. She had asked him if he had any rolls available for her. He had chucked and looked her up and down. He had said he one of the movies he was financing did need a new leading lady. It was at this moment just as Bre was about to seal the deal that Kelsey showed up. She pulled up and exited the car sauntering over with all the confidence in the world. Once she was there, Bre couldn’t even get the man to look at her. Eventually Kelsey sent Bre to wait in the car well she talked to Desmond alone. When Kelsey finally returned she gave Bre a smile and said thank you, you just hooked me up with a job.
Bre had been furious the entire ride home, she went to her room undressed. Bre looked at he naked body in the mirror. Bre was an average height for her age, but that still only made her about 4’9 , she was also skinny and flat chested. Her breast had just barely started to come in and couldn’t even fill an A-cup. She frowned and squeezed her breast if only she had a larger breast like her sister maybe she would have the roll instead. Bre clenched her fist. No this time would be different she had met Desmond first and she would get the roll not Kelsey. She decided she would have to pretend to be Kelsey and go to the shoot instead of her.
That night Bre snuck into Kelsey’s room. She took her Id, the card that Desmond had given her with the time and location of the film shoot and she carefully turned off her alarm. Luckily this was pretty easy since Kelsey was a heavy sleeper. Back when they shared a room Bre had often seen people sneak in and do all sorts of weird stuff to Kelsey and she never seemed to wake up. She also stole her keys for good measure. She then slipped back over to her room. When she woke up she slipped on a pair of blue panties with a hot pink rim, she also put on a bra she had stolen from Kelsey. It was about 2 cup sizes too big but she stuffed the rest to give her the appearance of breasts. She then pulled on a short yellow sundress that came down to her upper thigh. She then slipped quietly out of her house, checking to make sure Kelsey was still asleep and then she got on her bike and headed to the address on the card.
Well she biked her heart raced and her dress flew up around her legs. she was finally going to be an actress. She had to have stolen her sister’s identity to do it but that hardly mattered. She would be the one there to impress everyone and they would see that she was truly the better sister she just knew it …… well Bre was biking to the movie location Kelsey’s phone rang. She was groggy and it took until the third ring before she finally picked it up.

“Hello this is Kelsey” she answered sleepily

“Hi Kelsey this is Mark I am just calling to confirm that you will be making it to the porn shoot today as well as going over some details.”

Kelsey bolted up she had totally forgotten until now she quickly looked around from her keys and Id. she had to get going soon or she would be late.

“Yes I will definitely be there,” Kelsey answered frantically turning over her room.

“Great” mark replied on the other line “now we just have to set up some boundaries about what you are willing to do, safe words etc. Just to make sure everything works out well.”

Kelsey headed into her sister’s room to see if she knew where her keys were. When she arrived Bre was nowhere to be seen. Kelsey put it all together in a second. That bitch had stolen them. Well Kelsey though Bre was in for a rude awakening when she got there and found out what it really was. If she wanted to be in the porn movie that badly Kelsey would help her.
Kelsey then walked Mark through what “she” would be willing to do and they came up with a scene together.

“That wasn’t what we were expecting but we can make that work, see you soon.”

Bre arrived at the shooting location. It was an old barn just on the outskirts of town. The place was crawling with people and animals. There were several dogs, a few pigs in a fenced area by the barn and she saw a woman leading around a huge black stallion. She jumped off her bike and made her way through the people and up to the man she was sure in charge. He was a short stocky man in his thirties.

“Kelsey.” he boomed with a huge smile, “Or should I say bre” he said with a wink. “As you can see everyone is pretty much all set up. All I need from you is to see your Id and we can get started. I am sure you remember everything we talked about over the phone.”

Bre’s stomach sank. Kelsey had obviously talked to him this morning, but he didn’t seem angry and he seemed like he still wanted her to act in his film. Maybe Kelsey had worked something out with him, maybe she wasn’t so bad after all. She decided to just go with it.

“Of course I remember everything” Bre said, “I am ready to go just tell me where to go and we can get started.”

“Wonderful come with me” Mark said, placing his arm around her shoulders “right this way.”

Mark led her into the barn. I was dark but her eyes soon adjusted. She looked around, there was a camera set up on one end with a small desk with recording and sound equipment. On the other was some kind of bench or chair. Bre had never seen anything like it before. On top there was a semicircle covered in a soft black leather. It had straps attached to all 4 corners. Underneath there was a scissor lift like mechanism that allowed it to be raised or lowered. Right now it was all the way down. Mark led her over to the chair.

“Alright here you are he said just go ahead and lay belly down and we will get you all strapped in.”

Bre was confused. This definitely wasn’t what she was expecting, but she had never been on a movie set before so maybe this was just part of it. And plus this was her shot she couldn’t just stop because of some weird feelings. I am sure it will all be fine she thought to herself plus look at all these people, this has to be legit. She straddled the leather thing and laid down. Once she did too men came over and strapped her arms and legs to it. As they tightened the straps one of the men said.

“To make sure you don’t hurt yourself we have to make sure the bindings are tight and that you can’t move, can you try for us? Also If it gets to be too much just shout your safe word.”

