Lesbian Revenge Part 2

Tina stared angrily at the door that belonged to a woman who worked under her and reluctantly knocked on it. Even with her resting bitch face, she was a beautiful woman. She had long black hair, dark brown eyes, and a well-formed body that she hid away out of shame. The reason for all the mess she was in now came from her cruel behavior towards the gays who worked with her. Mary, a coworker of hers, had filmed her sister having sex with a woman and threatened to leak it to people in her hometown.

The video was made to look like her sister got paid to do lesbian porn, and if it had gotten out, it would have ruined her life. Everyone in Falls Creek, the town they grew up in, including their mother, would have shunned her sister. It was damning evidence showing Judy on her knees licking another woman’s pussy before receiving an envelope full of cash. She agreed to Mary’s terms because she didn’t want her sister’s life ruined over something she had caused.

Tina hid a secret about herself, which was the reason why she was so hard on gay people. Tina herself was also gay but had never been with a woman sexually. Shame kept her from acting on her forbidden desire to make love to another woman. Over the years, listening to her mother’s warped religious views on sex had made her ashamed of what she felt inside, and being isolated had kept her from experimenting with another girl.

Tina had always been a sweet girl until she started college, where she learned how to be a class-A bitch. Her roommate was a little too attractive for her liking and had no sense of modesty. The girl would strip down to her panties before studying on her bed. Seeing her roommate naked, along with the other girls she had to shower with, affected Tina in ways she didn’t like. The amount of arousal she felt overwhelmed her senses, and she could barely hold back those lustful desires.

To fight against her feelings, Tina acted harshly towards any woman she was slightly attracted to out of fear. She also went out on dates with men in desperation to kill those desires. When they pushed things too far, she didn’t stop them and let herself be used sexually by those men. The shame she felt for allowing it to happen fueled her to be more of a bitch toward people like Mary.

It did bother her to cause pain to people, but she didn’t know how else to handle her forbidden desires. She was jealous of her coworkers’ ability to be free with their sexuality, while she couldn’t. Tina was stuck in her ways and couldn’t escape the hell she had made for herself.

The door opened on the third knock and she walked in with her nose in the air. She wasn’t there because her blackmailer wanted sex but wanted to humiliate her. Tina knew she deserved it and needed to atone for her past sins. Twisted pride kept her from saying sorry or changing her evil ways. Unable to show weakness, Tina acted as if she were against everything Mary wanted while being an uptight bitch.

Tina was surprised all that Mary wanted was for her to help out a little fundraiser at a lesbian club. After hearing she would be auctioned off to another woman to be their date that evening Tina pretended to be disgusted and refused at first to do it. It was all a show because her pride wouldn’t allow this woman to see she had beaten her and would do anything to make the blackmail go away. Since sleeping with her date wasn’t a requirement could refuse the woman’s advancement as long as she remained on their date until the end of the night.

In an attempt to regain control of the situation, Tina wore an outfit of her choosing. She planned on being difficult every step of the way, even though she would submit in the end. The dress wasn’t ugly, but it wasn’t sexy either. Mary rolled her eyes after seeing it. Although Mary had her in a tight spot, Tina wouldn’t make it easy for her. Tina was a complicated person who wanted to change while fighting against the very change that would make her life better.

“I told you at the office that I had already picked out an outfit for you tonight. Don’t push my buttons, my dear, because I can make it so much worse for you. The box on the table has your attire for tonight. Go ahead and see what you’ll be wearing. I know you’ll love it,” Mary said with a smirk.

When Tina opened the box, her mouth dropped. She said in a Panic, “I am not wearing that in public! I will go to the police if you try to make me.”

“By all means go to the police and show them the video of your sister willingly having sex with another woman for money. I had her sign some papers while she was busy changing clothes, which stated she was fully aware of the cameras. She never even read them before signing her name, and as for the blackmail, there is no proof of it. Since it was never written down, it’s your word against mine, and saying anything will only expose your sister,” Mary said with a sinister smile, knowing Judy was caught in her trap with no way out.

Tina couldn’t argue with the woman’s words, knowing they were the truth and that Mary had thought of everything. The embarrassing outfit she had to wear was the Princess Leia slave costume from Star Wars, which was far too revealing for her liking. It was something she never wanted to be caught wearing in public, and she understood the meaning behind it. Mary intended to humiliate her in public, demonstrating that she had tamed this ‘little bitch’ into submission.

