In the Courtyard Mares Play Rough by Runa

Same queen same fruit. More pussy Gaping and more fisting. This time with an anthro horse and an anthro Griffin. ✊+🍑=😍

Hey guys, the Pussy Gaper here. I want you guys to enjoy a story from another author that both me and my love really enjoyed due to it both being our furry and gaping pussy fetish. If you’ve enjoyed or is in fact a furry then please comment below. If you furry girls also want to take part in our gaping pussy class of sexual enlightenment then please email us here with your email or we can send our email to you if you request it. Anyway love you all and I hope you have a fun time.

Matilda hurriedly rushed her way out from the gardens and around the courtyard to avoid the burgeoning problems that looked like they were about to explode. The queen was there to take control of the situation, so she had nothing to worry about. Under some circumstances, she would have loved to stay to help out, but often her words were misunderstood as being antagonistic, like she was urging them to fight. Devil’s advocate was the term some used.

Instead, just left the little, enclosed area through the archway and followed the black cobblestone path back to the castle, where the stables connected the courtyard to it. In there, she quickly turned to disappear down the halls, allowing herself to be alone in her thoughts.

The queen had told Matilda she was going to be rewarded for her bravery! It was brief and not elaborated on, but Talba said those words! “Thank you, Matilda, for your bravery. I’ll be sure to properly reward you for keeping these two fools from bloodying the gardens.” Is exactly what she said, which means that Matilda would finally get some time with the queen to discuss her prize! Months of being in Arrenthen, and she’d never gained the courage or boldness to attempt to make friends with the queen, and this was her chance!

Matilda had a bit of a crush on Talba, and had for as long as she’d been working at the castle as a gardener, landscaper, and stable hand. She knew of the ‘whore queen’ and her reputation for flirting with and bedding anyone she deemed worthy, and Matilda loved that sort of mentality. She always grew up with a very free mindset, where if it made a person happy and didn’t hurt anyone, it was to be encouraged. While some hated that the queen was so willing to offer her body as a gift or a reward, Matilda admired that and wanted to be granted that same affection.

To this day, that had never happened. She was just too shy to actively pursue such activities and the queen was busy dealing with the conflict on her borders for Matilda to want to interfere. These were dire times with the crystal showers resulting in many people in power across all three nations getting into disputes that threatened to tear the peace apart.

Luckily, Arrenthen had remained a bastion of peace amidst even the most dire of times. With Vaulix as king – a world renowned healer – and Talba’s sensual approach to being queen, the country just couldn’t devolve into a warlike mindset.

She leaned over one of the stalls in the stable to see Heiken – the gray war-stud – while she sighed and swished her tail out behind her under the royal purple dress she wore. Heiken was one of the general mounts in the queen’s army, but he had since been grounded to the stables for refusing to march north with Vaulix and the regiment of royal guard. Now he was here, and it was her job to take care of him. Well, not just him, she was a stable hand and it was her job to help all of the horses and dragon mounts in the stables.

Of all the studs, few were as well endowed as Heiken, so she liked to spend more time with him than the others. She couldn’t just get under him in the middle of the afternoon while other studs were around, but she liked being near him to smell his musk, to feel his power next to her, and as a way to calm herself when she got too excited.

The mare slipped into his stall and grabbed one of the glove-brushes to keep herself occupied by grooming him as her thoughts slipped back to her first days here at Castle Arrenthen. Vaulix and his regiment of royal guard had come to her home in the northern realm of Onycherem in the midst of something of an apocalypse to rescue her and a few of the other survivors from the scourge of bloodvine remortals.

Bloodvine regrowth was a rare but incredibly interesting disease borne of the bloodvine seeds. In the wooded areas of the world, there lived a vine that grew naturally while clinging to trees and bushes called a blood vine. Their leaves were green and blue, but their roots and stems often had a streak of red trailing through them as though they were smeared in blood, hence the name; well, half of the reason for the name. Unlike most vines that held their roots int he ground, its roots weaved their way through the bark and wood of the trees they clung to, meaning they could grow anywhere. Their seeds had little barbs on the outside, so if a person came into contact with them, it would release itself from the vine and catch on their fur, feathers, or hair.

Normally, this was just a dispersal method, since most creatures know to scratch, claw, or bite the barbed seeds from their bodies, but if the seeds weren’t removed within a day or two, the shell would crack and the vine’s root would anchor itself in the person’s skin. Once this happened, the roots would find their way to a vein or artery, using that as a guide for itself to grow inside the person. The roots of the bloodvine can be extracted, but it’s incredibly painful and unless a person gets every bit of it out, the plant can continue to grow in their system.

Once anchored, the blood vine continues to grow from a person’s body, rendering their skin to be rough and solid like bark, their fur like moss, and feathers like leaves. As it would grow, more little sprouts would pop up out of the skin, resulting in the person being completely taken over by the floral parasite. The roots would completely occupy their cardiovascular system, which would render the host dead if not for the nourishing energy the leaves would provide through photosynthesis. The parasite becomes a symbiote, fueling the host’s body with energy through the leaves and moss on the person’s body. They may have been slow, but once the plant took them over and supplied them with energy, they were effectively immortal, unable to age and remarkably impervious to physical damage. At least at first.

In time, the person’s body is completely taken over the the plant, but they maintain their mind and memories. That is, until the vine eventually makes it way into their brain and renders them a floral automaton, seeking out others to plant their seeds on or in them to expand their numbers. The wave of persons affected by this gruesome blood vine parasite are called the scourge of the bloodvine remortals, an apocalyptic, natural army of people, animals, and beasts that travel from place to place, struggling to find more hosts.

Matilda’s hometown was on the menu of the bloodvine remortals. She was practicing archery on her farm when a massive disturbance erupted from the treeline on the opposite of her fields. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of these infected remortals started lumbering their way towards her and the rest of the town, destroying crops and seeking out anyone who didn’t run fast enough.

She tried to fight them off at first, using her bow to attack the head, only to find that the arrows wouldn’t stick deep enough into the bark-enforced skulls. Instead, she cleverly hid in her attic while the wave of them bypassed her homestead, and none of them seemed smart enough to pull the little rope on the second floor to bring down the stair case to the attic. They had only the most rudimentary mindset and ability to figure things out like that, so she was safe for the weeks while they prowled around her town, infecting her friends and family.

Her attic was stocked full of food, so she was plenty able to sustain herself, only having to return to ground level long enough to get water and relieve herself. She was stuck there, helplessly unable to do anything to help her fellow villagers until Vaulix and his royal guard arrived.

