Lesbian sex with my 52 year old boss

This happened four years back when I joined a new office. I was 26 years old at that time with fresh mind and body but inclined toward lesbian sex. My boss cum manager there was Betty. She was a 52-year-old lady with a little chubby body and a figure of 38D-38-36. She was a very strict lady, and I have often seen her shouting at other colleagues. But she was a little soft in the approach towards me. During my initial days at the office, I had only a few interactions with her, but after a couple of months, we started to talk more and she often dropped me at my house. She led a happy family life with her husband who works in the Government sector and two sons working in MNC’s.

After six months, we started to share personal things and other general things like movies. Now she started picking and dropping me at my house daily in her car. We were having long conversations during the journey. I really liked her company and started dreaming of my college days with my roommate! I started to fantasise about her as I was fond of mature ladies and lesbian sex. But I was really afraid as well, like how would she take it and if anything wrong happened, would it affect our relationship and my career.

Over the days, her touch made me horny and accidental breast touches made me wet. I started to realise that I needed her badly in the bed and wanted to drink her pussy juice. I was waiting for an opportunity, but I was afraid to approach her. One day, she asked me for some good movies. That clicked my mind, and I decided to put a bait. Next day, I handed over my 1 TB external HDD loaded with movies including some erotic lesbian sex movies to her. That night I couldn’t sleep thinking about her reaction. The next morning, she picked me from the bus stop, but she wasn’t saying anything about the movies I gave her. In the evening, I asked whether she liked the movies or not.

Ma’am: Abby, I saw the movie list, it is good.

Me: Okay. So did you like my collections, ma’am?

Ma’am: Ho, it’s good, and you have some erotic movies there.

I smiled and asked, “You liked those as well?”

Ma’am: Very much, I watched some lesbian movies, do you watch those?

Me: My friend gave me all those movies. (I lied.)

Ma’am: Maybe your friend is a lesbian (she was smiling.). Do you also watch those movies?

Me: (decided to move farther) Yes, I do watch those movies. Do you like to watch, Madam?

Ma’am: Yeah, I am very much interested.

Ma’am: Abby, do you ever have sex with boys?

Me: No.

Ma’am (laughing): With girls?

I didn’t answer but just smiled at her.

Ma’am: Tell me, Abby.

I was so excited since my dream lady was having kind of a sex chat with me.

Me: Yes, with my roommate during my college days.

Ma’am laughed and pinched my thigh.

Me: Do you like lesbian sex?

Ma’am: Don’t tell anyone, I had a lesbian relationship with my friend 10 years back. She was a clerk and until my transfer to another branch, we were in that relationship. Now also, we have phone calls at least once a month.

Me: How is she?

Ma’am: She is not that much good like you (smiling). Now she is married and has two small kids. Ten years back, she was of your age only.

I was getting aroused and felt the wetness underneath. With some courage, I pressed her thigh and asked.

Me: What’s the size of your breasts?

Ma’am: 38D, you like those?

Me: Yes!

Ma’am: What’s yours?

Me: 36C.

Ma’am: Abby, show me your breasts!

Me: We are in a car, and you are driving.

Ma’am: No problem dear, no one will see.

I opened three buttons of my top and took my right breast out from my top.

Ma’am: Mmm, it’s so big and nice. May I touch it?

Without waiting for my reply, she pressed my breast. I moaned lightly in pleasure.

Me: Show me your breasts, please.

Ma’am: Not now dear, I will submit to you fully.

We reached our destination; I pulled my breast back inside the top and I bid goodbye and wished her a good weekend. She waved her hand without saying anything, and she left. Later that night, I received a message from her, “Abby darling, don’t think you trapped me by giving those erotic lesbian sex movies. I have been watching you from the first day you joined our office. Come to my home tomorrow. I will show you some interesting stuff.”

My panties were wet after reading that. The next day, I reached her home at sharp 10.30 am. I was wearing blue jeans and a red shirt. Ma’am opened the door with a smile and welcomed me inside. She was looking fresh and was wearing an orange dress. She walked inside her house knowing that I was following her. I looked at her huge back which was bouncing.

Ma’am: Do you like what you are seeing, Abby?

Me: Very much and they are big.

Me: Where are Sir and children?

Ma’am: They went to his native place, and they will only return on Tuesday.

Ma’am: Ready for the fun dear?

Me: I am all yours, take me completely.

Ma’am served me with some cold beverages and we chatted for some time in the drawing room.

Ma’am: Let’s go to my bedroom. We can start the fun and I will let you experience real lesbian fun.

We went to her bedroom, and I sat on her bed. It was a beautiful and big bedroom. She came close to me and put her hand around my hip and pulled me towards her. I couldn’t control and started to kiss her while hugging. She began to open her mouth to let my tongue snake into her. Her big boobs touched brushed on my boobs, and we were caressing each other’s boobs. Then she removed my shirt. I was in a white bra and denim jeans now. She kissed my navel and softly rubbed my breasts. Gently, she removed my bra and kneaded my left nipple. She pinched it and did the same on my right nipple as well. Then she leaned down and sucked my nipples one by one like mad. When she bit me in between, I moaned.

Ma’am then removed her dress in one stretch. I was getting so horny seeing her in just a white bra and blue panties. I hugged her and kiss her from her lips to her belly and bit her nipples above the bra, in between. Meanwhile, she unhooks my jeans and finally, she removed my jeans. I was in my pink panties now. Next, I removed her bra, and I saw her large breasts. I licked her breasts one by one and bit those sexy nipples. She was moaning and calling out my name, “Ahhhh..Abby darling.”

Ma’am then removed my panties and her panties too. I grabbed her panties forcefully from her and sniffed it. I tasted her pussy juice from her panties. Then I inserted my middle finger into her cunt, she moaned and started making more sounds. I was making a circular motion inside her cunt with my finger while she moaned, “Yes, yes, faster do faster”. Her moans became louder and in no time, she drenched my finger with her juices. I licked my finger and her cum tasted like honey to me.

After a few minutes, Ma’am walked to the wardrobe and brought a dildo with a vibrator.

Ma’am: Lie down and part your leg.

I was scared seeing the 10 inches long dildo.

Me: Please don’t do it, it’s way too long.

Ma’am: You wanted your cunt to be fucked, right? And I want to tear your pussy.

She moved her fingers slowly on my pussy and I was feeling horny with that rubbing. She slowly parted my legs, opened my clit and inserted her middle finger into my pussy. My pussy was a little wet. She started fingering my pussy, and I started getting pleasure. While she was fingering my pussy, she also started rubbing my upper clit with her other hand. I was moaning in enormous pleasure. Then she took the vibrator and slowly inserted it into my pussy and switched it on. I was experiencing an unimaginable pleasure and what a heavenly feel of lesbian sex that I can’t get from a man. My pussy juice was flowing along with the dildo and I am moaning so loudly, “Harder ma’am, harder.” I pressed her boobs hard and she kept fucking me with the vibrator. Within a few minutes, I experienced an orgasm. After that sensuous orgasm, we ended up cuddling each other. I was gently rubbing my pussy on her pussy. We slept in the bed for a few hours hugging each other. She said, I enjoy lesbian sex much more than having sex with a man, and I found this true.