Lactating Guest Turned Family Slut

Myself Wasim Siddiqui, I am 24 years old working in an Insurance Company as Senior Sales Manager. I joined the job when I was in college itself. It was like a part time job but when it started to cherish my needs, I quit college from regular basis to distance learning and joined full time for job. Result was rapid growth in just two years and when I was 22, I was well established. My family started to search a bride and soon it was being found with the name of Rukhsana. She was a mind-blowing beauty, tall of height, oval shaped face, puffy and pink lips, fair skin, and long hairs. She wore tight salwar kameez and my goodness the boobs were round and firm. She had wide waist and thick thighs, but it was matching to her body ratio. She belongs to a poor family was cultured girl and followed every type of rituals dutifully. Beyond this, she was very shy of nature, hardly spoke and never abused anyone. She was a perfect bride for me, I had a joint family and I wanted a girl who can hold my family still. She belongs to a poor family, which was my first condition, so that she does not find the guts to raise her voice in the family. We got married, I plucked her virginity but this is not a part of story. She being so shy usually didn’t opposed even to wrong things and so she felt depressed. Therefore, I suggested her to write a daily about her daily activities, if she pens it down, she will not feel depressed. She picked the idea and started to write one. Soon she was pregnant and she delivered me a boy. I was happy like anything and the boy started to grow well. When he was a year old we started alternative food, she breastfed the baby yet supplementary food was being started. One tragic day my grandfather expired and we visited the village. After he was being buried the will was being read. My grandfather had farms and he distributed all the land in two parts. One was for me and other was for my uncle. My uncle was a greedy man, elder to my father but as per her nature we did not had good relation with them. His family consisted of four sons but the youngest of them was also elder to me. We never visited them even their place was just 3 hours from us. He was farming the land until then, and was very much frustrated with the division. He never shared anything from the produced and now his thinking was that his production would be reducing to half. Therefore, he passed the offer to me to sell the land to him only and offered a rate. The rate was market rate but still I discussed it with my father. My father said that we never cultivated anything and we will usually sell the farms, so it will be better to sell him only. We have a bad relationship with them, this way we can make our relationship healthier.

The deal finalized on family lunch, the paper submitted with cash. Instantly the family relation developed good, being brother-in-law to my wife, all four brothers started to have little chitchat with my wife. They were decent all the time so there was no suspicious thinking about them. However, the behaviour was not as we heard previously. We had heard them to be rowdy and abusive. I told my father about it, he said that it was wrong publicity of peoples as most of the peoples envy rich peoples. After returning from village, all four brothers started to pay visit at our home including their parents. However, we never got time to visit their place. Therefore, one day my aunt came with a complaint that it is rude that we don’t pay them a visit. They started to force and my father surrendered to their demands. However, the schedules were hectic so my mother was the only candidate free for the visit. Aunt suggested taking Rukhsana along, this way she may have a little outing. My mother accepted the thought gracefully and the schedule was set. Next day they all departed along with my mother and Rukhsana. The whole tour was expected for 7 days starting from Sunday to Sunday. They reached their safely and Rukhsana called me to confirm that how much she liked their behaviour and place. Unfortunately, my mother got sick next day, the doctor declared that water change was the reason. Therefore, the doctor suggested returning home. The plan was all ruined and so I was being summoned to bring them back. I went there to bring them back; both were ready but Rukhsana did not seem happy. Aunt noticed it and asked me to leave her there. They were planning to visit us on next Sunday so they would bring her along. Mother seemed convinced too so, I talked with Rukhsana and she felt delighted. We came back and on next Sunday, their family came along with Rukhsana. The amount of delight she had on staying was not there on her face. Her happiness was vanished and she looked dull. Returning to normal life holidays, everyone’s behaves the same. But she didn’t come back to normal Rukhsana even after 15 days so it seemed suspicious now, I asked her but she said that she was fine. The visit of my uncle’s family reduced too. Now they visited separately and did not stay overnight. One month passed and I started to doubt even more. However, Rukhsana was not telling anything. Therefore, one day a thought hit my mind. Rukhsana wrote daily journals, maybe she had written about the trip. I searched her diary but the dates didn’t have anything. She started few words but then she cut it down. As I was looking in the dairy Rukhsana came in the room. She looked at me for a while then took her towel and went for bath. I kept the dairy back and went to the market for some fruits. When I returned from the market, she was getting out of the storeroom. The storeroom was just adjacent to our main house and usually was been locked. I didn’t say anything but after she got inside the house, I went in the storeroom. It was all dusty and I observed closely, it had her footprints, which went to an old chair. The chair had her footmarks too and so I climbed on her footmarks. It had an old Elmira so I searched above it. I found a notebook and so I kept in my coat pocket and went back. I went to a garden, usually isolated all the time. I took a bench and pulled out the notebook. Indeed, it was Rukhsana alternative dairy and I read it. After reading the whole diary, I was fascinated with rage and anger.