That king was a hero, that day. His team went head to head with the hundreds of remortals – something she affectionately referred to as tree zombies – cutting them down and holding them while Vaulix’s immense healing powers pulled the vines from their bodies, saving some of the recently infected while having to destroy the ones who were too far gone. He saved almost one hundred people from the floral parasites, but ended up killing thousands by the time the event had come to it conclusion.

He saved her and a dozen other holdouts, and healed a hundred or so others, but he couldn’t save them all. Her village was once a thousand strong, reduced to only a little over a hundred. They could have rebuilt, they could have restored their homes, but such a tragedy left them unable and unwilling to return to their home.

Matilda and her one remaining friend from the town, a partly zebra striped stallion by the name of Diago. He came with her to Arrenthen to work in the castle, but he took Talba’s offer of a few jade and gold coins to start anew in Araliptian , an equine dominant port city on the east coast of Arrenthen. Matilda opted to stay at the castle, having found her place there in the gardens. There, she could control and manipulate the vegetation as a sort of personal victory over the scourge of bloodvine remortals that had taken her previous life from her.

Her hand ran over Heiken’s form, eventually sliding over his rump to brush at his tail and tease his haunches. He stomped a bit and grunted at her, but she knew it was all show and dominance for the stallion, so she didn’t pay it any mind. She had hooves, same as him, so it wasn’t like she had toes for him to step on. “Settle down, Heiken.” She scolded him before sniffing the air to get another blast of his aromatic musk. Naturally, that excited her just right, making her lips moist. Sex was never far from Matilda’s mind, even when remembering her rescue at the hands of the valiant King Vaulix and subsequent, sensual way she thanked him.

As Matilda’s mind slid back to the queen’s promises of rewards, she glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. Middle of the afternoon or not, the musk of this stallion was gently triggering her arousal, and there were no laws in Arrenthen about pleasing stallions. When she was sure she saw no other farm hands nearby, she lifted her dress and got down to one knee, sneakily brushing along the stallion’s belly and sides until the tips of her fingers were able to gently caress the velvet folds of his sheath.

The mare’s heart fluttered a bit as a cool burst of adrenaline filled her chest. She could feel his member growing against her touch, so she gave it a gentle cupping with her free palm before nervously getting back to her hooves. She glanced back and forth with an understandable paranoia to make sure nobody else was watching before once again kneeling next to him.

Again, she cupped the end of his sheath with her palm to give him a gentle stroke, thumb slipping into the moist opening to help coax his length from its depths. She tossed the brushing glove from her other hand and used both to caress and massage him until his length folded itself outward. Within seconds, every inch of his member was resting in her hands, the tip curled around towards her lips while drooling precum on her wrist. She bent down to give it a suckle when Heiken slammed his hind hoof down next to her, grunting in agitation. She once again disregarded it as his general grumpiness before a sudden banging on the stall wall made her jerk in place, heart skipping a beat.

When she turned around, rump in the hay, she could see Melvar’s face standing tall over the side of the stall, his purple eyes staring at her while his beak curled into a smile. Her eyes went wide and she gulped in fear, knowing she’d just been caught fondling a stallion. For a brief moment she thought to feign ignorance or to pretend she was washing him, but with no bucket of soapy water nearby, all she could muster was a bit of a whinny that turned into a whine of defeat.

“You like stallions?” Melvar growled at her, his voice sinister but not aggressive.

“Well, you know, just, uh, tending to the horses as a good stable hand should!” She responded, voice cracking a bit while she brushed her mane back over her head.

Melvar sidestepped and used his beak to undo the stable’s door, resulting in Heiken turning away in a defensive pose with Matilda on her rump in the hay between them. “Well, it’s good to know you understand the value of keeping a stud satisfied. You never know when it might be useful to know how to tend to an angry stallion after upsetting them by getting in their way.” He pulled the door open and stepped up next to her, powerful form taller and stronger looking even than Heiken.

She gulped again, knowing that he was referring to her getting between he and Mikhail and the fox bitch. Arnika was her name, Matilda thought. “S-sorry? I’d be happy to-” She was about to submit to him, when he leaned down and grabbed her arm with his beak, pulling her up to her hooves.

“We can talk about that later, come with me.” He commanded, wrapping his neck around her shoulders to guide her out of the stall. He closed the door behind them and pushed at the small of her back until they were at the very end of the stables, where the largest dragon-stall was still empty. He guided her inside and shut the door behind them.

Matilda just went along with his actions. Melvar was known for being aggressive, violent, and unwilling to compromise. Most of her was scared of what it was he wanted from her, but a small part of her – the still-aroused part with an eternal, undying love for stallion cock – hoped he intended to forcefully take her and ruin that cunt of hers. When he closed the stall gate behind them, she pressed her shoulders to the wall and tossed her mane a bit, trying to be sexy but also showing a bit of resistance. “What do you want from me?” She asked. She knew full well that this hippogryph was ready to tear Mikhail’s head from his shoulders before she got involved. She was likely a target for him.

What she didn’t know was that Melvar had just been given a stern talking-to, and had no intention of harming her.

“Your name is Matilda, right? Farm hand, gardner?” He asked, his powerful form standign tall before her, the intimidating nature of his stance keeping her pinned to the wall. When she meekly nodded, he continued. “Matilda, my dear, I apologize for what I did earlier. It was uncouth of me to threaten the other two, and furthermore I apologize for the cruel thoughts that crossed my mind when you got between us. I nearly sliced your back open, and for that I sincerely apologize.” He slowly bowed down with his beak touching ground while his wings splayed out a bit, tail raised.

She had no idea how to respond to that, so she darted her eyes back and forth a bit before offering a bit of nervous laughter. “Ap-apology accepted?” She whimpered.

He got back to all fours and nodded politely. “I want you to know I sincerely mean my apology. I’m still adjusting to life in Arrenthen, and I came from a particularly violent past that still follows me everywhere. Talba has been kind to me, as has Ceylon and Vaulix and the others of the castle. I am working on my rage and anger, but I still have my outbursts.” He shook his head and looked away, eyes closed and beak clicking in remorse.

Matilda saw this as an opportunity to perhaps bond with him, make him feel welcome. She, too, came from a rocky, violent past before being assimilated into the crew of Castle Arrenthen, so she could relate. Rather than assure him of her willingness to accept her apology, she said the same by leaning in and wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.

