Kinky Pink

In grand, warm California, in a cozy city Les Spirites, nestled away in mountains, a college and a university resume its courses.

A buzz settled in Les Spirites: her name was Kinky Pink. She was a lesbian, or in more modern terms, a lezian, for short.

She was a whiz at technology: with money aplenty from her parents, bought an apartment complex, just for her and her lesbians and, or, bi-sexual partners. With new found freedom, her partners turned their rooms in a private workshop for arts, crafts, and created and sold online from home.

They didn’t call their beloved companion Kinky Pink for nothing: she devised her own dildos and sex toys, and used crafts and knowledge of electricity, electronic parts, and technology to create toys just for her lezians.

She strapped her lezians with vibrating loin-clothes and attached a gizmo that allowed her to turn them on remotely from twenty-feet away. A game ensues. They created live-spots and dead-spots, in their dorm. Turn on a vibrator in the groin pack of their fellow lezian, to make them orgasm. As a rule, they could only move to avoid, never remove their groin packs.

One day, she developed an app and gizmos that allowed her to access a computer and then access the devices of her lezians and turn on their vibrators at will. To escape, they simple had to move to another zone. Sometimes, one could program and change the passwords to the wireless gizmo on her loin pack so Kinky Pink couldn’t turn it on.

A year in, Kinky Pink ignored a class, just getting by: too obsessed with the kinky gizmos and new sex games with her fellow lezians. She created an app that could turn on a lezian partner’s vibrator from across the city of Les Spirites.

Two years later, Pink installed little hubs, anywhere in their lezian dorm. When she installed it, lezians could escape her remote sex tags by pressing their groin packs up to a hub. It sheltered their groin, so it couldn’t vibrate. It forced Kinky Pink to get creative: her lezians could escape her vibrator remote signals more easily now.

Near the end of her college years, Pink changed up the rules, to turn hubs into listening posts. Lezians could attach their groin pack to a hub, to “listen” for other lezians. The gizmos on their belts, thighs would light up when there was in fact another near by. Teams split up. For Pinky to remotely vibrate a lezian, her team had to activate two or more hubs at once, with their own groin-packs.

Their victory was getting an orgasm from a lezian on the opposing team. Kinky Pink innovates her game every year, inventing new ways to initiate sex from afar, from a yard, twenty feet, sometimes from across the country.

Her gizmos and use of unique vibrator loin packs or shields were among her kinks: she didn’t have sex like a normal lezian. It’s why they called her,

Kinky Pink.


Written by an LBG Group on the West Coast, USA. Written by Kelsi Brooks.