Lesbian and bestiality wife

I’m 21, married, and my husband and I only watch porn, no other shows or movies…only porn, every kind of porn. My husbands name is Paul he’s 39 and Im

I’m 21, married, and my husband and I only watch porn, no other shows or movies…only porn, every kind of porn. My husbands name is Paul he’s 39 and Im Leal, 21 years old. We moved from Ohio to NYC, 3 years ago in 2018, right after we were married. We had a vanilla sex life until Corona hit, and it was porn from then on. My periods were non existent, it just stopped, so fucked my husband like crazy.
Lesbian porn is my favorite along with bestiality porn, with dogs and horses fucking girls. I love all things lesbian. After a few weeks of watching lesbian porn, I would go to work, (yes, some of us still had to work) and see the beautiful girls, go to the bathroom and masturbate to them for at least a month until I felt guilty enough to tell my husband. He loved it and asked if I could also do it at home sometime. I was so surprised and happy with his reaction that I did it that same night. I masturbated to at least 20 gorgeous women walking by, from the comfort of my apartment. One girl in particular was a lesbian who was always walking by, she lived in our building on the west side, next to the west side highway, so I always saw her with a new woman, or girl. Kissing and embracing lovingly it was so hot. Well, my husband said he wanted me to be a lesbian, I told him, with a smile, “okay”. I flirted with the girl for a few days, she was very nice and invited me to her apartment for a party with her friends (they were lesbians and gay men) I had a nice time, but I wished she would have jumped my bones, I went home late and told my husband every thing. I took out my dog dildo and masturbated to her furiously, and squirted. I came to her 10 times for the night and fell asleep.
Her name is Shabana, she is Indian, but born in the Caribbean, she is drop dead gorgeous, well I saw her the next day and she was flirting with me. She asked if I was with anyone and if I had ever been with a woman, I said that I was single and had never even been attracted to a woman before, except for now. I told her, I had seen her a month ago and had been masturbating to her all month and that I planned to bump into her when I did, she laughed, said I was cute, and said, “would you like to masturbate to me tonight at an orgy in my apartment”, I happily said yes, yes, yes. We spent the day together and kissed and made out across the street from our building hoping Paul saw us, and was jerking off. When I got home, he said he saw everything and that he loved it, he wanted a lesbian for a wife. I felt wonderful, Paul told me about his fantasies, and his greatest fantasy was to have a wife that preferred lesbianism. I was all in and boy was I nervous. I met her at the door and passionately kissed me, three girls attacked me and they were all equally gorgeous, I wondered what they saw in me. But, anyway, the red head ate my pussy, (thank goodness I shaved and clean up after using the bathroom) the blonde kissed me (I kept staring at her beautiful eyes, they were light blue, and a deep green) and the blue hair girl was licking my asshole like there was no tomorrow. I was hoping that my ass was clean. But I found out that when your a desirable lesbian, your cleanliness means nothing. Before they finished with me Shabana stopped them before I came, she said the she was gonna be the first to make me cum cause I’m gonna be her girlfriend. That night I saw them devour Shabana, She went to use the bathroom and told me to watch grabbed Cena the asian girl by her hair and slowly walked to the bathroom, the other girls followed the show they put on was incredible I came multiple times watching their performance, I thought to myself, “ I am going to definitely become a lesbian, I was so turned on. She sat on the toilet and let out a stream of urine as the asian girl drank as much as she could. Shabana, then went to the shower and lifter her leg to the door as each girl lapped up her urine, this depravity went on all night long.
But it was my turn, Shabana and I kissed for what seemed hours, I was in love, she was so striking in her beauty, and she knew it, she ate my pussy standing up, the girls lifted me up and kissed my nipples and I came, I squirted cups full of cum….I had never squirted with my husband, I felt guilty and in love with her at the same time. I stayed with her for a three weeks making love, kissing her over and over again, sucking her breasts, licking her under arms, eating pussy, and licking ass. I loved everything about being a lesbian. I called Paul, and he said to enjoy myself, and to stay as long as I desired. I desired pussy more than anything, I made love to all her friends, regularly, for the entire year of 2020, I lived a lesbian life and my wonderful husband lived without me. I WAS NOW A LESBIAN, but there is so much shit do deal with, as a woman, is incredible. The jealousy, the back bitting, the lying, it’s just too much. The lesbian scene is too much stress in NYC, so we broke up but still slept together, I was desired, she wanted me and would do anything to keep me, but I told her I would think about it, we parted ways and kissed passionately. I went back to my husband, and told him to fuck me in the ass for as long as possible while I think of Shabana and the girls. This went on for five months, until I thought about my husband and what he was doing, the year I was lesbian and not fulfilling his physical needs. He was watching bestiality films, so I took out my dog dildo and masturbated as soon as I heard the door, I was coming to a girl getting fucked by a horse, I mean she was getting railed. I got off to dozens of horses in Manhattan, he loved it…I thrived on it. I became a bestiality queen for the foreseeable future…and my lesbian friends and Shabana into bestiality. My husband trained my mind into the Art of Sex, and I did the rest. I get off on dogs and horses without human involvement. I have a large photo of an excited horse and dog that I constantly masturbate to. The true story starts next…

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