Picking up the box with disgust, Tina looked for a private place to change into the outrageous outfit, but she stopped when she saw the look on Mary’s face. No words were needed for Tina to understand what the woman wanted, and she let out a sigh of annoyance. Putting the box back down, she began undressing without hiding her body from Mary’s sight out of pride. Refusing to let the woman see that she was broken, Tina stared at Mary with icy eyes as she undid her bra.

Tina’s breasts were of average size with brown nipples that stuck out like erasers, betraying her true feelings. She would never admit it, but stripping in front of Mary had aroused her, and she did her best not to show it. Mary, however, noticed how hard they were because she had been staring at them ever since the bra came off. When Tina tried to be sneaky by leaving her panties on as she started to get dressed, Mary cleared her throat, letting her know they too had to come off. Tina rolled her eyes and was about to say something before deciding against it, and pulled down her panties.

“My dear what a thick bush you have there, and it would be rude of me to let you go without offering my service. Come sit on my couch while I get my razor to make your pussy look a little bit nicer,” Mary said with excitement in her eyes.

Hearing that Mary wanted to shave off her pubic hair shocked her, and Tina felt her face turn red with anger. She snapped, ‘Fine, but I know you’re using this as an excuse to look at my pussy. Enjoy it while you can because you will never see it again!

“I was only going to give you a little trim, but because of your little outburst now I am going to shave your pussy clean. So that we have an understanding here, whenever I want to see your pussy again there is nothing you can do to stop me,” Mary said while giving Tina a cold hard stare.

Mary was bluffing and wouldn’t do anything by force. She was acting tough to get Tina to go along with what she had planned. If she allowed Tina to get the upper hand, she would have lost all the control she had gained so far. Mary’s only interest was knocking the woman down a peg or two and keeping her from hurting anyone else.

Tina sat on Mary’s couch with her legs spread open while staring up at the ceiling, listening to the sound of an electric razor buzzing as it was used to shave her pubic hair. Shaving cream and a regular razor were then used to remove the remaining hair until her mons were smooth and hairless. When Mary started rubbing lotion on her mons, Tina felt herself getting excited.

Mary was no stranger to the scent of an aroused pussy and could easily smell the girl’s sweet aroma. She kept rubbing lotion on it, watching as Tina’s pussy started glistening from her juices. Between the meaty pussy lips, Tina’s clitoris poked out like a tiny cock, just large enough to be sucked on. Mary could tell that Tina was trying to resist the pleasure she got from being touched in such a delicate area. She waited for the right moment to stop, leaving Tina frustrated and sexually unsatisfied.

Slowly putting on the outfit, Tina scrutinized how her body looked in something so revealing. The outfit wasn’t the same as the one from the movie; it had been redesigned to expose her body more. The brass brassiere was made smaller to show more of her breasts, and the veils that hung over her ass and groin were also reduced in size. It was shorter, stopping slightly above her knees. The thin veil barely covered her ass, with the edge of her butt cheeks hanging out. It was clear she wasn’t wearing any panties, and from the side view, especially when she was standing, the veil would open just enough to expose her hairless mons. This made Tina feel uneasy about wearing it in public. She had to endure her shame for only tonight, knowing that by tomorrow, she would be free of it—as long as she no longer acted like a bitch at work.

What bothered Tina more than feeling exposed was the urge to touch herself. The way Mary had touched her made her body feel like it was on fire. She needed to cum, but pride held her hand back. Tina didn’t want Mary to know how much she had turned her on, so she tried to ignore what she was feeling.

Mary gave Tina a braided ponytail, completing the look before making her walk down to the car in the outfit. Tina kept her head held high and refused to let anyone see the shame of having to wear it in public. The hard look on her face revealed nothing about the fear and uneasiness she felt. It wasn’t pride that made her hide her weakness but the deep feeling of brokenness she carried inside.

They parked at the back of the club, where a pretty blonde girl stood in the doorway with a clipboard. She looked no older than twenty-three, with her hair in a bun, wearing blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt. Tina couldn’t help but notice how nice the girl’s breasts looked in it. The shirt was tightly snug around the girl’s body, and the woman’s hard nipples poked through revealing she wasn’t wearing a bra.