The events happened there I’ll tell you all in my own words. First, let me tell you about the names of members of my uncle family. My uncle name is Imraan, his eldest son is Shohaib around 32 years old, then is Firoz around 30 years old, then comes Wajir who is around 28 years old and the youngest one is Salmaan who is 26 years old. While living there she was being allotted a separate room, the room had bathroom and toilet attached. The house was big and the ground floor consisted to four bedrooms and hall, along with kitchen. The 1st floor had four more bedrooms, Rukhsana was on ground floor with baby and the rest three bedroom was being occupied by Uncle-Aunt, Salmaan & Shohaib. Rukhsana room was used as guest room along with two bedrooms on 1st floor. Next morning after I returned, Rukhsana went for a bath, baby was sleeping, but the tap was dry. She came out to the room and found Uncle-Aunt leaving. She looked worried so aunt asked what the matter was. She told her issue, so aunt suggested using Salmaan room as it had tidy bathroom, and Shohaib room and bathroom usually wasn’t tidy at all. She told her that all the guys had gone out and would be late, they were going out too, and were expected late. She said alright and they went away. She went to bathroom and found that it didn’t have hangers. She thought for a while and went to the front gate. She locked the gate and came back to Salmaan room. She kept her clothes on the bed along with towel and went inside the bathroom. She had her bath and when she was about to exit the bathroom. She heard a knock on the gate. She was dumbstruck about it. She was all naked and who might be at the gate. She shouted who it was. Salmaan was on the gate, he said that he urgently needed to pee and couldn’t hold a second, so she must come out. She said to pass her clothes and towel. Salmaan said that there were no clothes and towel on bed. She was spellbound. She kept it there and it wasn’t there. Salmaan said her to open the gate of bathroom and he passed her another towel. She pulled it inside and dried her up. When she wrapped the towel it displayed the problem. The towel was short in width. It covered only 30% of her thighs to 30% of her breasts. Salaam was continuously asking to get out soon. So she came out in that outfit. Salmaan didn’t even look at her and went inside the bathroom. She went to the gate and found few peoples taking in the hall. The voice said that they were four to five peoples. She stood stoned until Salmaan came out of the bathroom. Salmaan came to her and she inquired about peoples outside. He said that they were Shohaib friends. She said to ask them to move inside so that she could get back to her room. Salaam said that it wouldn’t be possible as Shohaib don’t take any of his friends to bedroom. He offered her to sit until they go away. He pulled a chair for her and she sat on the chair, trying to hide her modesty. While sitting down, lower end of the towel raised even more to display her 90% of her thighs, and the upper end was slipping even more. Salmaan lied on bed and was humming some song.

Rukhsana was tensed all the time, her condition was the issue, modesty was the issue and she was sweating all the time. Suddenly Salmaan got up and came near her, she got up shivering. He was looking at her from head to bottom. And she was slightly scared with her sudden change in approach. She was standing when he reaches just in front of her. He said that he needs to tell ask her something but if she makes any sound then Shohaib friends may come inside. He asked that whether she understands that. She nodded her head. He asked whether her breast still lactates milk and is it full with them. She looked confused with his question and didn’t reply anything, just kept on staring him. He smiled and said that it seems she was confused, and he’ll check himself. He pulled the towel bond just in front of her chest. The towel was hardly wrapped around her body and it fell down instantly. But she was shocked to hell. Before she could respond he lowered himself down and grabbed her both boobs in both hands. Within seconds her one nipple was in his mouth. He started to suck and draw milk from it instantly. Rukhsana recovered from shock immediately and she tried to get herself free, but he was too strong for her. She tried to pull the towel up but towel lying on floor was far from her reach. He left her nipples and said the milk was so tasty and he had never tasted any woman milk before. He thanked her to let him achieve his wish against their hospitality. He started to suck the other breast and she was standing there, facing somewhere else. He drank the milk for ten minutes and then left her. She was standing shivering, with few droplets on her cheeks. As he got aside she tried to get the towel back. But he stopped her, saying that he has already seen her nude and he finds no harm staying like that only. He makes her turn around and viewed her completely. She was keeping her eyes closed; he viewed her completely and turned her back to front. He asked her to open her eyes and she opened after little force. He said that Wasim Bhai was lucky to have wife like her. He asked that would Wasim Bhai mind if I could do something which Wasim Bhai does with his wife. He said that he had never done any of those things as he doesn’t have girlfriend. Rukhsana eyes widen in terror, she tried to run to the door but Salmaan caught her from behind. She started to whisper not to do that and was forcing him away. When someone shouted from outside that did anything happened to him, and should they come inside. Rukhsana voiced settled immediately, and the force she was applying reduced also. Salmaan was looking at her and asked in silent lips, that should he call them inside. Rukhsana nodded her head in no, and till then he was able to deposit her on bed. As she was on bed, he removed his entire clothes. And without wasting time in foreplay, he directly plugged his dick inside her pussy.