Melvar pulled away at her touch, uncomfortable with the affection for a moment before relaxing and allowing it to carry on. When she pulled away, he continued his explanation. “When I arrived here in Epicelia, I knew nothing about the hundreds of crystals that would accompany my arrival, showering these lands. I also had no way of knowing their effect on your people, driving them mad with power. This war is not my fault, but I feel responsible for it and Mikhail’s accusation made me realize that the resentment of the people here may be more common than I’d hoped. Until now, I thought most didn’t link me to the crystals, and now I know better and I want to make it better and I-”

This time it was Melvar’s turn to be cut off as Matilda leaned in for another hug. “Don’t you worry about it. I was there when Vaulix remedied the bloodvine scourge from hundreds. If he can cure them of that floral parasite, then he can help reverse the effects of these crystals and this war will be short lived. Don’t worry about it.”

The hippogryph remained still as a statue for a moment before wrapping his talon around her back, holding her close. “Thank you for your kindness, the people of the castle have – for the most part – been remarkably patient with me, and I cannot find enough ways to express my sincerest gratitude.”

Matilda giggled a bit and slid out from his hug to nuzzle at his shoulder and rub under his wing. “You mentioned that it’s always good to be willing to please a stud, right? Well mares like attention, too! If you really wanted to thank me for my kindness, you could always show me what kind of stallion bits you’ve got.”

“Wh-what? I’m not sure if this is the right time for that.” He protested, his eyes making it clear he wasn’t as against the idea as he was making it sound.

She winked and lifted her dress up over her haunches, lifting her tail as she bent down beside him, exposing her sex to the confused but horny hippogryph. “There is no wrong time to enjoy some sensuality.” She informed him, glancing back over her shoulder while she spread her legs a bit, one hand on his hind leg for balance and the other tickling at his belly in front of his sheathe. She felt a little naughty offering herself so shamelessly, but intimacy was one of the best ways to show one’s appreciation, and she greatly appreciated his candor. She also knew that, given his potentially violent outburst, he was likely willing to apologize to her in any way possible.

Nothing wrong with mutually beneficial apologies that certainly wouldn’t hurt anyone involved.

“What are you doing? Why are you doing this?” He asked, somewhat taken aback by her blatant and forward demands for his touch. Though it was clear he was a little uncomfortable with her advances – he had been told on multiple occasions not to take advantage of the hired help – his dropping member told her all she needed to know about his eagerness to enjoy her. He shifted his weight and widened his stance a bit, parting his hind legs so his balls were hanging clear and his cock was growing towards the hay of the stall.

She smiled and nickered at him with a playful tease as she kept her rump high and tail lifted over her hips to expose the deep chestnut black flesh that lined her pussy. A tiny slit of bright cherry pink could be seen in the relatively dim light of the barn and she knew it, especially with how wet she was getting and the glisten of the candlelight in the stalls that certainly would highlight her bright depths. Matilda swayed her hips back and forth as she brought both her hands down to cradle the underside of his massive cock, angling it up towards her lips.

Melvar’s member was as thick as her forearm, with an unflared tip that was as big as a balled up fist. Perfect for her. In her years of sexual adventure, she’d grown quite stretchy, the greediest of size queens, and she always, always wanted more. She knew that, while Melvar would certainly give her quite a wild ride, it likely wouldn’t last too long; stallions of any crossbreed or heritage had a hard time with stamina. That was fine, she wanted him to mount her hard, mount her quick, stretch her wide, bloat her with his cum, then be done.

An apology didn’t need to be drawn out and awkward.

She turned around so that her rump was facing his hind end and she reached between her legs to pull his cock tip up to between her legs, squeezing it between her thighs as she rocked back and forth. Though she was focused on his member, she looked up to see him glaring down at her with a half-cocked smile on his beak. It was clear he remained hesitant to mount her, but she was entirely too alluring to resist.

He bucked forward, back arching and wings spreading to lower over her, shielding her from anyone who might see as his tail flicked and his member rubbed between her thighs to poke at her belly. He could feel her palm cradling his cock tip, holding it up tight to her body as he thrust, but there was no way it’d penetrate her unless he adjusted, so he moved back a step and tried again, cock tensing to pull up under her tail before pushing forward.

Matilda nickered a bit as her mane flopped over her face, allowing her to focus entirely on the sensations of Melvar’s cock prodding against her rump cheeks. The poking and jabbing excited her enough to coax a clitoral wink from under her tail, a spurt of her fluids wetting his member. She caught his cock tip in her palm and guided his thrust up under her tail, the violence of his mounting forcing his cock to part her cunt lips and plunge deep into her with one motion.

She gasped wildly and she stomped a hoof as she let go of his cock, instead grabbing at his front leg for balance and leverage so she could push back. His throbbing member slid deeper, stabbing against her womb as her vulva massaged him near the base, clit winking and spewing a trail of fluid down the underside to trickle over his massive balls and into the hay. Though his was huge, distending her flesh and displacing her rump’s position under her tail, she wanted more. AS he bucked a second and third time, she pushed back as hard as she could, using his front leg as a launch point. Another gasp escaped her lips as she felt his massive tip pounding her cervix, each thrust loosening her depths a little more.

Melvar’s gem glowed the royal purple it often did as he ached his neck and focused on Matilda. He wasn’t the gentle kind, so he pushed harder and harder, his hooves digging into the straw and hay of the stall as his front talons clawed at the ground as well. His wings were partially spread, the tips down on either side of him to touch the floor while also covering Matilda’s body. It was a natural stance to use them as a shield for his mate. His tail was high as he arched his back, cock throbbing and tip pounding at the mare’s eager depths. A grunt left his beak as he gave another powerful thrust, his unflared glans popping into her womb, cervix tight around its rim, instantly setting him off thanks to the pressure around the end of his member – his trigger point.

Her eyes went wide as the both of them stopped rocking against one another, his flare inflating within her womb and giving her a noticeable bulge in her belly as his length pulsed and shot wave after wave of cum in her. She kept one hand on his front leg as her other cradled her abdomen; she whimpered gently every time she felt his cock throb and another flow of cum erupt into her. After going wide, her eyes rolled back as her pelvic muscles twitched, squeezing his member within her, massaging him from base to tip, clit winking against the throbbing length of his pulsating urethral bulge.

