Kelly’s Tingle

I’ve worked as a middle school coach for the last 12 years. The pay is awful and the hours suck, but getting to watch little girls change all day long is why I keep this job. They all are so different. Some have fully formed boobs that are double Ds while others don’t even have training bra’s yet. There are girls who wear things and others who wear lace sometimes, giving me glimpses of their pussy lips. I get wet just watching them walk in ready to change. I have hidden cameras set up in the shower and I have never been caught in 12 years. There are even some girls who think they’re sneaky and they try to make out with each other in the showers, but I love watching them. One day, it wasn’t my period to teach but I still watched the girls change. My fellow female gym coach never sat in the office with me, she trusted me to keep a close eye on the girls and make sure they were supervised while she set up. All the girls left the locker room except for one. She came to my office and sat down on the couch in there.
“What’s wrong Kelly?” I asked, facing her. She wasn’t wearing a bra. She needed one though, she had at least a B cup and her nipples were hard.
“My mom said I’m not allowed to change in front of the other girls, but they all laugh at me when I go to the bathroom to change.” She said softly.
“I’m sorry sweetie, you can go change now if you want. They aren’t in here. You don’t even have to use a stall since you won’t be changing in front of them.” I offered her. She nodded and stood. “Why doesn’t your mom let you change in front of them?”
“She says it’s because I have naughty urges.” Kelly sheepishly confessed, her cheeks becoming rosy.
“Naughty urges?” I played dumb, growing wet in my panties.
“She tells me that I’m inappropriate and I’m not even allowed to hug my friends any more.” She explained.
“I’m sorry, Kelly. I’m sure that’s not true.”
“But whenever I hug my friends I feel all tingly and stuff..” she mumbled.
“Tingly?” I asked. “Where?”
“In.. in my private parts.” She whispered.
“I see.. does it happen when you hug grown ups too?”
“Not when I hug my mom, but when I hugged my baby sister it did.”
“What if you tried hugging me, maybe it will go away.” I tried. She thought for a moment before walking over and hugging me. I hugged her too, feeling her nipples press against me. “Are you tingly Kelly?” I asked.
“Yes ma’am.” She said embarrassed. I slipped my hand down to rub her clit through her shorts.
“There?” I asked. She moaned softly and nodded. “Do you want me to stop?” She shook her head no and closed her eyes in embarrassment. I slipped my hand into her shorts and under her panties, rubbing her clit and feeling her wetness. Soon I was fingering her and she was a moaning mess. I kissed her to stop her from being to loud. She clenched around my fingers as she orgasmed. I took my fingers out of her and sucked then clean.
“Coach..” she started softly. I looked at her and glanced at her boobs.
“Yes Kelly?” I asked, pressing her hair behind her ear.
“You make me tingly just to be around.” She confessed. I smiled.
“You make me tingly too Kelly.” I gently grabbed her left breast and ran my tumb over her nipple. She squeaked softly. I kissed her gently before I sat back down in my chair. “You need a bra.” I told her. “Your boobs are took big to be loose.” She nodded. “Go get changed and join your classmates.”
“Yes coach.” She smiled before walking into the locker room and changing. I watched her and rubbed my clit while she changed.

The next gym class, Kelly came into my office after everyone left.
“You got a bra.” I smiled.
“My mom was against it, but I told her boys were looking at me weird and she let me.” She giggled as she came over to me. Kelly and I did the same thing as last class, and we continued that for months. Then, I started to eat her out and she learned how to rub her pussy against mine. She was my little pet. And I was never going to let her go.