All the resistance of Rukhsana was gone immediately. She settled immediately and Salmaan started to give her push. Rukhsana understood that it was a setup for her, as he wasn’t behaving like new fucker. He was fucking her passionately and enjoying every moment of it. After 10 minutes he forced his dick inside to the root of the pussy. Rukhsana whispered meekly, not inside. He flooded her inside and said, don’t worry Bhabhi if something happens, Wasim Bhai will take care of it. He won’t know that it isn’t his. He continued that even if it won’t be his, then also our bloodline is the same. Rukhsana got up and went inside the bathroom. She washed herself and when she was about to come out, she saw few guys joining in the bedroom. She was peeping outside, when she saw Salmaan coming to the bathroom. She opened the bathroom and let him in. She begged him to let them out so that she can go to her room. Salmaan smiled and said, that he was thinking to send them in one by one. She shivered with the thought but Salmaan laughed and said that he needs something in return. Rukhsana looked at him and he said that she’ll have to go for outing in the late afternoon with him. She thought a while and nodded her head. Salmaan went outside and called her in five minutes. She peeped out and saw no one, she came out of bathroom. Then she peeped in hall, no one was there. She rushed to her bedroom immediately in nude state. Her clothes and towel was lying on her bed. She quickly got dressed and went for a nap. In afternoon uncle-aunt came and she joined them on lunch. Salmaan was sitting side to him and was continuously playing with her thighs all the time. She looked at him angrily; Salmaan asked that they will go around 3 pm. She said she won’t go anywhere. Salmaan passed his mobile to her. It was a video running with no sound. It was her video, Salmaan fucking her. So he recorded also, she shivered in terror and looked at him with teary face. She understood that Salmaan is going to use her now, as her slut.

Around 3 pm he was ready to go; he called his mom and asked to take care of the baby. He told her that he was taking Rukhsana out for city view. His appreciated the thought and they were out in a car. Salmaan stopped the car on an isolate stop and asked her to get rid of her clothes. She looked at him angrily and then finding no way she removed her clothes. He put all her clothes in the back side of the car and started to drive again. The road was isolated and both sides were having thick shrubs. After a few minute drives, Rukhsana panicked as two guys were standing on either side of the road. She tried to hide her modesty and drive away but to her dismay, the car stopped just in front of them. They both opened the back doors and got inside the car. Rukhsana froze in terror, shame and started to shiver immediately. They got inside and the car started to move. Both of them asked Salmaan whether she was really lactating and Salmaan nodded his head. They forwarded their hand and pulled Rukhsana to the back seat. She was sure that there was no way these guys were going to leave her. She was resisting but still as they pulled her back both caught her reach nipples in their lips and started to suck her dry. She was well aware that after making her breast dry they will fuck her too. It took 20 minutes to make her breasts dry. After drying her breast, they announced that she was dry now and they need to relief themselves. The car was being parked at an isolated place, side by the main road. She was being turned on her fours, between two of them. They both started to get rid of their clothes.

