Indian delight

Mia was sat in the deserted park, it was late and dark but warm, she suddenly saw somebody walking along the path, the person stopped under a light and Mia saw it was Steve who at 16 was a couple of years older than she was, to her surprise Steve lowered the front of his joggers letting his 6 inch hairy dick fall into view, Mia thought yes white boys’ cock just what Indian girls like, Steve turned slightly Mia could no longer see Steve’s dick, after a minute or two Steve turned back and Mia saw that Steve’s dick was now sticking out straight from his body, as Mia looked on she saw Steve’s dick point right up in that air, Mia thought yeah a hard on, Steve started to stroke it, Mia watched open mouthed hardly believing what she was watching, after a few minutes Mia saw Steve squirt in 3 spurts, before wiping his dick putting it away and walking away. Mia sat there watching as Steve disappeared into the darkness. A few minutes later one of Mia’s friends turned up Mia said to her “I just seen Steve from school wanking” her friend replied “a few of us have he is a flasher Martin from his class is the same but he got a bigger cock and lets you get up close” After talking for a hour Mia’s friend left, as Mia was about to go she saw Martin, she stayed where she was watching, Martin pulled his dick out, Mia saw that he already had an erection which he started to stroke, Mia got up moved closer was only a few feet away, Steve looked at Mia carried on stroking his 9 inch erection, after a short while he stopped, Mia reached out took the white dick in her hand  and started stroking it, after 5 minutes Martin said “I am going to spunk” and squirted in 4 spurts, Mia stopped stroking, Martin gave her a tissue wiped his dick with another said “thanks” and walked off, Mia wiped her hand before walking off thinking to herself I have watched one white boy wank and did it to another, made a mental note to be in the park more often.