When Tina stepped out of the car, she saw the woman’s eyes light up at the sight of her outfit. A gust of wind came out of nowhere, blowing against her. She tried to keep herself from being exposed, but the girl’s grin told her she wasn’t successful. Tina’s face burned red with embarrassment and tried to put it out of her mind that she just flash her pussy to a total stranger.

The girl introduced herself as Sarah and explained the rules for tonight’s events. Tina was told she wasn’t allowed to be seen until the auction started and had to stay in the backroom until she was called to come out on stage. Sarah had her sign a form stating she was there willingly to help raise money for LGBTQ+ kids whose parents had abandoned them. The whole time Sarah talked, she kept glancing down at the veil between Tina’s legs, recalling the smooth, hairless pussy that was behind it.

Tina would normally say something bitchy at this point, but with Mary standing next to her, she said nothing. She had to play nice as long as Mary was in eyesight and was pleased to find the woman didn’t follow her and Sarah into the building. As she walked down the hallway, she felt some of the tension within her body melt away, though she was still worked up from having her pussy rubbed earlier. There was nothing she could do about that now and pushed the thoughts out of her mind.

Sarah led Tina into a room with six other girls who were also going to be auctioned off at tonight’s event. They all wore sexy outfits, but none were as extreme as what she was wearing. One of the girls had a face too innocent for the dress she had on—a brunette who looked no older than eighteen in a red cocktail dress that revealed too much of her breasts. The woman was twenty-one, but her baby face made her look younger.

Tina found a quiet place in the corner, away from the rest of the women, where she could avoid them. She sat on a couch and was thankful it wasn’t facing them because she didn’t want them to see the look on her face while listening to their conversation. Tina could overhear them discussing her and was shocked by what she heard. They were talking about how hot she looked before going into more vulgar details. Never in her life had she heard anyone talk about her in such a sexual way. She expected men to talk like this, but not women about another woman. What surprised her more was how turned on it was making her.

The more she heard, the more her body reacted to it. She felt herself flush with excitement as her heart started beating faster, her nipples hardening to the point of aching. The wetter her pussy got, the more she rubbed her thighs together. Biting her bottom lip, Tina let out a low, pitiful moan.

Right before the temptation became too great, Tina felt someone sit down beside her. It was the innocent-looking girl she first saw when she entered the room. She sat on her side, looking at Tina with a concerned stare before asking, “Are you okay? You look a little flustered. I am Mandy, by the way.”

Tina looked at the girl before replying, “I’m fine.” After a long sigh, she said, “I am Tina.”

She wasn’t okay. She was extremely horny and fighting against the temptation to give in to her lesbian urges. The way the woman was sitting didn’t help matters. A strap from the girl’s dress had slipped off her right shoulder, nearly exposing her breast. Tina could barely see a hint of the girl’s areola sticking out above her dress. She couldn’t take her eyes away from Mandy’s sexy breasts, hoping more of it would slip out.

Tina was so focused on the girl’s breasts that she didn’t notice the girl staring at the veil on her lap. Curiosity got the better of Mandy, and she leaned over to lift the veil from Tina’s lap. As she did, the top of her dress slid further down, allowing her nipple to pop out. Mandy didn’t notice that one of her breasts was now exposed, being too engrossed in looking at Tina’s pussy to realize it.

Tina was shocked by the girl’s brazen action and how she acted like it was perfectly normal. When Mandy realized her wardrobe malfunction, she fixed it without a second thought or any shame. The girl may have looked innocent, but her behavior said otherwise.

“I hope you didn’t mind me doing that, but I was really curious to know what you were wearing underneath. You’re not mad, are you?”

“No, I’m not mad. It’s okay,” Tina replied while thinking, no, it isn’t okay. You can’t go around doing that.

“Thank you for understanding!” Mandy said before leaning in and kissing Tina.

The kiss caught Tina off guard, and she only resisted at first. Then she opened her mouth, letting the girl’s tongue slide in. It was over in a matter of seconds.