Within minutes they were bare and the guy behind her climbed on the seat on his knees and was inside her. He kept his entire weight on her and started to pump his dick inside her pussy. The guy in front demanded to suck him up, Rukhsana never sucked anyone before not even me, but she knew about it. With disgusting face she managed to gulp it down and started to suck him up like beginners. Even though she was a beginner in that yet the guy was having all sort of fun he ever imagined. After getting treated for 10 minutes from both sides, she was turned around and guy getting blow job was getting pussy fuck and guy getting pussy fuck was getting blowjob. They kept on switching places for two three times and flooded her pussy one by one. She was exhausted but now Salmaan was ready for his time. He came to back side, opened the gate and pulled her half out. Her legs were out of car and body was on the seat. He turned her around and pulled a gel tube from his pocket. It had a nozzle which he inserted in her asshole and poured it out. Rukhsana shivered with the cold gel and his intentions. She turned around and requested not to do that as it pains a lot. Salmaan asked whether she had been fucked in ass before, which she denied. So he asked how she knows that it will pain. He lubricated his dick and pushed it in her ass. She screamed of pain, but Salmaan managed to hold her mouth tight. She was muffling but he kept her mouth shut. He started to bang her in her asshole; it was hurting her but still the pain reduced along with her crying. So as it reduced to limits he left her mouth open. She was weeping while Salmaan was thumping her to core. After solid 20 minutes of ass fucking, due to the tightness he flooded her inside.

They got back inside the car and the car returned back. Rukhsana saw that a video camera was attached on the dashboard, which means Salmaan has recorded that too, but she didn’t say him anything. In the way until those guys destination came, both guys were playing with her all the time, sucking her dried nipples, fingering her pussy and ass, kissing and biting her lips all the time. When they reached their destination, they got out of the car and went away. Salmaan passed her dress and asked to get ready. She got ready in the back side of the car and they reached home. No one asked her anything and neither had she said anything. They had evening snacks and tea. Then she went for a nap and woke up around dinner. While having dinner Salmaan asked her to come to his room after the baby sleeps. She looked at him angrily but Salmaan showed her the mobile. She nodded her head and went to her bedroom. After an hour Salmaan knocked the gate and she came out in a nightie. Without a word she followed him in his bedroom. As soon as she was in the bedroom her nightie was shredded along with her bra and panty. She was deposited on the bed and Salmaan was lying above her, sucking her nipples alternatively. Next 20 minutes he was drawing the milk out of her breasts and then got naked. He spread her legs wide and got inside her. He started to bang her aggressively until he flooded her inside. In the last 12 hours he had already fucked her three times and he was exhausted. He rolled to the side and started snoring. Rukhsana was lying naked thinking what to do next when something terrible happened. The bedroom gate opened and Shohaib came inside. He picked up Rukhsana from the bed, naked in his arms and went to the gate. The gate was already opened and so he came out. Salaam managed to get up naked and close the gate behind. No words were spoken and Shohaib got inside his bedroom.

He pushed the gate with his knees and got inside the bedroom. He deposited Rukhsana on the bed and got rid of the gown he was wearing. He was naked inside. He climbed on the bed, above Rukhsana and started to kiss her lips. Rukhsana didn’t utter a word and he was pressing her boobs side by side. As he left her lips, he attacked her breasts immediately. He started to suck her nipples and draw fresh milk in his mouth. Soon he was satisfied with what he was doing. He kept his one knees between her legs and managed to spread her legs apart. He managed to bury his dick inside her pussy but instead of giving her thumping, he kept on sucking her nipples. He wasn’t in a hurry and he waited for nearly 10 minutes. He started the fucking in 10 minutes and he kept on fucking her slow and flooded her in her pussy in at least 30 minutes. He rolled to the side, pulled Rukhsana in his arms, encircled her waist and back with his hands, and kept on kissing her. Then he holds her tightly and went to sleep. Rukhsana was tired too, she didn’t want to sleep naked with Shohaib but sleep took her over. She woke up with the knock on the gate. She looked at the clock and it was around 7 am. She panicked immediately when the gate opened and aunt came inside. Shohaib was lying with bed sheet covering him up. Rukhsana was too inside the bed sheet, covered till her neck. Aunt came inside and placed the teapot on the side table. She looked at Rukhsana who was pale faced. She came to her and said Good Morning, but Rukhsana couldn’t reply. Aunt said that Shohaib drinks tea hot and she must wake him up before it gets cold. Saying this she turned around and went outside immediately. Rukhsana was shocked to hell with the current event. She understood immediately that bringing her to house and getting her laid was whole setup. Now she understood that no one was going to spare her and even Firoz and Wajir would be fucking her also. But she was now in trap and she wanted to get out safely. So she thought to cooperate instead of repulsing. Even if she repulsed then also these bastards wouldn’t be leaving her at all. She pushed Shohaib and he woke up immediately. He asked her to pass her the tea; she got up, her bed sheet slide down till her waist, making her breasts open to view. Shohaib took the tea and drank it up; Rukhsana managed a cup for herself too and drank it slowly. As the tea was over, Shohaib asked her to come for a bath. They got inside the bathroom, the shower opened. They turned wet and when Rukhsana took the soap, he took the soap from her hand. He started to apply soap on her body; he rubbed each part of her body and then massaged it nicely.

