Jacqueline’s Maze: The Scout

In 2011, the maze was shut down due to failing building codes. In the following year, lesbians formerly known as ‘mazers’ opened and repurposed a dormicile.

In preceding years, they used sensors and doors to drive a game where women navigated a ‘maze’ and obtained a prize.

Lesbians wore groin guards which were made of a food safe polymer that enclosed sensors and motors. When lesbians eventually stopped wearing them and used them by hand to open doors and circumvent rules, the maze was again shut down.

It reopened 2 years later when a sorority of lesbians from a college introduced referees to make sure the game played as planned. The owner of the ‘maze’ consented. In fact, she added to it, every year.

Last year’s theme was the sentry, who guarded rooms and permitted travel with their own groin guard device.

It was popular for 6 months. It continued for a year if in reduced capacity.

To revive the game, Jacqueline introduced the scout: a lesbian who wore a unique groin device (also of a non-toxic polymer to safeguard its user). She had the ability to interface with wall sockets keyed to sensors to closed rooms.

This allowed lesbians to navigate the maze without actually bumping into the other team. Formerly, they engaged in a finger game when faced to face with an opposing team. Due to its lack of popularity and the occasionally aggressive nature of the finger games, lesbians abandoned it the following year.

This allowed for a game strictly non-aggressive, and lesbians relied primarily on wits.

Jacqueline’s lackeys formed in the West end. For good measure, some started their game with a period of oral sex with their partners.

The game soon begins.

Their sentry, Kelly, awaited a signal from her team. In her room, a hub of lights mounted the wall: it lit green, she fastened her own guard into a socket and with a hiss, the door dividing her team from the main room opened.

To the left, a series of rooms interconnected by doors were closed. Each had sockets keyed to sensors or locks. These sockets were formerly one unit with the walls: but due to codes, much of the original maze setup was abandoned. As a result, sockets were fixed to walls with an adhesive and communicated with sensors through wi-fi signals instead of power cords and signal wires, as was once the case.

Their scout, Grace, checked the rooms one by one. As with all games, there were gains, and diminished returns on any advantage exploited to excess. The scout had an in-built weakness: as she checked rooms via a socket, so could a scout from the other team. If the other scout was interfaced with the room was first, it would signal Grace’s groin guard a scout was already present. But at this point: Grace’s guard would signal-activate, which meant her guard’s motor would fire off. It was virtual sex: but more of a penalty in this case than a webcam show for clicks and cyber-tips.

Grace’s sex with her groin cup on the floor was generally the end of the game. It was not without its charm: but it was not the desired outcome either.

Grace’s team looked on morosely as Grace laid on the floor, moaning with faint pleasure: her groin cup lit with brilliant leds both green and red. The other scout, a lithsome girl, sass-sayed her way to receptionist for a moderate pay day. She retrieved a sash from Grace’s waist as proof: a referee confirmed the win at the desk.

There were many themes in a lesbian’s day, including the occasional sex that achieved a satisfying high, a rare 8 out of 10 on the lesbian pleasure chart.

Today’s pleasure was:

The Scout


The lesbians therein cared for each other to a fault, but that fault was never harming each other. The very thesis of their lives was affection and a strong bond that endures through their college education, to the point they disbanded like many visiting college grads to go home.

Writer’s Disclaimer:

Not privately owned. Free to use or modify. Non-copyright. Open to the public for use. From a collection of stories from Kelly Dunn, writer, lesbian, adventurer.