Lesbian sex using my penis as a dildo

My friend Rose found out I was born a boy and I still had my penis. Our friendship has evolved in to something more since then – we made love.

Remember a while ago I told you about my friend Rose, and how she found out I was actually a boy? – well, things have got a lot more complicated since then.

Now, the other week when she found out that I was actually born a boy, we had a really long discussion about it, we talked about how it made each of us feel now that she knew, and we agreed that it wouldn’t affect our friendship that it wouldn’t change anything, but a couple of days later, everything changed.

A few days ago we arrived home late afternoon after spending most of the day shopping at the mall, we were due to go on a holiday in a few months’ time so Rose’s dad let us max out his credit card, we bought loads of clothes, mainly swimwear and we tried them all on when we got home, had our own private fashion show in her bedroom, it was so much fun.

Rose put on one of the bikini’s I bought for myself, she said she hated it when we were in the store but now seemed to like it, she wouldn’t take it off so I tried to get it off of her, we were running around her room and laughing, when I caught up to her she tripped over some shopping bags and we both tumbled on to the bed, then our laughter stopped, we stared at each other briefly, then I did something impulsive.

I had feelings for Rose, I secretly desired more than friendship, in fact it all started that day she found out I was born a boy, when I was feeling her bare skin and smelling her hair, I knew I had feelings for her then, we were on the bed, in out bikini’s, I was on top of her, and I couldn’t help myself, I leaned down closed my eyes and kissed her.

When I opened my eyes Rose had hers wide open in shock, I knew I’d made a mistake, I pulled away from her and rushed to my feet, “I’m sorry.” I said, standing in the middle of the room with my back turned.

“Lily?” Rose called, in a gentle tone.

I couldn’t handle it, I was so embarrassed, I quickly gathered up my clothes, “I’m going to go.” I said in a panic, and I bolted for the door, just as I got to the door it slammed shut, Rose had her hand pressed on it, I just stood facing the door, I daren’t look at her, “Why did you kiss me?” I heard her ask from behind me.

I turned around but kept my eyes on the floor, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I replied.

Rose placed a finger under my chin and raised my head up, she stared in to my eyes for a moment before wiping a tear from the corner of my eye, then she gently kissed me.

A very, very, long conversation occurred afterwards, basically it turns out that Rose liked girls and she had a thing for me, she liked me, just as I liked her, but she never said anything because she didn’t know if I felt the same, obviously I did, and now she knows it.

I only figured out that I liked Rose a few weeks ago, but she’s known that she likes me for months, she just never said anything and when she found out I was born a boy it made things more complicated for her, I was a girl and she liked girls, but with me having a penis it presented a problem, despite this we decided together to give a new relationship a try, it’s something we both desired.

Over the next few days we embraced our new found relationship, we spent a lot of time kissing, which was really nice, then last night, when we were in bed, things escalated quickly.

We were kissing, cuddling and feeling each other’s bodies in a way we’ve never done before, I had down the front of her panties, rubbing her pussy, I wished I had one just like it, if I closed my eyes I could pretend it was on my body, it aroused me sexually and I got an erection, I stopped kissing and toucher her because my erection was embarrassing.

“It’s okay, Lily.” Said Rose, trying to make me feel better.

“No it’s not.” I said, “How can we have a proper relationship with this – thing!” I added, in frustration.

“Listen to me, Lily.” She said, forcing my head to turn to look at her, “I’m not in to boys and I never thought in a million years that I’d go anywhere near a penis. I’ll admit I’d prefer it if you had a pussy for me to play with, but your penis is a part of you, at least for now, so we’ll just have to work with it.” She added.

It was sweet of her to say that, it must be so difficult for her though, “It’s not fair on you.” I said.

“Think of it like a belly button then.” She joked, “I have an inny and you have an outie.” She said.

Rose always knew how to make me laugh and feel better, I immediately leaned back in and kissed her passionately, Rose removed her bra and panties and then removed mine, I was rubbing her pussy and she stroked my penis, “I love you, Lily.” She said, “I love you, Rose.” I replied.

Rose flipped me on to my back and then she sat on my knees, she looked at and rubbed my erect penis, “I want to make love to you. Even if that means I have to ride your penis, I need to have sex with you, right now.” She said.

I wasn’t really fond of that idea, she knows how much I hate my penis, I mean it makes me feel good when I have to jerk it off to get rid of my erections, but then I feel horrible and disgusting afterwards, but if it’s what she wanted and it would make her happy, then why not, “Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes. Let’s just not think of it as a penis, okay. I’ll pretend it’s a dildo. You’re my girl. My, Lily.” She said.

“Okay.” I said.

Rose moved up to my waist and then lifted my erection and pressed it to her pussy, we both gasped and refused to look as she lowered herself on to it and it slid its way inside of her, she pulled off the top blanket and wrapped it around her waist to cover her legs and crotch so we couldn’t see my penis, then she began to slide her hips around, gently riding my erection.

Her pussy felt amazing, oh how I envied her so much, I watched and groped her breasts as they bounced around, I was so jealous of her body, she was pure girl, pure beauty, she was everything I wanted to be, absolutely perfect in every way.

She leaned herself down and we kissed lovingly and passionately while she continued to make love to me, it was nice and slow, we’d been doing it for nearly half an hour, “Don’t come inside me, okay.

Let me know when to stop.” She requested, absolutely I didn’t want to come inside her, that would destroy the illusion and make it too real for both of us.

I think she had an orgasm because she was groaning pretty loud near the end, shortly after she was groaning, I could feel myself about to come, “Okay, now.” I said, she lifted herself up, letting my erection pop out of her and she rubbed it a couple of times and then I ejaculated all over myself, at least we’d both sexual satisfied each other, even if I was feeling gross afterwards.

It was a truly wonderful night for both of us, we made each other happy and we slept like babies and didn’t wake up until lunch time today, I’m at home now writing this for you and waiting to go around to see Rose later on.

We will just have to wait and see where our relationship goes, and if it can grow and last. I hope it does. I think I love her, I mean really love her.

My name is Lily, I’m a girl, and I have a girlfriend. It feels so good to say that out loud.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