As the soaping was over they had shower, he rubbed her clean and as the soap was gone, he pushed her on the wall and spread her lets apart. He pushed his dick inside her pussy and started to fuck her immediately. He fucked her aggressively until he managed to flood her inside her pussy. Then they had a quick shower again and exited the bathroom. Shohaib passed her a towel and she dried herself first and then started to dry her hair. Shohaib had wrapped a towel around his waist, just then aunt peeped inside with half door open. She was carrying the baby, who was sucking milk from a bottle. She said that all family members were going out with the baby, and he could have fun as he like. Immediately the door shut and after 2 minutes the car engine starting sound came. The engine reduced and vanished as the car moved away. Rukhsana understood that she was left alone with Shohaib on a mini honeymoon. What she didn’t understand was alternative plans of Shohaib. They went to the breakfast table and had their breakfast. After the breakfast they came back to the bedroom, Rukhsana had already surrendered and she got laid on the bed. She was thinking of getting fucked by Shohaib more. But it didn’t happen at all. Around 10 AM she heard some voices from the hall, mesmerised she looked at Shohaib who smiled and said that they were his close friends. Rukhsana shivered in terror immediately, so Shohaib had planned for a group sex too, and his cheap friends were going to fuck her like a prostitute. After 10 minutes he got up and picked her up. He made her stand and asked her to comb her hair. She combed and tied her hair and he kept his hand on her waist and they moved out of bedroom. Four of his friends were seated on the sofa when they reached there. Rukhsana looked at them for once and then kept her head down. They reached to the sofa and a little space was managed for Shohaib to sit. Shohaib sat and pulled her to sit on his laps. He asked one of his friends something. He went inside the bedroom and brought a camcorder; he switched it on and kept it on the TV. The camcorder was connected to the TV and adjusted such way that it could cover the entire area. Satisfied he switched on the record button.

They started to discuss about her beauty and figure. She was turning red second by second when Shohaib told them that she lactates also. He pressed her boobs and milk ray squirted her nipples. So he offered them to explore her one my one. The guy next to Shohaib pulled her on his laps. He immediately started to suck her nipples, draw a good amount of milk and drank it up. He then moved his intentions to her lips, kissed her, and sideway was taking full privilege to explore her body. He even managed to push his fingers in her pussy. As he was done, she was pulled on another lap and same exploitation of her body went on, till everyone was satisfied. Till then her breasts were made dry and they were planning to fuck her now. Shohaib pushed her on the sofa table and removed his towel. Immediately he was inside her, fucking her to core. He was playing with her boobs and kissing her all the time. It took him 20 minutes to flood her and get aside. Meanwhile rest of the guys were bare, as he was aside the next guy took his turn. He was inside her in a go and announced that she was very tight then a prostitute. He took full liberty to fuck her with full force until he buried his flood inside her pussy. As soon as he stepped aside, she saw someone lubricating his dick with coconut oil. She understood that he was thinking of ass fucking her. She whispered meekly, please not in my ass. All of them laughed loudly and Shohaib said that his friend will fuck her wherever they wanted. She was pulled and turned around. She was standing on her feet and curved down on the table, with elbows on the table. The guy got inside her ass and one guy sat on the table. She gulped his dick down and started to suck. One more laughter and Shohaib said, seems that Salmaan had taught her enough. The fucking went on until he flooded her ass. The next guy took liberty with her pussy, with next guy again in ass. They kept on fucking her one by one allowing her to rest in between. At least everyone fucked her 2 to 3 times until she went unconscious. She was deposited in her room when the clocked ticked 7 PM. She was deep sleep and managed to wake up next morning only. She went to see her baby, was lying with aunt in the hall. She was still naked, and forgot about her modesty anyone. Aunt wished her Good Morning and asked her to have a bath. She went for a bath and came back to see that her luggage was missing. She inquired about it so aunt said to stay like that and wrap a towel if required. She wrapped a towel around her chest when aunt came and pulled towel aside. She asked her to wrap around waist instead. She didn’t argue and wrapped the towel as said.