The warmth of his seed filled her, and the girth of his shaft stretched her. Satisfied, she gyrated her hips against him and flicked her tail for added pleasure before pulling away from him. His cock’s flare was already deflating after his climax, so it tugged from her womb with ease with a sucking sensation before escaping her winking lips with a flow of his equine cum to swing and dangle between his hind legs.

She pulled herself out from the confines of his wings to stand up straight, tail lowered and dress falling down to cover her legs again. The sloshing sensation in her womb remained, but it was slowly dribbling out of her to trickle down her inner thigh, thanks to her cunt being abused enough that it didn’t stay shut immediately following a sizable partner’s extraction. She patted her chest down and smiled at Melvar before hoofing her way over to the stable door. “Thanks for that, dear. Apology accepted!” She offered a slight bow before turning to leave. “You’re welcome to approach me any time, okay stud? For now, you should probably clean yourself up.”

Melvar reached forward with a well-concealed growl, angry that she’d leave him so abruptly without cleaning his member off, but then he caught himself mid-lunge and reminded himself that he wasn’t to take advantage of the hired help. He was growing in self control and restraint, so he was able to hiss gently while shaking his head, cum-soaked member drooling and swaying between his hind legs as the mare that coaxed his seed from him walking away in a hurry.

“Good job, Matilda.” She said to herself as she trotted along the hallway of the stables, a tiny stream of cum paining an erratic pattern out behind her as Melvar’s semen continued to leak from her cunt lips. She wanted more, but once a stallion was done, he could get aggressive and she knew it – especially Melvar. Rather than stay to see how he acted, she rushed back into the castle as quick as she could with every awkward, bow-legged step she could take.

Before long, she had returned to her chambers. Luckily, once she had returned to the actual castle – with ebony stone, red carpets and golden accessories – most of the hippogryph’s essence had drained from her and she stopped leaking. She could feel the crustiness of it forming on the inside of both her thighs, the smell wafting up under her dress to excite her again. However, she wanted to get clean rather than have it tempting her all day. She loved attention, she loved having her pussy wrecked, and loved to be reminded of it, but this time she wanted to just get clean.

Once back in her quarters, she went to her personal tub and drew herself a hot bath, using a few ademane drops to warm the water. Once the tub was mostly full, she peeled her dress off and tossed it to the side, idly stepping into the water as the steam billowed up around her. When she finally relaxed and laid down, she could see tiny cloudy wisps of cum trailing out of her cunt as more of his essence escaped her.

She smiled and gave herself a rub before soaping herself up, only to rest in the hot water for another hour as the sun set in the evening. Matilda finished her day by brushing her mane and tail before heading to bed early. As a landscaper and gardener, it was best to work in the morning before the sun had baked the land and coaxed others from their beds.

The next morning, Matilda woke to the sound of dozens of people rushing by outside her chamber door. She quickly put on a simple tank top and skirt before poking her head out to see what was happening, reaching out to grab one of the felines who walked by. “Hey, what’s going on? Why is everyone up so early?”

“Caravan’s gettin’ ready to leave, m’lady mare. Gotta do some last minute preparations before they leave.” He explained before pulling away.

That made sense to Matilda. Some of the nobles and high ranking servants were to be sent away in the wake of the impending war, but not her. She was okay with this, since she was an archer and likely would be called upon to help with the war effort. Her place was at the castle, and she was happy to offer her services to the king that had personally saved her.

After rubbing some sleep from her eyes, the mare left her room to follow with the wave of people towards the caravan on the castle’s front gates. The castle itself was surrounded by a tall wall that enclosed the courtyard and stables, but also served as a barrier between the castle and the city that surrounded it. Out front was a long, wide landing strip lined with vendors that turned into a major trade route that led to the Great Arrenthen Lake. That was where the caravan was prepping, so she went in the opposite direction to work in the gardens.

She knew none of the special individuals who were scheduled to be evacuated, so she had no stakes in the endeavour. She had her fun with Melvar the night before after the near-incident, so she was satisfied for a bit.

When she emerged into the courtyard, she immediately went to the quadrant that held the orchard. There, she could enjoy a breakfast of apples and peaches before getting to her work for the day. In this region, the fruit trees would bear their bounties all year round, so there was always an apple, pear, peach, or uriel fruit to munch on. Any of the helping hands in the castle were permitted to use the orchard at will, since Vaulix would often come in and use some sort of healing magic to stimulate growth of the fruits.

Sadly, he was away so the bounty was diminishing. Still, she was happy to have a pleasant little breakfast.

Matilda put a couple of apples into her satchel and walked over to a stone bench that was up against the castle wall, crossing her legs as she bit into a peach. She was watching the others as they did their thing as well, her own mind on a variety of thoughts. Would Vaulix return when the war breached the walls of Arrenthen? What was happening with Storm and his tribe? Would her little tryst with Melvar come back to bite her on the haunches? On the other hoof, maybe that little tryst would allow her to make more moves on him. She was kind of rough and got a nice little quickie out of him, but she wanted more of that massive horse cock.

Eventually, she shrugged her shoulders, popped the last of the fruit in her maw, and got back to work, moving rocks, digging trenches aroudn the gardens, tilling soil, clipping bushes, and dispersing wood chips where they looked most appealing. Simple gardening and landscaping, and she was good at it.

As she worked, she could hear commotion from the other side of the castle, where the caravan was still waiting to leave. It was coming up on noon by this point, and they were supposed to leave hours ago, so she decided to wipe her hands of the dirt and make her way around the castle to go and see what was happening.

In the main strip where the dozens of carriages were lined up, there were balloons floating high in the sky, occasional blasts of fireworks, and all sorts of partiers and dancers. There were dozens of armored royal guard standing watch next to the horses as well as a bucnh of elegantly dressed nobles guzzling wine and nibbling on crackers and cheese from plates that castle servants brought them.

Seems the entire leaving party was just an excuse to drink, dance, sing, and make fools of themselves. A small part of the mare made her want to join in, to have a glass of wine and party with them, but she felt more worried than anything else. Unlike them, she had to stay in Arrenthen, put her skills to use, and maybe lose her life to protect the people. Oddly enough, the civilians were partying in with the ones who were set to leave on the caravan, which was odd to her since they had to stay and weren’t getting special treatment by being evacuated. Matilda wasn’t really into it, not this time, so she went to return to her gardening when she heard a voice from behind her.

“Strange, how a time of war and worry could lead to such an enthusiastic and vigorous desire to party. Enemy warriors could arrive at our doorstep any day, and yet here they are drinking themselves silly.” It was Talba, leaning against the door frame of the twin gates to the castle’s grand throne room; she could actually see inside. The queen had her arms crossed over her chest and her one leg over the other, talons tapping at the black stone of the pathway. She didn’t seem impressed.