Before things could go any further, Sarah returned to tell everyone that the auction was about to start. Sarah had them all stand in a single-file line, with Tina in the back, waiting for the host of the event to call them on stage. After the sixth girl went on stage to be auctioned off, Tina felt fear and excitement stir within her stomach. She was next and couldn’t wait for this night to be over. Tina could feel her resistance fading, and if Sarah hadn’t shown up when she did, she might have done something she would have regretted with Mandy.

When she walked out onto the stage, she heard the crowd whistling and howling at her. She knew it wasn’t just what she wore that got them excited. The veils on her outfit were swinging about, revealing more of her than she liked, but there was nothing she could do about it. Tina was thankful it was made clear at the start of the auction that the winner of the bid was paying for a date and not sex.

The bids from the crowd kept getting higher as multiple women tried eagerly to win her as their date. The outfit gave off the wrong impression about her, making her seem like the type of girl who sleeps around. Whoever won the bid would likely have their hands all over her, and Tina figured this was what Mary had planned all along. She was teaching her homophobic boss a lesson by making her go on a lesbian date where a woman would be aggressively trying to sleep with her.

The auction came to a close when a woman within the crowd yelled out, “Fifty thousand!”

Tina, along with everyone else in the room, was shocked to hear a bid that high, and she heard people gasping in the crowd. When the woman walked on stage, she received a standing ovation after giving a moving speech on protecting LGBTQ+ youth. The woman was Karen Jordan, a philanthropist with a long history of helping the LGBTQ+ community. Everyone working within her mansion is from that community and has the freedom to be themselves there.

Karen was an attractive woman in her mid-thirties with long blonde hair and bright, icy blue eyes. She had an athletic body from working out daily and maintaining a healthy diet. The red silk gown she was wearing had two high slits down the middle, revealing her long, sexy legs, and the dress exposed a good amount of cleavage. Karen’s medium-sized breasts were as firm as those of a twenty-year-old. Despite her seductive attire, she had an aura about her that gave off the false impression of a sweet, innocent girl.

Tina became a little concerned when she found out the date with Karen would take place inside the woman’s home. She was afraid to be alone with her because of what had happened with Mandy. It would’ve led to more than a kiss if Sarah hadn’t interrupted by alerting them that the auction had begun. Not overly thrilled about having to go on this date, and having no other choice, Tina decided to get it over with by agreeing. Since Karen seemed like a nice woman, Tina hoped that nothing would happen between them besides dinner and some conversation.


When they left the club, Tina felt fear wash over her as she approached the woman’s limo, fearing Karen would try something once they were alone inside. Tina was relieved at first when Karen kept her hands to herself and seemed more interested in a phone call than her. However, Tina’s good fortune was short-lived when she felt Karen’s hand on her knee, lightly caressing it. She didn’t know how to handle it without being a total bitch, but she was forbidden to act that way. Not wanting to face the consequences if word got back to Mary that she broke the rule, Tina held back the urge to be extremely rude to Karen.

Tina sighed in relief when Karen removed her hand from her knee before putting her phone away. Karen started asking her questions, and the two of them had a long conversation. None of the topics the woman brought up were too personal, which Tina was thankful for. When she saw, that Karen wasn’t trying to make a move on her, she let herself relax and started enjoying the woman’s company. Tina found herself liking Karen’s fun personality, which made her feel safe and comfortable, allowing her to be her true self. No longer worried, she talked with Karen as if they were old friends.

It had been years since Tina had so much fun talking with another girl without feeling the need to be a bitch. Enjoying another woman’s company without being on guard felt good to her. With nothing holding her back, she could laugh at Karen’s jokes and fully enjoy their conversation.

When Tina stepped out of the limo after arriving at Karen’s estate, her jaw dropped at Karen’s home’s sheer size and beauty. Admiration quickly turned to shock when she noticed a young, beautiful woman hanging halfway out of a second-floor window, hollering at Karen. The girl, around her sister’s age of eighteen, was completely nude. A cute brunette without an ounce of modesty, her small perky breasts and hard pink nipples were on full display for the world to see.

“Hey, Miss Jordan, guess what?” the girl from the window yelled out.

“You got in?” Karen hollered back.

“Yep, and just got done celebrating with Jasmine. Who’s the new girl? She’s cute and looks like a lot of fun.”

“Not a new girl, just Tina, my date for tonight, so hands off. She’s mine,” Karen replied with a grin.