Her breakfast was send to her bedroom followed by her lunch. She slept all the time, exhausted with the cruel fucking yesterday. It was Thursday evening around 4 when aunt came and asked her to follow her. She took her in the same state, topless and towel wrapped around the waist. They reached to the 1st floor and she pushed a door. She wasn’t amazed with the son’s intentions, they were guys hungry for women flesh, but strangest behaviour was of their mother who was serving her to her sons. Firstly, she was being turned as slut and their mother was deciding who does first and who goes last. Firoz and Wajir were sitting on the bed watching TV. They were just in underwear when she got inside. Aunt pulled her towel and locked the gate from outside. Wajir asked her to climb the bed. She didn’t resist and climbed the bed. He requested her to get on her fours. She went on her fours and they both pulled a teapot and poured two black coffees. They came on her either sides and kept the hot coffee under her nipples. The warm vapours were coming till her nipples. Both of them started to press her boobs tightly and milk started to get collected in the cup. Sufficient amount of milk got collected and so they mixed it and drank their coffee. After the coffee was over she was turned around and they both started to draw the rest of milk from her chest. Meanwhile they were pressing her thighs with one hand and inserting their finger in her pussy, alternatively. Rukhsana was sure that she cannot miss or skip to their demands so instead of resisting she let them do their way. Being a dedicated house wife, fucked only missionary style by her husband only, she was already fucked by men, other than her husband. Additional to this she was not even fucked in her dedicated pussy but also in her ass. So she had no shame left now and left herself on their mercy to be treated as they wanted. As they were satisfied they pulled her up and made her to deposit herself on the table, the table was high till their waist and was used to iron clothes. The table was short in length and so her body below her neck till her waist was on the table. Her legs from her thighs and head from her neck were hanging down. Firoz spread her legs apart and was inside her pussy with his dick. Wajir stood facing towards Firoz and pushed his dick in her mouth. They both started the assault from both the ways. It was very uncomfortable pose for Rukhsana but they both were having good time. After every five minutes they changed their places and the assault began again. They switched their places 5 times before they flooded her mouth and pussy on the same time.

She went to the attached bathroom to clean herself and then returned. After she returned she got inside the bed between both of them. They pulled the blanket above all three of them and they started to play with her once again. As their dick rose up they removed the blanket and started to bang in her pussy or ass. For the entire evening till midnight they both fucked her several times. Before going to sleep comfortably and snoring loudly. They were snoring so loudly that entire house was shaking. Within 5 minutes the gate opened and Salmaan was on the gate. He picked Rukhsana and carried her to his room. He put her on the bed and got rid of his clothes. He pushed her legs apart and got inside her sore pussy in a second, pumping her up with his full strength and speed. Twenty minutes and he flooded inside her and rolled aside. He started to snore too. As Shohaib was waiting outside and he got inside immediately. He picked her up, she also didn’t resisted at all and he carried her to his bedroom. In the way he was applying gel in her ass which was already lubricated. Rukhsana was aware that he’ll attack her ass only. So as he kept her on the bed, as an obedient slave, she turned on her four, inviting him or the assault. He pushed his dick inside and 15 minutes of rapid stores he flooded her inside. She got up, cleaned herself and saw Shohaib in deep sleep. She went to her bedroom and found that baby wasn’t there. She assumed that it must be with aunt. She deposited on bed and slept comfortably. Her body was so sore and tiered that she got awake around 11:30 am next morning on Friday. It was aunt who was waking her up. She asked her to get bath and perform weekly prayer. She went to bathroom and had a bath, wiped herself with a towel and came out to the breakfast table. To her surprise Imraan uncle and aunt with the baby was on the breakfast table. The towel was hanging around her waist but her boobs were on display. She immediately tried to hide her boobs but Imraan uncle pulled her hands apart and made her sit on the chair. Imraan uncle said, “Dulhan!” Dulhan is a word used for daughter in law. Imraan uncle said, “Dulhan! All my boys have already seen them, including my wife, and my boy’s friends, so is there still shame left.”