Matilda bowed her head and nodded, eager to keep her mane from covering her face as she answered. That would have been rude. “Yes my queen, quite odd.”

Talba rolled her eyes and pushed away from the door frame to stand next to the slightly smaller mare. “Don’t be all formal around me. When will people learn I’m not the kind of queen who expects everyone to bow and kiss my talons? Just call me Talba, or Tal, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. You can speak to me like you would any of the other workers.” She assured Matilda before ruffling the mare’s mane with her fingers.

Naturally, Matilda was taken aback by the casual demeanor, but she liked it and dared not defy the queen, so she ran her fingers through her mane to partially straighten it before answering. “Kinda dumb, yeah. Do the commoners not know that war is coming? Some sort of lie to keep the peace and calm?”

“Hmph, nope. No lies, no deception. Some of the commoners are heading out with the caravan, but most people want to stay. Their livelihoods are here, and many of the civilians of the town would rather stay and fight for what they earned than leave. I sent out messengers to invite anyone to join with the select few that I chose to leave, offering them protection on the trip east while also offering them time away in the sunny seas. Some of the younger ones or pregnant mothers have decided to take me up on my offer, but most are staying. I must be doing something right.” She chuckled a bit with a smile before staring directly at Matilda. “What do you think?”

“About what?” Matila asked for clarification. “I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

Talba shrugged as she clicked her beak, again turning her attention to the caravan and the people surrounding it. “In general. What do you think of the while situation? The offer to take a leave on the high seas? My job as a queen? Vaulix’s job as king.” She stopped after mention of her husband, having seen Matilda’s body stiffen a bit at the sound of his name. Her eyes narrowed as she got a closer look at the mare’s subtle body movements before stepping down towards Matilda. “Yes, what do you think of my mate?”

Matilda tried to look away and avoid eye contact; it was easy to see that Talba was on to something. “He’s a fair and just king.” She muttered, unable to conjure up any other way to describe him.

“Oh, I know that, you don’t need to tell me, I’ve known him for most of our very long lives. But what do YOU think about him? You like him, don’t you?” She leaned in close, stepping right up so that her chest plumage was tickling Matilda’s shoulder.

To the poor mare, there was no right answer here. Talba was perceptive, so she’d know if Matilda told a lie, and she dare not admit that she found Vaulix sexy as any creature she’d ever seen. Then again, Talba wasn’t exactly the most discrete when it came to intimacy and seemed to push for openness and had no problem sharing herself with others, so why would it be bad to admit she’d let him fuck her like a stallion again? He’d already taken her not long after the liberation of the bloodvine remortal scourge; didn’t mean she wanted to tell the queen that she’d been bedded by the king.

It was clear that she was taking so long, because Talba laughed to relieve some tension before smacking Matilda on the rump. “Heh, not that I blame you. I’d hit that. I’m pretty sure every mare, hen, bitch, and lass would lift a tail for him. Assuming they weren’t a virgin. You know how they say males are hung like stallions? Well, they say well endowed stallions are hung like Vaulix.” She winked, before placing her palm on Matilda’s lower back, trailing a single finger up her spine. “Of course, I’m sure you know that already, don’t you?”

Again, Matilda had nothing to say to that. She was just going to let Talba say whatever it was that she needed or wanted to say.

“That’s what I thought.” Talba sneered at her, pushing her beak in real close in a menacing way before using the curved point of it to nuzzle and preen at Matilda’s mane. “Not that I can blame you. If Vaulix saved my life I would have let him mount me, too! I mean, he doesn’t have to save me to do that, but if he did I couldn’t possibly say no!”

Matilda’s eyes went wide. She knew!

“Don’t act so surprised, love. Vaulix and I talk about everything. He tells me of every lad and lass he has ever had. He’s not quite as slutty as I am, so he doesn’t have as many tales to tell as I do, but any mare he’s been with is a mare I want to be with, too.” She brought her hand up to Matilda’s cheek, then trailed a finger over and around her ear to caress her neck under the mane. “So do you think you have an hour or so to properly thank your queen for all she’s done for you? After all, the caravan seems to have stalled for about that long.”

Just then, a shadowy figure came up from behind them in the castle. It was Melvar! He gave Matilda a casual, sidelong glance and a nod as he paused for a second before carrying on to the market strip where the people were partying.

The mare’s body went stiff as a board as she gulped. Though she’d fantasized about this in the past, she had completely frozen. Slowly, she nodded as she gulped again.

“Good, then come with me, darling. Don’t want everyone to see your misdeeds.” She grabbed Matilda by the hand and pulled her around the side of the castle to return to the courtyard. There were only a couple castle hands milling about in the back acre, so it wasn’t like they’d be caught. Eventually, they both ended back up in the orchard between two apple trees, where Talba grabbed Matilda by the wrist in one hand and her hip in the other to push her back up against the bark of the trunk with one arm up over her head.

Naturally, Matilda’s eyes went wide again as she was forced against the tree, but her loins were getting quite moist at the queen’s aggression. “M-my queen?” she stammered before whinnying back. “What is the meaning of this?”

Talba stopped to pull away a bit, letting go of both wrist and hips. “Sorry, I thought you liked it rough.” She explained, concern in her eyes.

Matilda nodded. “I do, I just wasn’t expecting such a sudden…you know. You have to give me a bit more warning.” She squeezed her thighs in tight and tilted her hips a bit to feel the sensations on her nethers.

“So are you okay with this? I know Vaulix has mentioned a few times that he hoped for another bout with you, and that in your brisk encounter he was quite aggressive – more so than he is even with me.” She slowly leaned in closer, the warmth of her breath tickling at the mare’s snout.

She blushed and looked down a bit, crossing her arms over her belly to have her hands cover her nethers. “I really, really do like it rough, my queen, and I am happy to please you if that’s what you want-”

“But is it what you want?” Talba interrupted, leaning in even closer.

Matilda took a moment to think to herself before biting her lip and nodding. “Yes, yes it is. Do your worst, my queen.” She took in a long, deep breath and stood up tall with breasts pushing out against the royal purple dress that draped over her shoulders and hung down below her knees.