Tina was powerless to stop herself from staring at the girl’s breasts or from desiring to fondle and suck on them. She was no stranger to sex, but her knowledge was limited to what she did with men. Tina enjoyed having warm hands around her breasts, squeezing them, and wet lips around her nipples, sucking on them—even if it was by a man. She knew the pleasure came from physical stimulation rather than visual, as she wasn’t attracted to men. Some of the men she slept with rushed through and ignored her breasts entirely.

Lost in the thought of taking her time pleasing the girl, savoring each breast as a delicious meal, she felt her body heat up with lust. Gaining back control of her senses, she tried to push away the desires growing inside her.

For a brief moment, Tina saw another girl leaning out of the window, who was also naked before pulling the first girl in. The girl was heavy set, black with the largest breasts that Tina had ever seen. No one had to tell her that was Jasmine or how the two of them were celebrating by having sex. On the way to the dining area, she learned about who the girl was hanging out of the window.

Stacey was her name, and a prestigious college had just accepted her. She was thrown out of her home when her parents found out she was gay at sixteen. Stacey lived on the streets for a couple of weeks before Karen found her and gave her a home. Karen had opened her doors to twelve other girls, ranging from eighteen to twenty-three, sheltering them until they completed college. She always kept in touch with those who left, a testament to the enduring bond she formed with each of them.

Karen’s home was even more amazing inside, adorned with all kinds of art on the walls—a sight that Tina found beautiful. Within the dining area was a table crafted from cherry oak, that stretched long enough to seat twenty people, yet only two places were set for dinner. As dinner was served, Tina couldn’t help but notice the girl who brought the food. A cute redhead, nineteen years old, her face adorned with freckles and a bright, friendly smile. There was something magnetic about her, something that drew Tina in. When the girl bent over to place a salad on the table, Tina’s gaze lingered on the freckled chest revealed by the opening of her top. The sight of the black lace bra holding her breasts firmly in place stirred something within her, an admiration that she found both surprising and captivating.

Fear ran down Tina’s spine as shame stirred within her belly. All the things she experienced tonight, along with wearing an outfit that left her exposed a few times, were taking a toll on her. She had been aroused since Mary had her stripped naked, and her forbidden desires grew from there. Tina could feel the walls she had put up beginning to crack, and she fought back the urge to pull the girl onto her lap and kiss her passionately.

She was much relieved when the girl left and she could refocus on her date. Tina didn’t just like Karen because the woman was cute but also because she felt safe with her. Karen hadn’t tried putting the moves on her, which Tina appreciated. It gave her room to breathe amid the temptation she felt from the girls she met tonight. There were moments when, if pushed, her walls would have come tumbling down.

The troubled thoughts that danced inside Tina’s mind soon melted away as she got lost in another conversation with Karen. The woman had a way of making her relax by doing nothing but talking. There was something about Karen’s voice that Tina liked; it had a soothing effect on her. It had a trusting, non-threatening quality that allowed her to relax and let her guard down. The other women she met tonight, she could read them like a book, and they all gave off a vibe that they wanted to sleep with her, except for Karen.

Tina had never had such a good time before on all the dates she had been on, and for the first time, she was pleased. The men she dated were more interested in getting her into bed than trying to have a decent conversation. She pushed through the boredom, pretending to be into them, hoping she would finally enjoy it one day. It was never that way with Karen; Tina enjoyed every second she spent with her. There was a big smile on her face and she didn’t have to fake or force her laughter as she did with all the men she dated. She was having such a good time with Karen that part of her didn’t want the date to end.

When the meal was over, they moved to another room to have one last drink before ending their date for the night. Karen had entertained many guests in this room with music and drinks. With the wine Tina had drunk during dinner and the good time she was having; it had made her feel too comfortable. Tina thought the woman was harmless based on how she had acted all night. Not thinking Karen would try anything with her was a mistake that would change everything—and, in the end, she would be grateful for it.

When a song started playing on the stereo that Tina liked, she said with excitement, “I love this song!”

Karen replied, “Then we must dance to it,” as she took Tina’s wine before placing it on a table along with her own glass.