Rukhsana didn’t reply and silently started to have the breakfast. The time was around 12:30 PM, so aunt said to go or weekly prayers. She got up and aunt asked to go in her room, where a prayer rug was already spread. While she was heading towards the room, aunt stopped her and asked her to give her the wet towel. Before she could respond, aunt pulled her towel from her body. She looked at Imraan uncle who was sexually looking her ass. She looked at aunt and then her body. Aunt looked confused for a second and then said, “Oh head must be covered.” She passed her a small Dupatta which was semi-transparent and Rukhsana took it from her. She placed it on her head and then wrapped around neck one time and stood for prayers. She felt two hands playing with her boobs when she was in standing posture. The rough hands were making her understand that it was none other than Imraan uncle. When she went in bow pose, Imraan uncle was playing with her ass, and when she went in bow down pose, he even managed to push his fingers in her pussy and ass. Rukhsana didn’t utter a word and continued her players which lasted 30 minutes. Imraan uncle played heartedly with her body in this time. While he was playing she even got wet due to his actions and was hard for her to concentrate on the mantra. Yet Rukhsana completed her prayers and was still sitting on her knees when Imraan uncle came to her all nude. He pushed his dick near her face and without resisting she gulped it in her mouth. She sucked it for few moments and then Imraan uncle drew it out of her mouth. He picked her up and deposited her on the bed. He was about to enter her when aunt came in. she inquired what he was doing. Uncle told her that he was blessing her up. Aunt smiled and said to Rukhsana that uncle was blessing her up and it’s a dutiful job of a daughter-in-law to service father-in-law well. Saying that she left the room and on next moment Imraan uncle was inside her. He started to fuck her mercilessly and then stopped. He lied on her and took her nipple in his mouth and started to draw milk out of it. He drank heartedly from both of them and then resumed his fucking. His dick was thing and long but the fact was that he was old. So he flooded her soon. He rolled and pulled her between his legs and asked her to suck him until his dick gains strength. She did that dutifully and in 30 minutes he was hard again. This time he fucked in her ass, and couldn’t hold that long as before. Two time fucking he was all spread away and so he called for Salmaan. He asked his to take her away. Salmaan happily too her to his room and fucked her mercilessly in her pussy and ass. When he was finished, he picked her up and dropped her in Firoz and Wajir room. They sandwiched her and took great amount of time to fuck in her both holes. Then they missed called Shohaib. Shohaib was immediately in the room and fucked her two times in both her pussy and ass. She was all spread out and so she just went for a nap. In night aunt came to wake her up. She washed herself and came to dining table. Only she was naked and rest were in clothes. She took a seat and had dinner while Firoz and Wajir were groping her all the time. After the dinner was over Wajir and Firoz asked her to come to their room when Imraan uncle objected. He reminded them about the party next day and asked Rukhsana to go and rest. She went to her room and tiered went to sleep.

In morning around 10 am aunt woke her up. She asked her to get bath and then breakfast. She had a bath and then breakfast. On breakfast table no one was present except aunt. She told her description about the party. She told her that few guests were expected, so she would serve them food and snacks. She nodded her head and asked for her clothes. Aunt looked at her still and she immediately understood what does she meant. She wanted her to serve in nude state. But she had no option, aunt also instructed her not to argue anyone or object anyone. She clearly understood that lots of fucking would be done with her today. She went to kitchen and aunt left the house. Around 11 am guests started to arrive and till 12 everyone were there. She peeped outside and saw Imraan uncle standing with 2 old guys, Shohaib was standing with 3 guys, Salmaan was with 2 guys and Wajir was with one guy. Just then Firoz came in with 2 guys. The total strength reached to 14 guys including the family members. Firoz came in and instructed what to bring and when to bring. The guys were chatting when she entered with snacks. Everyone outsiders hooted immediately. She was carrying some snacks and as she reached to serve them, everyone groped her breasts, bums and pussy. One of them objected that she hadn’t shaved her pussy. Imraan uncle went to his bedroom and brought his shaving kit. He asked his sons to do the honour. Rukhsana was immediately pulled to the middle of room on coffee table. He legs were spread apart by Firoz and Wajir. Her hands were held tightly behind her head by Salmaan and Shohaib started to shave her immediately. She was being the centre of attraction where a live show of pubic hair shaving was going on. Shohaib did it slow and ultimately it was done. She was left to get back with her work. After the snacks were over and lots of groping was done, tea was ordered. She brought the tea but she couldn’t find milk. She told Imraan uncle about it. He grabbed her breasts and said that he had a cow for that. Immediately she was pulled back on the coffee table again and this time on her fours. Shohaib and Wajir took a vessels each and started to draw milk from her breasts. A live show of milking a women was there. Lots of hooting and peoples really enjoyed the show. As she went dry, the milk was mixed with tea and all had their tea. She was back to kitchen when two guys said something to Imraan uncle who made a sign to carry on.

