Karen’s Place (Lesbian Short Story)

Near Le Fier City, a small town of lesbians awoke with the rising sun. They yawned and stretched. In the hallways, they ambled to showers. Some exchanged a morning kiss. Others who couldn’t bear to be looked at, amble to the sinks to brush their teeth.

Rare, but at least one pair of lesbians nestled together for morning sex: their erogenous zone brimming with light pleasure at they stroke each other, as lovers often do.

The rest to breakfast.

Among them, Lauren with her eyes on Kelly. Kelly noticed. Roughly 90% of any dialogue between lesbians were non-verbal. Their eyes and postures said it all.

After 3 weeks, Kelly met her in the hallway of their domicile: her eyes seem to shine in the dark. She nodded gracefully to her lower region, and moved without word into her room. Lauren followed 30 seconds later. By then, Kelly awaited her on her bed: her nether region already exposed for a lesbian kiss.

It was near dark, so the moment, so often opportune for lovers in the night-time, simply unfolded without words. An onlooker could describe it with words. But each action they took, seem to shimmer out of air and manifest in all the ways of lesbian love.

In other words: it was beyond words. Some days, bliss, and others, torrentious passions.

Wounds seem to close. In other cases, some grew. It came with the territory of lesbians. The cost of love seems inevitably to bring a sliver of angst, some sacrifice, and in other cases, some drama. But it can be argued that no lesbian relationship is complete without either of these elements.

So: it was par for the course, when after a night of love, some close up, others may briefly snap at the other, or just internalize the perennial ennui that grips women across the ages.

With Kelly, the third and fourth sex was lighter. Days without her, clump like a branches and debris in a river. When Kelly applied graceful lips to her, Lauren felt the tightness of her chest fade, leaving a light relief.

The rest wandered the town when not on duty. Others migrated from Les Spirites City, after 5 pm when they got off work. The rest much sooner if from the regional schools. They unpacked bags, and slumped into the arms of their lesbian partners.

By twilight, there was Lauren resting lightly in Kelly’s arm. Peace grew until it could heard: like a faint humming.


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