“Good, then shall we carry on? Miki’s busy, Vaulix is away, and something has Melvar vexed, I need some special attention.” She pressed her own chest into Matilda’s as she used her fingers to peel the straps of her dress off to the side while also using her other hand to reach up behind her back to unzip her own dress. The queen’s royal garb fell to her talons a split second before she managed to peel the mare’s off as well. Seconds later, both were pressed up against each other, naked with dresses on the ground wrapped around their feet.

Matilda whimpered a bit, her meek vocalizations bleeding into a more traditional whinny of a horse as she twitched her head to the side, flowing chestnut mane rippling gently against her powerful neck. She felt Talba’s hand on her shoulder, guiding her away from the tree and onto a nearby stone bench up against the castle wall next to a banner that had the same color as her dress. She could feel her pussy lips rubbing against each other with every step, her arousal moistening her depths from womb to clit, her excitement rising exponentially.

Talba forced her hands between the mare’s thighs to press her thumb up against her meaty clit. “I see you’re in the mood. Tell me, were you excited before I took your dress off or did you just get this wet in the past few seconds? Either way, good job.” She winked and got down to a knee without giving Matilda time to respond. She forced the mare’s legs apart to expose her dark-fleshed cunt and the slit of bright pink inside before burying her beak in Matilda’s pussy. She rubbed and licked, a purr emanating from her chest to vibrate the hard curve of her beak.

With her hooves on the ground, Matilda couldn’t help but kick at the sensation of a vibrating beak massaging her clit; her muscles twitched as she grasped onto the side of the stone bench, head arching backwards with eyes rolling in her skull. She would have whimpered or nickered at the sensations, but instead she found her pleasure slowly rising if she held her breath. After a minute of tensed muscles and idle grunts, she moaned and splayed out, a powerful whinny alongside a traveling wave of climax through her body as her clit winked and spewed creamy fluid all over Talba’s beak and face until it was dripping around the side of the queen’s cere.

“Getting a little excited, are we?” Talba joked as she licked as much of the mare’s ejaculate off her beak as she could. Once she’d rubbed the rest off her cere, she captured as much of it in her palm as she could and smeared it up Matilda’s pussy, ending by pinching her clit with finger and thumb. The massive nub of flesh was marbled a blend of red and brown, much like the blend between her vulva and vaginal canal.

Matilda leaned back until her neck was pressed to the castle wall and both her legs were up high, hooves resting on Talba’s back and shoulder as she reached down and spread her lips apart, gaping herself open from lips to womb. “Fill me…” she whimpered, barely able to get out a word amidst her excitement. She was literally drooling fluid from the posterior end of her cunt, her walls secreting it almost as fast as it was trickling out over her plump equine rump hole.

Talba grinned and trilled in delight before propping herself up on her knees, fist placed between the mare’s thighs for a moment with all four fingers and thumb in a point together. She leaned all her weight into Matilda as she felt the mare’s pussy swallow her to the wrist and beyond. The long hairs of her wrist feathering got soaked within seconds, the gooey fluid matting it doen and making it squeeze tight against the queen’s wrist and forearm.

“M-more!” Matilda demanded as she gyrated her hips, clit winking followed by a relaxation of the muscles that made her walls part on their own, sucking air in next to Talba’s wrist. She reached down and grabbed at the hippogryph’s elbow and greedily forced her fist in deeper until she felt the fingers beginning to part her cervix and prod at her womb.

She felt quite at odds with herself, having so aggressively demanded the queen’s vigor, but at the same time she was absolutely insatiable. Surely, she’d feel bad about this later, but for now she was going to enjoy it. Talba herself was in need of satisfaction, yet was focusing more of her efforts on Matilda’s pussy, filling it with a fist up to the elbow while also using that beak to tenderize her flesh first. Wonderful.

The queen could feel Matilda’s excitement and desire grow, so she wrapped her other hand around her thigh for extra leverage and leaned in hard, pressing herself up to the mare’s cunt, balling her hand into a fist as she punched the womb, flexing her forearm to make it thicker and more firm, resisting the squeezing orgasms of the equine’s passage. She purred and trilled – vocalizations that continued to rumble through her chest and reverberate down her arm to fist – while she violently punched at the quivering walls. Every time Matilda’s passage loosened and widened it self to suck on her appendage, she punched in harder, quicker, and more aggressively. Before long, the flesh was tender and loose, so much so that even when she balled her hand up in a fist and flexed her muscles, it still felt like she could fit more.

While Talba was still punching at her, Matilda brought her leg up over the queen’s head until she was on her side, thighs squeezing the arm inside her before she slid around so she was on her knees. Her belly was on the bench with her tail raised high and breasts hanging down over the backside of it. She spread her legs and parted her knees on the ground so that Talba could keep at her with ease, clit winking as she spewed more of her fluids down the hippogryph’s arm. “Go on, don’t slow down.” She urged as she glanced back over her shoulder. As she watched, Talba’s look went from sensual and kind to sinister and sly.

The queen grabbed Matilda’s tail with her free hand and forced herself in as deep as she could go, her fisting more like a stallion’s unyielding thrust with each new motion. Her forearm was so thick it was distending the mare’s cunt upwards, squishing her rump hole between tail and twat. Another few thrusts were offered, knuckles slamming to cervix before she pulled out all at once, leaving Matilda gaping as she smacked her on the haunches. “I’ll be right back, don’t move.”

Matilda paused a moment to glance back over her shoulder agian while Talba got to her talons and briskly walked away. She could feel her walls gaping open, the cool breeze of the courtyard tickling her flesh right to her womb. Her body twitched and her clit winked, the muscle contractions closing her canal with a juicy slap before she relaxed again and the sides of her cunt peeled away from each other and another creamy gush of fluids trickled out over her clit and splashed in the ground between her knees.

For that brief moment, she wondered what Talba could possibly be doing that would make this encounter even more fun. She loved how rough the queen was being with her, but there was a bit of room in her pussy that she hoped and fully expected Talba to fulful, be it with another fist, a strapon, or maybe Melvar. It didn’t matter, she was getting a cunt beating that she wanted, and she wasn’t going to complain, so she stayed in place with tail up and knees parted, pussy lips spread wide apart and gaped to the cervix.

Only a minute or so later, Talba returned into the orchard clearing with a massive fruit, probably the biggest Uriel fruit she’d ever seen. Big enough it was nearly as thick as her thigh and half as long. Her eyes went wide before a smile curled the edges of her lips while her clit winked in excitement. “Is that for me?” She asked, hips swaying.