As expected they came in kitchen all nude, pulled her on the table and bowed her down. One got inside her pussy from back and other climbed on table to assault her mouth. 15 minutes and they were done. Everyone were roaring that nothing should be private, she must be brought in the hall itself. Imraan uncle called her out and she was asked to recline on the sofa. As soon as she got on the sofa, rapid fire fucking started. Someone got between her legs and started to fuck her pussy, meanwhile she was forced to give blowjob too. As soon as her pussy was vacant, either the next guy continued with her pussy or with her ass but her mouth was never vacant at all. After everyone fucked her at least once, they gave her 2 hour break but then the fucking started again and in the middle she lost consciousness. When she woke up, it was 11 pm, she was sleeping in her bed and aunt was applying balms and ornament on her body. She slept comfortably and woke up next afternoon around 4 pm. Her clothes was on the bed along with her luggage. She had a bath and wore her clothes and they moved back to our city. They dropped her to my house, but practically each got blowjob by her in the MUV, including Imraan uncle.

The notebook ended there, so I just tore it in pieces and came back home. Rukhsana was again coming out of the storeroom. I think she went to search the notebook, she ran in the house and when I got in, she was having a fight with someone. When she saw me, she immediately disconnected the call and went busy in house work. Within few hours Salmaan was in the house. He was welcomed by my family but I was thinking to kill him. But creating scene was not a solution. So I waited, after the dinner, he went to the guest room which was adjacent to our room. After everyone slept I slipped in Salmaan room. He was awake and waiting for me, I started to roar at him and started to abuse him. He passed me the mobile which had a video running. I looked at it and to my shock it was Rukhsana video of last day getting fucked by 14 guys. He said that he was having video of each day and if it would be distributed in my colony, how would we survive. He also said that he had made Rukhsana to confess that my family send Rukhsana to seduce his family for money. I said it was a lie, but he showed me another video and it was correct. Before coming back to the city they made that video too. In fear or shame or something else she did that too. That time she was all naked. So Salmaan suggested to stay silent and not to make issue. I was spellbound, no works to speak. He said to come with him, I asked where, so he said to your room. He took initiative and went straight in my room and I followed him. In my room he woke up Rukhsana, terrified Rukhsana stood up of the bed. She was wearing a sari that time. She looked at me then Salmaan. Salmaan forwarded his hand and pulled her sari off her body, he opened her blouse button slowly, followed by her bra, petticoat and panty. Rukhsana was continuously staring at me, I tried not to look her directly. Salmaan pushed her on the bed and climbed on her after shredding his clothes. He was inside her pussy in fraction of second, fucking her mercilessly. In between he stopped and said, “What the hell are you doing here, go to my room and sleep there. Just come back to wake me, before anyone wakes up.” Dejected I went to the guest room, leaving Salmaan to fuck Rukhsana in my very own bedroom. Around 4:30 am I went to wake him up, he woke, got dressed and went to his room. Rukhsana got up and cleaned herself and went back to bed after getting dressed. In morning Salmaan asked me to company him to the city end. I wasn’t in mood to go with him but still I went. In the way Salmaan said that he will be going and telling what happened yesterday so Shohaib, Firoz, Wajir and even Imraan uncle will visit my house for overnight stay. He asked not to create issue with them and let them slip in my bedroom in night. He instructed me to leave that person with Rukhsana and I must sleep in guest room. Like I did today, wake them up before anyone gets awake. I didn’t replied him anything because I knew, there could nothing be done about it. Rukhsana was a slut now, and they were acting as her master. And I didn’t had anyway to stop it down.It’s now a week when Salmaan fucked Rukhsana in out bedroom, and both Wajir & Firoz had visited us separately. As asked I let them slip them in my bedroom, let them fuck Rukhsana whole night and then wake them before anyone wakes. After the visit, each one being generous, pass me a video recording of what and how they did last night with Rukhsana.Shohaib called this morning directly on my mobile, he told me that he and his one close friend will be visiting us today and in night both Shohaib and his friend will slip in our bedroom. I’m waiting for them, waiting for two fuckers who’re going to fuck my wife in my bedroom tonight, while I’ll be in guest room that time, guarding them up, disgusting but I’m helpless.

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