Tina knew she shouldn’t be dancing with another woman, especially when that woman was a lesbian. However, she felt safe with Karen and didn’t resist as their two bodies pressed together. She liked how Karen’s body felt against her own, which was making her stomach feel funny. Normally, Tina would have pushed her away, but all the wine she had consumed made her more accepting of such things. Tired of fighting against her true feelings, and slightly drunk, she allowed Karen to touch places no other woman had before.

The outfit Tina wore barely covered her body, leaving her flesh exposed to Karen’s soft, tender hands. Burying her face into the woman’s shoulder, she tried to hide the pleasure she felt from having her lower back caressed as they danced. Not resisting Karen’s advances only encouraged the woman to push things further by sliding her hands down. Since the only thing protecting Tina’s rear was a thin veil, it made it easy for Karen to grab with both hands.

The woman led Tina into a false sense of security before making a move, and Tina wasn’t sure she was strong enough to fight back. It felt good having her ass touched in such a way by someone who knew how. Some of the men she had been with had rough, hasty touches when they played with her body. They were too eager to pleasure themselves by sliding their cocks inside her, neglecting her needs. Karen, on the other hand, touched her gently, focusing entirely on giving her pleasure. Not knowing what else to do, Tina moaned into Karen’s shoulder as her ass was skillfully played with.

When Tina leaned back from Karen’s shoulder and tried to speak, Karen kissed her. Getting lost in the woman’s wet, tender embrace; Tina stood there as their tongues danced inside each other’s mouths. The kiss grew more intense when Karen slid one of her hands between Tina’s ass cheeks and started rubbing her pussy. She moaned into the woman’s mouth as a finger entered her, and she couldn’t believe how wet she was becoming. Tina had been touched like this before, but only by men, and it had never had the same effect as what she was experiencing now.

Knowing that if she didn’t stop now, she would finally lose her virginity to another woman, Tina found the strength to push back. Too embarrassed to look Karen in the eyes, she averted her gaze, ashamed of the lust she knew was evident in her own. She walked toward the window, looking down at the backyard where all the people Karen had let into her home were gathered. They were lying by or in the pool, having a good time together.

Tina felt the heat of Karen’s body before the woman started touching her again as she continued looking out of the window. The hot breath of the woman caressed her neck before a pair of soft, wet lips kissed it tenderly. Karen’s hands were on her hips, kissing her neck passionately while Tina scanned the scenery below. She spotted the redhead who had served her dinner, now no longer wearing a server uniform but a black two-piece bikini. The girl stared back at Tina, the only one aware of what was happening in the second-floor window. 

She was so engrossed with the redhead that she didn’t notice Karen unhooking her top until it fell to the floor. The redhead smiled at the sight of her breasts, but the moment was brief. Karen’s hands soon squeezed them, twisting her nipples until they were hard between her fingers. Tina’s face twisted in pleasure as her body was touched intimately. She felt Karen’s left hand sliding down, slipping underneath the veil that covered her pussy. The sensations of having her neck kissed, a breast fondled, and her pussy played with were beyond anything she could have imagined. Tina locked eyes with the redhead as she experienced her first-ever orgasm by the hand of another woman.

Karen pulled her away from the window and pushed her against the wall. Tina couldn’t believe sex could be so mind-blowingly good. She had been with a few men, but never had she experienced anything like what had just happened. Karen wasn’t done with her yet and was now on her knees, unhooking the last piece of Tina’s outfit. When it fell to the floor, leaving Tina nude, she felt powerless to stop what was coming next.

The pleasure she had felt at the window from Karen’s hands didn’t come close to the power of the woman’s tongue. Karen licked and sucked on Tina’s pussy slowly, with a tenderness that made Tina’s heart race. It didn’t take long for Karen to find Tina’s clit, sucking on it as she slid her fingers inside Tina’s very wet cunt. The sensation of her pussy being licked so expertly while being fingered hard and fast quickly brought her to another orgasm. This one was more powerful and intense than the last. Tina screamed out in ecstasy as her knees buckled from the overwhelming pleasure.

Karen stepped back while unzipping the silky red gown she had on, letting it slip off to reveal a black, transparent, lacy undergarment underneath. A hint of her nipples and blonde bush could barely be seen through the fabric. Stepping out of her dress, Karen unhooked her bra before sliding off her panties. Tina had never seen such a beautiful body before and felt a surge of desire, wanting to do wicked things to it.