She wiggled and moved with all her might but she couldn’t move at all. She didn’t know what a safe word was but she couldn’t really ask now, they might figure out she wasn’t Kelsey. I guess she would just have to hope for the best

“Alright all locked in place” she called out cheerfully.

She was about to star in her first movie. She was so excited she could barely contain herself she could feel the butterflies in her stomach. Despite this she had the feeling that something was wrong, no one had given her a character to play or a costume. That must have been what Kelsey had called Mark about earlier, and in any case it seemed like right now she just needed to to do was to sit on this thing which was easy enough, I am sure they will explain anything I need to know later Bre thought to herself.

“Alright Girl raped by farm animals take one action” mark called from behind the camera.

Bre’s heart froze. No this has to be a mistake. Then it all hit her this was a porn movie that had been why Desmond had laughed when she had asked for a roll, that explained the weird chair and the straps. Bre felt a panic come over her. She had never even kissed a boy and now she was going to star in a porno. This wasn’t happening. And had he said animals!?!

“Help there has been a mistake, get me out of here please. I shouldn’t have come here, I don’t belong here!” She cried but no one said anything they all just kept on working.

“You are right you shouldn’t have come here” a voice called out from behind her. “ you broke into my barn and tried to steal my favorite cow, now I am gonna show you what we do with thieves around here”

“No Please I didn’t steal anything” Bre sobbed. “I am just a little girl, my sister set me up I just want to go home.”

“well I don’t see your sister around it is just you and me” the voice called now much closer.

Bre then felt a hand slide up her leg, it traveled slowly up the back of her thigh right under the bottom of her sundress.

“First we have to make way for the animals so this will have to go.” The man said well he lifted the dress up to her stomach, “and my my what cute panties you have. It is a shame I have to cut them off.”

Bre struggled but was completely bound to the mount, she felt cold metal against her skin as he slide the scissors under her panties cutting them off in two quick motions. She was not crying uncontrollably. She could feel the cold air on her exposed little ass and pussy.

“Please just stop, I won’t tell anyone, just let me go please.”

“It’s a bit to late for that you have to be taught a lesson, now I will give you a choice in punishment, you can have sex with my field hands, my dogs or my horse.”

“I don’t want to have sex with any of them. Please just let me go. I don’t want to have sex with anyone I am only 13.”

“Well if you won’t choose I guess it will be all of them. The farm hands will be first.”

Bre’s eyes filled with tears how had it gone so wrong, she had just wanted to be an actress and now she was going to be passed around by people and animals. She heard movement behind her. She looked back and out of the corner of her eye she saw two figures moving towards her. They were men she could tell and they were completely naked. She could see their erect penises pointing menacingly towards her.

“No!” Bre screamed, “you can’t please you can’t do this to me let me go!”
“Oh we can” one of the figures responded “and we will, no go shut her up!”

One of the figures came up in front of her, his penis level with her face. He grabbed her head and as she opened her mouth to yell he roughly thrust his cock deep down her throat. It hurt and she gagged struggling for breath but he just held her head tight against his cock. Finally he drew out and she gasped air in, before she had time to think though the cock was back in her mouth thrusting in and out of her. She struggled against the restraints but they were too tight so it made little difference. She then felt a hand grab her butt. She tried to look back but couldn’t see anything other than the man’s hips and cock driving into her mouth. She felt the hand brush down against her pussy, he lightly caressed it finding her clit and rubbing it. She felt a surge like electricity move through her. She had explored her body before but this was different. She felt a heat rising in her stomach and despite herself she began to become wet. She cursed herself how had her body betrayed her like this. More tears came from behind. The man then stuck two fingers roughly inside her. It hurt and she winced in pain.

“Damn she is tight” the voice behind her laughed “ I bet she’s still a virgin”

“Well she won’t be for long.” The voice in front of her answered back, they both laughed.

To her horror Bre then felt the man’s cock pressing against her pussy. She tried to scream in protest but it just came up as muffled nonsense. The man slowly shoved his enormous cock into her tiny pussy. Bre felt like she was going to be split in two. She could feel blood running down her thigh

“Oh she was a virgin” the man said in genuine shock.

This didn’t slow him down though he inserted himself deeper inside of her. Once she had though he couldn’t possibly go any deeper he began to mercilessly drive his cock in and out of her. The feeling was so intense she thought she would pass out. She didn’t though they fucked like this for what seemed like an eternity though it was likely less than 10 minutes. The man in front suddenly convulsed and grabbed her head, shoving his cock deep down her throat as he did so Bre felt something hot and salty shout down her throat. She coughed and gagged and the sticky substance shot out of her nose. She was forced to swallow the rest. As if on cue the man behind her also erupted and she felt his sperm spread out deep inside her. A terrible thought crossed her mind, what if she got pregnant, she began to weep again. They both withdrew, she threw up and coughed up the rest of the sperm, she could feel from behind her the hot sticky liquid flowing out of her throbbing pussy. Her head sank, she cried quietly but hardly felt she had the energy to yell or scream. That had been the worst experience of her life but at least it was over.

“Alright time for the dogs” the voice from behind her shouted.

She had completely forgotten about it, this wasn’t over, it was just getting started.
End of part one let me know if you want more.

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