Talba simply grinned and nodded while she got to her knees behind Matilda. She slipped her hand back inside the mare’s gaping cunt to massage and caress her most sensitive regions, collecting natural lubricants along the way. When she pulled her fist out of Matilda, she smeared her soaked wrist and palm against the green, red, yellow, and orange blended skin of the fruit to moisten its entirety.

Matilda nickered and threw her head back in anticipation, mane flowing over her neck and tail twitching and pumping alongside her clitoral winking. She wanted it. She needed it. She was ready, even if she was a little scared about how thick it was. Luckily, the stem-end was a bit thinner, like an egg, so its taper would allow her to stretch around it once it inevitably went inside her. If it fit, that was.

“You ready?” Talba asked as she cradled the fruit in her palm, stem-end towards Matilda’s pussy, the blunt end pressed to her thighs and her own peachy, winking cunt lips.

“Yes, my queen.” Matilda nodded, maw agape in anticipation.

Before she had even finished addressing Talba, the queen leaned into her as hard as she could, grabbing at the mare’s tail with one hand while also holding the fruit in place with the other, aiming the narrow end against Matilda’s pussy. The end of it slid in with ease, parting and stretching dark skinned vulva wide, a juicy splattering erupting from her depths as the air and juices were forced through the tiny slit between vulva and fruit skin.

She shuddered in delight, pushing back and grinding as hard as she could while the queen forced the massive fruit into her depths. The skin of it was firm yet soft, ripe yet solid at the same time. She had to relax as well as she could, or her muscle contractions would have stopped the fruit from sliding into her.

Talba grunted and kept pushing for a few seconds until the fruit’s thinner end was able to shift freely inside. Then, she relaxed and pulled out until it started to slide out, letting all but the very tip escape the mare’s lips before she leaned in again, this time forcing it deeper than before. She kept at this, using her hips to force the fruit in as deep as it would go, where she’d pause, let Matilda get used to its girth, then pull away to let her muscle contractions force it out again, only to repeat the process a little bit deeper every time.

Matilda was starting to feel her cunt flare up in pain thanks to the friction of the fruit constantly reaming, stretching, and distending her, but she liked it. Not only did she like it, but she wanted more! Every time Talba pushed on it, she leaned back and gasped, tail pulled as far up and away from her cunt as it would go. Before long, she could feel that familiar pre-lurch of the fruit’s bulge parting her lips and sliding a bit deeper without feeling like it was stretching her any more. When she felt that, she tried to arch her back to have her lips swallow the fruit, but Talba pulled away, making Matilda’s movement serve only to squeeze it out of her with a sloppy, wet splash.

She whimpered and glanced back over her shoulder to beg Talba to not stop, but she didn’t seem to need to do that because Talba was already steadying it up to her sex again, the thinner end parting her saggy lips with ease as her body weight forced it inside with one powerful lurch. She whimpered as she felt its girth pass through her opening and seem to suck itself up into her depths, the tip of it coming to rest against her cervix while the rest of it shifted in her cunt to give her lower belly a noticeable bulge. Naturally, she reached down to finger herself, rubbing her clit as it winked and squirted fluids into her palm.

The pressure inside her made Matilda’s abdominal and pelvic muscles squeeze down with enough force to shift the uriel fruit inside her, forcing it out with an equally brisk lurch that left her gaping as it plopped out with an audible squelch. However, Talba caught it before it hit the ground and forced it back inside.

Both mares had a battle of attrition, with Talba forcing it in and Matilda squeezing it out, the girth if it passing through her lips in and out, each time rendering her weaker, looser, and more tender. After a few dozen violent thrusts in and out, Matilda gave in and collapsed onto her bloated belly with the fruit resting inside her, clit winking and lips peeled apart as she convulsed on the ground, a series of pleasant mini-climaxes assaulting her nether region.

Talba pulled back to watch with a satisfied smirk on her beak. “I hope that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to reciprocate.” She threatened, still on her knees but towering over the mare.

Matilda meekly shook her head and bit her lip as she curled up on her side, legs and chest wrapped around her uriel fruit shaped belly bulge. One hand draped over her thigh to prod at her cunt and the blunt end of the fruit that was resting just inside her. She was pleased to feel that her muscles and flesh had completely given out and the only thing keeping the massive fruit from sliding out her cunt was her hip bones.

“Glad to hear it. Keep that inside you for a while, and come take care of me.” She commanded as she stat on the stone bench, legs parted and tail curled up to dangle over the side of the seat to tickle at Matilda’s side. The mare was still curled up in the fetal position beneath her as she shuddered and whimpered alongside every breath. She reached down and gave the mare a bit of a tentative whack on her rump, coaxing her from her climactic distraction.

“S-sorry my queen.” Matilda apologized as she rolled to her knees and crawled backwards away; every motion accented the pressure in her cunt, every tensing of her leg muscles shifting the fruit within her. She had to pause every few seconds to relish the sensations before finally clawing and pulling herself up so her hands were on Talba’s knees. “What do you wish of me?” She offered, willing to do virtually anything for the one who was so eager to be so rough with her.

The queen slid her hands to her own inner thighs, spreading her legs as wide as they would go while leaning back against the wall of the castle. “Not much, but I want you to fill me as I filled you. I want the exact same treatment I was willing to subject you to. I want your fist to fuck me like a stallion. Two, if that’s what it takes.” She winked and rubbed at her own peachy cunt lips, parting them to expose the soaking wet slit of cherry pink inside, a powerful scent billowing up from her nethers to tickle Matilda’s nose.

The mare twitched her nostrils while inhaling the pleasant aroma, its pheromones triggering something within her despite her not being naturally attracted to other mares. Her movements were slow and deliberate thanks to the fruit that was inside her, but she was able to shuffle forward and use Talba’s thigh as balance while her other hand poked and prodded at the hippogryph’s opening, fingers sliding between the meaty folds with ease. She twiddled her digits a bit, relishing in just how slick the queen’s depths were.

“You like that, do you?” Talba mused, grinding her hips down against Matild’s fingers until her lips were pressed to the mare’s knuckles, two fingers completely buried in her folds.

Matilda nodded and smiled before leaning down to give her clit a lick and a suck, powerful equine lips squeezing at the hippogryph’s flesh as she winked back. The taste was quite enjoyable – strange, since she wasn’t into females in particular, but this was Talba, a fellow size queen and ruler of the nation. She dare not say no, and the more she suckled at that throbbing bulge of flesh, tongue prodding at the gooey folds, the less she wanted to say no and the more she wanted to say yes. She could still feel the fruit resting heavy against her most sensitive parts, the textured skin caressing her depths with every shift of her form, and she was ready to say yes to virtually anything that was asked of her.