“You tasted amazing, my dear,” Karen said before kissing Tina.

Tasting herself on the woman’s lips excited her, and she touched Karen with trembling hands. At first, Tina only dared to touch the woman’s bare back, but then she found the courage to lower her hands to Karen’s ass. Squeezing it as the two of them kissed, feeling the firm buttocks in her hands intensified her desire to do more. Slowly, she guided one of her hands between Karen’s legs. She felt the hot, wet flesh around her fingers as she slid them in and out. Tina had spent many nights touching herself in such ways, but it felt different doing it to another girl. It was more exciting fingering this woman than herself.

“Let’s finish this in a more proper environment,” Karen said, taking Tina’s hand and guiding her away. She led Tina to a set of double doors and pushed them open.

Behind the doors was a bedroom adorned with various sex toys on the walls. Tina recognized some of them but was too inexperienced to identify the rest. There were dildos of all shapes, colors, and sizes, along with whips, pink furry handcuffs, and ball gags. The sight of the room revealed a different side of Karen, showing she wasn’t as innocent as Tina had first thought.

Karen wasn’t interested in any of that tonight; she only wanted Tina to explore her body without any toys. She knew Tina had never been with a woman before and believed a woman’s first time should be experienced with a person’s flesh alone. Toys could come in later to spice things up in the bedroom, but for now, hands and mouths would suffice.

Tina lay on the bed, kissing Karen for a few minutes before pushing forward. She liked the feeling of the woman’s naked flesh pressed against her as they kissed. Slowly, she kissed down the woman’s throat, leaving behind wet, light kisses until she reached Karen’s breasts. Tina enjoyed playing with them, savoring the soft, tender flesh in her hands as she sucked on the hard pink nipples that protruded from them. Hearing Karen moan from what she was doing gave her a thrill, and the pleasure she felt was just as intense as what she was giving.

She would have loved to stay longer on Karen’s breasts, but her curiosity about what Karen tasted like was overwhelming. Tina had some idea from tasting herself on Karen’s lips and thought her juices tasted sweet. Needing to know if Karen tasted just as good, she pushed the woman’s legs apart before sliding her tongue from the bottom up of Karen’s pussy. The flavor that erupted in her mouth sent her into a frenzy. Tina licked and sucked on Karen’s cunt until Karen held onto her head, screaming out from a powerful orgasm.

Karen’s thirst for sex wasn’t yet satisfied, and the two of them continued to engage in passionate lovemaking late into the night. After the second round, Karen introduced toys into their play, pleasuring Tina in new and exciting ways. The night concluded with Karen using a strap-on to bring Tina to the brink of ecstasy until she passed out from experiencing overwhelming pleasure.

The next morning, Tina woke to the sensation of pleasure coursing through her body as Karen expertly pleasured her with her tongue. Half-covered by a blanket, Tina realized they were no longer alone. The redhead who had witnessed Tina being fondled by Karen the previous night stood nearby, dressed in a maid outfit and bearing a cart of food for breakfast. Despite feeling a mix of shame, embarrassment, and arousal, Tina couldn’t help but be captivated by the unexpected scene unfolding before her.

Tina screamed out, “Fuck! I’m cumming! Shit, that feels amazing!”

Karen threw back the covers and jumped out of bed when she noticed they weren’t alone. “Oh, hi Amanda. No food for me, I already ate,” Karen said, turning her head toward Tina with a smile and a wink before exiting the room.

The woman’s lack of shame in baring her body as if it were no big deal, coupled with her playful joke, left Tina stunned. Despite feeling exposed lying on the bed, she didn’t bother covering herself, realizing there was little point after Amanda had already seen everything. Tina couldn’t help but notice the arousal in Amanda’s eyes as the girl stared at her exposed flesh.

It wasn’t long until Karen returned, grabbing a piece of toast and saying before leaving again, “Maybe some toast before I go. While you’re here, Amanda, might as well try the delicacy on the bed. It cost me fifty thousand and is worth every penny.”

Amanda didn’t waste any time getting undressed, revealing freckles all over her body. Tina thought it added to her beauty and made love to the girl before going home. Things changed after that weekend, and she was never mean to another gay person again. She finally accepted herself with the love she deserved and continued to explore her sexuality with other women.