When her cunt got wrecked, she was left malleable both in flesh and mind.

“What are you waiting for, Mattie? Do you mind if I call you Mattie? Too bad, I’ll call you Mattie, just fist fuck me like a stallion, and do it quick.” She gyrated her hips down against the mare’s fingers, tender lips parting with ease to suckle on her digits while also caressing her knuckles. “Just do it.”

A part of her wanted to hold back, to resist and make the queen wait, but she was too eager to help out a fellow lover of girth such as her. She leaned in hard and balled her fist up to slide her entire arm into Talba’s stretchy cunt, the tender walls caressing and massaging her forearm alongside every clitoral wink. She pumped her fist up a few times, feeling the softness of the pussy walls more like a gentle length of silk passing over her fingers rather than the squeezing of an eager and hungry cunt.

As it turned out, Talba was quite loose, or at the least, properly trained for size. Matilda loved that and wanted to test her to the limits. Even though her own depths were distended and stretched taut around a massive, uncomfortable fruit, she wanted to feel flesh around her fists, smothering her and squeezing around her. She had fisted herself on many occasions – she loved to please herself even after beign stuffed and filled with stallion seed – but it wasn’t often she got to play with others.

With that vigor in mind, she buried her arm deep in Talba’s pussy, balling her hand up in a clenched fist while also flexing her forearm muscles and rotating inside, just like Talba had done to her. Only Matilda used her other hand to massage around Talba’s pussy lips, collecting as much of the gooey slime that was being secreted by her depths to soak her other hand so she could press her fingers to her forearm and wiggle her digits in next to her fist.

Talba gasped and giggled, her throat trilling and chest rumbling in a purr as she lifted her legs up high, talons curling and feathered ankles flowing down onto Matilda’s shoulders. She leaned back and grabbed the edges of the bench as she grinded against her, swollen cunt lips throbbing and turning red as the blood rushed to her nethers. Her cavernous pussy walls shuddered in delight following another clenching wink, allowing the second fist to burst into her with an audible pop followed by a slimy squelching sensation that was quickly drowned out by her own chirping delight. “Yes! Yessss! Yes…That’s right.” she cooed at Matilda, who seemed to be very focused on her the slimy mess that was Talba’s lube-frothing cunt.

The mare was indeed focusing mostly on the flesh that was squeezing tight around her fists, but she was even more astounded by the bubbly mess of creamy fluid that was forming around her forearms. She’d seen her own lubricant get a little bit frothy when she was particularly vigorous, but never with so many bubbles, and not quite as gooey and creamy. If anything, that just made it even more appetizing, so she leaned down and gave another lick, her tongue tracing up the side of Talba’s pussy before resting on her exposed clit, cupping some of the fluids, and lapping it back into her mouth to be swallowed.

When she looked up she could see that Talba was truly enjoying herself, eyes closed and beak agape as she continued to trill at the mare. Matilda smiled and clenched both her fists up in a ball together, interlacing fingers from both hands to make one large fist that she used to push deep into the queen’s cunt. To her surprise, Talba’s passage parted with ease and she was able to go in, elbow deep with both arms with ease.

She blinked in disbelief as she looked up to Talba, who was now looking down at her with her emerald green eyes, a smile on her face.

“Go on, fuck me like a stallion. You know you’d want the same.” She urged, her depths clenching in a gentle squeeze around Talba’s forearms, a single stream of gooey mess trickling out to splash at the mare’s biceps.

“Yes, my queen.” Matilda confirmed, slowly pulling her double-balled fist out slowly, letting the bulge below her wrists resting just inside the sloppy vulva that squeezed and massaged her arms. She shifted both shoulders to rotate her fists inside, knuckles dragging over Talba’s engorged, sensitive parts up under her clit before forcing herself in deep, maintaining the gentle rotations against the womb’s opening before pulling back out. The sound of air leaving and being sucked inward making a sloshy, squelching belch sound that sputtered fluids all over her already-soaking forearms.

Every motion she made shifted the fruit inside her, making it slide back and forth, rotate each direction, and threaten to fall out when her abdominal walls clenched to aid in her own thrusts into the queen. Her tail had to lower to keep it inside, even as her own pussy wanted to wink and her pelvic muscles were struggling to not tense up and force it out.

In and out she thrust, her twin fists pummeling the queen’s depths into a shaky, quivering mess that loosened her and weakened the walls. There was a noticeable wink of her clit every time Matilda’s fists came to rest just inside her lips, but it was short lived as she quickly plunged back in deep, another audible squelch accompanying her penetration. It was quite remarkably satisfying for her to have part of herself so deep in such a roomy, loose pussy like her own, and she didn’t want to stop, yet she knew it couldn’t last forever. She also knew she couldn’t keep the fruit inside herself, much as she enjoyed the steady pressure and powerful stretch she was feeling as its weight teased her pussy lips from within.

Talba let out a long, groaning shudder as her entire body quivered in delight against Matilda’s fists, her feet resting on the mare’s shoulders and toes curling against her back to the point of nearly drawing blood. She didn’t mind, since she was too busy focusing on her own distended depths and the queen’s stretched cunt.

To her surprise, the queen’s talons shifted to rest on her shoulders with the heel-claw around her front, giving her a powerful push away, the force yanking her fists from Talba’s depths in a loud pop followed by a hollow, fleshy slap as her cavernous walls collapsed in an instant in the absence of Matilda’s arms.

The mare collapsed onto her her rump on the stone pathway, legs spread and knees up as she watched Talba’s motions, the queen’s form shaking and twitching as her wrecked pussy winked and tried to keep itself closed, only to spread open and suck in air to be forced back out with a sputtering mess of fluids all over the ground between them. She slammed her beak shut and clawed at the ground with her talons before leaning forward and taking in a few deep breaths, chest heaving.

“You are dismissed.” The queen informed Matilda, clit still winking and a gooey stream of mess still pouring from her depths. “If you want, you can happily go with the caravan out to the eastern port.” She paused and wiped her beak of the drool that had formed in her mind’s pleasure-inspired leave of absence.

Matilda didn’t want to move, since the fruit was still heavy in her pussy and kneading against her cervix, but she dare not refuse the king, so she quickly got to her hooves and dressed herself before walking bow-legged to the front of the castle, where the caravan remained waiting.

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